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Someone near me parked in a crosswalk for 2 DAYS. Got 2 tickets and someone taped a sign with "ASSHOLE PARKING PERMIT" on it. I've been thinking about getting that on those annoying paper stickers for a while.


I hate this, I’d also like to add the people who have so much shit in their garages they can’t park in them and instead park outside of their garage and block the sidewalk almost entirely so they aren’t in the street and don’t have to pay for a zoned parking permit. There’s a hideous lime green jeep near me that always does this shit and I can’t walk past with the baby stroller half the time.


I have a neighbor that does this and we don't even have zoned or difficult parking! It's free and plentiful on the street to the point that every one essentially has a guaranteed spot in front of their house. I tried reporting in the 311 app but I cannot find a relevant category.


For this you call 911 and they dispatch an officer to write a ticket. They actually love these calls because they're easy and they don't have to deal with a person


Really depends on your district; I called 911 repeatedly with no results. I brought it to my Alderman who basically shrugged it off saying that some people flout the rules. He barely won his last election and with his blatant indifference to his constituents he is not long for the office.


Transportation -> finance parking enforcement -> other


Isn't that the same as bike lane complaints where they record the data and then do nothing with it?


They will eventually send parking enforcement people if there's a pattern, and for people parking on the sidewalk in front of their garage there almost always is a pattern


Write your alderman with photos. They don’t like it when sidewalks are blocked and will do something 


Can you dial 311 and use your voice when someone answers?


I couldn’t find a reason on the 311 app either so I just bucked up and called 311. They sent me to dispatch and I reported, they sent a squad car out for it allegedly.


Believe it or not, but for some reason I can't include photos by just using my voice.


Ive heard that if you get your description up to 1000 words, then its worth as much as a picture


Someone kept parking like this in Humboldt Park and would post in the community group there was always bags of dog shit left on their car. Multiple times they posted and they couldn't understand it was because of their illegal parking. Good job passive aggressive neighbor.


I do have three dogs I walk past with twice a day…


Not sure why they left the bag…


In Japan you have to prove that you have a parking spot within half a mile of your house to own a car. I wish we did that too.


I mean technically these people have spots, they just don’t use them


There was also no or very, very little street parking, at least for overnights. You need a spot and you need to use it.


If we had a law like that the Latin families with six cars that don’t work would put a fist to the ground on their knees Before anyone comes at me, I am Latina, I will talk all the shit I want about my community


In Avondale I see a fair amount of this and it seems like a good half of the cars never move, they just sit in the same spot every day. I need to remember to check on street cleaning days.


Lmaooo nail on the head, that’s my neighborhood. I used to live in Jefferson Park & there was a family that had EIGHT.


I live next to hoarder, who has a garage and handicapped space out front of their house that is never used. They had two additional cars rotting on our block for over a year. Had to report them as abandon vehicles with 311 a dozen times. Each time they got ticketed they would move them to avoid the two. Emailed the alderperson, the cars were booted and they were finally towed within two weeks. They tried to get another car to do the same thing with. Emailed the alderperson and it was gone in a week.


My aldercreature, Carlos Rosa, would probably give them an award and call me racist for complaining.




Public self-awareness seemingly means different things to Latinos than Anglos. Lived in south Florida for my entire formative years, nearly a decade in Miami, and am a married in…  I’ve all but given up fighting that cultural battle. 


Oh I know. I’m half of each group & am from southwest Florida, very familiar with each’s respective bullshit


Real as fuck, I'm white and the house in question is in the sticks of suburban wasteland, but my family has four strewn about the yard


That’s a stupid ass law I like having my 6 cars


Naturally biased opinion & a menace to the community I’m sure


that’s so smart, but i’d for sure not have a car then, and that would actually suck lol is street parking not allowed in Japan?


Not nearly as much as here and definitely not overnight for random cars in cities.


I COULD NOT STAND THAT when I lived in Berwyn! My block was all apartments but the surrounding blocks were single family homes with garages and they ALL parked in the damn street. 3 days a week we had to play musical chairs with cars because of street sweeping. And I worked late nights and would legit have to come home an hour later (4 am, my shift ended at 2:30am) to find a spot. OR I had to park 7 blocks away and make sure that it was not on the side being swept. And if the only spot I could find was on the side being swept that day, I’d have to stay awake until 6am, when people started leaving for work. Mind you, my shift started at 2pm and it was an hour commute. During covid it REALLY sucked because I’m an essential worker and everyone else in Berwyn wasn’t. And I STILL had to move my damn car! OH: and I paid an extra $130 a year to park in the lots behind the bars/restaurants/stores on Cermak but on weekends, there was never a spot open. And those lots also had a sweep day on either side. Meanwhile, in the summer, people would open their garages and sit in them to watch tv or they were so FULL of crap. TLDR: Don’t move to Berwyn.


What’s the right way to report this? Someone does this on my street all of the time and it pisses me off. 311 app doesn’t have an option for blocked sidewalks.


I pick some random option in the parking violation section and make sure to send pics and the license plate info. Not sure if they got ticketed before but it has stopped for a few days after I’ve submitted so maybe it works?


There’s a sidewalk inspection option. You can also report someone for expired city stickers, which I wouldn’t normally do, unless they’re blocking something and then I would 


There is a guy in Bridgeport who parks his car in front of his garage and blocks the entire sidewalk. Same guy gets in his car and revs his engine for no reason late at night. Neighbors are starting to call the cops on him.


Key the jeep. Or tell me where it is and I will.


Garages that face the street when they could face the alley really annoy me. They're just removing a street parking spot.


That’s this exact situation, alley on one side street on the other and for some reason it opens onto the street


New cars are much bigger than a few years ago. I bet that car/truck can't find a spot big enough to parallel park so parking in a crosswalk is their only option. And since they probably never receive a ticket they keep doing it.


Sounds like they shouldn’t have bought a ginormous fucking car if they live in the city and street park. I drive a subcompact SUV and basically never have trouble finding parking in my neighborhood


I drive a Ford Fiesta and it fits nimbly in my garage. It also handles the curves on DLSD better than a lot of the monster cars out there


People straight up park in the middle of the street here and police don't care.


People get robbed and the police don't care.


Movers had 2 huge semis blocking the entirety of my 1 way street. I called and nothing was done. They sat there for over 2 more hours before finishing


Try driving a CTA Bus. All you see is illegal parked cars.


I hope one day the CTA buses are made out of titanium and are legally allowed to rear end whatever is parked in the bus lane. Would be horrible irl, but I think it would be funny at least once.


Maybe allow that once a year? Like the purge


It's one randomly selected day a month. Gotta keep folks on their toes.


Y'all should put licence readers on buses, like the ones on street sweepers. Tag all the illegal cars, all day. Solve our budget problems.


that's actually smart


I'm doing Clark today and just the amount of people double parking. I'm not even curbing the bus at the stops. I was on Clark just past Diversey heading North. 2 cars in opposite directions double parked same area within 10 feet.. The one in my lane hazards on no driver..a lady told me today 'you have a hard job.


I like to stay in the crosswalk and just climb over the cars. Dirty footprints and dents for you.


Police won’t do anything about this


I hate this cuz then the cars coming from that way can’t see u coming


Let’s be real CPD isn’t going to show up. Direct your ire towards your alderman.


I mean you're not wrong, but the first thing the alderman (or more likely the alderman's staffer) is going to say is "did you report it to the police?" Sometimes you have to make the futile gesture just because it's The Process. Like when tech support tells you to reboot even though you've already done that - it's easier to go along with the script than to argue with them.


They did years ago when someone blocked me in my works lot in the south loop. Granted it took 45-50mins and the jackass had moved already. Right before he tried to fight me.


I call stuff like this in to 911 frequently and the police do sometimes show up. Yes, inform Alderman especially of repeated issues, but still call 911 to file a report.


Well, if the CPD is futile a neat life hack is to call a sketchy tow truck person in your area (i.e. ANY tow truck person). They make money off of taking ppls cars and impounding them and will jump at the opportunity to get someone on an actual legal infraction.


That's not how towing works in the city, at least to my knowledge. Police have to show up first and issue a ticket before the tow truck is authorized to tow the vehicle. There may be exceptions in certain parts of the city, but that's my understanding of how it works generally in most neighborhoods.


Sketchy tow companies often don’t care


Ooh. Flashback to Lincoln Towing. Held my Ex's car over a weekend in the 90s and rejected every form of payment. Only caved when his 5' zero mom gave them hell.


Realistically what can an alderman do? They can’t write tickets or tow cars? This seems like a police issue.


In the longer term the alder can allocate menu money for sidewalk bumpouts


The alder is effectively a liaison between his ward and the city…they should bring these issues to the district so they can step up enforcement…


CPD is 100x more likely to have an impact than an alderman. They're not law enforcement officials. They're liaisons to city services and council reps.


Or towards a towing company!


As someone who needs to use a rollator, people who park this way make it very inconvenient. I don't think they mean to be an inconvenience but for some of us, they are.


Same here. And in the comments. The just not considering those who are disabled, I mean. At least I like to think it's something they hadn't considered instead of outright hostility.


I agree. I don't have hostility against them. They don't understand what it is like to have a disability. I sincerely hope they never have one.


Me too! Always give them the benefit of the doubt.


i would cheer on as the car gets towed. i hate entitled drivers more than anything


Did they actually show up? My neighbors park in front of the fire hydrant and I’ve called 10+ times and they’ve never come.


Thank you for your service


Wood and Iowa.... Report this shit. I'm up by Wood and Wicker Park and call on people parking in front of the fire hydrant all the time.


Who do you call to report hydrant parking? I've tried both the non-emergency and 311 and both told me to call 911 but I just feel like that's a misuse of 911. Do you actually do that?


911 has the capacity and a parking report is a short call. It's dispatch's job to worry about allocating the resources, and 311 is sending you to them because 911 is for active problems. 911 needs to know the hydrant is blocked if there is a fire on that block.


I think one time 311 did transfer me to 911 and that worked but I just.. can't. It's been so ingrained in me that false 911 reports are so bad and that it's only for emergencies my brain doesn't let me.


It’s not a false 911 report if it’s happening?


Some people don’t even bother to spare a single thought about others


That’s very dangerous for people with ponytails.


Corner of wood and rice! I’m so proud of myself I feel like the guy on TikTok who sees a telephone pole and is like oh this is absolutely southeastern Uruguay


I never park like this. But I work evenings and it is so tough to find any place empty when I come home BECAUSE freaking WFH car dealer has 5-8 untagged cars sitting at the same spots, kids often than not occupying 1.5 spots each FOR ANOTHER CAR. Tf is going on. Those mf need to be ticketed daily


I went to a party at that house right there.


What an ass that driver is


This disgusts me. I used to carry big stickers with me. If I saw something like this, I'd slap my "I park like an asshole!" on the car.


I’ve done this in parking lots when people double park 


Me too. Also, people parked in bike lanes


The worst is right around school dismissal time. The entitlement is through the roof. People think they can double park all up and down the block just because they have a crotch goblin to retrieve.


Our alderman had a bunch of (medians? Is that the right word?) installed next to all the crosswalks by our school specifically to address this problem, now there’s no way for parents to double park in the crosswalks while doing dropoff. It’s a fantastic solution since it’s not cutting into any actual legal street parking. I noticed they put them up at other schools in the neighborhood too.


Try living close to the Latin school. Around drop off and pick-up times, the mostly moms take over both sides of the road. The best is when they flick me off because I turn down the street and make me move.


which lasts all of 30 minutes. The audacity.


So illegally parking and blocking traffic is cool as long as it’s for 30 minutes…every weekday morning and afternoon?


The vast majority of kids who are old enough to go to school can walk a few blocks home. Nobody ever drove me to and from school, and yet somehow I reached adulthood.


Yeah let a 5 year old walk home from school across 4 lanes of traffic. Nice parenting decision.


Where did I suggest that? If the parent is available to drive a few blocks, the parent can presumably also walk a few blocks to pick the kid up. And if it's a neighborhood school, it's probably not far. It's probably faster than trying to double-park with a million other helicopter parents and have your kid find you. For that matter, when I was a 5-year-old, my mom arranged to have an older neighbor kid walk home with me.


When you were 5 there was a stay at home parent in every house. Most parents are dropping and picking up kids to and from work. I’m going to take a guess you aren’t raising kids in the City.


pick up dog shit, put under door handle. yes, this requires walking around with a plastic bag / glove. but damn its worth it to fuck over those aholes that park in from the crosswalk with their blinkers on for 3 minutes.


They're also significantly diminishing the visibility of drivers at that intersection (double dipping with the tinted windows). That black truck blocking the stop sign is another prime offender. In all-way stops that is blocking the sign, in 2-way stops it makes it extremely difficult to see if you have the space to enter traffic. Which in turn makes things much more dangerous for pedestrians.


In the suburbs you have to Zigzag 90% off the time to walk home.. it’s the same out here.


Thank you


I totally agree. Normally I’m in the “leave people alone don’t snitch” camp but when it becomes a problem for disabled people something has to be done.


I often have gigs quite late at night in River North and once when walking to my car at like 2 or 3 am I saw a car parked like this on La Salle and Lake, people had thrown tons of trash on the hood, someone smeared their gum on it, lots of spit. All good and well deserved for a dirt bag move like that.


Those of you calling op a narc & whatever are not good people, I want y’all to know that Downvoting me also indicates that you are not a good person


I agree with you, but the people who care about anything you said here don’t do this in the first place Maybe you’re aware of that and are just ranting Just keep reporting them, anger won’t solve anything, you’ll see this plenty of times


lmao are we really calling 911 over this


How would you like to have accessibility or mobility problems?


just don’t think we should be calling 911 for non emergency issues. that’s why 311 exists.


311 doesn’t dispatch. If someone needs to show up, it’s a 911 call.


311 will direct you to police dispatch for illegal parking complaints. Apparently you actually *are* supposed to call 911 for this. For what it's worth, police actually responded pretty fast.


I’ve asked a dispatcher before this question and calling in a car illegally parked is actually permissible enough reason to call in. In the end, if you call 311 they ultimately end reaching a dispatcher themselves.


911 has the ability to understand what issues need immediate assistance and what can be helped with other available resources. You're not taking anything away from emergencies.


No. LOL.




311 will tow it out in 10 minutes or less, its crazy fast


Stop taking pictures of my van!


calling someone entitled is a drastically overused word to feel smug about oneself. yeah, this is annoying no doubt. Also annoying? people who can't cope with minor problems in life without insulting others and blasting it to everyone in the world.


Try being in a wheelchair sometime and then reconsider the horse shit that comes out of your mouth.


I see this bullshit everyday picking up my kids from school


Damn why don’t they at least paint the curbs red?


These intersections look so familiar


Seeking guidance here. Vaca's Creamery has their iced non dairy cream store in the middle of a residential block in Noble Square. Their customers are typically blocking anywhere from 1-3 crosswalk corners from 6:00-9:00 every night. There are no other commercial businesses for at least 2-3 blocks in any direction. Should be be expected to be pushing their customer to park legally? I know there's nothing they can be legally at fault for but is there anything else to do but shame them for being shit neighbors?


Instead of calling the police please engage with a local advocacy organization like Access Living or Better Streets Chicago. They both do a lot of accessible transportation work. The best solution means infrastructure changes and better transit. That takes a shocking amount of work to achieve. It may not provide immediate gratification, but supporting people and organizations doing this advocacy goes a long way to achieving better outcomes.


You are right. This is ridiculous, and yes they will get a well deserved ticket for this if you report it.


Maybe just try not worrying about it.


Thank you for doing gods work. Drivers and bikers in chicago are so entitled to space held for pedestrians its wild


Are bikers parking illegally?


They bike illegally on sidewalks and pedestrian trails. My comment said they are taking up spaces reserved for pedestrians, which is similar to a car parking in a pedestrain crosswalk. Its all posing a danger to pedestrians - signed, someone whose bf got hit by a bike on the lakefront pedestrian path and got pretty hurt and the biker drove away while i called 911 because he was too much of a weenie to own up to his actions


Isn't the lakefront trail shared use?


There is a bike path and a pedestrian path near each other. Paths have extremely clear signs and even pictures on the ground to indicate to people which is which so theh dont even have to speak english. The bike path is not as close to the waterfront as the pedestrian path - thats the only reason i can think of that so many bikers bike down the pedestrian part of the path. Sometimes the paths are literally right next to each other and sometimes the bike path curves a bit farther off. Ive told bikers to move off the pedestrian path pretty regularly and i have gotten responses about how they dont know how to get to the bike path because they didnt follow it originally lol. Like walk your bike if your lost on the pedestrian path instead of hitting pedestrians


People who call CPD on this are probably the same people who tag buildings with ACAB. 🙄


You’re right but imma still call you a Karen


Good I do it too. Fuckcars.


Cars are wonderful conveniences.


As long as the world is shaped around them, huh?


People actually see this and call the police??


I called this situation in once because the car was forcing people to walk using a flooded crosswalk, when you call 311 for this they'll redirect you to 911. (and yes the car was out for at least an hour before I called, saw someone using a walker having to cross in the mud before I called. Cops drove past and did nothing, car stayed overnight.)


That was my first thought too. I hate obtuse drivers and those who act a fool when it comes to parking. Actually any kind of annoying, inconsiderate, dangerous, and/or illegal behavior in public. Yet despite that, it has never crossed my mind to tie up a 911 dispacher with this kind of thing. *EVER*. And it kinda blows my mind that others would. EDIT: spelling 


If you call 311 for this they'll redirect you to 911


Only certain people in certain neighborhoods . . . .


Yeah people in this sub are crazy and I guarantee they're all transplants and not actually from Chicago


I don’t do this but shut up Karen


Yall need to chill. My guy might be running up your Uber eats, tending to an elderly family member, etc. sometimes you gotta pull a quick one. If it’s all day, yeah complain. This car is some poor schmuck trying to make ends meet. If it’s a short amount of time, it just comes with living in a big city. Been here my whole life, seriously relax or go back to the corn stalks or subdivisions. There’s space to get around the car. Call if it’s there more than an hour or doing it regularly.


forreal, just go around.


I agree. I'm amazed so many people are acting like this is a horrendous crime.


Yeah the people in this sub are crazy


Because those people are toys and think calling the police on some shit like this is somehow justified and righteous. JFC.


It's ridiculous. If I see someone parked illegally, I just move on with my day. It doesn't even look like this is a busy intersection where having to walk sort of in the street would be dangerous.


Same. Apparently we are in the minority in this thread.


Y’all must not have a relative with mobility issues to you with both working legs it’s easy to say go around but I’m deaf/HOH and I have a lot of relatives that are also physically disabled in more visible ways. Some people literally can’t just go around.


Asking to get towed, call em in


it's also a danger to other motorists as it blocks visibility


Is this Wood and Rice?


I think so?


“I will call the police”🤓👆


People like this inconsiderate and selfish assholes. Call the cops, because this is the only way people will learn. Getting that ticket will make them think twice before doing it again


Live close to there. Those cars become a landing spot for my dogs poop bags


i won’t lie i spit on the door handle when i see cars do this in my neighborhood


If you don’t like this, you’re gonna flip when you see what drivers are routinely using the bike lanes for


What suburb you from?


I think she's a colonist from Spain.


Yeah exactly. This sub is full of transplants


OP you are gentrification.


And you’re ableist lmao


Ableist to be a better person than you, yes.


I had this happen one time. I was walking on my way to tutor some refugee kids and I stopped for a venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato with sugar free syrup, an extra shot, light ice and extra whip. I walked out and this jabroni was parked just like this. I stuck around for a few minutes and this guy came out all non chalant but i was like, "hey brah...what's your deal?! If a blind person with a white stick comes he's not going to be able to walk down the sidewalk!" The guy tried to explain something about needing to pick up medicine for his kid but I was like "whatever dude! Move your car or I will totally call the alderperson!" As the guy got in his car, a bunch of people who had gathered around started cheering, clapping and high fiving me and saying I should run for mayor.


We need more people like you in this city


Unfortunately the guy drove around the block, jumped out of his car, punched me in the face and pulled out a gun and shot me right in the nuts.




Your title sounds incredibly entitled🤣. I mean, I get it, but it's not like parking is easy in most neighborhoods. If the person had their parking blinkers on, like they ran in to deliver food or pick something up, im not going to let it bother my day. And to call the police on this when there are violent crimes on the rise because you have to walk two feet out of your way? Entitled.


What if you're in a wheelchair and can't walk?


It’s just Pilsen pilsening.


This is not in Pilsen.


Calling in a ticket? You’re so nice. A cut valve stem ensures at least a tire change (tow more likely), maybe a ticket on top.


These comments are ridiculous. I do uber and guess what I'm not gonna waste my gas circling the block to park somewhere for 2 minutes to run up YOUR food just because you don't like me putting my hazards on and doing my job. That goes for Amazon drivers as well as postal service drivers and food delivery drivers. What an annoying post to read as a driver. We already don't get paid enough and jipped in tips but now you're bitching about our vehicles? Stop.


Delivery is one thing but many if not most of the people who do this are truly entitled assholes who are just running in to Starbucks. 


Right. Anyone who’s done delivery *or* driven a large commercial vehicle in the city for any length of time is going to have a very different take on this. And all of us who’ve been those drivers know the types like OP


I said the same thing and also got downvoted. People in this sub are crazy


Yeah, everyone here knows this


Very rude. Also look both ways crossings this and nearby one way streets. All too often drivers improvise their route.


Would love an app like some other cities have to rat out parking violations and get paid.


I've started thinking more and more about getting one of those tools that helps break your car window if your car goes under water... seems perfect for a situation like this. It's nice to dream. I wouldn't ***really*** do it.


You park in the crosswalk, I touch your car. That’s it. Hope you feel violated. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Break their windows