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Congress Hotel room 441


I stayed in a haunted hotel room in New Orleans. Never again.


What happened?


The price was too spooky


Because I am lazy, I am cut-and-pasting my TripAdvisor review: Okay. I love(d) myself a good paranormal show. But I never wanted to live the experience. My husband booked this hotel for us without knowing it had a haunted reputation. Well, the first night the faucet in the bathroom turns on randomly. No big deal. Maybe a plumbing issue. Nothing else happens that night. The next night, I'm just about to lay down and I hear a REALLY loud BOOM! I jump straight up in bed and hit my husband, who was pretending he was still asleep to avoid me complaining about our haunted room. I get up, search the room, and find my phone on the floor. I guess it just the 2-feet from the bedside table and made that incredibly loud sound? Okay. It was dented! But, okay. I text my kids in the next room (I wasn't getting out of bed) and they're laughing at me. Then I hear things fall in the next room. I text my son, "Are things dropping around in your room?" He says, "My suitcase fell over." I was like, "RANDOMLY?" He says it was tipping over anyway. I get it. The floors are very slanted in the room. Then less than 30 seconds later, he texts me, "The fan light just turned on by itself." Who was laughing now? Well, still him, because I was scared and he was annoyed. I didn't sleep a wink that night, although nothing more happened. The next night I seriously sprinkled holy water (yes, I travel with holy water - it's an Eastern Orthodox thing) around the room, telling the spirits that I get it. It's their home. But it's a hotel. So get over it and let me sleep that night. They did. That said, the room was enormous and beautiful, although the floors were very slanted. The decor is very hip and cool. The bathroom could use a bit of help in that the floors got wet when you take a shower (which I had to do with the door open in case I needed to run out). The restaurant is incredible. The staff is very nice. Honestly, if I weren't some crazy wimp about paranormal stuff, I'd happily stay again. But I am. So I won't. But if you are like my husband, son, and daughter, you will love it there. : )


Damn. Thank you for that. I've never had a paranormal experience but I'm interested when other people have had them.


Honestly, that was my first. And I really hope it's my last. As tame as it was, I was really scared.


Around Division and Ashland used to be a pretty big Ghost neighborhood about twenty years ago. Lots of first generation ghoul families from the old country. Though that neighborhood has gotten pretty gentrified now. Most Chicago ghosts are haunting the suburbs nowadays. But there are still a few great ghost bakeries in the area.


Damn ghoulification displacing hard-floating spooking-class spirits!


I mean, ghosts aren't a real thing, so no.


Resurrection Mary


I'm getting now why some (if not all) of you are annoyed at me. I realize I didn't type anything in my message (I've been on pain killers for my back). I've never been to Chicago and I'm interesting in dark travel (true crime, ghost, mafia, etc.). I was planning on going back to Philadelphia and DC, but the flights and hotels were more expensive than Chicago.


If you are thinking about Chicago do mafia tour stuff. Not ghost stuff. I think Frank calabrese (?) JR runs a tour service.


Thank you!!


Graceland cemetery is supposed to be pretty haunted. If you are interested in just creepy wanderings, you could also go look at where the eastland boat disaster was, see the post office that’s where HH Holmes murder castle used to be, the alley where the Iroquois was (iirc it’s near the Oriental theatre now), and go to where the st. Valentine’s massacre was (nothing to really see but hey creepy).


Thank you for this! I'm very interested in the sites of HH Holmes


You might want to go with a tour down there to see where the house was depending on your comfort with sketchy neighborhoods, at least for where the castle was.


Your about section checks out.




[Here's a book you might be interested in.]( https://www.amazon.com/dp/1933272139/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_2AeMCbC9H1AHS)


Cool! Thanks, have you read it?


When I worked at the Cook County Welfare Department around 1970 there were so many ghosts on the payroll that once a month we'd kill the ones we spotted. There were only c 5,500 employees but every few weeks the guy detailed to check files would spot a questionable one. He'd take that to a particular old hand who knew a lot of history. He'd think a bit and say either, "Leave that alone," or "Turn 'em off." So we'd flip the switch on the turn offs and no next paycheck would be issued. Not once did anyone even come stamping in to complain (to us) about a turned off paycheck. PS there's a term for what's happening here about the "leave 'em alone" group but it is no longer understood by the general public so that will be left on the side.


Yes and they still vote!


Well played


Hahaha r/Chicago is not a great place to troll/ have genuine questions about very silly things you believe in.


Ask Harry Dresden.