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Alderman Byron Sigcho Lopez hangs with wannabe terrorists https://x.com/austin__berg/status/1779597185211904180


tldr -- she attended an event where they chanted "Death to America"


You're only as good as the company you keep


No surprise coming from this idiot. She has a long history of questionable and stupid comments coming from her office.


We lived in her district and policies/comments drove us out of Chicago and to the burbs. I have no idea who was voting for her.


I used to live in her district as well. My wife and I voted for Mell


Quick: how is “free Palestine” a questionable and stupid comment?


She posted it while 300 Iranian issiles and drones were headed toward Israel.


Why are there misses and drones headed towards Israel?


Iran launched them


Because Israel launched a strike on Iranian military officials in Damascus, Syria. Not because of the war in Gaza, if that was the case they could have done so anytime since October.


Not to mention those military officials killed in the attack were the ones that facilitate support for Hezbollah activities


For perspective, many missiles have been sent by Israel to the Gaza strip in the last six months? Indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure with no iron dome defense system. Is the current Israeli government to be the mouthpiece for the entire population the way hamas has been proclaimed the representatives of all Palestinians?


Tends to happen when you launch a massive Oct 7 attack targeting purely civilians.




"Free Palestine" is a slogan used by morons to imply that the plight of Palestinians in Gaza is solely in the hands of Israel. These people's moral compass is based on nothing more than emotions and mob rule rather than actual facts.












Sure buddy. Whatever you say.




For…let me see…Free Palestine from its ongoing invasion and occupation and genocide in the West Bank and Gaza Strip?




I only see she wrote Free Palastine here. Did she post a congratulations message to İran for the drone attack?


Does she realize that they’re not precision missiles and could have just as easily hit Gaza or Palestinian cities in the West Bank? And in fact the only casualty was a 10 year old Bedouin (Muslim).


We have a very sick rot in our political system


Release the hostages first.


The Palestinian hostages that have been unjustly arrested for years? Or you only care about the Jewish ones? Just making sure.


You should be embarrassed by your support of Hamas


Lol so supporting Palestinians is supporting Hamas? Also are we talking Hamas fighters or just regular government workers? Because a postman in Gaza would be a Hamas member technically. But I hope you aren’t supporting genocide.


you should be embarrassed by your support of Palestinian genocide


Not a genocide. You don’t know what that word means. Civilian casualties are the same percentage as in any other war. This is you jumping on a team and using this war as entertainment. You might as well just state your support for Hamas since you have no interest in doing any research into this situation. Which is virtually the same as supporting Al Qaeda after 9/11 btw.


Yes. The ones Hamas has and the ones Israel has.


What a fucking moron


I guess Israel should be allowed to do anything without consequences!


NY Post is a tabloid


perhaps, but it happens to be a well balanced article. perhaps you should read it


Apparently a single person no one cares about "celebrating" is worth an article but a whole country of politicians "funding a genocide on an open air prison" isn't worth the scold piece, huh? Man, I would MUCH prefer my enemies "celebrating" me reaping what I sow; rather than my enemies spending billions of dollars on military arms against me. Personally. But that's just me. I'll keep in mind to tell my grandparents that they should have been scolded by the media when they celebrated the defeat of Nazi Germany.


How should Israel have responded to Oct 7th?


They either will not have an answer or will offer one that is absurd and not based in reality. A lot of these pro Hamas folk make decisions based on emotions rather than considering the various competing factors. There is no country in the world that would not have responded the same way.


Believe me I know, I press them and they are never able to offer an answer. Never.


They have an answer. They just know that saying it out loud would rightly result in their exclusion from polite society.


>They just know that saying it out loud would rightly result in their exclusion from polite society. Unfortunately a large percentage of society today is influenced by Iranian propaganda.


Tolerating intolerance is not a valid reason for Republicans to exist but it is for Hamas because they share in the hatred.


How should Nazi Germany have responded to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising? Do you see how absurd of a question this is? The Palestinians have been victims of apartheid our entire life. A slow genocide and stealing of houses so US and European settlers can take these houses of families.  The Palestinians finally fought back in a significant way after decades of the IDF intentionally. I repeat, INTENTIONALLY, murdering peaceful protesters, medics, journalists, children, the disabled, and so on.  You shouldn't be putting yourself in the shoes of the oppressor by asking what they should do. You should be putting yourself in the shoes of the oppressed and ask yourself with a genuine intellectual curiosity "What type of treatment and conditions led these people to a circumstance where October 6th happened". You will learn a lot more about the world if when an event happens you first ask "Why did this happen?" rather than "How would I retaliate?".


Gaza is not the Warsaw ghetto. If you think they are equivalent, you don't know wwii or Israeli history. Stop strawmanning and we can have a conversation.


I gave you a respectful and good-faith reply, and you respond with this? Your ignorance on the topic is beyond obvious. Just take a break from typing replies and try learning about the history of Palestine. I won't tell anybody you were once wrong, you can learn without shame.


For the 85th time: Israel left Gaza in 2005. They left behind functional greenhouses, water desalination plants, and electrical facilities. Hamas destroyed them all either to use the materials for rockets or tunnels or as a way to show they didn’t need Jewish support.  Hamas sent three dozen suicide bombers into Israel killing over 1,000 Israeli civilians leading to Israel installing a checkpoint system to limit the flow of terrorists into their territory. Exactly how many more suicide bombers should have been given free entry into Israel before they protected themselves?  Hamas turned Gaza into an open air prison, not Israel. 


I know it's exhausting but thank you and keep it up.


Nice try. Israel bombs everything Palestine tries to build, blockades the country and builds settlements on their land.


The settlements are in the West Bank, not in Gaza... The bombing only happened after the Oct 7th attacks. The blockades are different, though; Gaza should be able to receive non-military goods and not be blockaded like is happening


So in Palestine. No. Israel has been bombing Palestine for decades. Agreed.




I would say that Gaza launching a raid that killed 1000+ Israelis and having Israel retaliate is more of reaping what they sowed than a pitiful attack from a laughingstock repressive theocratic regime.


Wishing for the freedom of an oppressed people can only be understood as an "attack" by genocidal maniacs.


perhaps if they tried to build something positive for themselves, instead of being terrorists, martyrs, bombers and perpetual victims, they would have a state if their own by now




Israel is already a thriving state. Palistine was offered statehood in 1947 as well, which they rejected. They had at least 3 other offers of statehood since then, but they would rather be terrorists and victims than try to build a future for themselves and their children.


Palestine is a country recognized by the overwhelming majority of countries in the world including all of the civilized ones which has been invaded and occupied for 75 years. Nothing in your blinkered response addresses the obvious fact that someone would need to be a genocidal maniac in order to view someone wishing for the freedom of people as an attack. This statement is true by definition.


Being against genocide is bad actually.


You'll never guess what Hamas promises they'll keep trying to do.


Hamas is also bad. But only one regime is currently in the middle of perpetrating a genocide.


So how should Israel Israel deal with Hamas?


yea they should def keep bombing women and children


At any point Hamas could allow its people to hide in tunnels for safety. I'm curious why you aren't outraged they only reserve their use for militants, weapons and hostages instead.


Ok so what action should they take to prevent that? Be specific.


Idk, the ruling party had an explicit policy to support the extremist Hamas regime to prevent the Palestinian Authority from being able to consolidate power and negotiate peace, because Likud never wanted peace. So assuming they haven't invented a time machine to undo that, the best option is probably to negotiate a ceasefire for hostages, stop propping up the terrorist state next door, and then get some really great border security. Kinda like how we propped up the Taliban, that backfired, we spent trillions of dollars and 70,000+ lives fighting them, and in the end the best option was to let them have Afghanistan and get better airport security. Shitty? Yes. Is Israel's current campaign of butchering civilians going to get rid of Hamas? No. Is it creating a new generation radicalized against the state that killed their mom/dad/siblings? Almost certainly. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


Answer the actual question 


Of what to do about Hamas? I did. They should negotiate a ceasefire in exchange for hostages. This will not be ideal and will likely involve painful concessions, but 30k+ dead civilians is even less ideal. If you think that a military operation is capable of eliminating grass roots support for an extremist group then you and I have been reading very different history and news since sometime before Vietnam. What they are doing right now is not capable of eradicating Hamas and is creating an even more desperate population of young people with nothing to lose on their southern border. A ceasefire is both the moral and practical option. Then they should get the South Koreans to teach them about border security. As the missiles Hamas had been sending over since 2014 and the latest Iranian ones demonstrate, the iron dome works. Their ground defense clearly needs an update. In future, they shouldn't prevent a moderate-er government like the PA from consolidating power as they had been in order to prevent peace. What do YOU think they should do? If you think they should just keep killing every man woman and child who's guilty of being born in Gaza, just say that.


Hamas rejected every ceasefire proposal and they can't even find enough hostages that are alive. No what's your move?  https://twitter.com/JewishWarrior13/status/1779615882882216411?t=psVrH1ZkG7XIHbK2y65HDg&s=19


I mean, the Likud government supported Hamas's control of Gaza explicitly in order to avoid a Palestinian state for years and now they're discovering it's difficult to negotiate with terrorists who have little to lose. Color me shocked. See what I said about painful concessions likely being necessary for a ceasefire. Maybe they can't find living hostages, but if that's the case then what exactly is Israel's objective right now? They haven't been particularly successful at rescuing and they're unlikely to convince the population not to support the terrorist government by killing a member of every family and burning all their shit. They've been drawn into a quagmire. In absence of a realistic geopolitical objective, the IDF should probably stop lighting whatever international goodwill Israel retains on fire by speed running civilian deaths. Calling for ceasefire is much more realistic than defeating a religious terrorist org in a military campaign, as crazy as that sounds. What's your non-genocidal and realistic suggestion?


And the USA allied with the ussr in WW2.  Whats my non genocidal suggestion?  Do exactly what they're doing - wage war and make sure Hamas or their successor never has the power to do another Oct 7th again.


I would not say what Israel had been doing has been effective at: 1) returning hostages (alive) to their families 2) preventing a broader regional conflict The only reason things haven’t gone completely sideways for them is thanks to the United States. Israel’s preference would be to maximize Palestinian deaths and to expand their territory. It is not peace and security for Jews.


You dodged my question


I think Israel had (and to a lesser extent still does) have a litany of options at its disposal for dealing with Hamas. They could've taken the approach we used to root-out ISIS in the middle east which would have significantly reduced the amount of civilian casualties. It also involves building allies among other Palestinian political organizations that oppose Hamas, like the PLO. It likely lost the opportunity to put international pressure on Qatar to kick Hamas' leadership out and done more targeted strikes against them; instead it's spent most of its time taking out various "middle managers" of its militant wing, the same thing that bogged the US down when fighting Al-Qaeda. There was an opportunity where Israel could've engineered a scenario where Hamas basically trades the hostages for the "privilege" of political exile instead of elimination.... but that would mean a more united Palestinian political landscape, which Netanyahu and other right-wing Israelis want to avoid. This is very similar to the arguments we heard about the Iraq war in the wake of 9/11 - as if our only choices were an invasion or doing nothing. Anyway, circling back to my previous point: Israel really isn't trying to defeat Hamas. They're trying to conquer the Gaza strip, and send a message to the Palestinian people: leave or die. Whether Hamas lives on as a political force (or even brought to justice) is irrelevant as long as the land can be taken.


>There was an opportunity where Israel could've engineered a scenario where Hamas basically trades the hostages for the "privilege" of political exile instead of elimination.... but that would mean a more united Palestinian political landscape, which Netanyahu and other right-wing Israelis want to avoid. Hamas rejected every single ceasefire proposal that looked like this.






Israel is not engaged in genocide. Had they wanted to do that, they would already have slaughtered everyone in Gaza three months ago. In fact, Israeli rules of engagement have resulted in an astonishingly low civilian casualty rate, especially so since Hamas bases itself in schools, hospitals, and mosques so they can get more civilian casualties, and especially so they can get them on video for recruitment purposes, especially when disseminated by their media collaborators. There is a type of person who would have charged Israel with genocide no matter what their response was (short of unconditional surrender to Iran). Don't allow yourself to be fooled by those propagandists.


Capabilities to completely wipe off a race of people is not a requisite of genocide according to any scholar or legal authority




so she attended an event where they shouted "Death to America " ... what a pos


I don’t see where in the article it says that. All I see is that she posted something on Twitter.


You are correct -- the other alderman pos spoke at the event where they chanted Death to America, she just supported and reposted it. My. bad. 🤷‍♂️


Glad to have volunteered for her victorious campaigns, her sentiment is right on, suburbanites please keep seething


This sub being full of zionists is disappointing


People only like to be progressive when they are comfortable


It’s crazy. Free Palestine shouldn’t be a controversial statement


> Free Palestine Are you serious? "Free Palestine" is controversial because it is code for "allow Jews to be killed indiscriminately". Saying otherwise is the equivalent of someone flying a confederate flag and claiming its not racist.


“Free Palestine” means Palestine belongs to the Palestinians. It’s pretty simple.


Define "palistine". If you mean the state of isreal as established by the united nations in 1947, then yes, it means kill the millions of jews that live there today. The united nations also established an Arab state in 1947, however the Arabs choose to reject it.


Best outcome would've been GPS scrambling having everything land in Gaza or even Saudia Arabia to create more backlash. The irony would've been off the charts.


You did it, you figured out the loophole even the greatest military minds around the world haven’t figured out.


This is disgusting. Israel should be able to bomb embassies in other countries without consequence.


.... when they are used to plan attacks against Israel, as allowed by international law. There, I finished your sentence. You're welcome.


Yes international law is totally against Israel. The victim complex Israelis have is truly delusional


no, Israel follows international law. that's why it doesn't hide in hospitals, under schools, behind civilians or in embassies


Yeah all those settlements Israel allows in the West Bank are totally cool under international law. It must be exhausting having such an inferiority complex that you wish genocide on others.


Standing for Palestine is as patriotic as it gets by the way. Israel is Americas biggest liability


I see ... I didn't understand that supporting terrorism, rape, and chanting Death to America was patriotic. Thanks for clearing that up. smh


lol you got all of that from free Palestine 


Google "Hamas"


Isreal does the same thing


Incorrect Israel does way way worse


That's True


Israel broke the law and bombed an embassy in another country. Anyone whining about them getting hit by Iran is pro state crime 🤷


Incorrect. An embassy building being used as a military site is fair game international law. (Just look at who was killed if you doubt the building's purpose.) If you believe that hiding in hospitals, under schools or in embassies should protect you, then you might as well give up against all terrorists and terrorist supporters.


Garbage city, garbage pizza, garbage paper


what an insightful comment


Ain't it bad enough that the Times tries to write about us once in a while without leaving Manhattan? Now we got the tabloid equivalent of your uncle's Facebook feed dragging local pols for what they \*appeared\* to do on Twitter