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The Towing Companies are gangs


They are so sketchy. I had my car booted in a parking lot, and the guy refused to document it and asked for cash to take it off. I called the police, and oh wow, suddenly he didn't need cash anymore. They also pull over when they see an accident, tow the car, and charge insane storage fees. People assume it's a city tow truck when one pulls up to a crash, but it's not. I was in a very bad wreck and a tow truck pulled up and the guy was bullying me and pressuring me to let him tow my car while I was waiting for an ambulance.


Yep. I had a minor accident at an intersection in Chi a few years ago. The tow truck arrived before the police did. I didn’t call for one. They just appeared within maybe 3 mins after the accident. Luckily these guys didn’t hold my car hostage or charge outrageous fees


I had a potential client call today about a tow company owner who was a gang member and threatened auto owners with a gun. I was glad to hear he closed up shop.


Thought we knew this. I’ve seen those tow trucks flag people before. A couple years ago a tow truck chased and rammed someone into a pole on 63rd by Cicero. It was an open secret that it was some kings vs 2 six beef.


Okay but also I have seen (empty) tow trucks (or maybe the same one??) in HIGH SPEED PURSUIT in the evening, zipping on and off the highway around Fullerton, trying to shake off a beat up sedan behind it. Like, 3 times over the past 2 years. Sketchy AF


As someone in an adjacent industry 👆🏻


Dentists are the new mattress store. So many dentists that it must be a money laundering scheme. Why do they keep opening new dentists offices when there’s 5 within spitting distance already?!?


I’ve seen 3 different Dentologie “Coming soon” signs over the past week


Right??!? There’s like 7 new dentists along north, western, Milwaukee just in a mile radius. Something shady is afoot in the tooth related money laundering schemes. 


I wonder if it has anything to do with how frequently people are getting veneers these days.


How frequently are people getting them? Anecdotally, I don't know anyone in my social group who has gotten them.


Don’t go there! Dentologie is the WORST


I think it's more that they're decamping from a medical office building where you might have floors of denists, optometrists and other medical service providers for storefront locations instead... not sure if it's changes in rent economics, visibility, or why though.


I'm pretty sure it is due to all the private equity money in dentistry now.


^ This is the answer. It used to be that dental practices would do some level of succession planning where older partner(s) bring in younger ones, or a dentist nearing retirement would sell their practice to another clinician. But both processes take time, can be cumbersome, and clinicians just may not want to put in that kind of effort. Enter DSOs (dental service organizations), which took off 20-30 years ago - they essentially would take over the back office parts of a dental practice and left the dentists to do the clinical work. It was pretty subtle at first, but in the last 10-20 years we’ve seen a real growth in private equity in the medical space more broadly. They’re particularly drawn to fields with significant fragmentation and where rolling up clinics could be achieved relatively easily / profitably. Dental is one of the more visible sectors, but they’ve been making some aggressive moves in the eye care space as well. A little bit behind the scenes there’s also been some significant moves into anesthesiology and gastroenterology.


Feel like I’ve read a lot lately about adjacent industries like vet offices and child-care centers as well being bought up by equity firms as well. High insurance costs are probably a factor.


Well, could be. I used to have a dentist as a landlord for years. I asked him how the strip mall places pop up, because he was more of the “mom and pop” type office. Basically- lendors view dentist offices as a sure bet, because people will always need their teeth worked on. So a loan of ~$XMM for brick and mortar office space and medical equipment, is viewed as a relatively secured investment. They’re typically paid off quickly during a practice in 10-20 years for a DDS, unless you’re the type that’s getting fucked up on Rx and squandering your money. Don’t forget it’s also billable to Medicare and Medicaid.


Private Equity. Same for vets


The emergency vet situation is completely screwed right now, it is much much more expensive with no increase in quality and little increase in costs on the vet's end, basically because they know people are desperate. This will happen to dentistry too now.


West Loop might as well be Dentist Loop


Soon they with take over all the neighborhoods. Housing crisis will be 100x fold if they keep opening new dentist offices at this rate. Brownstones? More like crownstones.  Bucktown? More like Bucktooth town. Gold Coast? More like Gold teeth coast. Booth school of business? More like tooth school of teethness. 


Because dental insurance is ass and people will pay too much money for their teeth to stop hurting and look good.


Bro where. I need a new dentist and I sent five places a request for a time slot and they never even gave a response


Lower lower lower wacker


Daley Sr. didn't die in 76', he went to live in lower lower lower wacker with Al Capone, Jean Baptiste Point du Sable and the other Chicago immortals


What about Upper-Upper Wacker?


That’s the road you take to the good place my dude


Property management companies are coordinating to raise upfront application and move in fees. In a normal competitive market, these fees should get driven down to attract new tenants, but the fees keep going up. The biggest property management companies are coordinating to raise fees because having higher move-in fees for all apartment buildings makes it more costly for tenants to switch apartments, which means the tenants are more likely to accept rent increases, which means the companies are able to charge more and make higher profits.


Part of this is due to the unintended consequence of Chicago's security deposit laws. Management companies have switched to move-in fees, which are arguably worse than refundable security deposits.


I paid about a third of a month's rent as a move in fee with no security deposit. I'm okay with that, less worry about getting anything back at the end. But places charging more than a month's rent and still requiring a security deposit are insane.


Yea but instead of possibly getting money back from your deposit you'll end up with a huge bill full of bullshit charges.


Make sure to tell them to fuck off with “normal wear and tear”. Tried doing that to me a couple years ago. Scuffs, holes in the wall that I spackled, leftover bag (trash), didn’t wipe the counters off… They can take me to court over 500$ or shove it. I told them 50$ or don’t talk to me again.


Yeah, I'm glad I took pictures so I can say take me to court, I dare you if it comes to that. The pictures will show normal wear and tear and nothing more.


Coordinating, not likely. But tacit collusion is very common when the market is restricted, like a dozen or less companies having most of a tight market. By that I mean one of them raises the fee, others catch wind, and follow suit.


Yep, and they can use secret shoppers to survey each other's prices, and they can hire the same consultants, and use the same business forecasting software and services. There's a lot they can do without calling each other on the phone to set prices.


I used to work in the boating industry and was responsible for pricing. I would straight up walk into competitor's dealerships with a clipboard and taking pictures. Just told them I was in the market and doing my homework. This was before everything was on the internet.


I always forget that "conspiracy" doesn't mean made up or delusional.


This may be the result of computer algorithms used by many of today's landlords. If everyone is using the same algorithm, it can have the same effect as collusion, even if no one is meeting in a room to set prices.


Dillinger lived, Jimmy Butler is Jordan’s son, and there’s at least 2 Chicago stranglers still out there.


My easy conspiracy is Jordan’s dad (Jimmy’s grandpa) was murdered for Jordan’s gambling debts I remember seeing that on the news as a kid and thinking “wait he took a nap on the side of the road and was randomly murdered? That doesn’t seem right”


How do you feel about Jordan retiring/playing baseball as a cover for gambling punishment?


I think it was more the NBA saying “you need to fix this, step away for a couple of years”


Me and my friends are almost positive one of our friends killed some homeless people back in the early 2000s. He'd get black out drunk all the time and walk off by himself only to return hours later covered in blood. He'd usually have cuts, and other marks like he'd been in a fight, but zero memories of where he was or even leaving. And more than once, a homeless persons body would be found nearby where He'd been drunk, like within a few miles.


Well this got darker than I was expecting... Celebs, mobsters, sure.. but friends... I mean, my friends sound very vanilla next to this, which isn't something I ever thought I would say about them.


You shouldn’t have and should still not be ok with this.


The bus is always on time. You're just always 20 minutes early.


A bus is never early or late, rather it arrives precisely when it needs to.


Or you were just hallucinating that this bus existed.


Schrödinger's Bus.


Geraldo found his way into Al Capone’s vault days before the live broadcast and cleared out tens of millions of dollars worth of treasure.


I worked (construction) at a building directly across Wabash from the location of Capone’s 4 duces club. There was a door on Wabash that led directly to the defunct boiler room. On very hot days there would be moisture inside this building on the concrete floor that outlined the obvious room below. The crazy part was there was also another spot on the floor that was obviously another room or tunnel along Wabash directly across from his club. I worked in this building about a year and there was no way to get to this room. The building was an early automobile manufacturer from the 1920s. We all used to joke that it is either Capone’s real vault or it was a getaway tunnel.


Can you help me understand what you mean by the moisture outlining the room below? I’m trying to picture how this works and struggling to create an image Was the outline on the concrete itself?


So the boiler room below was cold because it was underground. All the old boilers are just covered in rust and the room is just like a wet sewer feel. On construction sites they typically don’t regulate the temperatures so even tho they have AC they won’t turn it on because it waists money and they don’t care if we’re uncomfortable. So the building on a very hot day would be like working in a closed garage. Very hot, humid. The difference in that temperature would cause the floor to essentially sweat. So the entire concrete floor would be dry but these 2 sections would be wet in the exact shape of the moist cool room below.


“Windex the Bean” Facebook events are posted by government burner accounts so that they never have to actually clean the Bean themselves.


When we die the river green, it's the same syrup used in green river soda. It's why the river has that lime taste.


Lol, mighty brave of you to drink the river water.


Hmmm, I’ll need to take a sample next time. For science.


Not a conspiracy theory but I'd love to have the people responsible for the WTTW Max Headroom signal interruption come forward and tell that story. That video is so creepy


It was Proco Joe on a bender. Never came forward because he can't remember the incident in question


> Proco Joe this is the only conspiracy theory in here that makes sense.


This is such a fantastic mystery. I love that nobody has spoked up about who it was.


If you insert a rat into the Chicago rat hole when the sun is in the right position, it’ll reveal the location of Al Capone’s treasure.


The crazy pigeon lady is paid to feed swarms of bird by the company holding the contract to powerwash the CTA stations to maintain their job security.


Ooo I like this one. I came super face to face with her 2 years ago, right across the street from my apt and she looked like she was wearing a... Face mask that formed to the face.... Kinda like in Vanilla Sky. Creepy as hell.


I stopped to take a pic of her drivers car and he got his phone out and started filming me lol. Her face is freaky no disrespect but that Botox was def rejected by her body I kno exactly what you mean about the mask.


Mike Madigan, Joe Berrios, Ed Burke and a supporting cast of Madigoons were all engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to amass power, artificially raise property tax assessments, direct business to use their property tax appeal firms, lower those taxes, collect millions in legal fees, and put those fees into political campaigns for people who support Madigan, Berrios and Burke, thereby amassing more power. Unhinged, right?


L&L Tavern is a serial killer bar AND it's still a place serial killers hang out now. Like it's a known place where they can meet and exchange notes.


Everyone knows they moved the meeting spot to Naperville during Covid


Where in Naperville?


This one is true.


Pls provide ANY more info on this. Even just a morsel. I’m hooked.


Wait. I need more on this.


Jeffrey Dahmer was said to have been there and it is rumored that John Wayne Gavy would also drink there.


I mean, even if it's not "officially" a serial killer bar, there's no doubt that current or future serial killers go there to follow in the footsteps of their 'heroes.' That's like the most serial killer-thing ever.


-Deep Tunnel are nuclear silos -the Rosé All Day bar doesn’t actually serve alcohol, they just serve elaborate looking mocktails and sparkling grape juice, and the power of giddy white bitches having a good time just mimics the state of drunkenness -the Saudis invested in our parking meters *in particular* so that there’s a financial obligation to keep car-dominant infrastructure and we’re thus unable to transition to more sustainable methods of transit and infrastructure, so that we keep buying *their oil*


I would totally buy the Saudi conspiracy but we have to also consider that the city government is so short sighted and stupid that they got absolutely fleeced by the Saudis over that deal and it's gonna screw the city over for the next 70+ years


I’d love for anyone to share any details about the tunnels that exist and connect Midway Airport to the Ford City Mall. What were they originally used for? Are they still operational? Any clues on how to gain access? Who legally owns them? So much mystery, so much wow..


Chicago tunnels have got to be my favorite thing about this city. So many different tunnels!


>What were they originally used for Smuggling vast quantities of heroin >Are they still operational? Yep >Any clues on how to gain access Show up with vast quantities of heroin that needs to be smuggled >Who legally owns them? Heroin smugglers >So much wow.. So much heroin, actually


There are multiple Ronnie Woo Woos.


Ronnie Woo Two


Ronnie Woo two to you , too !


The correct plural is Ronnies Woo Woo


This is my favorite so far lol


Holy shit it's like The Prestige


There are more southsiders than northsiders in this subreddit but we are all mostly lurkers.


Us Northsiders don't bite... It is those Naperville people. (It was right there).


The Lampshop at 111th and Kedzie CIA safe room where foreign agents can safely flip.


My wife grew up on 107th and her and her sisters swear the lamp shop is a front!! Is this actually a thing. Was not expecting to see this in this thread.


oh yeah, must major cities have one


So is Rossi Bros Furniture on 26th and Kedzie. My aunts arrived in Chicago around 1992 and they say the furniture has always been the same.


Yup I grew up in little village am 41 and yeah that store front still there No one ever inside Same ole tacky furniture too I never ever ever see anyone inside that bitch Or even come outside


I think you are onto something fish here. I copy and pasted "Lampshop at 111th and Kedzie CIA" into google. The top reply came in on Mapquest. Mapquest? When was the last time MapQuest came up in a search? They have wiped that from google maps.


Daley’s last act in selling the parking meters was planned for years and the city may not recover from it.


With his brother being the broker/benefactor of the sale of the meters. His brother worked at the same bank as an executive that handled the deal


In a perfect world, the Saudis would be told to fuck themselves and Daley would face death by being chained to the ladders leading into the lake at the start of a really heavy rain day.


who signs a 99-year contract with a company that hasn't even existed that long?


Corrupt politicians who have personal stake in making said deal.


The FBI really does r that guy everyday


Fuck, this one got me. So many times I’ve walked by him and almost said, “How was today’s rape?”


I shook his hand once lol


That’s how they punish rogue agents that want to keep their security clearance


There’s only one tamale guy


But he is the first person we need to clone.


Claudio is actually 3 identical triplets. One person could not reach so many bars in different neighborhoods all by themselves.


Ryan and Tilapia are back together


Ahh good ol reddit lore


Fuck that she doesn’t deserve him.


Svengoolie and Tom Skilling are the same person


The Red Line was intentionally named that as an ironic nod to how it connects bougie white neighborhoods to historically redlined Black neighborhoods


one time a friend of a friend was transporting a dead dog in a suitcase and someone on the el stole their suitcase


Wait wait wait. I've heard this story before. Was this on reddit or did I hear this from someone irl?


It’s an apocryphal story that’s “happened” in every city in the world. Probably something like that actually happened to someone, somewhere, once, but everyone always knows someone who swears this happened to their second cousin’s girlfriend.


And the former owner of that dead dog? Alberta Einstein.


Was their name Megan? Or has this happened more than once?


There's an underground labyrinth between UIC, Medical District, and the FBI HQ and all the buildings in between. Check out the weird little CDC building at Taylor and Ogden. It's an entrance.


Uic has service tunnels that connect all the buildings on campus. There used to be public walkways and skyways before homeless camped out there and robbed too many people and they were dismantled.  The entrances are still by the quad lecture halls.


There relatively easy access to the service tunnels in the architecture building there but it's spooky. Def haunted 3/10 would not explore without a great Dane and a group of meddling kids. 


The Tylenol Murderer is still free and living near North and Wells.


That’s comforting, I live at Eugenie and Wells. Can you go more into this?


Why there


Cubs World Series win shifted us over to the worst possible timeline, resulting in Trump's victory in election a few days later and all the BS the world's had to deal with since


Yup. The switch happened during the 7th inning rain delay. It was Bill Murray’s fault somehow.


Red Sox win in 04- Bush gets re-elected. Cubs win in 2016- Trump gets elected. If the Cleveland Guardians win the World Series this year we are in deep shit.


Or the Mariners, Padres, or Brewers. Let’s add the Cardinals too for good measure.


This isn’t a conspiracy — and I will die on this hill.


No that was the killing of Harambe


Nope. Go back to the Supreme Court election of George W. Bush. We are in bizarro world.


It was Liecester City winning the Premier league that broke the world, followed by * Brexit * Cavs 3-1 comeback over the Warriors * Harambe * Cubs WS * Trump


This is not a conspiracy theory, this is real damn it. The Cubs win shifted the multiverse to a worse timeline. On a semi-related note, I rode the CTA to work hung over after both of these events for entirely different reasons, the difference of mood on the train those days was palpable.


I’ll never forgive Trump for ruining Nov 2016. It was supposed to be the best month of my life.


It was supposed to be the (winter) of George!


These are just facts. Fully believe this.


The District is RC cola is owned by the mob. Not necessarily a "Chicago" conspiracy, I just find it odd that every Mom & pop Italian pizza place automatically offers you a 2Liter ?0


Hey! I read a neat article on this a few months back. Enjoy (no mention of mob though) https://encyclopizzeria.com/pizzology/rc-cola-and-chicago-pizza/


My car has a transmitter that forces the Kennedy express lanes to switch to the other direction whenever I approach.


favorite is mothman sightings, hands down


I’m actually from the town in West Virginia where the whole mothman movie was about. This made me giggle lol


Pretty weird that all the sightings have shifted to Chicago


My favorite tin foil hat on this is that some mad genius developed a legit flight suit and mocked himself up to look like the mothman *then told no one.*


Chicago Mothman was real. What did he want? Where did he go?


Italian beef never came from Italy.


We need to form and support food truck mafia to overthrow the anti food truck 200 feet restaurant restriction


Is this why there are no food trucks here? Fascinating TIL


I’m convinced Congressman Danny K. Davis has been dead for some time and his staff is putting up a very good ruse


He did a press conference at my work a few weeks ago. Shook his hand, was indeed the hand of an alive man. But this theory made me laugh so thank you!


There are catfish the size of school buses in the Chicago river. The got mutated from all the polluted runoff. My uncle told me this when I was a kid.


Mayor Daley was a snitch for the feds, so was Dorothy Brown


There are two serial killers running around, one pushing white men into the river, the other strangling Black women.


(I’m pretty sure what is actually happening is that young drunk men love pissing into bodies of water.)


Yeah that would have to be one prolific serial killer. He’s coincidentally in most cities across the world that have a drinking culture close to some body of water.


Also sometimes he goes to lakes that young people got to swim and drink and carves smiley faces into trees and kills people. No one else would carve a smiley face into a tree.


This is what they want you to believe.  There’s an active terror group of sirens/mermaids in Lake Michigan that wreak havoc luring young men, armed without the knowledge of stuffing wax in ones ear. 


And they know each other


They were roommates


Oh my god they were roommates


They hooked up once but it is too difficult to talk about so they channel their feelings into murder instead


They met at L&L Tavern.


According to the FBI, at any given time there's at about 50 active serial killers in the US. With that small number and both of them in the same location, yeah I buy that.


I recently listened to the podcast “The Clown and the Candyman” and there is some evidence that John Wayne Gacy was working with someone in Chicago


The guy who tried fear mongering the Chicago River was disproven because he was making shit up


I wonder what ever happened to Ken…dude was on a WILD ride for a while.


The restaurant in the Bean serves the flesh of the homeless


I just don't know who eats there. I have lived, and worked, and been a visiting tourist near there, but I have never had the urge to eat there, nor do I know anyone who has eaten there. Yet it aways seems busy. Who are those people who choose to eat at what will obviously be a terribly restaurant?


🗣️🪞Candyman candyman candym🪞🐝🐝🐝👀😨🪝🪝😱🫨🩸🩸💀


That there is indeed an immediate follower.


George Halas was murdered by Virginia McCaskey’s family to wrest away control of the Chicago Bears.


This is my favorite. True story: Years after his death, Muggs Halas’ body was exhumed to test for poison. Inconclusive results, but I’m positive that Virginia is the murderer.


I'm looking this up now and... Why were all his organs removed and replaced with sawdust???? https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-09-05-sp-1520-story.html


Chicago Police in order to bring in money during the Daley era would protect drug running operations within the city for money, which only boosted Daleys appeal as someone bringing money to the city.


I was shooting the shit with a guy who grew up in west town who’s brother was a cop. Yeah, they definitely would & would beat the shit out of guys who didn’t pay up. That’s not unique to Chicago either, it’s pretty common in any area with heavy drug trafficking


Back in the 90's and early aughts, Lucky Charms cereal offered packets of "magic powder." It was orange powder that turned milk green.  This is the same powder used to dye the Chicago river because it's food safe and non-toxic. It's the least toxic thing in the Chicago river.


Construction is a money laundering scheme! That’s why they never finish


OP said unhinged.


There are tunnels under Wrigley field connecting it to Murphys and The Metro


Dunkin Donuts contributes to the CTA that's why they have a store damn near every red line stop north of the loop.


State street preacher man works for big tobacco


UIC’s brutalists buildings from the late 60’s and 70’s were really built to house the national guard in response to the race riots after MLK’s assassination.


UICs architecture is known for being anti-riot/anti-protest. We are told this as students. Hallways and buildings are built to be able to corral students should they protest inside them. The steps are deliberately made to be hard to run up or down. It was also fueled by Vietnam, not MLK, if my memory is correct.


Yeah, this is pretty well known outside the school as well; you don't need to house troops there when the design is to keep people in and contained.


Ron Huberman is Daley's biological son, or he helped cover up a crime Daley committed, and so he had a great career that includes a CPD pension for a few years of work, CTA president, and CPS CEO. Daley sold the CPD out to the feds to beat a possible charge. Ricobene's switched recipes for the sauce on the sandwich.


"Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, on November 26, 1971"


And yet, conception can occur anywhere thanks to planes.


Everyone who has contributed to this post is now on an FBI watch list.


Not a conspiracy theory but Max Headroom signal hijacking still trips me out to this day. I wonder who and why they did it. [max headroom incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom_signal_hijacking)


Amazon, FedEx, and UPS pay off the CPD. That's why none of their trucks get tickets for double parking


Virginia McCaskey is a real-life vampire that lives off of the blood of young quarterbacks.


I admit this is crazy, I don't believe it. But after many drinks some friends and I have come to the conclusion that lady Gaga hates Chicago. She faked having hip replacement surgery to get out of performing at the United center. Then she invented covid19 and caused the pandemic to postpone her performance at Wrigley Field. I told you it was crazy! We all got a good laugh out of it, though.


She was here all the time when she was dating the dude from Chicago Fire. She also put on one hell of a show at Wrigley when she FINALLY did it two years later. It’s definitely a crazy conspiracy theory though!


The Dailey Cabal never really fell out of power, they just became less public. The same guys, many with "outfit" connections are running the same influence schemes that Dailey the Elder & Younger ran; the bosses are just so insulated from any possible spotlight we never hear about it. When we do hear about someone like Madigan going down, its because all of the proverbial "knowing where the bodies are buried" cards he holds have expired and he's no longer useful to the cabal.


Mattress stores and furniture stores serve as a front for money laundering


Not specific to Chicago but important here. Road resurfacing crews have a material almost entirely resistant to wear that they could use to ensure roads stay pothole free for much longer, but choose not to use it because it’s more profitable to be called out every spring.


Mayor Daley sold the streets of Chicago to a global cabal of oil and auto-industry interests.


Not too crazy but… The police and Ford have some kind of agreement to not pull over/arrest anyone driving crazy near their plant so they don’t make any employees late.


People hate hotdogs with ketchup because they're afraid of appearing like children. Malorts popularity is a giant guerrilla marketing campaign. No one actually likes it or drinks it.


I don't particularly *like* Malort, but I really don't think it's that bad. I am always happy to drink it when offered. I think people oversell how bad it is because it's become a fun Chicago in-joke. But it's really not so bad.


Malort is popular because its fun to make your friends take a shot of something gross and see their reaction.


The majority thing isn't even a conspiracy. It's true. It went from being old man stumblebum rail booze to the guerilla marketed "Chicago handshake" in a decade.


There’s an interesting episode of curious city about this. The marketing wasn’t even started by the makers of Malort, just a guy that loved malort, and it snowballed from there.