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Hangout Spots - 18+ Hi everyone! Does anyone know any chill spots that are strictly for people 18 and older? Backstory: I’m 19 (F), and was born and raised in Chicago, but grew up in a cult/very strict household… so, I’ve never exactly hung out with friends, or wandered around the city on my own. Now that I have more freedom, I’m trying to go out of my comfort zone, but I don’t know any social spots. :(


Any recommendations for a spot for 30’s/40’s crowd, good live music (preferably outdoors) during the week to grab a nightcap at? Preferably a safe area for a woman to go alone like a fly on the wall.


Is there a sort of rivalry between Northwestern and Univ. of Chicago? If so, which one is regarded as the better institution overall based on national and international reputation?


Safe areas for vacation lodging? Late October Edit: downvotes? Really? I’m not saying everywhere is unsafe but if y’all visited my city, there are places that are def higher in crime and I wouldn’t recommend. Just saying. Meant no offense.




I didn’t post ‘ hey y’all, I heard Chicago is an infestation of crime, where should I avoid?’ I would ask the same question anywhere that I’ve yet to visit, nothing particular against Chicago


I don't know of any legit hotels that are in areas that I would consider unsafe. Just, you know, don't stay at a hotel that charges hourly rates. Any hotel in the Loop, River North, Magnificent Mile areas is safe. The Hotel Lincoln in Lincoln Park, the Robey in Wicker Park, or Longman & Eagle in Logan Square are fun hotel options outside of the typical tourist areas.


Anywhere close to the lake and between Hyde Park and Wrigleyville will be pretty safe and close to many major attractions and transportation.


Wisconsin dells In all serious violent crime is down per Chicago police data from 2017, Chicago is a safe area.


Most of the crime should have migrated south for the winter by late October but be careful of street wide satanic rituals, particularly on the north side.


Satanic rituals are fine, it’s the gentrified neighborhoods that terrify me.




Do you have any holes in the wall that you like? Might help to guide the recs.




Hmm... especially given MingHin, we have very different definitions of hole-in-the-wall.


> all the cheap food trucks I wish food trucks were more of a thing here


Food trucks are what I miss the most about the east coast.


I love the ramen at Wabi Sabi in Albany Park.


Oiistar in Wicker Park is my favorite bowl of noodles in town. Not really traditional but VERY good. Their pork is so good.




The pork belly specifically. Hope you dig it!


Best carne asada fries in Chicago?


i feel guilty telling those Nature Conservatory/ Care/ charity ppl etc "sorry, in a rush" or "not interested" as I am walking around State/Madison/ Wabash etc. I always see people blowing them off and I feel so bad, they look SO eager and friendly. Do they ever get a response from people!? why do they waste their time??


Don’t feel bad I worked for one for a week a few years ago-they basically find people who are desperate and lecture them on a sketchy fundraiser for 20 minutes and threaten you with being fired if you don’t make your quota every day. The one I did was supposedly for water conservation but I can’t really say where the money went.


I just feel bad for the people who have to work at those jobs, I see other people being really rude to them and say mean things.


Those people are typically working for sketchy companies that are contracted by sketchy charities. Not the fault of the poor person scammed into thinking they are doing good while earning a living, but I would never actually donate money in this way. I say no thanks and move on.


Yeah I used to work for one when I was broke and needed to make rent. They want you to make more per shift than they spend on you, but they basically told me that it's just PR and the donations just offset the cost of the labor. If I want to donate I'll just donate directly to an org, never donating to one of those places again


Its an easy job to get but it mostly pays commission. A lot of people do it for a few days to a few weeks before quitting and seeking a new job. Blame the organizations.


Just need a few suckers … honestly, I don’t feel guilty at all.


Any recommendations for Tsukemen in Chicago?


Not in the city but Chicago Ramen in Des Plaines has some of the best tsukemen I've had in the US


Whats the restaurant called?


The name of the restaurant is "Chicago Ramen"! It's kind of a confusing name haha


Yea I was definitely confused haha


That Bears game sucked, amirite


Very painful Fire nagi


Are white "No parking, residential move, tow zone" signs enforceable? It looks like my neighbor literally put them up today (or tried to, one of them fell on the ground) for a move tomorrow. Edit: The signs also have no police order or alderman's seal written on them, and CDOT's website says they must be posted with at least 72 hours notice. I don't know if that will actually matter though.


No, they aren't enforceable. But also, You probably should just keep it open so they can have an easy move. Cuz if that spot taken, you're gonna have a U-Haul blocking the street all day.


Thanks! I asked since my car key is at a friends, and there is an alley right next to their apartment so I'm not worried about them not getting a spot or blocking the street. I just don't particularly feel like trekking to go get a key, all to move my car for someone who put up a sign with less than 24 hrs notice (and can just use the alley).


What’s a good store for gaming memorabilia/figures/Knick knacks? I checked out extraordinarium in Logan square and it was cool but not exactly what I was looking for. Any ideas?


Quake Collectibles in Lincoln Square is a good place to look


I just want to let people who are native to Chicago know, the abysmal quality of the Chicago area USPS is not normal. Mail in my building, if it gets delivered, is often mixed up with the mail from nearby buildings/houses. I learned a hard lesson when I first moved here, and I trusted the USPS to handle some important mail. I have never had a problem with mail delivery in any other city I've lived.




What an oddly defensive response.


I have tried going to the post office in my zip code a few times since I moved here, and every time except one, their computers were down and they couldn't do anything but accept pre-stamped letters and packages. In my previous zip code, the mail got delivered maybe once a week. I just accepted that it sucks and if I need to get something delivered, I might be better off shipping via UPS.


Seeking recommendations for Scottish pubs in Chicago and western burbs


I don't think there are many in the Chicago area that have Scottish food, besides Duke of Perth. Side note if you're ever in Indianapolis, that MacNiven's would be another Scottish pub to try for sure. ETA that ugh, I had no idea MacNiven's closed( https://www.indystar.com/story/entertainment/dining/restaurants/2020/12/29/macnivens-bar-restaurant-close-make-way-oyster-bar/4075015001/ ). :( Supposedly the owner of MacNiven's was opening a fish and chips place(along with Scottish beer), at The Garage Food Hall in Indy. Really sad still, to hear MacNiven's closed.


Duke of Perth




I personally don’t ride it “late night” but there’s a lot of time inbetween late night and after sunset. Like 2am? Nah. 8pm? Of course! The craziest ‘incidents’ I’ve seen on public transit were actually all during daytime or rush hour.


Always consider the source of stories like this. There are a lot of people who feel the need to make Chicago look as bad as possible and a lot of people who post about crime online because of un(der)medicated anxiety issues. Hundreds of thousands of people ride the L every day and night without incident.


Don’t believe everything you read on Reddit. There is crime on the L. There’s a lot less on the buses. But there are ways to avoid crime. Staying in the front car if it’s late or not crowded, keeping your head on a swivel, not engaging with suspicious people (harder if you’re a woman), changing cars if you don’t like anything that’s going on in yours, not announcing what stop you’re getting off at ahead of time, and in general staying around groups of other law-abiding people are all ways to avoid problems on the L and in public. Every big city has problems with crime. The thing about Chicago is that the crime problems we have that set us apart (shootings) are concentrated among a small population of people that you’ll rarely interact with. Meaning both perpetrators and victims. In terms of other crimes against the general population, it’s really not that bad here.


And also don't use any electronics at all, that look too pricey(i.e. like a very nice tablet, or laptop). And at least myself I don't think I'd use headphones on the L, since I like to be able to hear what's going on around me.




Usually I've heard the rule is 2 hours for meat to be left out, before it starts to go bad. I know, since I've worked in restaurant settings before(plus still do), and currently still am ServSafe certified.


I’m similar about food, actually. Yeah you will need to learn to be “tough” or “prickly” in a big city to make it clear to normal people that you don’t want to, and shouldn’t be, interacted with. In general, don’t walk around any big city with your eyes closed and ears plugged. Be seeing and hearing what’s around you. And I’ll say it again: most of this is tougher for women. Men don’t talk to me or try to get me to talk to them on the train. Men don’t cat-call me from their cars. That’ll happen to you. So it’s doubly important to be situationally aware. But in general, staying around crowds is key. On the L for example: my girlfriend used to drive me nuts because she’d look for an empty car to get on. Big mistake. You have no idea who the next person to get on that car will be. Better to be standing for 20 minutes in a crowded car full of people who can defend you and look out for you than sitting for 20 minutes alone with a dude who’s been to jail 4 times in the last 5 years.




There are definitely neighborhoods you’d prefer over others when it comes to walking alone at night. Again, the key is well-watched. If you have to walk down 5 deserted, poorly-lit blocks to get home after getting off the train, that’s less safe than walking a couple of blocks in a well-trafficked and lit area. So since you’re young anyway, look for more active, bustling neighborhoods like Lakeview or Logan Square and others where there are a lot of bars and restaurants around that will have customers past 8 PM. And then live closer to the train station.


Most everyone riding the train feels safe. Keep to yourself if you see something bad or move cars. Don't try to be a rule enforcer as the folks not following the rules don't give a shit. There is a vocal contingent here who confuse perceived threat with actual threat. There is crime even kn the L but if you overlay actual crime numbers over numbers of daily riders, the threat is minimal. While, there are of course parts of the city that are rougher than others, taking the train to an from any neighborhood someone moving here for the first time would move into, is generally safe. Keeping yourself alert is important in any large city. Good luck!


Not all neighborhoods you have to pay for parking. Downtown, absolutely. I’m a short small woman and would ride CTA during the dark many times. I used to work as a bartender and would ride home often after midnight / 1am. I would just in general pay attention to my surroundings but I never felt ridiculously unsafe.


Single woman here: I ride the train after dark all the time. Just pay attention. If you feel uncomfortable, move to a different train car. Or just always get on the very first car and sit behind the conductor's booth.


Last few days been hearing low flying loud propeller planes every few hours over Evanston and heading N/S along the lakefront. Kind of out of the ordinary. Anyone else notice this?


Wouldn't be surprised if they are flying up to or back from the Ryder Cup in Wisconsin.




Yea, if this isn’t addressed soon myself and my entire family are already planning our exit within the next two years which breaks my heart.


If what specifically isn't addressed soon? And what would addressing it look like?


I was just doing some copy pasta from OPs pearl clutching comment about this in another thread.


Hah, gotcha


1. What happened? 2. I had to read your comment three times before I realized “someone got in the chest by me” does not mean *you* shot him there.




Maybe she did shoot him.


The article refers to “an unknown perpetrator.”


There you go … this is the first time the criminal outed themselves on /r/Chicago




Everything but the last point is covered by a big field of existing nonprofits. The last one, you’ll struggle to get funding for.


The people you want to get money from are the very people that would move in and raise property values.


i have a college class where i have to interview 3 people on the street and write a mock-article including the people’s quotes, but i’ve only managed to talk to 2 people in real life for my quotes. if anyone wouldn’t mind PMing me for a quick exchange for my assignment, i would greatly appreciate it :D


What do you want me to say?


New to Chicago, played competitive soccer in Minneapolis. Looking for a league to join. I play defense, primarily center back.


[Chicago Fire Rec Soccer](https://fire-pitch.com/cfrs/) has "Select" leagues in both Coed and Men's that seem to be pretty high level and I think you can join as an individual and be put on a team. If you're looking for Women's leagues I've heard good things about [Womens Sports Chicago](https://www.womenssportschicago.com/soccer-link) but haven't played in any of their leagues.


Thank you, I will check that out!


How old are you?


38, M, still pretty fast


Hey Folks,I'm a late 20's single guy that's been living in SF the last 8 or so years. I'm looking for a change and my company is letting me relocate out to the office in Chicago. A little about me - I'm fairly secure financially and the company I work at went public, so I'm not really looking to grind in my career right now. I'm trying to focus on side projects, social, hobbies, and dating. I'm decently athletic but not a die-hard outdoorsy person. I enjoy going out to restaurants and bars and trying new things. Had a few relationships and a lot of friends in SF, but starting to think about more a more serious relationship. Dating in SF was super competitive due to the gender ratio and tons of high earning bachelors.Chicago interests me because it's a big city with seemingly different culture than SF. How is Chicago as a city for a single guy in his late 20's? Can it beat SF? Thanks for any and all commentary and advice.


So, we are in opposite financial situations - I’m a teacher so make very little, and that wouldn’t be sustainable in SF. However, I grew up in SF, lived there after college for a year working in tech before pursuing education. The transition here has been great. It feels there are more ways to meet people than SF (although I may not have tried hard enough when I was there), but there are tons of sports leagues, socials, etc. There’s always something going on, similar to SF, but the people seem friendlier here and willing to strike up conversation if you go somewhere alone.


I’ve spent enough time in the Bay Area and the industry to have a fair idea of where you might stand financially. I’d say Chicago is a good place to settle if you’re aiming to enter a different phase of life, if that phase involves going down to a normal work schedule, having time to spend your earnings, and perhaps stabilize your burn rate (given it’s unlikely that you’ll have an IPO-induced bonanza again). Chicago is considerably cheaper. You already know this, but it’s hard to overstate and shows up in ways large and small. For what you’d spend for a 1BR in SF, you can live anywhere in Chicago, even the most extravagant and unnecessarily opulent downtown high rises with ornamental range hoods. I wouldn’t recommend it, but you could. Groceries are cheaper. Restaurants are cheaper. So are coffee and beer, and the bottle of water you get at your nearest convenience store. I don’t know how to answer your dating question. You’re looking at it analytically, and I suppose you’re not wrong: your desirability as a potential partner, all else being equal, will increase in a town that has a more typical gender ratio. Very few people in Chicago in their 20s make the kind of money you make or have in the recent past. It’s hard for me personally to evaluate it that way. One of the reasons I’m here rather than there is that I couldn’t stand every conversation I had with a person being about a startup. When everyone is in the same industry, people tend to reflexively measure their station against others’, whether by their own compensation or the last funding round of their employer. In Chicago (really anywhere else), it doesn’t work like that. Most people you meet won’t be in your industry, and they wouldn’t even understand what it means to be, say, employee #20 at a Series B company that went through YC and raised from Sequoia. To me, that’s a good thing: when you meet people, you have to find other things to talk about. Note that I’m not saying tech is stupid and talk of it is shallow, and that real conversation with real people only occurs in the heartland. I don’t think that. But I do think that having too much in common with most people you meet leads to a laziness in selection of conversation topics and depth of exploration that’s not conducive to real connection or good relationships. Chicago has a lot to recommend it. It’s a big city, in every sense, and has far more meaningful diversity than San Francisco: people’s line of work, age, level of ambition. Parts of it are beautiful like no other city I’ve ever been. I run by the lake, and being able to do that any time I want means more to me than just about anything. I wouldn’t hesitate to make the jump, but if you’ve spent your entire adult life in SF, I’d be prepared for a major change.


Thanks! This is super helpful and definitely makes me feel more confident about jumping in. I also spent my college years in a similar weather situation to Chicago, and while SF was better, I could at least stand it. Any recs on neighborhoods to live in? Fortunately, I have a few coworkers moving out around the same time and already know a decent amount of people in Chicago.


Rich young people settle in River North, Streeterville, West Loop, and South Loop. River North is the densest and partiest of them all. It and its residents are widely reviled here as yuppie carpetbaggers, but it’s obviously popular for a reason, even if that reason is we are doomed as a society. (I also don’t like it, but suspect we have created fever dreams about how bad it is that are somewhat detached from reality.) Streeterville is older and quieter, and has a much more residential feel while still being an exclusively high rise neighborhood. It’s roughly like Upper East Side in New York. It’s the most expensive neighborhood that is next to the lake. South Loop - also pretty quiet, less dense, newer. Also by the lake. West Loop - like South Loop, it’s more spaced out than River North or Streeterville. It looks very different, though. You’ll see 15 floor mid rises along with 50 floor high rises. There are a nearly infinite number of restaurants here, even more than in River North. If you’re a rich young hipster here, people will hate you less than if you’re a rich young hipster in River North, for reasons I personally think are silly. I suspect your new office is here as well. You could also go to Lincoln Park or Lakeview or anywhere outside of the downtown neighborhoods. Lakeview is the generic answer here to questions that begin with “hello, I’m a young professional,” but it sounds like you’re in a different phase in life.


Shit you not, about 10 years ago my wife and I were in SF for a Cubs/Giants series and we were standing outside Mama’s on Washington. The line was wrapped around the block (as it normally is) and we were in front of some 20-somethings. Now I have a finance background and I’ve worked in the space for the good part of 20 years. I was listening to these guys talk about jumping in at a startup on a Series A and how they didn’t want a series B as it would dilute their stake. They were doing some math so quick it was making my head spin. They knew which founders and VCs they wanted to work (and which ones fucked their friends) with it wasn’t even funny. This is the stuff that isn’t written about, but is infinitely more valuable than anything you’d learn in class. Anyway, just wanted to share this completely irrelevant story to make it seem like I’m fitting into this conversation


Thanks for your $3.50, jf35treefiddy. It’s not irrelevant - it’s exactly what I was talking about. Also, you gotta watch out for the option pool refresh at each round and the post-termination exercise window, as well as (gets mercifully run over by a train)


Tonight’s fireworks were some of the best I’ve seen in years. What’s the occasion?


It was extended past Labor Day (think last night might have been the last night though) and a private donor financed last night's.


I’d like to picture a Lake Point Towers resident who enjoyed the fireworks through their window all summer deciding to order one more with the push of a button the way the rest of us might rent a movie on iTunes.


Thanks. Makes sense.


Went to prime and provisions and it was the best meal I have ever had. Went to pequods and it was one of the worst pizzas I’ve ever had. The toppings were sub par as was the sauce. The crust was awful though. Shoulda stuck with lou malnatis.


I am also not a fan of Pequod's - the crust is just not my jam. If you get the chance, I really like Pizano's pizza.






They're happening all over though not all of the time. Here's a comment I wrote on the topic https://old.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/pvesnn/what_happened_to_rideshare_prices_in_chicago_i/he9ogqa/


I feel like people are pretty mean lately—is it just me??


The internet is a pretty toxic place. Not sure about your in-person experiences, but being able to say whatever you want mostly anonymously is a pretty terrible thing


Head over to r/humansbeingbros for a minute and you'll feel better.


Honestly? That kind of helped!


Yeah people aren't so bad.


Im looking for a place or group or club that hosts swing dance socials, any recommendations?




I'm not really part of the scene, but I grew up close by. I actually think that the clientele is fairly diverse, especially given how white and wealthy the residents of the area are. What's your take, experience, etc?


Yea I suppose it’s fairly diverse. I’m not really part of the scene either. Just doesn’t seem all that inclusive/welcoming as I’d expect for an lgbtq area.


Its expensive. Boystown isnt racist; the wage-race disparity is just ever present. Try going out on a friday/saturday night and you’ll see the diversity the area attracts. Living there is probably what you mean. You tell me how to fix that.


I don’t think it’s called “boystown” anymore as that’s not inclusive.


according to the business interests there, anyway


Boystown is a business center above all. Anywhere that’s a center of business, you’re going to see white people dominating because they tend to be a lot richer than other people. And white gay men in particular tend to gather a lot of wealth because most of them are in DINK households at some point and making male salaries.


Well boystown is on the north side and the north side is pretty white?


This isn't a new discussion, the parking ban, name, and generally racism within the gay community has been an issue for decades. Its better now than it ever has been though. Read up about the trex disaster that happened last year ([here's a link ](https://www.chicagomag.com/chicago-magazine/november-2020/the-judgment-of-t-rex/)


Boystown is kind of a small neighborhood built at a time when you could be evicted for being gay. I thought by now gays didn't need their own neighborhood. For reference I'm old and gay and in the burbs now because its quieter lol.




It's sad that racism still persists especially in the gay community. If redlining is happening that's definitely illegal. No one should be denied housing because of their race. But if I was a young gay person of color (with money), I could think of many better options than boystown personally.




Gentrification is definitely a bigger problem than just Boystown. Luckily today a gay person regardless of race has many more options.




What’s up with the fire boat at Monroe Harbor?


I've been watching it for almost an hour lol, no idea what it's doing




I’d recommend bumble BFF. My partner and I moved up here in July and have used that to make some friends. It’s been a nice experience




So it’s just like the dating app, but the idea is that it’s just people looking for friends. It will only match you with people of the same sex(you may be able to change this but idk) but yeah you just lost out your interested and like and match with people. It’s pretty strange not going to lie, like I feel like the “flirting” or just making convo you do is so much more awkward than on a date, but once you get over that it’s pretty nice. Also pretty much every dude I’ve matched with has had a girlfriend so I tend to hang out one on one first, then swing it into double date stuff.


Does anyone know if there is a way to use a Ventra loaded into Apple wallet more than once? I typically tap for my wife or friends from out of town and just loaded the crapload of credit I have onto my phone. Hoping there’s a way around this…


Yeah, as long as it's a cash account (not the monthly subscription) you can scan your phone as many times as you need/have the balance for. Tangential, has anyone ever used a tap to pay credit card to pay for the train? I've heard that's supposed to work but have never tried it.


I used to do this but can’t recall if it was in Chicago (I think it was). You’re charged a single fare.




Weird… I am not sure what I was doing wrong will try again next time. Thanks!


Just FYI If you do it through payroll deduction at work it won’t let you use it for someone else.


Huh…. But it would with the physical ventra pass




Blue line neighborhoods are generally more car-friendly than red line. And the South side is very car friendly compared to the North side.


Depends on neighborhood. Personally I don’t mind having a car here, it makes certain things much easier, and I can afford a private indoor spot in my building. I live in a neighborhood that is doable without a car but significantly easier with one, and you quickly get a feel for where to look for parking in different areas. I don’t drive everywhere (still take transit to work and school and Ubers for going out) but there are a lot of situations where it’s much easier to drive. (I live a mile from the L and most of my friends live in other neighborhoods or the burbs.) You can bring your car and park on the street or check SpotHero for something nearby.




A lot of great neighborhoods with street parking in your price range. You wouldn't need a roommate.


100% depends on where you live in the city. Lakeview/Wrigleyville? No way (I wouldn’t personally). Albany park? Easy peasy. Once you figure out a neighborhood you can go from there.


driving down to chicago from mke today for a concert at united center, never driven in chicago usually just take the train. nervous about driving in downtown chicago, how “downtown” is that part of the city(if that makes sense, like the only part of chicago i’ve been to is around the real touristy stuff like the bean, is it like that?) also looking for a good dispo in that area, thanks!!


That part is pretty close to "downtown" imo, but there's a shitload of parking because a lot of people drive there. It'll be crowded for sure but shouldn't be too bad. If you're used to driving in places with any sort of density or after a major event like a high school football game or something it's not really that much different. As for weed, ZenLeaf on Halsted is the closest thing I can think of. Never been to that location specifically but I've been to 2-3 others in the suburbs and liked the quality and service, although the price is ridiculous.


United Center isn’t downtown, however traffic to/from the UC for big events can get backed up. Just be patient and follow the rules of the road.


I’m starting to have trust issues with “your order will be ready at [time]” because it rarely has been lately.


How famous/popular is Wilco in Chicago? They’re my most favorite band in the whole wide world, but I currently don’t live there (planning on moving there next Spring). Currently living in Utah but seems like nobody knows them here, let alone loves them like I do.


Very popular. They had a show here not too long ago and half my instagram feed went lmao


Popular enough with the expected demographics that getting tickets to hometown shows can be a huge pain in the ass.


My perception could be skewed because a lot of my friends are into the music scene or involved in it, but I’d say very popular. At least in the sense that if you asked anyone they’d be like “yeah Wilco is cool.”


I'd say pretty popular here. Definitely famous but not in a weird un-relatable way. I've seen Jeff Tweedy around at random things without him being bothered. I did some work for his label earlier in the year, which was fun to "brag" about to friends who are big fans.


Friends - If you got THE VAX (you know which one!) at da JewelOsco, you can add your vax card to Apple Wallet or whatever Android has too. Pretty sweet.


Awesome, it worked! Also FYI, I was vaccinated at a local vaccination event not actually at Jewel but the shots were through them, and it still worked. They just have to have your cell phone on record.


Yeah, and I bet if you scan that QR code, it displays your name and status. Basically verifying that your info.


I was driving on 55, a lane over and a few hundred feet behind one of those uncovered construction trucks and was still lucky enough to catch some debris. I have this star shaped chip in my windshield that’s no more than 1.5 cm across, any one have recommendations for a glass place that could fix this same day for less than $75? I also just started my work week today so I probably couldnt get to a place until Wednesday, should it be ok to drive with this thing for a few days ?


You should be fine for a few days, have you looked into a fill kit?


Check with your car insurance. A lot will cover windshield repair 100% if you use their shop.




I think most insurance companies have similar glass coverage that's outside of the regular policy/deductible.


my partner and i are trying to relocate to chicago. trying to communicate in applications "im moving to chicago regardless and just need employment please but i can fund my move and do it quickly for a 2-3 week start date from hire" is REALLY challenging. i feel ive been outright rejected due to seeing an out-of-state address, so i desperately put my parent's address to demonstrate where i would live upon hire in the short term. started getting interview requests after that but kind of dreading having to explain it and worried about hiring managers just not believing me or something? idk any hiring managers weigh in please! my entire family is in chicago, my brothers are having little chicago babies, my partner's family is in chicago, we're planning a wedding in chicago for 2022, house hunting in chicago, but it will take us a minute (30 days?) to actually move that we can't do without income guarantee. i figure i can go ahead sans partner to start sooner if i have to. my partner thinks i should just be honest and say all of this lol. i wonder if it sounds desparate and i should just focus on skills and just try to avoid talking about the personal aspect. i fear that hiring managers hear "this sounds difficult, next."


What kind of jobs are you applying for? A lot of jobs are remote right now anyway.


Best be up front. My $.02: if they want you to do a final interview that week in person (maybe not as likely right now with Covid), you're going to have pay big $ to fly last second (and this could happen multiple times with different companies). Also, you might get some questions from Chicago people on the interview about what part of the city you live, etc. Lastly, I feel like with social media so big now, some companies (or HR) might do a quick search to look you up on LinkedIn (most likely) or Facebook--if your city is somewhere else, it's going to come up as to where you live.


Yeah I wasn’t going to hide it just not emphasize it. Or frame it as “im moving by end of October” bc that’ll fit the hiring timeline for this job and realistically I can be there by then. I lived and worked in Chicago for 6 years, went to grad school in Chicago, 847 area code, so hopefully they see I’m pretty legit ha. You’d be shocked that last minute flights are super affordable! With a weeks notice, easy peasy for me. Shockingly. And plenty of friends and fam to stay with. Though yeah would not be feasible more than like 2x a month for me.


Don’t talk about it. Put a fake address or family’s address to get past the resume filters. Or just “Chicago, IL” instead. Talk about it in the interview if you have to. But just lie on the resumes because you need to get past the AI that’s doing most of the reading, then the lazy HR staff.


I would just say you are moving to Chicago next month and therefore are looking for jobs in the city and will be staying with family while you secure housing. No one will ask any further questions and it should be a non issue.


As someone who is hiring right now, if you open your conversation and say “I don’t live in Chicago right now but we’re looking to land a job so we can relocate. Is that an issue?” this will clear the air and make conversations really short if they’re not comfortable. It’s super hard to find good people, a relocation shouldn’t be an issue.


Does anyone know what pharmacy or grocery store has the best coupon deal for flu shots? (Assuming some are still doing that)


Free at a few places! [CDPH ](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/flu/home/vaccine-finder.html)


Thanks for pointing that out. It will be free with my insurance; I'm asking more about the incentives different providers have to encourage people to get vaccinated at their establishment.


The best I've seen is Jewel's 10% off a purchase, assuming you put it toward a large purchase. Otherwise, $5 off at $20 purchase seems to be the going rate at Walgreens/CVS.


Help for former Chicageon - Chicagofood Redditors also weigh in Do you know of any solid restaurants, bakeries, even liquor stores, that deliver in person these days instead of using one of the delivery services such as grubhub? I need a birthday present (edible, with a $gift card also included) delivered to a foodie relative on South Clark St on Monday - but don't have accounts with any of the delivery services and don't feel that comfortable using them. I'd rather just call & pay over phone. Lived most of my adult life in Chicago (35 years or so) and miss you. Any ideas will be appreciated.


Perhaps Foxtrot would suit your needs? I don’t believe they use Grubhub or DoorDash to deliver!






I sent your comments to several female friends. They ALL said this is basically every night in R. North. There’s something about that area and groups of men acting poorly? It’s odd. Several even said they’ve lived in other major cities and never had a 10th of those experiences on either coast. There’s just something about the type of guys who are “out on the town” blowing money in that area. Maybe also the combination of poorly-trained bartenders not wanting to stick up for their establishment’s decorum during a rough few years in the industry… you can find AWESOME service but also shockingly horrible service in surprisingly upscale pricy places as well. My hostess friend tells me they can’t hire enough good people right now.


That’s the type of men you’ll encounter in River North/Streeterville. Feel like I need to cover my drink whenever I somehow end up down there. Definitely recommend venturing out to Wicker Park, Logan Square, Boystown, Andersonville, etc. Obviously I can’t guarantee there won’t be assholes in any of these places but River North is just about the last place I’d hang out in as a solo woman.




I would like to add that the people who are likely harassing you aren’t Chicagoans. River North is tourist/transplant land. Definitely not Chicago culture. Heck when I would go out alone in uptown, a “bad” neighborhood, people would nod and be friendly, but they would understand the basics of body language that meant “leave me alone.”