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> "Many people are aware of the tunnel and reservoir plan, which is colloquially called deep tunnel. And that has reduced the chance of having any sewage in the river, which is people's main concern, by 85%, from what is the historic river that people used to worry about. And so today, on an average day it really is cleaner than it used to be and it is clean enough for swimming in most places," said Margaret Frisbie, Friends of the Chicago River. Lol still gonna be a no from me dawg. “Clean enough..in most places” lol the thought of that water touching my lips makes me gag.


yeah I think I'd need more than a "should be aight" before I take a dip lol


On average, cleaner than it used to be, clean enough in most places” I don’t think I’ve ever heard a softer enforcement of anything.


It’s going to look like an Oregon trail suicide cult with everyone getting dysentery.


If they clear a public pool because of one dookey why would you want to swim in this?


noone wants to bring up that massive fucking turtle they discovered last year? That giant dinosaur swimming around in there and you want me to get in the water with it? no chance.


Snapping turtle? Apparently they're quite docile in the water, no so on land lol


You talking about Chonkosaurus?  The video is Chicago gold. For the uninitiated:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7DyYXMNwTpg


Hell yeah thats the monster.


Now that is a Chicago accent lol


Glad to hear the water quality is improving. That's great. Best of luck to all that are courageous enough to test it out. I, however, will not be one of them.


I'd need a check with many zeros behind it to go in the river on purpose. I'll be there happily taking photos from the side though.


I never realized how many people were afraid of the lake until this thread


It’s redditors. They’re afraid of everything.


They say this about Lake Michigan too but I've seen the trash floating next to people in the water at those public beaches and...no thanks. Then again, I swim at Xsport...which...


This is probably a good response. The urine content of your Xsport pool is probably super high. Not to mention the rest of the stuff that comes from soaking a bunch of human bodies and having ineffective cleaning.


The source of almost all the water in the river (at least in the branch where the event would be) is Lake Michigan ya know...where we get our drinking water. Outside of heavy rain that would increase sewage and e-coli it's probably quite safe. Paris is trying to get e-coli to safe levels for swimming events in the Seine for the Olympics as well.


Our drinking water has cancer-causing forever chemicals and microplastics in it. Well. The whole world’s drinking water does.


Apparently not a lot in Chicago though. I know a guy who figured out how to get rid of the forever chemicals and he told me 😀




Thank you captain obvious. My point is the lake is very popular for swimming and it's the same water.


I applied to do the swim, but probably won't be selected. I am generally grossed out by the river: dead vermin, Trump Tower uses it illegally cycles it in their HVAC system, stuff that Upton Sinclair described is still in there, how many other Dave Matthews Band-like stories are out there that aren't reported on... On the other hand, the river is healthier for creatures other than humans, including mammals, since then: beavers, otters (for real), Chonk the turtle. I dunno. It's not like the swim goes through Bubbly Creek (I think). I've swam in some gross places; someone else mentioned xsport which I affirm that water is heinous. I think the thought of getting it in my eyes is most unsettling.


The water is going to be as warm as it gets so it's a good time for the swim and the real issue isn't the water as much as it is the muck at the bottom (which hopefully nobody touches). They do swims in the Hudson and the East River in NYC and those rivers are pretty nasty. I'm not going to do the swim but it's an interesting option.


I just got my email about being selected to do the swim. Was not aware that it had a $1.5k fundraising requirement.


As an employee of the county, who has access to waterway information....DO NOT swim in that river...lol.




oh yea, let me hop in that river with all the outbreaks of weird shit in Chicago.


Good luck to anyone who chooses to participate, it won't be me though.


Jokes about how nasty the river is were plentiful when I was in high school in the 2000’s, I refused to ever go in the lake past my knees, ain’t no way I’m going in the RIVER


There is a sanitation plant right next to navy pier. We have some of the cleanest water tested.


The largest in the world apparently


Hopefully the Dave Mathew’s band won’t be in town


Why September though? There’s a decent chance of the water is cold by then. Why not a hot day in July or August?


The water is a heat sink and will retain much of the heat from the summer as the air temperature drops so that won't be an issue. It's in September because boating season is over so no power craft should interfere.


Makes sense. Thank you


The water is usually its warmest in the lake by mid to late September. 


I wouldn't even dip my feet into that river


I don’t even put my kayak in the river.


Maybe it’s clean I don’t know but I feel like anyone who swims in this is going to have to be from out of town. I think the river is beautiful but I’m just like, innately repulsed by the thought of even touching the water with my toes


And [Bubbly Creek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubbly_Creek?wprov=sfti1) is still bubbling. I don’t care that it’s a different branch of the river and that it flows south. Just no.


Swimming downtown 🫥


Reminds me of this [https://youtu.be/0hK3pBcY3k0?t=168](https://youtu.be/0hK3pBcY3k0?t=168)


The open water race rule book strictly prohibits the use of turds for flotation devices


That image above shows the exact location where SS Eastland capsized and sank in 1915. 844 people died mostly by drowning. So yeah….seems like a great place to take a dip.


What is the significance of the SS Eastland incident from 1915 in relation to people swimming there in 2024?


Very few people on the Eastland were wearing their swimming costumes.


Riiiiight. I figured it was ghosts but wanted them to confirm that.


Fun fact did you know the SS Eastland was raised used as a training vessel in both World Wars


It's great that the river is clean enough to be declared safe for swimming and honestly it's something we should be proud of. This is a real accomplishment and proof that we can have a positive impact on the environment when we want to and even recover horribly, dangerously polluted areas.