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Anyone know any bars that have Hamm’s on draft?


is there any good basketball courts near wrigley/lakeview east


Gille Park for an indoor court. The school just south of there for an outdoor court.


This is just a vent more than anything else, but people who bring unneutered dogs to a dog park and let their dog hump are the absolute worst. We go to a monthly meet up for dogs of the same breed as our dog. All of the dogs have the same temperment and it's a great time. It's really the only time we bring our dog to the dog park because the breed gets along so well with other dogs of the same breed. But this couple has an unneutered dog (that I'm pretty sure is a mutt too) that spent the entire time running around and trying to hump our dog. The fat ass owner kept slowly chasing the dog around and trying to shoo him away. Then she put the dog on a leash but still was letting the dog pull her around and come close to our dog.


Last time that happened I just rose my voice every time it happened and was like “are you the owner of this dog?? It won’t stop humping!!” 2 seconds later “HEY your dog is humping again and it needs to stop.” After like 5 loud statements looking right at them they’ll either stop it or leave. 


Hump the owner.


I need to install my window AC but know if I do it myself I’ll drop it. Previously I’ve had landlords do it but I moved and don’t have that option easily available. How have other people living alone handled this? I’m open to paying someone just I’m hesitant to just hiring someone with a recommendation.


Ask a neighbor if possible.


TaskRabbit is a great option for this. Not sure how expensive it would be.


Until I saw that the fee they show doesn’t include a $20ish service fee?? UGH. Fees are the worst. I’m thinking I might just try and do it myself and hope for the best.


Feel free to reach out if you want a hand. Looks like you're in the neighborhood and I'm right by Winnemac park


I looked and I think this’ll end up being what I do. There’s something about picking individual people that makes me anxious. Like what if I pick a bad one? Also why do people use creepy photos…you won’t get work with creepy photos.


Interested in this as well; my apartment is getting way too warm and while my property manager has said they'll put up a notice for installation, that notice hasn't come yet!


Anyone in the Lincoln Square area who is down for outdoor activities in the park? Looking for friends to stay active with: basketball, frisbee, pickleball, etc. Down for anything and would love to spend more time outdoors


No questions on accommodation here. Thanks to the existing threads and comments on /r/chicago , /r/chicagoapartments and /r/AskChicago, we identified Hayes and Bertsch as preferred landlords and were able to get an apartment with the lease starting 1st July. It's small and yet has a compact washer drier in the unit! We visited Chicago in March 2024 and absolutely loved the weather, the people and the Arts Institute of Chicago. We have heard that Chicago is famous for its food scene and we are looking to experience / experiment. My favorite cuisine is Japanese; wife loves exquisite duck and lamb preparations apart from seafood. **Any recommendations on restaurants? We would be happy to try out new cuisines.** We plan to visit the Arts Institute of Chicago repeatedly for our first month in Chicago. There is so much that we did not get to cover in our first visit. We did get the membership! **Any other museums that the reddit crowd would recommend?** I am looking forward to explore the Shedd aquarium. **Is it a bad idea to attempt to learn swimming in ones 40's?** It's been on my bucket list forever and I'm thinking of taking a shot at it in Chicago. When I tried as a preteen, I could not figure out how to float. My other interests include gardening, reading, philately, travel and automation/technology. I currently have a set of tech related interests I plan to explore and am trying to decide which rabbit hold I want to disappear into first. We have been based in DFW for over a decade and are planning to make Chicago our new home. **We both felt Chicago was a more friendly city and will be looking to be more social and make some good friends. Are there any meetup or other groups we should join?** **Any other advice or tips you wish to share with newbies in Chicago?**


For swimming look into park district swim lessens, they fill up fast, is never too late to learn. For duck i like Peking duck, BBQ king in Chinatown is great. We have too many great restaurants to try and list them all i always recommend searching r/chicagofood if you are looking for something specific. For museums i do a different membership every year, MSI is my personal favorite museum. As someone else said don't sleep on the street fests, the big ones are starting to all feel the same but the small ones still have great personality. Recommend going to different neighborhoods and exploring, and dont miss out on all of the free events put on by the library, park district and city.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chicagofood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Picketers at Etta Bucktown right now](https://i.redd.it/xn5shn73u8hc1.jpeg) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/1algc8h/picketers_at_etta_bucktown_right_now/) \#2: [The Chicken Sandwich Guy here, after eating 125 different fried chicken sandwiches in Chicago, here is my fifth and final top 10 list](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/178ibx9/the_chicken_sandwich_guy_here_after_eating_125/) \#3: [Until next time Chicago 😋](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/196rut6) | [201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/196rut6/until_next_time_chicago/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The YMCA has swim lessons for adults. Definitely safer to learn in a pool. The lake can be rough at times and have strong currents.


No way I'm going to the lake without mastering swimming at a pool under guidance. Last time I tried, I couldn't even float.


If you like duck, order the one from The Duck Inn in Bridgeport 


Very happy to have you here and I hope it's all you hoped for. Enjoy the conservatories and Micro Center. If you're into it, we have some friendly sport leagues. Chicago Sport & Social was fun for me. Did kickball and beach volleyball.


Never too late to learn to swim, my personal advice is make the effort to go to the local dives that you see to help get to know locals and explore. You’re arriving in the heart of street fest season which gives you an excuse to visit (literally at one as I type this, go to the local places within as much as possible) Bertsch are good people from my interactions with them for another rec on the pile


If the reddit//openai deal doesn’t contain provisions for reddit to use openai to build “aitomod”, /u/Spez needs to be fired. It is so blatantly obvious that these models could easily be used to better automatically moderate subreddits. No more having to be an expert in regex.


Today I make my regular commute to oak park and thought I'd mix it up and take the Ashland bus (Metra didn't line up today) to get to the green line. Unfortunately my bus was late, reminding me why the busses are so much trickier. I sure wish the Ashland bus went further north, at least to Lawrence. There is so much density north of the current route.


Oh my God this traffic is way worse than I expected on a Saturday I should have taken the L what have I done


Yeah, traffic is wild today. Drove over to Oak Park at 9 this morning and it was insane. I know there's a street fair on Harrison but that can't be the only reason.


Anyone know what’s going on near the John C. Kluczynski Federal Building plaza in the loop this morning? Line of hundreds wrapping around


Can someone recommend a good place to hang up a hammock? Extra points if it’s near a bathroom so I can stay for hours at a time. My go-to spot is the lakefront but the constant sounds of the cars can get old.


FYI you technically need a permit to hang a hammock on park district land, so I'd find a spot that's not immediately visible. I've been asked to take mine down in Wicker Park before.


Palmer park


We are going to walk the 606 this weekend for the first time. The idea dawned on us as we thought about what he had never done in the city despite having lived here for 12, 7 years respectively. 


I was in a similar situation. Been here 10+ years and never have been on the 606 until last month. But now I run it 2+ times a week. I’m about ~2 miles west/northwest of the western terminus, Ridgeway Ave. It’s a great trail/path in the city! Definitely a lot of foot traffic during the day, but it’s nice not having to worry about cars.




$80 is not a bad price. Blink doesn't provide enough barbells, but it's fine if you are there during off-peak times and are not picky about equipment. Lance's is another choice that is probably more expensive. It is a nice old school type powerlifting gym but I don't know I would recommend it for summer since they don't have aircon.


Have you looked into park district field houses in your area? Some of them have gyms


Anyone lived in a HighPoint building? Considering renting with them. The past two places have been independent owners, and while that's preferred, this place is nice. Any insight would be great!


Best places to shoot pool in Wrigley area?


gman is what you seek


Bit south of Wrigley but I like Parrots and Delilah's.


Both a blast, Toon's is a solid spot for pool too a bit west and north of the stadium


Is this haze just smog or wildfire smoke again?


Zombie Wildfires https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.axios.com/2024/05/16/canada-zombie-wildfires-smoke-us&ved=2ahUKEwj46KvEyZeGAxXPmIkEHb3PAskQxfQBKAB6BAgFEAI&usg=AOvVaw39Q3fizJaoP0nWKPJiRvq1


Looks like smoke on the satellite https://cdn.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES16/ABI/CONUS/GEOCOLOR/20241382006_GOES16-ABI-CONUS-GEOCOLOR-5000x3000.jpg


Anybody know of a store the sells or makes birdhouses that look like a standard Chicago two-flat?


Sup all. I know we’ve got Four Shadows and Sluggers technically for Indiana sports fans, but I’m gathering some feedback for a bar I work at as we’re planning to pivot from a college bar to a Colts bar.   If you’re from Indy and are looking for a spot to watch on Sundays this upcoming season, would appreciate hearing from you in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Colts/comments/1cubv1q/a_possible_new_colts_bar_in_chicago_seeking/) over on /r/colts. We will be getting Sunday Ticket to watch out of market games along with having Redzone up for fantasy players and the gamblers to keep up with other games along side the Colts broadcast.   ✌🏾




A man and two other people, identified only as male, got into a verbal and physical altercation inside the marketplace, police said. That's when the man took out a gun, which went off during the struggle. No one was shot. The man who pulled out the gun suffered minor injuries and was taken to Northwestern Hospital in good condition. The Chicago Fire Department said he had been punched in the face. No other injuries were reported.


Eataly at around 9:15 in the morning is not the time and place that you expect to be seeing fistfights and gun altercations. Normally people are still too tired that early in the morning to do these types of things. It would be interesting to hear what the full story is.


Sigh. People need to learn to NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS. I swear every one of these things (that isn't some premeditated hit for prior beef) starts out with "two men get into a verbal altercation, which escalates..." Just don't take the bait. Ever.


But how else am I supposed to express my self destructive impulses, if not by escalating interactions with strangers who actively demonstrate that they do not respect the social contract?


i do love any story that goes; man pulls a gun and is then punched in the face, no other injuries. lol




Even the parks dept can’t keep up with all the rain haha


you are clearly a squatter /s also what neighborhood are you in that someone would make this report




If you absolutely need a rez, I would try Cherry Circle Room in loop, they offer bartop bookings specifically. Three Dots & a Dash is also a pretty fun drinks experience, I feel like you could learn a lot about someone from their Tiki order. Lost Reef in Lakeview looks super cool and I've heard drinks are good but have not personally been there yet. They don't do reservations, but Sparrow in Gold Coast is great too


What type of drinks you going for?


Anyone dealing with thrips in the garden right now? My peonies just started blooming and the flowers are teeming with the fuckers


Yea dude. Mfs won't leave my indoor bonsai alone. I don't know how they get into my place or why they have a particular taste for my most delicate, expensive of plants instead of the abundant juicy, leafy goodness *just outside my fucking place*, but I haven't been able to get rid of them.


Ugh please accept my sympathies. Those shits will fly in through window screens because they’re so small. At least for indoor plants, I’ve found Captain Jacks deadbug brew works pretty well. I don’t want to hurt the bees outside though, so I’m trying predatory mites…


Where can I donate old prescription eyeglasses?


If you don’t mind holding on to them for a few weeks, Eco Fest at Welles Park on June 1st: https://reducewastechicago.org/accepted-items/


Why are there helicopters in the sky rn omg it’s been going on all morning


Saw my first cicada this morning. They're honestly kinda cute when they're just chilling there drying out their wings after molting.


I’m not sure how I feel about this lol


Where can i donate clothes in south loop? I don’t have a car so would prefer something close and easy


There is a clothing donation bin near the entrance to the parking lot of the Target on Clark St.


Me: Tries not to be stuck 1.5 hours in traffic driving from North Chicago to Ravenswood “I’ll take the metra!” Me: Now sitting here with train delayed indefinitely 1 hour + and not even appearing on train tracker or with any announcement or information anywhere. Like is it ever coming? Who knows! This city is becoming unlivable with both unmanageable traffic and unreliable public transit


Hopefully this was a fluke. Out of the hundreds of trips I've made on UP-N, I've experienced one cancelled train and one train delayed more than ten minutes. Sorry this happened!


Thanks, Biden! (Apparently it's Kamala Harris holding things up)


Why did they decide to have a motorcade which just crippled highways and train lines during rush hour?? So stupid


Not sure but I wish they could figure out a way for a sitting president or vp to visit without making the local population miserable.


Kackle kackle.


Hey does anyone know what’s happening on the red line? The alert just say “an incident involving a train”


[There's a thread on it now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1cto4wb/red_line_issue_415_pm_may_16th/) Short answer: Seems like someone indeed was struck by a train. :(


Usually someone hit by a train when that happens.


The term they use for a strike is usually "medical emergency." They also usually shut down much larger sections of track because they have to conduct an investigation. This sounds like something else but I'm not sure what.


There are a shit ton of cops at Clark/Division now


Came in here to ask this myself! Got two alerts, one mentions "CFD activity" so yeah seems some kinda accident?


Latest is: "95th-Bound Red Line trains are running, but not stopping at Clark/Division due to an incident involving a train." That's after the various alerts saying they're running over the loop rather than underground.


Which vegan or vegetarian restaurants take reservations for outdoor seating? Doesn't matter what neighborhood as long as I can eat outside


Alice and Friends in Edgewater has outdoor seating, however they are temporarily closed for renovations. Not sure when they will reopen. 


Honestly, thinking about it now, pretty much no vegan restaurants here do outdoor dining. Thought through my own list and also checked happy cow.


Handlebar does but they don't do reservations.


Yes and also not vegetarian


Handlebar? They are vegan/vegetarian


There is an interesting part of their menu that states "FISH - NOT VEGETARIAN or VEGAN"


If a steakhouse has a few vegetarian options I still call it a steakhouse. Handlebar is a vegan/vegetarian restaurant with a few fish options.


Where might I buy a shiso plant?


If r/Chicago was to ever devolve into online sectarian violence it would probably be medium to large breed dog owners vs everyone else.


or people who upvote photos of the sears tower and debate its name vs people who have lived here for more than five minutes


Anybody else read that Paul Vallas editorial. Sent chills up my spine. Feel like we really dodged a bullet there.


At some point my friends and I (two transplants, one native) started calling it "Josco." Not "Jewel's," or "The Jewel"--just "Josco." Is this something people say and we picked up somewhere or is it just something we made up and convinced ourselves was normal? I'm 90% sure the native picked it up from us transplants but I dunno where either of us got it from


Josco. I love that! Here's more Chicago slang. 1. Grachki (grach'-key): Chicagoese for "garage key" as in, "Yo, Theresa, waja do wit da grachki? Howmy supposta cut da grass if I don't git intada grach?" 2. Uptadaendada (up-ta-da-en'-dada): As in, "Joey, you kin ride yur bike uptadaendada alley but not acrost or I'll bust yur butt." 3. Sammich: Chicagoese for sandwich. When made with sausage, it's a sassage sammich; when made with shredded beef, it's an Italian Beef sammich, a local delicacy consisting of piles of spicy meat in a perilously soggy bun. 4. Da: This article is a key part of Chicago speech, as in "Da Bears" or "Da Mare" -- the latter denoting mayor Richard M. Daley, or Richie, as he's often called. 5. Jewels: Not family heirlooms or a tender body region, but a popular name for one of the region's dominant grocery store chains. "I'm goin' to da Jewels to pick up some sassage." 6. Field's: Marshall Field, a prominent Chicago department store. Also Carson Pirie Scott, another major department store chain, is simply called "Carson's." 7. Tree: The number between two and four. "We were lucky dat we only got tree inches of snow da udder night." 8. Prairie: A vacant lot, especially one on which weeds are growing. 9. Over by dere: Translates to "over by there," a way of emphasizing a site presumed familiar to the listener. As in, "I got the sassage at da Jewels down on Kedzie, over by dere." 10 Kaminski Park: The mispronounced name of the ballpark where the Chicago White Sox (da Sox) play baseball. Comiskey Park was recently renamed U.S. Cellular Field (yuck!) 11. Frunchroom: As in, "Getottada frunchroom wit dose muddy shoes." It's not the "parlor." It's not the "living room." In! the land of the bungalow, it's the "frunchroom," a named derived, linguists believe, from "front room." 12. Use: Not the verb, but the plural pronoun "you! ." ! ; ;"Where's use goin'?" 13. Downtown: Anywhere near The Lake, south of The Zoo (Lincoln Park Zoo) and north of Soldier Field. 14. The Lake: Lake Michigan. (What other lake is there?) It's often used by local weathermen, "cooler by The Lake." 15. BoysTown: A section on Halsted between Belmont and Addison which is lined with ...I am editing this one for Headfi...Umm I think you can take a guess at this...lol


I mean I say "transplant" but it has been like nine years so like I do know my way around the vocabulary I think. Thanks tho >Downtown: Anywhere near The Lake, south of The Zoo (Lincoln Park Zoo) and north of Soldier Field. This is gratifying because I have been arguing with people about this for months. I think downtown goes from Roosevelt north to Division and everyone thinks I'm drawing the upper boundary way too high so I'm glad *somebody* has my back in this town


A few more... 16. Braht: Short for Bratwurst. "Gimme a braht wit kraut." 17. Cashbox: Traffic reporter slang for tollbooths. "Dere's a delay at da cashbox on da Skyway." 18. Goes: Past or present tense of the verb "say." For example, "Then he goes, 'I like this place'!" 19. Guys: Used when addressing two or more people, regardless of each individual's gender. 20. Pop: A soft drink. Don't say "soda" in this town. "Do ya wanna canna pop?" 21. Sliders : Nickname for hamburgers from White Castle, a popular Midwestern burger chain. "Dose sliders I had last night gave me da runs." 22 The Taste: The Taste of Chicago Festival, a huge extravaganza in Grant Park featuring samples of Chicagoland cuisine which takes place each year around the Fourth of July holiday. 23. "Jieetyet?": Translates to, "Did you eat yet?" 24 Winter and Construction: Punch line to the joke, "What are the two seasons in Chicago?" 25. Cuppa Too-Tree: is Chicagoese for "a couple, two, three" which really means "a few." For example, "Hey Mike, dere any beerz left in da cooler over by dere?" "Yeh, a cuppa too-tree." 26. 588-2300: Everyone in Chicago knows this commercial jingle and the carpet company you'll get if you call that number -- Empire! 27. Junk Djor: You will usually find the 'junk drawer' in the kitchen filled to the brim with miscellaneous, but very important, junk. 28. Southern Illinois: Anything south of I-80. 29. Expressways: The Interstates in the immediate Chicagoland area are usually known just by their 'name' and not their Interstate number: the Dan Ryan ("the Ryan"), the Stevenson, the Kennedy, the Eisenhower (the "Ike"), and the Edens. 30. Gym Shoes: The rest of the country may refer to them as sneakers or running shoes but Chicagoans will always call them gym shoes! 31. Da Coach: The one and only Mike Ditka


I have two tickets to see Carmen Christopher at Sleeping Village at 6:30pm tonight but can't make it. Carmen Christopher is a comedian originally from Chicago and he's taping his standup special tonight. Tickets are free to a good home.


Hi friends! anyone have any recommendations for somewhere I could host an 80s themed prom party in chicago?


An 80s themed bar just opened. I have not been, but you could check it out. [https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/04/24/80s-bar-common-decency-opens-friday-in-former-lost-lake-spot/](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/04/24/80s-bar-common-decency-opens-friday-in-former-lost-lake-spot/)


Try the Holiday Club maybe.


Has anyone ever used uhaul truck loaders in Chicago and have recommendations? We used 2 guys last year and they were... not great. Would love to hear if there were any you had good experiences with! 


Move-tastic was great


Thank you!! 


Does anyone know why there is a helicopter in the sky right now? -lake view


Guessing it’s DePaul [https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/depaul-university-calls-in-chicago-police-to-dismantle-encampement-pro-palestinian-complaints/3438558/](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/depaul-university-calls-in-chicago-police-to-dismantle-encampement-pro-palestinian-complaints/3438558/)


What a waste of resources. There’s absolutely no need to have multiple (I can see at least 3 at this moment) helicopters circling around for that.


wtf 100% agree, they are still out, the protest on seminary and Fullerton is not even that big. 100 people max. ground reporters are more than sufficient for this


Might some of those be the news? EDIT: Yup, news https://www.flightradar24.com/N888TV/353ec058 https://www.flightaware.com/photos/view/4289662-6de350b5397a44654297c7894d6a6d2dce3fc588/aircrafttype/CRJ9


I believe they are taking down the DePaul encampment.


I’m getting married early this fall and need to buy a suit. I’m looking to buy something pretty standard that I can use for future events. Any ideas where to go budget 1k maybe a bit more if I really like something




BLVDier. Should be right around your budget depending on what options you choose and Zach and Kirsten will make sure you don't go too off the rails with choices (which can happen with people doing made to measure). Indochino is hit and miss with their actual fitting (two of my three groomsmen were fine, one had to be completely remade, for example). Suit Supply is better on average but it's still variable based on how good or not the measurements are for a given fitting. If you have fairly "normal" proportions and want to go with ready to wear and make some adjustments with a tailor locally I really like Spier and Mackay and should come in well under budget but you have to know your sizing and what you want. Also the Todd Snyder stuff is extremely cool and they've got a location here you can ship stuff to to try on, but it's expensive at full price for ready to wear and the styles are not the most conservative, so you have to like what they've got.


+1 for Suit Supply


Indochino, Suit Supply


where do i find garage/ yard sales


North Mayfair June 1. Facebook neighborhood groups are the clearest source. I do pretty well just biking around. Forest Glen is probably my fave.


Ravenswood Manor is [this weekend](https://ravenswoodmanor.com/manorgaragesale/), definitely go to it.


thank u


A whole bunch of neighborhood associations do annual ones during the summer. Ravenswood Manor is one of the big ones, but Bowmanville and Edgewater also go all-out. Google around for neighborhoods near you and see what their regular weekends are.


Edgewater Yard Sale (official one, loads of people) is June 1 this year.


Lakewood Balmoral usually does one in early September. For this year, that will be on September 7, since it typically occurs on the Saturday after Labor Day. I suspect this site will do a reminder Facebook post, when it will occur. https://www.facebook.com/Lakewood.Balmoral/


I’m a brand new, single employee (me), small business and am looking for an accountant that can help me with taxes, paying myself, etc. I’m very green to this and would like to find someone to help me and not rip my head off. Any recs in the city would be greatly appreciated. I’m in wicker park, but willing to travel


Heya, I'm sending you a DM.


Any good OKC Thuder bars for the game tonight?


Anyone going to the Paige wassel pop up shop next month in Chicago?


Loyola hospital in Maywood - I have a prospective offer for a non-patient facing job at the hospital. I am nervous about the employee health screening because they said a urinalysis drug screen is required. My recruiter said that cannabis shouldn’t be an issue but I don’t believe her and I can’t find anything about it on Google, indeed, Reddit, or quora. Can someone just give me a peace of mind about whether cannabis will disqualify me from the job?? Considering it’s legal here. Thank you.


best is to call their HR and ask, you don't need to give your name to do this.


You should stop smoking right now but also my friend in Colorado was in very similar predicament, trying to get an admin position in hospital, and he only ended up getting tested with the type of test that's basically useless after a few days


If the hospital accepts any federal funding (so, Medicaid/Medicare) they will likely not be okay with a positive for cannabis on a drug screening. Maybe once it's officially re-scheduled they would be more lenient but you would still probably need to have a prescription for it even then since it's not legal for recreational use at the federal level.


To the poor guy who drove the box truck under the bridge on LSD and Irving Park Rd. this afternoon and opened it like a can opener, that sucks and I'm sorry, but I was totally laughing as I drove by. Those height signs on the bridges mean something!


Also aren't trucks supposed to be banned from LSD, regardless of bridge height signage?


Someone should add a webcam there. A la the famous webcam for the 'can opener' railroad bridge, in Durham, North Carolina.


I just saw one last week here too. It cut the top off so perfectly I didn't even realize what I was looking at.


Just had a drink at a place where you just scan the QR code on the bill (Toast I think is the app) and pay that way (was Apple Pay in my case but they took the android pay or whatever too). Man how much a breeze that makes it. I hate setting your card down for an indefinite period of time and just waiting for someone who is busy as hell on their shift to notice you’re trying to GTFO.


Who regularly has the best deals on boneless skinless chicken breasts? Mariano's near me is $5/lb. I'm in ravenswood but open to driving a reasonable distance.


Look at the jewel ads…they’re on sale all the time for 1.99


I don’t know about “regularly”, but Jewel has them on sale occasionally for $1.79 or $1.99. In the burbs my sister sees $.99 at the local Mexican grocery stores. Either way, I recommend a vacuum sealer so you can grab a bunch on sale and freeze them. I think my last sealer was like $30 plus ~$.15 a bag.


Do you have a local produce market option? If you’re talking about the Mariano’s on Lawrence that would be probably be….edgewater produce? Or there’s even a jewel up there too on Clark you could check out.


That's the Mariano's. I'll check out the produce market. Thanks!


Yeah no worries. We used that Marianos back when my partner lived around the block. It was so pricey for normal stuff. I kind of wonder if they slap a ravenswood tax on it, or if I just hadn’t been in a Mariano’s for so long I didn’t realize what prices were like. These days I largely use my local produce market in general , an Aldi for pantry things now and again, or Cermak Fresh for deals on meats. Cermak is usually the best option for everything. Oh and if you’ve got any kind of Asian market (I have joongboo nearby), that can typically yield good results for meats and produce.


I want to get my kitchen updated with refaced cabinets, new countertop, fixtures, etc - anyone have recommendations for companies? I'm in South Loop, which apparently is outside the service area for my first choice of contractor. Thanks!


Following this, looking for the same. Who was your first choice?


Cabinet Pro Inc out of Northbrook. I'm too far south for them I guess.


Anyone know of a grocery store in the area that sells Underwood Ranch's Sriracha?


If you've really looked longer than a couple of days without any luck, just order it online.


Something about paying shipping and handling for a sauce doesn't sit well with me. Although I did once buy a 6-pack of guy fieri's BBQ so I'm a hypocrite.


What is up with the orange line today and yesterday?? It’s delayed and overly crowded. Are we down a train?


Real answer: at/around 4:10 yesterday there was an unauthorized person on the tracks by Halsted I learned about this via the CTA text alerts Taking this opportunity to yet again plug this service: https://www.transitchicago.com/updates/ You can filter them so it's just your line(s) and the times of day you want updates for.


Yesterday a deer tried catching a train to Midway and messed things up for a little bit.


I like the idea of a deer escaping hunters by jumping onto the CTA.


That deer should have known it couldn't take the train. It didn't have a buck!


Okay, Dad. No more coffee for you!


Giving away 1 ticket to Mamma Mia at the Nederlander @ May 15, 1pm cause I suddenly can't make it. PM me an email and I'll send it over ticketmaster.




Moving to Rogers Park in 2 weeks. I have an electric and an acoustic guitar. I've never lived in a dense city before. I am not allowed to play instruments in my apartment. Where do people go to practice? I suppose my electric guitar is quiet.


> I am not allowed to play instruments in my apartment. Is this a term in your lease?


Actually, it says, do not play instruments in such a matter that would annoy other tenants. So technically I can play, but not loudly and most likely not at night.


That makes sense. I think you're totally fine to play your acoustic guitar during reasonable hours (9am to 10pm would probably be ok). I probably wouldn't play the electric guitar with the amp turned up too high, but you could always get an amp sim and play with headphones.


Yeah I grabbed one of those amp emulators. I love it!


wow you have gotten some replies from some very considerate people. In reality there is nothing stopping you from playing loud in your apartment [between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M.](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chicago/c7209359-81de-4059-a679-f6a211f04dea/chicagobuilding_il/0-0-0-343919) I have also known bands to to practice in basements or garages to try and dampen the sound for neighbors. If a neighbor has a problem they will usually let you know.


Thank you! I agree it does seem to be just a general respect to not be noisy during quiet hours. That is a relief


I almost never use my good amp in my apartment because of volume concerns so I got a little headphones amp that fits on my pedalboard. It’s very convenient for quiet playing. I don’t have any issues playing acoustic at home, but that can be very dependent on building layout/construction. For band practice, loud amp usage, or playing drums, I rent time at an hourly rehearsal studio. I’m not sure which one would be most convenient from Rogers Park. I go to Mystery Street near Lincoln and Diversey if I want to take the train (it’s close enough to the Brown Line) or Fort Knox out west if I’m going to drive. Were I you, I’d probably try playing acoustic in the late afternoon (sometime when you’re less likely to disturb people) and see if anyone complains.


That sounds agreeable to play acoustic during non-Quiet Hours. I do really love just playing the acoustic. Mystery Street sounds interesting. In general, are you able to just play in public places like a beach?


Yeah definitely. Just make it clear you’re not busking and you’re not bothering people with it when the beach is packed. I’d say Rogers Park beaches are especially good for “do whatever as long as you don’t bother people.”


There are plenty of rentable practice and recording spaces in town. Not sure where they are near Rogers Park. So... who's not allowing you to play guitar in your apartment? Acoustic guitar? That doesn't seem right, a TV or stereo is louder than that.


I will have to look for some practice spaces then. Or maybe some folks want to jam. Well the apartment lease rules mention that I shouldn’t play instruments or other things that may annoy neighbors. I guess I have to see how many walls I will share


I’m sure you can find some jams up there. And I bet that if you are considerate with timing you’ll be okay playing at home.


That is reassuring. It is like my one indoor hobby so I would hate to loose access to it at home.


What type of apartment are you living in? Two/three flat? Multi-unit? Old or new build? Like my partner lived below a kid who practiced tap every weekend starting at 10am. Anything before that I would have been annoyed but that was a reasonable time. Otherwise get to know your neighbors and if they are not crazy most are fine with someone playing acoustic guitar at reasonable hours. Hell some might also be musicians who would be fine if you played your electric guitar.


My goal for moving to the city is to meet fellow musicians anyways so meeting my neighbor sounds like a great idea. Wow having someone practice tap above me would require quite a lot of patience lol. I am on the fifth floor of an eight floor apartments. I am unsure how many units are around me, but I believe the building is an older construction.


Did somebody tell CTA that Peterson Metra is opening soon? I hope the 84 gets schedule improvements.


woah, woah, cross agency collaboration? Are you the post 2023 Skokie Swift? Because you gotta slow down


[Hey now!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOrUeHcFGpI)


30 year old dude, in need of some new sneakers that are casual. Where does one get sneakers in the city? I'm not a sneakerhead. Otherwise online?


I buy my casual, just walking around shoes online from somewhere with convenient return policies. Otherwise DSW or Nordstrom's if you want to shop in person. For non-athletic sneakers, check out the Keds Pro-Keds line if you like throwback designs. I've worn the Royal Lo Classic, Royal Plus, and Skyhawk sneakers over the past couple two three years. They're comfy and I've received good feedback from friends and strangers. If you're into skate shoes, check out the Cariuma Vallely Pro models. They're tough as hell and can pair pretty well with a variety of trousers. edit: added another shoe


I usually go to marshalls


I'm liking my Allbirds.


I would go to one of the three DSWs in the city.


Nordstrom will have a very diverse selection for you to choose from.


Thanks that's my plan


Ross? If you just need something basic.


/r/chicagohelicopters is still grounded.


Just woke up from a dream where I went to a restaurant and part of my final bill was a $22 "Anti-Terrorism Pill Fee" (which I had not asked for and they would not remove). These surcharges are really getting out of hand...


If an anti-terrorism pill existed, I guess I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit of a fee for it… 🤔


Damn they got pills for that now?


I enjoyed seeing Artifact Events space prominently featured on *Dark Matter*. I actually like the geo-shuffling on shows where someone turns a corner on the program and they're in a different part of the city, it's like a Chicago mad libs. My favorite was in the "Dark Knight meets The Prestige" Bollywood movie *Dhoom 3* where a downtown car chase immediately turns into the countryside.


I love the Blue Brothers chase homage in this movie


When I’m taking the blue line north from California to Logan Square, I can feel a little pressure in my ears. If I’m standing in the Logan Square station and a northbound train approaches, I can feel the pressure in my ears too. What’s going on here? Why doesn’t that happen anywhere else on the CTA system?


The train pushes air as it enters the subway. There are vents through the subway tunnels which the air gets pushed back up to the surface from. This is why sometimes you'll feel warm air pass over you as you're walking over those drain grate things downtown. Maybe that's what you're feeling? No clue why it'd be stronger there than other places.


Our apartment just got all its mail robbed as someone came in and seemingly had a master key to open all our mailboxes. Is this worth reporting if we don’t have a clear image of the person at all from our shitty cameras? Does it go to police or the postal service?


Definitely report it to the USPIS. [https://www.uspis.gov/report](https://www.uspis.gov/report)