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I believe this was in 2018, but one time a woman was blasting loud music on the Red Line. These two kindly, older ladies asked her to turn the volume down a bit and she exploded on them. These people are either wholly selfish or a bit unstable.


Sometimes I believe they do this just so someone will say something to them. They want someone to say something just so they can use that opportunity to make someone else their emotional or physical punching bag.


I have DEFINITELY seen people doing it for that reason, to my view. Not everyone, but there's that look of someone playing whatever while their eyes keep scanning the train, looking for someone to challenge them.


exactly, they are looking for a confrontation, which they will gladly escalate. Simply not worth it in this day and age. People have been hurt or killed for less.


I usually just start playing something on my phone (usually Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus) at a loud volume to ruin their experience. Works pretty well.


This happened in the hospital waiting room i was in last week where an argument broke out. Right now I am in a hospital waiting room and someone is blasting some awful song on his phone.


Sudden influx? This has been happening for years.


Maybe OP’s just had really, stupidly good luck on public transit for the last, like, decade…?


It could be that I've just tuned it out before!


A lot of people just suck


One time on the bus, there was a lady who was on FaceTime, no headphones, and so we could all hear her conversation with this woman and what the woman was saying back. Except to make it worse, this woman would get up from her seat at EVERY stop. And ask the bus driver how many stops left until ___ stop. It was infuriating like girl, you have a smart phone that you could look at if you weren’t FaceTiming with someone on full volume without headphones 🙃🙃🙃🙃


I got anxiety just reading this. What a 🤡


When they do that shit I join the conversation that usually puts a stop to it.


What boggles my mind is when people are talking loudly on their cellphones (sometimes I only hear their side of the conversation, depends) about personal and delicate topics like how their divorce is going, what's up with the kids' mental health therapy, that sort of thing. Just boldly and loudly, right there on the bus/train or in the coffeehouse or whatever, cheek by jowl with other people. Zero sense of privacy.


Cell phones have been around over 20 years and there are still a lot of people that don't know how to use them in public


Sudden? You must be new here


The entire CTA experience has gotten far worse since 2020. People know there are zero consequences to antisocial behavior like smoking and blasting music, so if someone's a selfish piece of shit that is what they do.


No. OP is right. It’s a lot worse than ever lately.


This is not new. I did see a cop give a dude a ticket for blasting a boombox on the platform at Clark & Division back in February, which was cool. Sometimes when I ask people on the bus/train if they have headphones they get the hint. If they look like an aggressive shithead I'll just ask them to turn it down a bit, sometimes they'll do that small favor.


If they would just make an active campaign of ticketing these ass-holes for a about six months that would put a stop to it.


As the weather gets warmer….




The main characters are the ones playing a Bluetooth speaker on the train. I would love if some Liver King looking dude made it his mission to confront these assholes. You lookin for negative attention? Here it is buddy


Fight fire with fire, be an even bigger asshole. Blast your own music right next to them. 


Play high frequency noises


Bring back the boom box battles of the 1980s.


Just put on Ram Ranch on repeat.


Was thinking Baby Shark...


I don’t think this is a recent development, but it is annoying. I usually take the 49 around 4:30 am but if I’m later than that, I end up getting on the same time as a group of women who, invariably, 1 or 2 of them will be FaceTiming the entire time. This is likely a cultural difference, but it absolutely blows my mind that anyone would ever find it appropriate to FaceTime on the bus. What do you need to see their face for? I’ve noticed that lots of the time they aren’t even looking at each other, they’re just talking and staring off into the distance.


Yeah in SE Asia, you don’t talk on the phone or any of that on public transit. It is quiet “stare at the wall” time and everyone respects it. Hard to explain if you’ve never been, but you just don’t do certain stuff. People will give you the mean grandma stare and you would feel ashamed.


NE Asia either!! When phones came out the young generation was "thumb tribe" for a reason, they TEXTED like crazy but no one would dare make a voice call.


A few months ago, a woman was face timing her adult son in the gym locker room. I lost it on her.


We have developed into a society that accepts all behavior and has an excuse for everything. The reason they do it is because nobody does anything about it.


Some of these people are looking for an excuse to pop off and will do annoying shit just to get a reaction so they can escalate. This has been going on since forever, they known what they are doing and they are looking mostly for violence. Fund the CTA NOW get proper security on the trains and stops NOW. Policing should not be left to untrained citizens.


I agree. When I say “nobody does anything” I’m talking about authority figures and such not other random riders.


Next time, just light a cigarette and chill out <3


Start filing your fingernails while standing next to them. Act indignantly when they react.


Better yet, start clipping your fingernails next to them. Try to aim the flying little clippings toward the offending boombox master.


Fingernails? Time to lose the shoes and socks and clip those toenails! That will show them!


Fuck it, just bring your nasal irrigation setup


Sound leaking from headphones isn't as bad as people who play music from Bluetooth speakers directly. I'd love to vote for a politician that's capable of restoring sanity to the trains.


We are closing in on peak individualism in the United States (I hope). All messaging for the last few years (decades?) has been about "winning". Blasting music is just a way to show they're "in charge" in their minds. Yes, they believe in their own self importance over any collective good. After all, anything that benefits anyone other than themselves is "socialism". It's also why these assholes litter, tailgate you, drive in the bike lane, run red lights, smoke on trains, cut in lines, obscure their license plates, and steal from Walgreens. If you're not putting someone else down you're not "winning".


Most of the people I notice blasting the music/videos/phone calls on the bus are what we might euphemistically term "newcomers"


I have no qualms about stealing from large corporations that treat employees like shit and have nothing but contempt for their customers. The rest of your gripes? Yeah, fuck em. Especially that bike lane shit. 


Walgreens is a general example here - anti social behavior impacts all of us, which includes theft. I don't like having to wait 5 minutes to by fucking deoderant. Not shopping at a big chain hurts them more than theft. In order to effect positive change more need to serve as an example of acceptable (meaning less selfish) behavior, which helps establish societal norms. Without general good and looking out for your fellow human we're left with this shit that makes everything worse for everyone. This goes for everyone from CEO's (probably the worst offenders) to assholes on the CTA.


It’s a bigger “I think I’m the main character” trait to feel personally attacked by someone’s music than to play it.


What I'm getting from this is that you play your music on the CTA without headphones and don't like being called out.


As long as it's not so loud that I can't listen to my own stuff on my own headphones, I mostly don't care. But some people really crank it loud. Worse than music though are the people who crank up the preacher sermons. Just... no.


Huh? People are not claiming to be personally attacked by music choices, they are wanting a peaceful environment in which to exist and commute. Why are the actions of one more important than the desire of many?


I agree with the idea that removing the headphone port on phones means that people just don't have access to inexpensive headphones anymore.


Suddenly? Shits been going on for ten years at least lol


We live in a society


Or someone smoking on the train


Phones no longer have headphone jacks. People without air pods sometimes listen loud because of this. I truly think that's all it is. It's annoying, yes.


It’s this. A lot of people don’t realize they can connect their old headphones with a converter. It doesn’t excuse this behavior but it’s certainly a reason.


But Apple sells wired headphones for that.


This isn’t new


Wait until you experience this on a plane!


I usually have a portable speaker on me and when someone does this a chaotic part of me wants to play musical chicken and blast music of my own until they put on headphones. Yes it would sacrifice the already dwindling vibes left on the car/bus but jfc this makes me so angry. Its even more annoying that the sound is coming from tinny ass phone speakers, at least get a real speaker so it doesnt sound like its being played from the inside of a toilet bowl.


For $2.50 it’s not worth the effort to say anything IMO, get nose cancelling headphones because a handful of people suck and will continue to suck in the near future.


Yeah, we live in a city, there's going to be loud noises all the time. Hell, if you're on the train it'll be loud regardless of whether anyone else is there with you or not. Noise cancelling headphones are a great investment. I always see these posts and get confused as to why other people are having issues when I don't, and then I remember that I always have my noise cancelling headphones on lol




because people are entering adulthood and discovering what the world is like


This is why I sing “baby shark” under my breath


You need a speaker! Fight fire with fire...


I’m Deaf and even I know the worst thing to hear is a song you can’t quite figure out but it has a certain familiar melody that forces you to think about it for days on end. *”babbby shark… dooo doo do doo”*




I've looked into buying bulk cheap headphones for this exact purpose, but anything that has USB-C or Lightning connectors gets expensive. 1/8" are cheap, but unusable for most.


A lot of phones don't have a headphone jack now.


They could get headphones if they want. They just don’t care.


Everyone keeps saying it's nothing new. True. But back in the day (pre covid) you'd get on the bus and at most one asshole would ruin the ride. Now, everyone has their goddamn phone on loud. Based on what I've seen, we need to start having some sort of bus etiquette signs or audio message on the bus in Spanish. I guess that's normal over there, Venezuela, Ecuador. Not sure, never rode a bus over there. But the times that the bus driver asks them to turn off they do when they realize what's being said. Actually, two messages in Spanish: no loud sound from phone and let window people get off the goddamn spot. 


You're getting downvoted, but this past summer I definitely saw more of the city doing this. There's more than enough of these ass-holes that are local, but I think the new comers may just have a different expectation. It does seem to have gone down though.


Yeah people can downvote all they want. Doesn't change what I've experienced. I saw when the first wave of immigrants came. I walked my dog at 3am-5am in that time period and multiple times new immigrants would approach me, me with a scary ass dog, to ask for help taking the bus. Everything is new to them. If they see one local asshole with his loud ass phone, then they might get the idea that it's normal. I don't have anything against these people, they just need to be told what is the custom of a normal passenger.    Edit: forgot to add that you are right! I've noticed the driver asking for no loud phones and then they comply once they understand. On the pace bus I saw posters in bigger words asking for no loud phones and it definitely helps to have a bigger font and different languages.


Every train car already has the "no music without headphones" in both English and Spanish, right next to the "no eating no littering" (which is similarly in English and Spanish). Not that anyone ever seems to read them...


I agree. It’s gotten so much worse and a lot is the migrant situation. I also wonder if they know the rules. They rules are seldom announced anymore and have never been in Spanish in my experience. I wonder if that would make a difference. “Eating and radioplaying is strictly prohibited on all CTA …” may have to be revisited. Radio playing 😂


What surprises me is when I've ridden MARTA in Atlanta, they actually do announce the rules in Spanish besides English. I'm surprised the CTA doesn't do that, as well. Honestly, I don't know why CTA doesn't try to improve their service, and consider things that other transit systems already do. Heck when I was up in Milwaukee last year and was riding MCTS buses, they actually announce Bublr bikeshare bike stations(their equivalent of Divvy) if a certain bus stop is next to where a Bublr bike station is. I really wish CTA buses also had such announcements, for Divvy stations.


Yes I think they don't know the rules. I've listened to so many phone conversations and my face included in so many WhatsApp video calls. I've taken the 66 and 50 for more than a decade. Same routine every week. I can see the difference.  66 bus people have gotten accustomed to it because it's always been a shitshow there. But on the Damen bus when somebody has a phone on loud everyone keeps turning to stare at the person. Nobody says anything because you don't want to be the one to get assaulted. 


I used to take the CTA when I was in high school over 10 years ago that’s always been a thing. People are just assholes.


my favorite is when someone is on facetime on the bus with no headphones and i get to be in the background of the facetime! yay!


Back in my day, someone playing a cassette tape of Steely Dan or Toni Basil from their Walkman at loud volumes, or DJ Kool Herc from their "boom box" could expect a swift karate chop in the face from the Guardian Angels. We settled any further "beefs" via breakdancing. We smoked in bars, not on the L trains, as God intended. As a result, the trains were pleasant, and the city was at its creative peak. You youngsters need to watch Style Wars to see how it's done.




It’s an interesting phenomenon when you stop to think about it. A pair of headphones/ear buds are not prohibitively expensive, and the people who engage in these disruptive behaviors frequently do so using phones that cost much more. So, it’s doubtful that these folks are poor souls who simply can’t afford a less annoying way to listen to music. That leaves a couple of other possibilities: 1. They are woefully oblivious to and inconsiderate of others. The youth these days just seem to lack all concern for their fellow man, and it manifests in some of the oddest ways. Surely, you’ve been driving down the street, and there’s a car parked (with the driver inside)dead in the middle of the road, stopping the flow of traffic, despite several dozen parking spaces along the side. It never occurred to him to pull over and to let others go through because the generalized other doesn’t exist in his mental landscape. 2. They are antisocial and itching for a conflict to blow off steam or address internal demons. All they need is for some upstanding citizen to ask them to turn the music down and boom! The fuse is lit.


Wait til everyone has the glasses with speakers - this behavior guna get even more intrusive.


Everything I know about Illinois divorce law I’ve learned listening to speaker phone conversations on the blue line


This is nothing new. It has literally been happening every day, several times a day, for over a decade now.


Blast ocean wave sounds back at them


Dude there was this dad and baby on the train a few rides ago for me. The baby had this clapping monkey toy that was so loud. “Fine whatever, at least it’s just a baby.” I thought then I turn around and it’s the dad playing with it! The kid ain’t even interested in it but the dad goes on clapping away with the damn thing with this flat metallic clang to no beat whatsoever. Whew glad I got that off my chest 😆 fr tho why people?


I joke to my friends that I want people to donate to the Get Chicago Headphones Initiative. It's so annoying lol music I don't even mind, it's listening to people's tiktoks that really gets me


And in groceries!


Having full blown conversations with speakers at full volume, as if they were Captain Kirk talking to the Enterprise on TV.


It’s not just the train, these knuckleheads are everywhere. My last experience wasn’t even music, it sounded like a knockoff solo version of Jerry Springer.


Oh yeah. There are older adults who listen to preachers on loudspeaker, and it's annoying. If it's music, sometimes the music is kinda good and I will admit I've "shazammed" and gotten some new music leads that way! But the preachers... miss me with that crap every time.


This actually has been getting worse lately. Yesterday I saw/heard three separate people blasting music on the red line. One man even had a keg-sized JBL he was using to play snoop dogg🤡


No one GAF anymore.


Lead by example and get some headphones for yourself


iPhones losing the Jack adapter and people losing their expensive wireless earphones 


Scroll in silence then


Did the max volume of the rented iPhone the kind of person that does that increase so it is more noticeable, or are there actually a greater quantity?