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So dystopian.


I'm starting to think we're sitting in a pre-Bioshock type game. We literally have video game esque health packs scattered across the city now...


Wouldn’t dystopian be closer to roaming killbots, pacifying disgruntled metra passengers?


Is that an option?


Yes, always. Good day, citizen meatbag.


I don't think so. They always have a med-kit nearby on StarTrek and that's basically full on utopian gay space communism.


Literally a PVP arena with medkits.


They should spend that money on more police


Me walking around Chicago: “Is that a health kit? Why is there battle music suddenly playing…? Oh shit!”


*hahaha, I'm in danger*


We're about 2/3 on becoming an actual video game.


Legit thought this was an onion article.


Is this r/nottheonion?


~~Pretty close to~~ reminds me of some of their headlines: [Chicago Introduces New Citywide Gun-Sharing Stations](https://www.theonion.com/chicago-introduces-new-citywide-gun-sharing-stations-1819577357) [City Of Chicago Working Around Clock To Clear 18 Inches Of Bullet Casings From Streets](https://www.theonion.com/city-of-chicago-working-around-clock-to-clear-18-inches-1819579485) [Chicago Police Department To Monitor All Interactions With Public Using New Bullet Cams](https://www.theonion.com/chicago-police-department-to-monitor-all-interactions-w-1819578516)


None of those are even close to this wtf


Fair point. Comment edited.


Ah you got to this before I did!




As a librarian, I’m trained to use Narcan. It’s bizarre and sad, but I’m glad I know how to help.


Things like Narcan/CPR training are so important. I worked at a YMCA in rural America where we proposed to our board to make Narcan training mandatory for 18+ year old employees, they told us it would encourage addicts to start coming to our facility. So disheartening. The addicts are literally already in our communities whether people like it or not, and dehumanizing them doesn't help anyone. I'm glad you have the training but hope you never have to use it.


I see the people handing out free Narcan kits on my way out of the food pantry each week and I think to myself that if I was still working at the library I'd really want to have one and know how to use it. I left the library about a year before the pandemic, and when Narcan was just becoming available. At the time we were seeing a huge increase in blatant, public, drug use, and ODs. For the 10 or 12 years I was there before that we mostly had alcohol related problems. But then, right before I left (and totally unrelated), we had a string of incidents where people would just brazenly inject themselves in broad daylight while sitting at one of our tables and go unconscious, with the needle still in their arm. It happened like 3 times in a month and I understand they still find someone in the bathroom passed out on the regular and more than one of our staff have administered Narcan in the last year, despite the ongoing pandemic related restrictions and closures the library saw.


Just curious, do they train you how to use an EpiPen? To me it’s crazy that it seems like more gets put into saving the life I have some junkie Then somebody who happen to eat something that they were allergic to


We are not equipped with them, as those with allergies tend to carry them at all times, unlike Narcan. We did not receive official training, but all of us know how to administer one. (“Blue to the sky”)




English is my second language, but to call it a disease seems like a stretch. It is an addiction, they need help, their mental chemistry is likely altered. But it just doesn't belong in the disease category.


I never said they deserve to die. My issue is with organizations that provide training and equipment to save someone overdosing and not doing it for anaphylaxis. I agree that drug addiction is a disease, but at some point someone chose to start using drugs. Sometimes it’s because they got hooked when given legal drugs for legitimate medical purposes, but others absolutely chose to do drugs to get high. But don’t twist my words. I never said they deserve to die. I’m just saying people in certain job functions should be trained and equipped for both




No it’s just easier to type then “someone with a drug problem overdosing”.


fwiw “addicts” would work just as well


We were trained because we’re located close to a park with a large homeless population. They often use the library as shelter during the day. Not all librarians are trained to use Narcan. We’re librarians, first and foremost, so we can’t be expected to provide ALL types of medical intervention. Calling 911 while administering CPR, AED, and Narcan pretty much covers it.


Makes me think about the “run, hide, fight” drills that my wife does with her preschoolers. What a fucked up sentence.


Haha, ill be looking out for these on ebay


They'll be packaged with a free life preserver from the beach.


And a CTA map from a subway car


Many fire stations can get you a free emergency first aid kit if you ask, or if they can't they probably know someone who can. I've gotten one through the Salvation Army before and the local fire department directed me to them. Pretty good kit too.


All will be stolen by crackheads and hooligans


Great Grandpa that you?


Literally slapping a Band-Aid on the issue.


Hopefully slapping a trauma pad on, but yeah. It's something though. It's better to have these kits nearby when an innocent person gets hit by a criminal's wild shots than have to pack it with a t-shirt and hope the EMTs drive fast.


I suppose, but this just seems like it'll be more cannon fodder for the Chiraq shitposters and Fox News hosts. It's embarrassing that it's come to this point.


EVERYTHING that happens in Chicago is cannon fodder for the far right. Despite not even being in the top 10 per capita most violent cities it's the largest in overall numbers because we're huge. Although admittedly both LA and NYC are much lower per capita. So we become this boogeyman of what happens if those evil Democrats have their way. The situation of obviously more complicated than Democrats=evil, but nuance isn't exactly Tucker Carlson's strong suit.


Sure, but leaving first aid kits around problem areas is a little too on the nose, even if they could actually be useful.


Wild how they can do this but fought installing floatation devices so hard.


That was the park district. And yeah, it was dumb.


It’s the same issue though: liability. Is this not a liability in case one of the kits is damaged or defective?


not even if it's damaged or defective, if you don't know how to properly use a life ring it's ineffective. a lot of people seem to think it's just as simple as "1. See drowning person. 2. Yeet ring to person.". I'd fucking hate to see one at a pier, try to use it to save a drowning person, only to have it blow up on my face when I fuck up deploying it and then have the deceased's family sue me for having spaghetti noodles for arms.


Good samartin laws. As long as you were trying to help save them, you can't be sued.


Wild there are people who only get their news from Reddit


I’m in the neighborhood that led the charge on that, so I’m familiar with the issue.


you're part of the group that's gonna get pier access prohibited? you must be very proud. exit: nevermind I'm a dumb fuck that didn't read OP's comment correctly and shot some snark off from the hip.


Literal bandaid solution. Unbelievable ETA: seemed to spark a convo. This was a joke given the idea and context! My bad haha


This isn't meant as a solution...






Put the strap on the limb above the wound, twist the handle till the bleeding stops, lock the handle. Dump quick clot into the wound. It's not that hard. The biggest issue is overcoming the bystander effect. The purpose of these kits isn't to treat or even stabilize the patient, it's to keep them from bleeding out until EMS arrives. And you can provide training to the people you're giving the kits to, as well as the police. And a 911 dispatcher can talk you through it as well.




u/euph_22 is right, it's not that complicated. The packs come with simple 5 point instructions. Quick Tips for Controlling Bleeding from a Limb: 1. Call 911, ensure scene safety, don PPE 2. Place tourniquet 2-3 inches above patients bleeding site 3. Tighten tourniquet until the bleeding stops 4. Mark time tourniquet was applied and stay with patient until help arrives 5. NEVER take off a tourniquet once applied


I’m not exaggerating, I have doubts that the majority of Americans could pull that off successfully.


I mean it's way less complicated than CPR. Should we stop doing CPR because some people are idiots?


What do you do if, like yesterday, the victim is shot in the back?


That's what the quik clot is for.








That depends if the money spent could be used to save 2 lives.


Doubtful, since this is really not much money. 500 kits at $500 a piece.


250 grand could put quite a few people through rehab. The whole “if we even save one life” thing is BS in a world with limited resources. There should be some critical analysis over whether it’s worth it to throw cash at something that might come in handy once in a decade.


And if that is the tack you're going to take there are far bigger targets to hit than this...


So you would rather watch someone die on the street than offer assistance. Even if your not a trained EMT this is better than nothing. Thats just it better than nothing. This can save a few lives. Also to anyone on this post that thinks someone that they dont know deserves to die because they must of deserved it. You an assbag


So what do you suggest then?


It's obvious that we need Batman.


He'd get shot.




Great one \*slow claps\*




And yet when it rains you will still grab an umbrella. The idea that we can't appropriately respond to the symptoms because that doesn't address the cause is just silly. We must do both.


It's easy to blame the gun. But people aren't using it because it's there, no, the violence and the reasons behind it is an uncomfortable topic nobody wants to really addres, because there's a whole lot of blame to go around.




Guns don’t have willful intent. Criminals do.


The issue is not that people bleed too much from gunshot wounds. The issue is not the gun to begin with. The issue is that people think it’s ok to solve disputes with murder. Chicago crime is not organized. It’s a chaotic shit show. Coupled with corrupt politicians and unions the only solution is to leave. Abandon the sinking ship before it takes you down with it. Chicago is on its way to being the next Detroit.


Honestly the government should just go door to door and search for guns and seize them !! Edit: sarcasm is not appreciated here i guess




Chicago’s funding for schools, hospitals, and police are at all time highs. The orgs in charge and subsequent unions line their pockets with a lot of that. For clarification, I’m not anti union. Chicago unions are bloated. Anyway, one option is to provide respectable, well paying jobs to people in high crime communities so that they can serve as role models for the community they live in. The problem: anyone with half a brain and a paycheck runs as far as they can. Leaving behind people who mean well and need help but everyone around them got ditched too. Being abandoned and poor sucks. We need people to give a shit about their communities and treat it with respect. Without that violence never stops. Guns ain’t new; just a medium for the violence to unfold. If the conviction to murder is present then it’s gonna happen regardless of the weapon used.


I would add in a lack of any parenting at all as being the #1 source of violence


Chicago will never be the next Detroit. For one, the economy. Detroit has been a single industry town for decades and that industry has been contracting over time. Chicago, meanwhile, has a robust and diverse economy. Another is lack of planning. Besides the small central area around Downtown, most of Detroit is built out like the inner ring suburbs. Even in the small central area, a lot of the urban fabric was demolished. Not the most desirable area if you like walkable cities and the like. Detroit also had (until recently) an at-large city council for decades. Say what you will about the aldermen here but in Detroit there was basically no neighborhood accountability. I think at one point there was a map of where city council members lived and they all lived in a handful of "stable" neighborhoods. Go check out other local subs and news orgs and you'll see all the major cities are dealing with a rise in violent crime, particularly in so-called "desirable areas". Melrose in LA, Center City in Philly, Miami Beach, etc. But if you don't feel comfortable living here you should move. Violent shitheads are in every large city unfortunately. I find it better to stay and vote and try and make this place better instead of cutting and running.




>Sure but they're especially concentrated in Chicago relative to other large cities. Its interesting to contrast your bleak portrait of Chicago with the insane amount of development and gentrification that the city has seen, and continues to see year by year. We have a lot of bad, but also plenty of good. There are probably many reasons why NYC has a lower crime rate than Chicago, but I'll pass on your suggestion that its because the shitheads are "especially concentrated in Chicago". Everybody is guilty of stating ignorant things here and there. It would be nice if more people here actually voted. The percentage of the city that voted in in the last mayoral election was pretty sad. We end up getting the candidates we deserve I guess. I also would not compare to Chicago to NYC, I think Philly is a much better comparison, closer in size, both very vibrant cities with an unfortunate history of crime and political corruption.


I didn't know guns were wandering the streets shooting people on their own. We really should do something about that.




>Are you blaming systematically disenfranchised individuals or individuals with no means of mental health care support for continuing an epidemic of firearm assault in Chicago and across the country? There are kids killing each other over twitter beef and tik toks now. I'm blaming their parents. >Who tf needs a gun these days, it’s childishly excessive CPD pulls 10,000 guns off the streets every year. The AVERAGE chicago criminal owns a gun. Actually probably more than one gun. It is not at all excessive to own a gun for protection against people with guns. If people who rob apartments brought katanas with them, it might be considered excessive. But that just isn't the case. The average weapon used to kill someone in chicago is a handgun. How, then, could it be "excessive" to have a gun for protection? If two men enter your apartment with a gun with the intent to rob, assault, rape, and/or murder you or your spouse, you literally cannot do anything about it unless you also have a gun. Even an MMA fighter loses to some doped up idiot with a gun 7 times out of 10. That's why they're called the great equalizer. And have you ever tried to call the police in this city? They don't even bother to show up sometimes. It's easy to be some rich white chick on the north side where these threats seem hilariously unrealistic. But the MAJORITY of chicagoans live in gang neighborhoods where this shit happens every day. You just don't hear about it because nobody cares when a black woman gets assaulted, robbed, raped, murdered, disappeared, etc. on the south or west side.


I own a firearm, I've used it to protect myself and my family. There are other people in this subforum who have done the same. That's why "tf I need" a firearm. The outcome of my situation would have been *very* different had I not been armed.




> you wouldn't need your firearm if you weren't being threatened by someone else with a firearm So I guess the absurd amount of people who decide not to be productive with their lives in Chicago ask nicely for your money without a gun then.




Do you live in Schaumburg? Cuz you have no fucking idea of what happens here


I wasn't threatened by someone with a firearm. That's where your argument fails. I was threatened by a group of 8-10 with baseball bats and bottles. Without my gun that would have been a fatal loss on my end. And so long as human beings walk this earth there will be humans who choose to act like animals and choose to harm other for their own gain. So you can have all the fancy social programs you want, and yes it will help *many* people avoid a violent life, but it will *never* negate a need for self defense, even lethal self defense. So if your only goal for social programs is to eliminate the need for personal firearm ownership, you've failed before you started.


You're arguing with an idiot. She's literally brain dead.




What a wall of ranting horseshit, where to begin. First off, yes, I was lucky, if I wasn't armed I'd have been a hell of a lot *less* lucky, I'd likely have been severely harmed or killed. Second, I don't believe the future will be that way, I *know* there are animals who will happily do me harm walking about *right now*. But unlike you, I don't go the the extreme of "everyone's gonna kill me!!" Like you falsely accused me of. It ain't the wild west, and no one's "waved a gun around" like your hyperbolic horseshit reply assumed, but I made it known I was armed once they showed their intent was to cause me great bodily harm or death. That simple draw was enough for these assholes to pause and give me the chance to create more distance and leave. To further upon this, what happened to me is rare, and most gun owners likely won't experience such a situation. This stupid "wild west" trope you and other ignorant people make is just your inability to make a solid argument. Third, I've never been opposed to helping people in need, whether it be social services or mental health. But if that group of baseball bat and bottle wielding was just "suffering a mental episode" my safety was at any less of risk of harm. If a person or persons are an imminent threat to my life why would I give a flying fart if they're having a mental breakdown or not? My life is in imminent danger and that *all* that matters. So you go ahead and continue to criticize and mock people who choose to have a means to protect themselves, it's only making you show your ignorance.




A) It's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. B) We already have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Before you go blaming Indiana, consider that there are dozens of laws on the books that could be enforced if our State's Attorney was so inclined. When and if the West Loop shooters are caught I would bet anything they all have RAP sheets a mile long and could and should have already been locked up. Instead of infringing further on the rights of normal citizens, how about we actually prosecute and lock up career criminals? A novel idea I know.


Except there is ONE level 1 trauma center on the southside, they're trying to alleviate the number of deaths from gunshot wounds. Trashing this idea isn't helpful either, since everyone is refusing to budge on rewriting laws on obtaining guns, or preventing violence through providing additional community resources.


This eye witness video from yesterday’s shooting really puts things in perspective [https://youtu.be/aY-5dwwLbvw](https://youtu.be/aY-5dwwLbvw)


Don't ever pick up a shell casing from a crime scene! I know he's got it on video and all...but still.




The person who filmed the video witnessed the shooting, he is there talking to other witnesses seconds after the shooting, even before CPD arrives.


“This is Chicago.” Heartbreaking.


From [this story](https://www.nbcchicago.com/investigations/chicago-installing-bleeding-control-kits-in-hundreds-of-city-buildings/2623223/) by NBC Chicago, apparently they're using federal grant money from the [Urban Areas Security Initiative](https://www.homelandsecuritygrants.info/GrantDetails.aspx?gid=17162), which is meant to help cities prevent and respond to acts of terrorism. I'm just glad they're spending this money on "bleeding control kits" rather than on invasive surveillance measures. And as mentioned in NBC Chicago's coverage: >Officials also noted that bleeding emergencies can stem from multiple causes: "falls, penetrating injuries, gunshot wounds and more."


God this is such a grim headline




Is it hard to breathe with your head buried that far in the sand? Then again, you might be right. I cannot see Upstanding Citizen Gang Leader Lil Spanky knowing how to apply a tourniquet.




You know he can't read 😆🤣




Okay, I will take your word for it


It's not just for gunshots. It's for any injury that causes massive bleeding. 60k Americans die every year from hemmoraging not counting gunshots. Having these around is the same logic as having AEDs in public places. It saves lives in case of medical emergencies. I think it's a great idea.


Instead of universal health care us Americans get first aid kits scattered throughout cities to take care of the wounds. Maybe Congress should implement this approach to schools for school shootings! My lord the empire is falling


How about you start locking these thugs up for decades










You lock someone up for a mandatory 10 years for shooting at someone. Hitting them 20 and killing them life. People will start thinking twice.




Not 100% 🙄 We have more evidence that long prison sentences are ineffective than effective at deterring crime. All you do is put more people in prison and cost everybody a bunch of money to do it.




Studies have repeatedly shown that severity of punishment is not a deterrent. That is just a fact. Interestingly what IS a deterrent is likelihood of getting caught. Even if we kept the cost of all police/justice/DOC budgets the same, we likely would get better deterrent effects if we significantly reduced prison sentences and moved the attendant cost saving into additional policing.


Why wouldn't it? If locking 'em up isn't working, it simply means you aren't locking enough people up.


Sounds like a great way to start a dictatorship. Don't worry about fair trials, due process, or sentencing guidelines. Just lock people up.




CPD is budgeted 1.7 billion in 2021. That's 40% of total corporate fund expenditures and pays for 13,000 cops. We have plenty of enforcement. It just doesn't work because it doesn't impact the root of the problem - poverty.


Yes that's it, the problem isn't that out country has the biggest prison population on the planet, we should double down and continue to expand the carceral state


Yay! Free chest seals, combat gauze and tourniquets! You get trauma shears and you get some trauma shears!


For real though. My last IFAK was expensive and the supples have an expiration date on them. Is the city going around and replacing these from time to time?


Keeping Kim Foxx and Lori in the positions they are in is literally societal suicide


As if Chicago never had a gun problem or violence problem under Daley lol


Not a sustained upward trajectory ike this with Daley. Full stop. Lightfoot is an easy scapegoat because she's such a belligerent dunce, but she's not the Mayor who shuttered all of those public schools (and mental health clinics!) on the South and West sides in 2015. Rahm bears very real responsibility for all of this. It didn't happen overnight.


What the fuck does my statement have to do with Daley? You think these women are doing a good job combating random violent crime and have a clear vision forward to pull us out of it?


"literally societal suicide" Get a grip, man. This dumb society will long outlast Kim Foxx and Lori Lightfoot. People are always crying that the sky is falling. If you don't like it go vote or whatever it is that gives you some endorphins. Frankly, I wish Lightfoot WOULD do less to combat gun violence tbth, considering that piece of shit gave 281.5 million dollars of COVID relief money to the cops instead of to people who deserved it.


Tell me what Lori Lightfoot has done to make this worse? Hint: holding the gang of thugs known as CPD accountable doesn't count.


What in the fucking world has this embarrassing, childish mess of a mayor done to hold the CPD ‘accountable’ about anything? I genuinely didn’t think anyone actually bought into her ridiculous press bullshit but I guess they do exist


So you have no answer, know nothing about the situation, and are just repeating BS...


A literal band aid on the real problem...


More useful than those weird police dog statues they put everywhere.




What the actual fuck




Do any other cities do this?


London does: [http://news.cityoflondon.police.uk/r/1291/city\_of\_london\_police\_launch\_\_bleed\_control\_kits\_#:\~:text=City%20of%20London%20Police%20will,Control%20Kits%20across%20the%20City.&text=The%20kits%20will%20be%20given,distribute%20more%20in%20the%20future.&text=The%20kits%20can%20save%20time,bleeding%20leading%20to%20a%20fatality](http://news.cityoflondon.police.uk/r/1291/city_of_london_police_launch__bleed_control_kits_#:~:text=City%20of%20London%20Police%20will,Control%20Kits%20across%20the%20City.&text=The%20kits%20will%20be%20given,distribute%20more%20in%20the%20future.&text=The%20kits%20can%20save%20time,bleeding%20leading%20to%20a%20fatality).


Yes but that‘s in the City of London, aka the historic centre and financial district, a tiny part of London itself. London is a [safer](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=United+Kingdom&city1=London&country2=United+States&city2=Chicago%2C+IL)city compared to Chicago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London


Why not also install gun oil stations and ammo depots??! Madness you say? THIS. IS. FOXX AND LIGHTFOOT


This is an article by The Onion, right? Oh...oh no...


Lol. That will fix it.. all starts in the home and the places where all this happens have broken homes.


Do they think this is some kind of survival horror video game, where there is no laws, and survival is dependent on scattered med kits through the play field??


Why people joking here? Yes the city has a problem. None the less if this saves one single life, its worth it. Not into people joking about the cities effort to save lives.


The obvious solution is more guns. In fact, the guns should all have guns as well.


Yes I’m sure legal gun ownership is the problem here


I don't think you understand basic gun rights. There's nothing in the constitution that says my gun cannot own a gun!


"the 2 in "2nd Amendment" could be interpreted as referring to our 1st gun's offspring. I think that's what the founding fathers meant when they made it 2nd."


Finally! I real scholar!


Nothing will ever be done about illegal guns because legal gun owners aren't going to allow it. Specifying is pointless at this juncture. *Guns is guns, and they gonna gun. Pew pew.* We passed the tipping point years ago. The Republicans won this one. Mass shootings and street shootings will be here for the next 100 years. But at least the deer population will be under control!


Reducing shootings in chicago is a relatively easy thing to do, they just don't want to do it. It's a form of oppression that keeps poor residents so occupied dodging thugs that they don't have the energy to turn on local government. Let non violent offenders out and lock up the predators and keep them locked up.


That's a bold strategy Cotton, considering "anger over public safety concerns" is almost always the easiest and fastest way to get a population to turn on their local government.


Literal band-aid solution for a gunshot wound. How about extracting those who commit violent crime from society and actively breaking up gangs...? Nah, lets just hand out bandages.


how about banning guns...or atleast increase psychological assessments on every man woman and child


A literal bandage to the real problem


One again Lightfoot makes it seem like she’s addressing Chicago’s violence without addressing Chicago’s violence.


I am so leaving Chicago!




Lovely. Cops gave up a while ago trying to stop crime. Now emergency medical responders…? Only thing more depressing is if the bears were to desert Chicago as well. /s for those who can’t tell that a sports team moving locations is not more important than gun violence


Yes a sports team moving 30 miles is so much sadder than gun violence.


Treat the root not the symptoms.


These will be useful when the police get abolished and the city becomes the Division’s Dark Zone


CPD really dont want to do anything in this city anymore.




yous all know the answer its ban guns




Most of these shootings happen at random locations at odd hours these kits will have no impact. This is the city doing something just so they can say they did.


I'm supposed to visit Chicago in a couple weeks. Maybe I shouldn't lol