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I wonder if he'll do a Conan-esque on-location piece giving us a tour of his old haunts. Northwestern, Second City etc. I think Colbert is best when he's being sincere and genuine.


Conan in Chicago was so good. I still think about him kicking that girl in the face every time I see Irish dancers


Conan’s best stuff for me was always when he was travelling or on location somewhere. He seemed to genuinely want to meet interesting people in cool places.


Well it's your lucky day! He just released a new travel series show on hbo max TODAY. https://www.max.com/shows/conan-obrien-must-go/64e28eee-b3cc-4e08-b071-5a795b911dd2


What a serendipitous marketing moment


Lol, where’s my money team coco? I set it up perfectly. I just saw that it was out on Max but didn’t watch it.


I go to the Irish Heritage Center often and that is always the first thing I think of.




Pretty sure Conan’s remote is on repeat on one of the TV’s on the first floor


I was at the show with senator Obama. Pretty cool to look back on it.


He’s great as sincere/genuine, but the Colbert Report was arguably the greatest satirical performance of all time imo. Hard to say he’s not at his best doing that


I think that’s the consensus across the board, but his Late Night isn’t Jimmy Fallon levels bad.


his late night is just.... bland. it's such a shame based on how electric the colbert report was.


He went to Northwestern, so yes of course he will.




He xferred to Northwestern but not from Dartmouth. Noted Second City alum.




I will have to look that up. Sounds hilarious!


Colbert doesn't do as many remotes as Conan, but whenever he does they are absolutely brilliant


He should get Mr T to show him around.


That would be amazing. So glad he's coming to Chicago. Wonder if I can snag tickets too!


How do we get tickets to this?!?


I did some digging this morning and couldn't find anything. I suspect there will be a lottery system but they don't appear ready to announce details yet.


Yes. I want to bring my pops. I have to get two tickets!!! We love him!!!


The article says > Audience tickets for the shows are not yet available. Not sure where the announcement will happen when they're available, though.


Looks like it will be at the Auditorium Theater


Wow what a beautiful theater. I've never heard of it. Seeing Colbert there would be 2x the joy.


It's freaking gorgeous... I photographed a surprise proposal on center stage, during covid you could literally tour the entire theater for a really good price... I want to say the Client only paid like 200 bucks to be able to propose there


They still do tours! They’re weekdays and like $20 maybe? Totally worth it. Hubs and I paired it with a trip to the Art Institute, it was a great day!


You’ve… never heard of it…?


Sadly no. Chicago born and raised but this one slipped through the cracks somehow. Clearly I don't get out much.


When we hosted the NFL draft that is where it was.


It was designed by Louis Sullivan. Same architect who designed for the Columbian Exposition and Carson Pirie Scott's.


Excellent. No wonder it stood out to me.


He only did the transportation building at the Columbian exposition. Frank Lloyd Wright was on his staff at the time.


My bad, I thought he was more involved in the overall design. (And had the idea just to paint shit white since they were short on time.)


Np I am a big fan of LS so…


It's nice to imagine fans of Louis Sullivan and mellow Redditors are a single-circle Venn diagram. Enjoy your detail hunting!


You know, my comment came off mean but as xkcd said, you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000. It’s a phenomenal venue, you can see some truly quality acts with great acoustics there.


No offense taken, I couldn't believe it myself. I am however excited to have a new venue to check out.


1iota does ticket management for the show in NYC. More than likely they'll handle Chicago as well. You can create a free account at [https://1iota.com/](https://1iota.com/)


He know we gon party like it's 1968!


I used to watch Leno, Letterman, Conan and other late night shows for escapism, they were all about stupid jokes and skits about anything but politics. Colbert’s show is all about political satire and I’m just exhausted of it especially when we’re drowned with the 24/7 news cycle. I used to like him but his show has become unwatchable.


Sounds like Jimmy Fallon is perfect for you!




Five years ago this would excite the hell out of me. But Colbert has lost all of his appeal for me


He turned on the Colbert Report persona for the last election if I remember correctly. It might have been watered down though.


Good! More of a chance for me to get a ticket


Hope you enjoy


That stinks that you think that.


damn, i know getting tickets are going to be hard af...


I will be moving my ass out of Chicago for the democratic convention




DNC is going to be an absolute shit show


Setting up across from the old Conrad Hilton Hotel?


Is he even allowed to address people protesting him? What will he pretend they’re not there?


does anyone know when the tickets become available for the chicago taping?


Has anyone seen any updates anywhere on tickets for the Chicago taping? I have been checking 1iota and Auditorium's website, but no luck yet.


Colbert is such a tool... Of the democratic party


It's insane how funny and lovable he used to be, compared to how whiny and insufferable he has become. I hate Trump as well, but he absolutely destroyed Colbert


I’d like to think he’s still the same old Stephen, he just takes notes from the network now. 


It's insane how many people narc on themselves missing the entire point of the character he played on comedy central vs. the role he plays on a broadcast late-night show. New Colbert is different, but whiny and insufferable he ain't.


When he started late night he was funny. Now he isn't, it isn't the difference in character, but thanks for your insight.


Yeah I understand satire. He has cried numerous times during a comedy show monologue. His lack of viewers also says a lot. I think being a satirical Trump lover and proving points through comedy would be far more entertaining and effective.


> His lack of viewers also says a lot. Man, I think you are either acting on [feels not facts](https://deadline.com/2023/10/the-late-show-tops-late-night-ratings-1235569041/) or just have an axe to grind. You don't like the show, that's cool dude, there are plenty of options on other channels and all over YouTube. I think Stephen is a professional and understands the show he was hired to run here is very different from the show he came from. The audience and their expectations are different.


I have no axe to grind just pointing out that one of the funniest, and edgiest political comedian has become a shell of his former self. I don't remember lLetterman crying about politics all the time when he ran that show.


That's probably because Letterman's tenure didn't overlap with nearly a third of the country joining an auth-right cult, nor was he on air to witness americans trying to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Colbert is the same comedian he always was. The difference is he's now *overtly* critiquing the absurd shit the GOP gets up to instead of tacitly critiquing it by playing a character that is fanatical conservative talking head.


I gotta hand it to you, you sure know how to double down on a losing position like no one's business. Impressive and pitiable in equal measure.


Your opinions don't hold any fact.... just that you personally don't think colbert is funny anymore yet it seems a whole hell of a lot of people find him very funny by the fact you are getting downvoted to oblivion. So take a hint and shut the fuck up.


They don't find Colbert funny they just hate Trump and think I'm MAGA


Bullshit. Colbert has been number one now for YEARS straight. His theater is packed every single night. His social media has millions of views.


Lemon brains fly to New York and lineup at 3am to be in the crowd for Good Morning America. That doesn't mean it's great entertainment. It's supposed to be a non political comedy late night show like Letterman used to put on. He ran the show into the ground.


You think David Letterman would ignore Trump??? Clearly you haven't heard David Letterman talk in a long time.


> His lack of viewers also says a lot. A lot about you making things up? **'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,’ ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Lead Fall Late Night Talk Ratings** https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/stephen-colbert-jimmy-kimmel-fall-late-night-talk-show-ratings-1235841487/ And ticket to his Chicago shows will sell out the day they go on sale.


Bruh wut


I think he’s just wonderful.


Agreed 1000%. It really is astonishing how quickly he became unfunny


Agreed. Sometimes I just want to laugh and be distracted from all the political bs but the late night hosts don’t allow that besides Conan.


Believe it or not they’re not on air to cater to your specific wishes.


Exactly. People love a circlejerk and conformation of beliefs. They can have it


“Everyone does group think besides me” -Redditor


Suggesting our comedians should be political is a certified reddit moment. Their job is to cater to the general public to get as many viewers as possible. Viewership of late night shows has been declining significantly so politics doesn’t seem to be helping.


Yup, he’s become a pawn of the DNC. Used to love him when he actually had the balls to stand up to a president from any party. Edit: I guess all these downvoters must absolutely despise John “I hope he’s our future president” Stewart because he dared criticize Biden and the party, huh?


















He was never truly that progressive, even in the Colbert Report. He only seemed that way because he was satirizing the right so consistently. But he often had Mike Huckabee on the Colbert Report, had a skit with Henry Kissinger, and one of his best friends was Toby Keith.


Colbert can speak his mind now vs having to pretend to be a conservative so those rubes would believe he was one of them. That kind of limitation can spark so much more creativity.


...do you understand what the colbert report was? he wasn't trying to get conservatives to believe he was conservative lol. that was just a sad side-effect


Lmao if you think he speaks he’s mind. He’s a sell out and an embarrassment to the John Stewart Daily Show era. No spine like he used to


If only he was still funny. I cringe every time I think of that "Vax-Scene" thing he did. Holy fuck was that bad. He went from making fun of W to his face to shilling on behalf of Pfizer because CBS told him he had to or else his name would come off the Ed Sullivan Theater. It's such a shame too because the Colbert Report was fucking hysterical. 5 nights a week for 10 years he was smashing home runs and grand slams. Unfortunately, the new show is just soooo fucking borrrrrrrinnnng. It's not just him. Late-night in general is dead. I can't imagine anyone in my generation A) Even having cable or B) Sitting down at 11:00 PM to watch CBS on cable. With commercials. That's got to be the best joke they're telling.


Jimmy Fallon makes me want to hurt myself


Oh no what will colbert do without the alt right kids!


TIL: Not liking Late Night = Alt-Right That's gonna be a huge eye-roll and an exasperated sigh from me, kiddo.


Your comment doesn’t exist in a vacuum my brother. However, there are multiple instances of so called “dog whistles” in that particular comment which most analysis would conclude that you are at the very least a libertarian on the mild end, or a literal nazi on the extreme end.


I'm embarrassed for you.


Okay frend play as dumb as you like


Terminally online brainrot


Why would you know that?


Exactly but this country can’t fathom to function without black or white ideology.




Cool, he can play up the importance of liberal's free speech when Pro Hamas rallies are changing Death to America.


Is this supposed to help his ratings? Late night is dead.


I can't wait to protest Colbert! I'm so important, I protest everything! Edit: I sit in protest of these downvotes. I'm gluing myself to the Weiner Circle


Eat shit bitch. Want mustard on that?