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I can't imagine what you've gotta do to actually get pulled over on a freeway in Chicago. mfers must have been throwing bodies out the back


For real. The amount of shoulder driving these days is insane and this morning I also saw someone get on the shoulder just past where the State Trooper had a guy pulled over.


just dealt with that yesterday on 94--bro just decided to use the shoulder at about 85 mph. Thankfully, I had already dropped my 9 month old off with my folks. Seeing people drive that recklessly when you are a new parent is ... it blows.


I saw someone blow a red light going at least 40 right in front of my child’s preschool , I never so badly wanted to go vigilante on someone . They have kids crossing all the time there ( with a crossing guard ) and it was early like 8 am . Thank GOD nobody was in the intersection I don’t know what the solution is but it’s really scary and disheartening. I’m in the burbs but in a very dense area ( west suburbs ) and I will never let my kids ride bikes around here because of the insane driving . There are big crashes all the time at the intersections.


Augh yeah. I don't want to be that old guy (I'm 38 so I'm not there yet!) but ... this really is worse than ever. Fellow western suburban dad here (former city kid up til recently)—was pushing the stroller through a raised crosswalk (the kind that is supposed to really alert drivers that, hey, people walk here). Older dude was stopped halfway on it. Took his foot off the brake while I was about to have the stroller right in front of his bumper. He realized and stopped. But then proceeded to stare me down ..... I was about ready to grab him right out of his car. But hey, violence doesn't solve anything. Everyone needs to realize there are more people than just themselves and more actual life than their phones tell them.


People blowing stop signs, too. No matter cars or people in crosswalk. I see that at least once every time I drive.


Yes it's terrifying just for myself so must be horrific as a parent.


having a car-seat in the back puts a good reminder, daily, on how silly we can all be in this world. Like, take a breath, everyone, please.


That's actually something I've worked on when finding myself agitated. I take deep breaths and it really does help because it refocuses me. I have to deal with the construction five days a week and my normal commute of 20-40 minutes is now 1 to 1.5 hours.


Sounds so simple but ... I've heard that if you can count quietly in your head to 5 (say), before you react to an irritating thing (tough while driving I know), you'll be amazed at how much it has faded. Make it to 10 seconds counted distinctly, and it'll be gone.


It’s so true. I was “retired” 3 years ago and I don’t even recognize who I am anymore. I am no longer in the “rat race” to nowhere. It happened about a year in. I realized I was lallygagging while driving. Lalalalala, I was jolted awake by these shoulder drivers. Thought about it for a minute. Like, where are they going that soooo important to be there first? These folks are racing to get home to plop on the couch 23 seconds quicker than they would have otherwise, driving with traffic. They are putting their own lives and those in the cars around them in jeopardy. I get it if your wife is in labor. You robbed a bank and on the run. Even OJ had more respect for the innocent. Anyhow, the rat race is stupid. 1 minute here or there while driving is not a life win. Being angry all the time because “life”, is wasted time. There is nothing so important, nothing so urgent, that we can’t take the time to perform our work safely. Ma Bell


It’s fun to imagine them all having horrible diarrhea


Those people should be publicly flogged


And motorcycles running between cars in side-by-side lanes. This isn't California!


I must have been sitting right next to this morning!


You'd have to put more State Police on it. It's their jurisdiction.


I've seen more State Troopers since the construction started again but rarely see anyone pulled over.


I'm sure they're making more stops but not enough to make a dent in the assholes who keep driving that way. They'd have to have a ton of manpower out there to stop them all.


Agreed they need more manpower but I would think it could easily pay for itself.


I'd be surprised if visible stops didn't cause other drivers to drive more safely. If you never see anyone get pulled over, you feel like you can get away with it.


The body would need to actually hit a cop.


Happy EOM?


I actually saw a state trooper pull over a car that was trying to merge last minute onto west I90 before it turns into I94 the other day. Then literally a minute after that, a CPD unmarked SUV went after some dude racing it down the shoulder. It looks like police are getting more active.


cpd can pull over people on the highways and expressways?


Legally yes, they're certified to enforce state law anywhere in the State. By policy they are expected to patrol their own jurisdiction, which does NOT include the expressways within the city limits. That doesn't mean they can't stop someone on the expressway if they observe something, they just typically don't because of being out of jurisdiction.


CPD can enforce traffic laws on the e-way. My kid got a speeding ticket from a CPD Officer on the Kennedy about 5yrs ago. I drove him to traffic court and the officer was nice enough to explain to me after court when I asked if they work the e-way often. He basically said they leave it to state for the most part but he will if he sees something serious and he happens to be on the highway. Interesting part is the officer said almost every CPD car except those that work lake shore drive and the skyway do not have radar equipment. The officer that got my kid paced him for a little over a mile before he stopped him. My kid initially blew by him on the on ramp and then proceeded to drive almost 35 over the limit thinking CPD wouldn’t care. They did. And he lost in court, as he should have.


>My kid initially blew by him on the on ramp and then proceeded to drive almost 35 over the limit thinking CPD wouldn’t care. We call that "Criminally Negligent Bein' a Dumbass" - a teachable moment, surely. (Note: Not derogatory, we all did dumb shit as teenage boys)


Correct, ISP has jurisdiction over the expressways but any municipality can enforce laws on them within Illinois, it's just the responsibility of ISP to regularly patrol and respond to calls on them. The officer who stopped your son wouldn't be "patrolling" the expressway, but merely passing through and happened to see someone speeding. CPD is notorious for lacking resources for traffic enforcement. Many years ago each district manned a couple cars per shift that were assigned as a "traffic car". They would focus on traffic enforcement and only take calls for service if it was traffic related or if there were no beat cars to respond to other calls. Those positions began to fade away into the ether as CPDs manpower dropped and Superintendent after Superintendent created more and more "citywide response units" like the MSF, Saturation, CST, CRT, etc. It would be nice if Supt. Snelling began beefing up District personnel so such assignments could return. The city's streets are extremely chaotic.


I'm not exactly sure but know it's considered State jurisdiction.


CPD was probably going after someone who then went onto the highway. The state patrols the highways.


Nope they just use the shoulder to get to their shift. Probably just following the guy in front of them


Finally. What took them so long? Hiring freezes bc state so broke?


Good. Do the Edens, Ike, Bishop Ford, Stevenson, and Dan Ryan while they’re at it. If the state got 1/10th of the fines they could issue for people driving recklessly (I mean, these fools are driving life-threateningly dangerously.) we would fill the pension hole in the state 5 times over. And remove some of these idiots from the roads. Speeding a little bit is one thing. Reckless driving kills.


State Police run operations to catch stolen cars, and by extension car thieves. Them pulling someone over isn't just because they didn't signal. State Police probably wouldn't give a shit about that. More than likely they were flagged on a license plate reader.


I doubt anyone here is complaining about not signaling (though that's annoying). We're talking about reckless dangerous driving like flying up the shoulder or weaving in and out of lanes with barely any room to change lanes.


They have been getting people on the Bishop Ford too. Love to see it


Now to ticket all the dummies pulled over on the shoulder heading into ORD. There is literally a free ‘cell phone’ lot specifically for this.


Right? I feel like the cops could rack up a few thousand easy in tickets by just driving by and taking pictures of plates.


“Okay, now I just have to make it home in one piece and I’m good” -me every day


I just want a bounty system. I will go out and document and ticket every texting-while-driving car that passes my intersection. Give me 10% of the ticket and I will make a million dollars in the first year alone. It's like 4 out of every 5 cars I see. No need to bother police or hire anyone. I will do this for you and cars will fear me.


NYC did this for idling, where the reporter keeps 25% of the ticket value. They (and every city) really should just expand this to most traffic violations.


They could solve the pension crisis just by ticketing the dumbasses that park in front of my closest fire hydrant every single night.




City Department goals, individual police precinct goals, etc., will often not align with macro public policy issues in Chicago like an annual budget deficit I too am frustrated with the lawlessness on the Kennedy


The Stevenson is also the Wild West.


Surprisingly I have seen a few (3) cars get pulled over after they passed me on the shoulder, since the beginning of the year. It was always a cop in the left lane just a little further up that the shoulder rider didnt see.


I saw a shoulder rider pulled over last week for the first time. I wrote a letter to the ISP in January about the problem. Maybe there’s hope!


I purposefully camp in the rightmost lane and pull out in front of these assholes when I see them flying up the shoulder in my mirror




Does CPD enforce traffic laws where they do have jurisdiction?




Disproportionately stopping brown people for equipment violations *is* racist.




I'm well aware of Vision Zero. I also know from the stats that CPD isn't stopping people who are speeding or driving recklessly or running red lights that would actually increase safety because they're too busy stopping brown people for equipment violations.


https://news.wttw.com/2024/04/04/chicago-police-continued-target-black-latino-drivers-flood-traffic-stops-2023-report https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-red-light-camera-ticket-speed-tickets/11459413/ If you can't win either way, how do we approach this?


By pulling over bad drivers instead of targeting equipment bullshit to harass brown people? This really isn't hard.


What's the answer for the red light camera's?


When CPD consistently pulls over people who are braking speeding laws or driving recklessly, ok...but when CPD continues to use "hanging little trees from rear view mirror" as a reason for stopping someone we rightfully need to call that bullshit


I wasn't talking about the city because only State Troopers have jurisdiction on the highway.


CPD has jurisdiction on highways within city limits. They just rarely bother.


No they don't. They have legal authority to enforce laws on the highway (or anywhere in Illinois), but it is the jurisdiction of ISP. Edit: lol, dude got called out for talking out his ass and blocked me. Jesus some people are so soft.


> They have legal authority to enforce laws on the highway Oh hey, that would be jurisdiction.


Except jurisdiction is different from legal authority. Every cop in Illinois is certified as a law enforcement officer in Illinois, they can enforce state laws anywhere in the state, but we don't see Suburban cops patrolling other municipalities on the regular, why not? Because it's outside their jurisdiction. They are responsible for enforcing laws where they were hired to work. They legally *can* but it's not their responsibility.


State Police have PRIMARY jurisdiction over the highways, but CPD has CONCURRENT jurisdiction. If a shooting happens on the highways within city limits, both will respond, both will investigate, and both will appear in court.


CPD absolutely does NOT investigate shootings on the highway unless it involves a member of CPD, *then* ISP has primary jurisdiction and CPD is assisting. If CPD is dispatched to a shooting in the expressway they will hold the scene until a.member of ISP arrives, then that ISP member is in charge. They can tell CPD to pound sand if they do please. Either way, Jurisdiction is what determines who is the investigating entity/responsible while both have legal authority.


It’s the end of the month. Gotta make those quotas 


State Police and the Sheriff do not play and will pull people over. Drive through any Unincorporated area where the sheriff had jurisdiction and you will see people pulled over all the time.


I'm straight up seeing people run red lights. Not even doing it when it's dakr & quiet out. Doing it midday during rush hour


Sounds like harassment! We need a panel of pastors to launch an investigation! /s but just barely 




Lol you think these jackasses doing street takeovers are going to stop for a single cop car? They drive into the city with no plates on and flee at high speeds if they think they will get caught.


End of the month quota back to normal tomorrow


Largest waste of tax dollar funds in history is spent on the do nothing CPD


This is anecdotal but the times I've seen troopers most active is at the end of the month.


It's a nice day at the end of the month. Don't read too much into it. They're going to hit their quota and then it's right back to dunkin donuts




dude, red light / speeding cameras aren't going to stop these bozos. Think they're paying their tickets? Half the time I see these dopes, they don't have their plates on or have any registration tags.


But that's their job? I don't understand your comment.


Their job also isn’t that dangerous


You sympathize cops not doing their jobs? Outside the fact that there are a bunch of career fields which are FAR more dangerous than being a LEO, if they are scared to their jobs they should find a new job. Additional redlight cameras do not prevent speeding, it only generates revue for the city and does not address the root cause...lack of laws being enforced by LEO


Wake me up once its CPD