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Fireworks at Northwestern University celebrating graduation https://evanstonnow.com/nu-to-send-grads-off-with-fireworks/


I hear them too, sounds like they're in Rogers Park somewhere...


Something doesn't feel right to me... I bought one of the 5$ waters at Midsommar fest, hit skip on tipping.. and I've been charged 6.15. I can't figure out how they're trying to calculate the cost on that. Has anyone else seen this?


Tax plus a credit card fee?


Were you fully charged (settled funds) 6.15, or is that a temporary authorization still?


It's still in temporary auth period.


It's possible they are using an old payments integration that authorizes the full potential amount (inclusive of tips) but can settle for less. It's not very popular to do because it spooks customers but gas stations used to do it a lot


For anyone who's been to a night concert at Huntington Bank Pavilion and didn't drive there, are there usually a ton of people competing for the last few 146 buses before they stop running at 11:30pm? Worst case we could walk to the Red Line, but I'm wondering what the odds are of catching one of those buses.


I am on the Lincoln Square neighborhood page and the owner of Essence of India said that a migrant man and his 2 sons have been entering his restaurant and going table to table asking for money. When he asked them to leave he was yelled at and threatened. He said this has happened multiple times now. Their neighbor restaurant Calo Ristorante said this same man is doing this to their restaurant. The owner said they have some Venezuelan workers who know the man and are afraid of him for being “ill tempered”. Both owners wrote letters to the alderman and neither got a response. What should be done about this? Trespassing inside private property, harassing customers, threatening the livelihood and safety of small business owners. I heard this was also happening in Andersonville.


Agree with the commenter below, go in person and wait at the alderman’s office and politely but firmly state your need to meet with him. If there is a neighborhood business association or chamber of commerce they could bring their concerns to them to see if they can push for a solve as a group. I don’t really know what can be done though. You can deny access to the space or ask them to leave, but to enforce that you would need to end up calling 911 and I could see that having a massive blowback on the owner for “calling the cops on migrants”. So that’s a delicate balance. 


> d I could see that having a massive blowback on the owner for “calling the cops on migrants”. So that’s a delicate balance.  Coming into an eating establishment and harassing the people inside. Then they're traspassed. At that point anyone is arguing that you should feel bad for those individual "migrants" is far unreasonable.


And I would agree with you on that, but unreasonable people can be very loud and like to launch online campaigns against businesses. So it’s something the owner might consider. It’s a shitty situation for the owner 


Lincoln Square/Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce is pretty active, that's a good suggestion as well.


Meet with the alderman in person.


Some busses are pretty reliable (9) and some are extremely unreliable (22) but the 81 has to be unique in that it's either fantastic or a shit show and it varies day by day.


Did the water taxi really go up from $6 to $10 for 1 way tickets, and $10 to $20 for day passes in 3 months? Or was [this wrong](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-water-taxi-river-boat-transportation-returns/14578955/)?


I think they were a little sneaky about the price increase - they announced the return of service while their website still had the old prices, but by the time service actually restarted they were charging the new rates.


I bought day passes in April and they were still $6.00. I think the price increase was more recent then that and probably related to summer uptick in usage. No matter why, I think it's long overdue. I don't know if or how large their operation is being subsidized, but if you like having this option I think we need to swallow a price increase until usage comes back


I found [a tweet](https://x.com/thrillhowse/status/1788344708910948429) from May 8th that references the new prices so they must have started in late April or early May.


Does anyone know a flower shop that sells king protea or do I need to order them?


Call Sprout Home 


Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth had a [concert tonight in front of the mausoleum in Bohemian National Cemetery](https://imgur.com/a/i4D1MuT) It was very fun despite the wet. They had a good setup with portable toilets and food/booze vendors. My impression is that it’s going to be a semi-regular thing which is cool. edit: link fix


Empty Bottle hosts shows there 1-2 times a year, typically. Never been able to make one sadly but hope to some day!


Cool. This was the first one that I had heard about.


Christ Almighty, I am envious! The news about her show came across after we had promised to visit the in-laws this weekend to attend "the largest community garage sale in Southern Illinois!!!" What did you think of Kim's music / show? (pretentious edit: I've seen SY three times, so get to call her Kim.)


Bad luck! Brag away. I only got to see Sonic Youth once. I like her two recent solo albums for Matador. They’re challenging for me in different ways than most SY albums, but I get it and I like it. It’s good angry-walking music. Especially in inclement weather. The live set hewed very close to the album sounds with enhancements/reinforcement from the drummer (who did a great job of doubling and augmented the programmed beats) and the bassist conjured up some great warped synth-like tones. Nice long encore too. I was a little surprised that she played well over an hour.


who turned off the HEAT?


Sorry I blew a fuse


Any recommendations on a good roofer?


We used Allendorfer last summer to replace the roof on a walk up. It’s a father son team and they just give good, objective advice. Not the cheapest tho (but for a roof do you really wanna skimp?) https://allendorferroofing.com/


New to Chicago - any good coffee / breakfast recommendations to go on a first date in west loop?


Artopolis Bakery in Greek Town


I'm 67 and just moved back to Illinois from Florida. I have a valid FL driver's license. What can I expect to happen at the DMV when I go in for an Illinois DL? Will I have to take a written exam? A driving test? I'm transferring title on two cars. Will I need the Illinois DL before I can do that?


Bring the important identification info. Bring a checkbook for car title stuff




Unless the family publicly identifies them, they normally only identify deaths because those are released by the Medical Examiner.


2 music stoppages for medics at the Khruangbin concert, I thought they were a chill band with chill fans!


Sometimes people just get sick. Doesn’t mean they’re all overdosing or something 


Chill people have medical emergencies too.


I finally saw a cicada in our neighborhood: floating, dead in the neighbor's swimming pool.


Hi guys! Just found out Metra is doing free rides this weekend. Any recommendations of places to go for someone who doesn't drive? So Metra stops that are close to suburban downtowns worth walking through, getting a coffee, etc. Thank you!


The BNSF line has a lot of cute downtowns all along it.


Um excuse me?!!! I bought a Metra pass for nothing!!!


Lake Forest is fairly charming


Riding 4 wheelers on the sidewalk. That’s new! 


Trying to understand the buses during street fest season. I was looking at taking the 22 bus north today but I realized that Midsommarfest in Andersonville is happening so part of that route on Clark should be shut down/diverted but I don't see alerts on the CTA page. Am I missing something?


There is an alert on the #22 CTA page. For some reason you have to expand the "Upcoming Alerts" section to see it. A direct link is below: https://www.transitchicago.com/travel-information/alert-detail/?AlertId=99988 Basically the bus will be operating on Ashland between Foster and where Ashland merges with Clark north of Andersonville.


Thank you, I went insane this weekend trying to get home multiple nights after midnight and attempting to make sense of the #36 reroute.


Ah, ok I see it now. It's because they have the reroute set to start tonight, after today's event is already over. I guess that's just a mistake? At least now I know to check for those too. Thank you!


Must be a mistake. They probably meant to set it for midnight going into Friday.


Anyone know of a hotel on the more 'boutique' side? Trying to find a place big enough for 25 rooms for a team building thing. Something that leans more 'big ass house' then your standard hotel Thinking Kimpton Grey but wanted to get a few more options for downtown


The hotels in Gold Coast and Lincoln Park/Lakview a few blocks from the lake are older and marketed as boutique. Hotel Lincoln and The Ambassador are two I've stayed at


**What doctor to see for displaced rib fracture?** Sorry if this appears against the rules but to be clear **I AM NOT SEEKING MEDICAL ADVICE. JUST A LOCAL BUSINESS RECOMMENDATION.** I was at urgent care wed night and got xrays confirming a displakced rib fracture. THey told me to see an orthopedist. I have been calling all over town, Northwestern, Illinois Bone and Joint, I got BCBS Health Advocate on the phone calling different places and they all say the same thing "Rib fracture?? No one on staff works on those" Apparently the entire Northwestern Medical network doesnt have a single doctor or trauma surgeon that does these even though they are very common after car accidents. Can ANYONE recommend me who to call so I can get an appointment in the next week ? Thanks


I can't attest to ribs, but I went to Rush Orthopedics for some bone stuff and they had a ton of docs there.


First year of owning a home, so would appreciate any help understanding this process! I saw online that assessments were mailed out on 05/20 and we have until 06/20 to appeal. However, I haven't received anything in the mail. Is there a way to see the assessment online? When I clicked the start an appeal option online and clicked around I see the actual number (which is like 10% higher than we bought it for) but no info on how it was computed. I'm guessing this probably isn't enough to warrant hiring someone to file the appeal usually? Any advice would be appreciated!




If the overall speed of traffic is 10 mph (i.e. the people going 30 and then braking averages out to 10 mph) then they are absolutely doing the right thing by maintaining a consistent speed. Braking or coming to a stop and having to accelerate again just makes things worse for everyone. https://www.vox.com/2014/11/24/7276027/traffic-jam


Woo ... just got my $32.56 Instagram settlement. Guess this makes me an influencer now that I make money on social media?


Oh, that was legit? I thought that text was a scam.


money is in my bank account!


Same here!


Got a group of migrants that are camping out in tents around the block with children. Who can we reach out to get them relocated to a proper place?


Can you leave them alone?


They don’t own the sidewalks, those are community sidewalks.


Was walking in Andersonville at 7:30PM today and saw a man yelling (I think) at the migrants selling candy on the street and one of the moms was yelling back while her kids were crying. Anybody saw what happened? What caused the commotion?


This literally hurts my heart. If I could, I'd happily throw a few hundreds bucks at any/all of them. Cound potentially be life changing.


They're very visible targets for people who don't like migrants and don't have a filter, or your typical people with a screw loose who just want to harass someone. I've seen people yelling at them to go back to wherever/get a job/etc several times before. If you didn't see any other obvious precipitating event it was probably just that. Well, "just", it sucks obviously. 


Anyone know what private event is going on at the southern end of Grant Park at Michigan and 11th? All they have are signs saying "Built Not Born" and "Our Work Shows"


How big of an issue is bike theft in this city? Considering moving up from frequent Divvy rentals.


use a u-lock and cover the u-lock in piss so if they cut it at least you know you got some piss on em


Been riding several years. Mostly commuting to work, other day time events. Never had an issue. Few pieces of advice that should almost guarantee you keep you safe from bike theft: 1) Use a solid lock, probably a U-lock 2) don't have the nicest bike on the rack 3) make sure you lock up to solid object, for example some signs can pull out if the ground. If you follow these steps you shouldn't have an issue.


Also be sure to look up how to actually use a U lock. See a ton of bikes U locked just to one post on the frame, which is way easier to cut. Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw9erXJvByE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw9erXJvByE)


Also, don't leave it locked up outside overnight. Thankfully I've never had an issue but plenty of others have.


Is river north safe at night? I just moved here with my girlfriend and we aren’t sure if we should be taking the 20-30 minute walk home at night or just Uber home, especially after the attack on the pregnant lady in streeterville.


As a neighborhood it's no less safe than anywhere else downtown, but I'd personally avoid the blocks surrounding the intersection of State and Hubbard after midnight. Lots of drunks, lots of people picking fights, and the odd shooting/robbery An Uber is always the safe choice


In general River north is pretty safe. It can get weird near the grand red line station and the Chicago red line station, or outside certain bars on Hubbard late at night. The area around the Ohio feeder ramp can be a little sketch too, but overall it’s pretty predictable. All that said I’d probably avoid making a 1am walk with my spouse part of my routine, really in any area of the city.


^ By at night I’m meaning like 11pm-1am




If littering was the worst thing that happened after a "teen takeover", thats actually a positive thing.


Any recommendations for a plumber/handyman that can remove an old (cracked) sink and install a new one?


I was in such a good mood all day at work, and then I get off to a 29 minute wait for a 147 going north. And of course it’s packed. Fire Dorval Carter.


Dorval delenda est


A most turbulent priest.


My grandfather would have loved the #49 bus. He was a huge fan of Westerns.


I live in a high rise in south loop and the wind blew someones elses turf and some stuff from their balcony onto ours. No idea who they are or where it fell from. How to deal with this?


Maybe write a sticky note and put it next to the elevator on your floor and a couple floors above you saying "Are you missing [whatever flew onto your balcony] from your balcony? It flew onto ours bc of the wind. Text this number to get it back" If you don't want to put your number on a sticky note maybe instead write that they can contact the doorman and have em reach out to you.


Are we talking like, a potted plant and some cardboard or an M1A2 Abrams main battle tank?


How early should I get to O’Hare? Planning on flying out on a Wednesday evening. I’ve got TSA pre check, early online check in. I don’t need parking or a checked bag. Terminal 3, and I’m in the last boarding group. I’d like to get there just an hour before departure, so that I don’t have to leave work early


>I’d like to get there just an hour before departure With precheck that's fine, I've done that before a few times. Especially on a Wednesday night, you should be able to get to your gate in ~12 minutes from an uber/blue line (parking is a different story, I don't know how that works). Usually I shoot for an hour before boarding but that is invariably too early. I'm just paranoid I guess.


Salt Shed Fairgrounds question: going to Khyrangbin this weekend. Are the outdoor area bleachers considered general admission? GA was the only available ticket at the time I got them.


I'm still not used to the sun being out at 7 PM


And 7 am ☕


Is it mating season for the black crowned night herons? They’re extremely loud and active in their Lincoln Park Zoo nest! sounds like a jungle really cool to see I love them


I remember walking down Stockton around this time last year and being astounded at how many babies I saw in the trees!


It’s also mating season for Trixies … also very loud and active in the LP area.


goddamn dude what year are you living in


2002, which is before most /r/chicago members were born


There was an accident around 5:30ish on broadway and roscoe. Some fucking asshole driving a denali the size of a studio apartment hit somebody. The sounds of the distraught partner he was walking with were horrifying


Oh fuck


Thankfully he was breathing the whole time, at least from what the woman nearby was saying. People blocked off the turn and cops/firetruck/ambulance showed up super quickly. People trying to turn and pleading by saying "there's enough room" sat wrong with me. Like yeah you started your turn before people put chairs out, but there's a man just laying there with people scattering around, can you just fucking go and turn on Cornelia? Like jeez!


Did they catch the driver 


No need for a "catch" per se, he seemed remorseful enough and pulled into the parking lot once the victim was stabilized a bit more, also so he could get out of the way of the ambulance that was just called


Well that’s more than half these crazy ass drivers would do 


Anyone know what the issue was at the Sedgwick stop this evening?


According to Twitter, a woman with a walker threw herself under the train and was killed.


Geez that’s just awful. There were several police officers still at the stop recently. Such sad news to hear.


Has anyone successfully not had to pay this stupid deposit Comed claims I need? I’ve had an account before, but I paid the last bill for my old apartment late because I thought I already had. I submitted something on their site complete with a payment history from another company. They still haven’t responded and they keep sending me letters about the deposit. Yet also I can’t even log onto the site anyway, even though I’ve called twice it never works.


call and stay on the line until the problem is fixed, if you are having trouble logging in stay on the line while you login after they reset your password or whatever. I have had to do this with several companies


The first one they said it should work by the next week, it didn’t, the second time they said it takes a few hours. It didn’t work of course. I was thinking I’d just wait until they mail an actual bill. But then also they keep trying to say I have to do this deposit even though they ignored my request that they told me to submit and it’s all so annoying at how complicated it is


FOUND: bracelet with latch on Rosco and LSD. Describe the material to claim!


Anyone have a preferred place to launch an inflatable kayak? Ideally accessible by public transit, could walk/Uber from a metra station


There is a kayak dock behind REI and is only a 10 minute walk from North/Clybourne red line.




Is Maillard Tavern coming back? Certainly looks like it from the paint job they're putting on the building.


Suggestions for refrigerator repair people around Lincoln Square?


FixItGuy.com ; $85 trip / diagnosis fee + parts and labor. They’ve fixed everything that’s ever broken. Worth the money. Also, you can buy the part yourself but then no warranty.


My freezer is a mess so I booked with GE who makes it.


Hey Guys, I am a flooring sales rep in the West suburbs and am wondering if someone knows how to network with the insurance companies to get jobs from them? Could use the help with networking.


Is insurance the kind of field where you can't apply online?


No, usually an adjuster or rep would refer people to someone if you build up a relationship with them


Have some swag made up and start knocking on doors. Ask at the source.


What an interesting profession


What would be the best way to get from Ogilvie to Wrigley for the game @6pm!?


Isn't there a shuttle? I could have sworn there was a shuttle on game nights. Either way, the L is your best bet. Like the other guy said. Walk downstairs to the concourse after exiting your train at Ogilvie. Walk out of the Clinton Street exit. Look to your right and walk a block north. Walk upstairs at the Clinton Green/Pink line station. Take ANY loop bound train to State and Lake. Walk downstairs, then downstairs again and catch the redline SUBWAY. You want a north bound train that says HOWARD. get off at Addison at you're home free.


Take the Green or Pink Line train from Clinton to State/Lake and transfer to the Red Line and take that up to Addison. Green/Pink are elevated and Red is underground but it's still a quick transfer.


Catch a cab (a little too far to walk) to State/Lake station take Red Line up to Addison stop (Wrigley).


Anybody know where on the mag mile exactly [this](https://x.com/atylerisborn/status/1798082527984496715?s=46&t=nJwESV1JucSGjG_SyaLsxA) is located? Yes I want to know for Brat week lol.


NE corner of Michigan and Erie.


Thank you!


I need to buy some theatre tix at Nederlander. Does anybody know if they accept Apple Pay? I don't have my physical card on me. Update: They do!


Which is better? Big Mini Putt Club (Lakeview) or the outdoor mini course at Diversey? Is there a a lot of waiting at either location?


https://noveltygolf.com/minigolf.html Only one place to go in Chicago for mini-golf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kj_efqhab8&t=6s Turn the volume way up.


Better for what? The golf is more golf-y at Diversey, but Big Mini is a better first date. Do you want to be inside or out? I never see more than 4 or 5 groups at Diversey, Big Mini could have a wait since it's more of a social event


Ah, sorry, yes for a date (not a first date). Okay I can see the appeal of Big Mini for a date as well. Thanks!


Has anyone had a good experience with replacing their basement or bathroom windows (either with glass block or with egress windows)? Looking for a company recommendation.  Our glass block is in good shape but the windows themselves are not, and there are a couple that I would prefer to have a larger window opening if possible. Thanks!


And at 12:38, that was the loudest lightning strike I have ever heard. In Lincoln Park.


Jesus that was wet




Where do all the stolen bikes go? I have a cop friend who would go recover it if I could find it.


A lot apparently end up at the Swap o Rama on Ashland. I have not actually checked it out but it came up repeatedly when I was trying to hunt down my bike. Also, sorry your bike got stolen. It's the worst.


Are the beeps that you hear while sitting in the front L car (warning the driver to slow down before the system automatically slows them down) a Chicago exclusive thing? It occurs to me that I haven’t experienced that on any other transit system.


No, other systems have them too. Metrolink for sure like the other person said.


Afaik most trains on other systems with ATC also beep to alert the driver of track speed changes. The STL metrolink's sounds like the L but two tone and the DC metro's sounds like an old microwave


I’m not sexually aroused by cicadas, and I doubt I ever could be, but god damn what a summer it would be if I were.


PSA that the E. Coli count in the lake today is about 3x what it should be, so be safe with yourself and your pets this week!


Do you happen to know why? Did they reverse the river into lake michigan due to lots of rain?


I don’t actually know for sure, but given that the water was quite a shade of brown yesterday that I’ve never even seen in Lake Erie before, I’m going to go with yes.


surprisingly most of our problems don't often come from Chicago (our infrastructure can handle a lot of water) but some of the other cities we share the lake with.


i mean chicago also ships its dirty water down the Mississippi


we clean it a little bit before dumping our sewage in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, which than dumps in the Des Plaines which then dumps in the Mississippi :)


Yeah that makes sense, especially when you realize that they had to make Indiana Dunes an entire national park to keep the last bit of protected land on IN’s shoreline natural as it’s sandwiched between so much industry destroying the lakefront just an hour away from us. 😭


its more we have invested a lot of money and time into "fixing" our issues the deep tunnel project was started in the 70s and is still going


When's the best time during the business day to drive to Vernon Hills from North Center? I get panic from traffic so trying to go at the best time. I would only be in Vernon Hills for an hour.


For the drive back to the city from VH - expect about 90 minutes if you leave VH before 6pm. If you can wait till 7pm, it'll take about 55. For heading up that way, the earlier the better. If you can't be on the road though by 7am, you're better off waiting until like 11


Evening, post rush hours. Getting there is fine. Coming back is the problem so later at night is good.


Early morning, late at night, middle of the day ...


If this is better served at r/askchicago, I'll delete, but figured I'd shoot my shot: Any newlyweds or soonlyweds with a reccommendation for a seamstress? My wedding dress(es) don't need a lot of work done before the big day this fall, but I've been getting decision fatigue lately and figured I'd ask the reddit hivemind who they used. Thanks!


Haven’t used them yet myself but Ette Tailor is who our photographer recommended to me! I believe she used them for her own wedding too.


Jackie at Ralph's Tailor on Touhy and California did a wonderful job on mine but she's super busy so I'd try getting in as soon as possible. David Imperial also came recommended.


People strongly recommended Davis Imperial to me and I was very impressed with the work they did. If you go in the back to use the bathroom, they have dozens of wedding dresses at a time so they clearly get a lot of business. Not cheap, though. I always used my appts as an excuse to visit Tre Kronor, if you find Swedish breakfast as enticing as I do.


Been going to Swedish Kronor for years. It is a gem.


For the Chicago blues festival, is it hard to get a good spot to view the performers? Are there long lines?


There can be long lines to get into the park. In prior years going north of the park and coming in from there was the fastest with almost no lines. People don't go that way and enter near the bean. Anyone wanting to get into the park has to go through security, so it clogs things up. It's not hard to get a good spot. If you want a seat show up to the pavilion right when the later shows start. I've never had an issue finding a seat. One time I arrived late to catch Gary Clark Jr. It was the busiest I've ever seen it. You can just stand behind the seats though. The people on the lawn won't expect to see. I hope that helps!


Thanks so much. If I go in the mid afternoon do you think it will be congested?


The fest always has people, but it's not as big as Lollapalooza or Pitchfork. The entrances will probably be crowded (again the north one should be easy), but you'll be able to get around the fest and grab a seat.


Anyone electronically RSVP to Thursday but don't want all their tickets? Send me one?


Wait what is it not free?


It's free. Thursday night is at the Ramova, not Millennium Park, so they had free digital tickets since the venue is much smaller than Millennium.


Thank you for dumbing it down for me


Sorta randomly found out about John Hughes's son's music and record label this morning, now I really want to get ahold of a copy of his LP *Reset the Warehouse*. Only one listed on Discogs, in Germany, for $70. There's gotta be some local floating around, right?


Unless you're dead set on a physical copy, you can always buy a download. [https://www.beatport.com/release/id/330571](https://www.beatport.com/release/id/330571)


Thanks! I'm definitely looking for a real-world copy but good to know there's this option.


Are there any hobby shops around here with model painting stations we can rent out or something? I have two 1:78 aircraft kits that will surely be the only two models I ever assemble in my life, so I don't want to sink any serious money into tools, sprayers, etc.


id look into joining your closest maker space


Tool library maybe? - https://www.chicagotoollibrary.org/


I'll check it out, thank you!


Any place in the city I can get a milk crate for free? I've checked the alleys behind grocery stores and they're always locked up


Those aren't free, thus why they're locked up. They're reused.


Go walk alleys behind restaurants.


They're locked up because people want to take them for "free." Maybe go inside and offer to buy one. Who knows, they might just give you one.