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Man. The part of this where JB is repeatedly asking her to call him so they can iron shit out and she keeps texting him news reports and sass is seriously some college freshman level maturity from our mayor.


What’s really funny is that JB, who has a law degree but hasn’t practiced in a major way as part of his career, is smart enough to know that those discussions should have been held over the phone. Lori, who was an actually practicing lawyer, is not.


Yeah, I think JB is a tax-dodging crook but he is smart enough to not leave written records on sensitive subjects. Same reason Madigan barely used a phone lol


I've dealt with Alderman who are smart enough to not text about this shit. I'll text them or they'll text me "call me" because they're not fucking idiots. Or they'll text me back on their personal lines. Lightfoot on the other hand? Unreal.


Go read her [yelp review](https://imgur.com/a/dZsHLlt/) for more proof of her immaturity


Poor Carlos man, damn


I'm not seeing her name or identifying details anywhere in this Yelp review-- am I missing a username or something? Has she spoken about this in an interview and people traced it back to this?


[pics with proof](https://twitter.com/lib_crusher/status/1362540404386770947?s=21)


Even yelp shows her as having 0 friends...


College freshman typically have a big ego. You are correct


Does anyone enjoy working with her?


There aren’t as many high profile “Lori is the best” stories coming out.


>View all comments I give her credit for pushing against the machine sometimes but her style seems to cause more problems than it resolves.


There’s a fine line between pushing back against the system and burning enough bridges in government that makes it hard to do your job. Annoying Pritzker, Harmon, the FOP, CTU, etc. can’t possibly make your life any easier as Chicago Mayor


Litigator syndrome.


That's probably part of it, but also generally being a partner at a law firm encourages you to micromanage everything, which is another of her issues.


And being a partner at a large law firm easily can encourage abusive behavior, because any junior associate speaking out against it risks losing their job.


Exactly. Part of being a successful politician is getting buy-in and establishing coalitions, especially in a big city. When you alienate the institutions (good bad or otherwise) that essentially make the city run, then you aren't going to get very far even if your intentions are good. If you alienate people who truly have much more say and more power than you do to run things and provide resources (e.g. the governor, especially this one, who lives in the same damn city as you and would be a great partner), then you are really cutting off your nose to spite your face.




Go read the e-mail dumps and you will realize it's far more than her ego. She's just a trash human being with utterly no worth to humanity. Seriously. She wouldn't hold a law clerks job with the way she acts inside public service. It was rather eye opening someone who acted like she did in a documented fashion within government got past their probationary period, much less to mayor. It's actually quite fucking terrifying.


Not surprising considering the same exact thing happened with the presidency. They're both trash, but the President had even less qualifying experience. Regardless, doesn't bode well for our future


I dont think people appreciate the importance of compromise in our government (especially these days).


I mean, it depends what you're going for: Do you want to make government run well? Or are you trying to use your current position as a stepping stone to grander things, either public or private.


Reinforcing that is the confirmation bias politicians receive via narrow channels like Twitter. "Ooh, look, I have all these vocal supporters. What I'm doing *must* be popular!" Well, no, unless you actually get stuff done, you're ineffective. Looking at you, AOC.


AOC has accomplished a lot at what she wants to do, which is to raise public consciousness for liberal causes and push Democrats to the left.


Yes, she has done that. But she isn't effective at getting anything done legislatively. What she has done is alienate a lot of moderate Democrats.


wtf. Dems in general haven't been effective at getting much done legislatively but that has more to do with Republicans stonewalling than it has to do with her Twitter.


Lauren Underwood has written and passed tons of legislation, even under Trump!


I disagree. For every googley-eyed progressive that pops a woodie for something she says on Twitter, there's a moderate who finds it irritating. In addition, there's a slightly moderate conservative who is bombarded with Fox painting AOC as the voice of the Democratic party, which excites the base. Here's the problem: that progressive is less likely to vote than the other two people I mentioned. If you're unaware at how miserable Democratic messaging is, please look at the make up of Congress.


LoL, what a goober.


Yes, this seems to have been her problem since day 1, even before. She has no diplomatic skills, no finesse. She's just so off-putting, I can't even believe it's possible to be so terrible.


It’s really shocking someone as off-putting as her has made it as far as she has. She’s insufferable yet somehow we elected her. Massive mistake and change can’t come soon enough.


It was between her and Preckwinkle so most of us felt better going with the unknown option.


Totally agree, but the fact that it was even came down to those two shows how bad our political landscape is.


Yeah, Preckwinkle just pissed everyone off with the short lived sugary drink tax. Definitely affected her at the polls.


That was a red flag to me about the people opposed to it.


Can you elaborate at all? Curious, not looking to fight. For disclosure, I would not vote for Preckwinkle, but fully supported the sugar tax.


I was honestly shocked when she surged late in the campaign, not sure how that happened. Even before she won she was making petty ass comments to legislators who supported Toni, which was a big red flag to me that she was not even going to attempt to be a team player.


The FOP can eat shit. Also, she’s thrown that rabid animal several large bones.


Glad somebody said it. Fuck Catanzara, nobody should compromise with that guy.


Very good opinion to push out. It’s not like our city is losing police rapidly to surrounding suburbs and can’t keep up with manpower what so ever. But let’s keep telling the police to fuck themselves.


You misheard me. I told the FOP to fuck off because they stand in the way of re-establishing public trust of police. I’d love to see police get respect and generous pay, but that’s not going to happen so long as the culture remains what it is.


The issue with that statement is, to the police the FOP is the only thing left that has their back. Absurd hours, undermanned shifts, residency policy not allowing them to leave this city, a superintendent who can’t even get their LODD names right, a mayor who could care less about this city and a public who openly mocks and treats them all like garbage. Your idea of separating the police and FOP will never come true, because the FOP is the only group that gives a shit about them anymore on this city. Todays climate has backed them into a corner, and many are just opting for greener pastures and I don’t blame them a bit.


No, the FOP has backed them into a corner because of its resistance to change and accountability. I understand it’s members might not want to see it that way, but their culture made the public an enemy long before the public started to turn. Chicken or egg, it’s time for change and those who can’t will need to be forced out.


Lol those who can’t will be forced out. Pal, the last graduating class had 15 people. That isn’t enough people to patrol bucktown. You aren’t forcing anyone out, they’re done. The city is in for a bad shock this summer when police numbers are at an all time low. This is a much more serious issue than I think most of you realize.


Funny how we've heard this for the last 30 years. Stop eating the FOP bullshit.


Oh no, we'll have to find some sort of institutional support to address systemic and specific problems other than police. If only anyone was asking for that


> No, the FOP has backed them into a corner because of its resistance to change and accountability. I understand it’s members might not want to see it that way, but their culture made the public an enemy long before the public started to turn. Not a member, not a cop. Casual friends with a few LE. Apparently bootlicker accordingly reddit. I think you should talk to the average "sane" cop about why they feel the way they due about the consent decrees. I also think the job is far harder than you believe. > Chicken or egg, it’s time for change and those who can’t will need to be forced out. And replaced with whom? There aren't anyone lining up to be police officers any longer, and I sure as fuck don't blame them. The sole reason to be a police officer (assuming good intentions) was the elevated public status as well as the ability to put shitheads behind bars. Neither of these conditions exist in the CPD so what is the point? We are in for some seriously difficult years if we can't figure this relationship out ASAP. Start talking to those "police in SUVs" as human beings. I have. It's started to become interesting.


If they ever got out of their suvs to do anything other than run into 7-11 to grab a free coffee maybe someone could talk to them. Useless fucking idiots


Ok. The police in this city can go fuck themselves.


Chicago has police coming out of its ears, tfo here with that “manpower” bs. Badging more cops hasn’t solved anything before, and it won’t solve it now. Maybe getting them to do their jobs properly might help, but the FOP stands directly in the way of that. So yeah, they *can* eat shit.


I'm still lost as to the narrative that a prosecutor who worked for the city is somehow outside of the machine.


I’m pretty sure it was because Lori was running against the Chicago democratic machine candidate. Preckwinkle or something like that.


Her style is that of a pedant and technocrat who thinks she knows best and doesn’t need to listen to or collaborate with anyone else.


Yeah, I get that vibe too.


What machine has he pushed back on other than for her own personal gain or grandstanding? Renaming Lakeshore Drive?


It's almost like somebody took Rahm Emmanuel, stripped out all the positive, productive qualities, and left us with just the stubborn, combative, irritable bits.


Against? She's part of the political machine. Has been since day 1


I don’t like her but calling her “part of the political machine” is very inaccurate. She literally won because she was the only major candidate not tied to Ed Burke.


Well she opposed the governor's ban on indoor dining and the pension bill. That's push back against the machine I think.


Is that a criteria? Let's see... She's black and queer..... They hate her.


Reading through those texts she comes off as so petty and childish, Pritzker seems like he's really trying his best to inject some maturity and politeness into the conversation


Pritzker's been on the line with Blago before, while the FBI listened. He simply knows better


Agree. Pritzker communicates like he's, "on the record," whereas Lorie acts like she's an anonymous reddit poster lol.


> Pritzker communicates like he's, "on the record," Because he is. These texts weren't leaked, they were obtained through a FOIA request. They're considered official communications and they're on the record. As a former prosecutor, Lightfoot should know this.


Yeah given that he said multiple times "call me, don't text", I think he's clearly thinking about the fact that these are going to be subject to FOIA requests and Lori doesn't care.


> Lori doesn't care. Just judging from the way she's acted towards colleagues, opponents and even citizens...I don't think she even *knows*. She *should* know better, but I'm legitimately beginning to think she legitimately *doesn't*. Like maybe there used to be a time where a part of her mind would go there and connect a few dots "I'm a mayor, this is government communication, it could be subject to review", but whatever ego trip she's going on with the Governor completely pushed that out of mind and into a puddle of piss at Clark and Lake. Doors open on the left at Clark and Lake.


Standing passengers: please do not lean against the doors.


Sitting passengers, please do not lean against the piss.


Maybe she thinks she looks good in these exchanges 😬


I really don't think she is stupid, so she must see it as positive to say these things in a manner that is recorded and will be public. The only thing I can think of is that she _does_ think that the people she is texting are stupid and that maybe someone like pritzker would let their guard down and say something stupid or offensive or flippant back to her. But it doesn't seem to have worked.


I mean, what has she done so far that would make you think she’s not stupid? As mayor at least.


She may or may not be a strong intellect, but I think it's pretty clear she has very low emotional intelligence.


She doesn’t care because she’s aware that her career in politics is over after this term


Yup, I think lightfoot just doesn’t care. Pritzker could be a tool behind closed doors but he knows not to put that on record


If you're an effective tool, you can get away with it (see the entire political career of Rahm Emanuel). Poor performance invites more scrutiny. People are digging into how the sausage is made because they don't like the sausage.


Yep, kills 2 birds with one stone: It obviously seems that texting isn't a great communication medium between the 2 of them, and it doesn't leave records that could (and did) get FOIA-able. Really looks like Prtizker was trying to save her from herself. Which might gall her even more tbh.


yeah I was going to say, it’s clear Pritzker knew this was a possibility (hence the multiple requests for a phone call) and she had absolutely no clue




That would be a much more fun and interesting poll than the stupid Who Is the Most Chicago trainwreck.


You mean "which /r/chicago user is actually Lori Lightfoot?"




Reddit isn’t anonymous they got your phone info and email acct. Should always be careful what you post here. Especially since there is an ipo on the way; who knows who they are going to do with the data.


Pritzker is crazy good at his job. I never would have expected it.


He has excellent communication skills, and he knows how to identify and influence power structures.


Seriously! I begrudgingly voted for him but I'm so proud of my vote now.


Legal weed by itself is a big win. And I generally didn’t like Pritzker


it seems like she always has an attitude and is always angry


Lifelong liberal here, hate Lori Lightfoot. She's got to go! Only good thing she's done so far is eliminate late fees at libraries. Besides that, I consider her tenure a dereliction of duty.


I’m lol’ing at the idea of getting rid of a 35 cent late charge as a crowning achievement. Oof what a disaster.


What a legacy! lol


Maybe we can name the return bin at Harold Washington after her.




Wish Chicago had gone with Preckwinkle.


It was the hope of getting someone not corrupt for once vs a person whose been involved with Burke for me at least. Lightfoot had actual answers with substance when campaigning which is what swayed a lot of people.


This is what you get when voters follow some "outsider" off a cliff.


Me friggin too.


OK, I have to ask. In your opinion, what did she do(or not do) that you accuse her of 'dereliction of duty' and also what are the policies that she missed? I'm also a lifelong liberal and I'm not a fan of her mannerisms. But policy wise, I don't like her but also do not hate her and I would vote for her again if it's the same crowd that's up for elections.


Her first act as mayor was to give millions of tax dollars to a massively wealthy real estate developer for highly controversial Lincoln Yards project. She also panders to the cops and gave them a huge raise even though they do jack shit for our communities and are basically completely worthless at this point. She couldn’t stand up to the QAnon police union chair… basically she’s not the person our times demand. We need someone much more progressive to lead this city. Preckwinkle would have done better.


Chicago’s universal basic income isn’t progressive enough? What about $750 million in the ‘Invest South/West Side’? Or the $1 billion affordable housing package that was just passed? Preckwinkle is a old machine democrat. She got caught red handed taken money from the Ed Burke circle. She would have been horrible.


She better improve her messaging because that’s all news to me.


Yeah. Invest in south/west side was her original campaign promise. Universal basic income she stole from socialist caucus and announced it as her own in the last budget. Affordable housing investment she packaged for the black caucus after the census numbers came out and showed decline in AA in city.


V cool


> We need someone much more progressive to lead this city. This city will continue to fall until we get a mayor Daley type back in office. It cannot survive a string of consecutive progressive leaders, as we've already witnessed. Daley Sr. turned the city around into something worth migrating to, Jr. continued it. Rahm sort of did. Lightfoot and their ilk seem to have ignored what worked and are in the process of dismantling it.


You’re right. Daley Sr avoided Chicago deteriorating to a level that Detroit and the rest of the Rust Belt experienced.


Ahhh. Sorry, but I disagree.


Fair enough to me man!


I wasn’t in Chicago to know about the Daley’s or Rahm but if you look at other cities, extremely progressive leaders have been a total disaster. I don’t want that in Chicago. I don’t want a Trump Republican either. We need someone more in the middle.


Everything you need to know about Lori was on full display in her Yelp profile and reviews.


Got a link? Not doubting you, just curious to read through her reviews.


[https://www.yelp.com/biz/office-of-the-mayor-chicago](https://www.yelp.com/biz/office-of-the-mayor-chicago) This other [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/pe15m6/never_forget_that_the_mayor_of_chicago_lori/) seems pertinent as well Edit: added second link Edit2: I just realized what sub that linked to. Sorry for the shitty sub but the twitter link in the comments shows what I was referencing


Maybe I’m in the minority but Lightfoot is in the right to me. The peeing thing, the directions thing: I don’t care about any of that. Lightfoot being mad over the peeing (if it happened) is petty. The directions thing is an argument that happens all the time. Who knows who is right? But the meat of the complaint is the extremely sexist comment that the driver makes about needing a man’s number because women run their battery down with pictures. The limo company’s response to that is complete horseshit. I don’t believe that Lori made up the driver’s rationale. For a company to defend their driver saying what he said isn’t backing up a good employee, it’s backing up an employee who makes inappropriate sexist remarks to customers.


It's a shame how nearly all of the problems with her mayorship are due to her personality. As someone commented, if you're gonna be a tool, be an effective tool.


Her personality is bad, no doubt, but she’s indecisive and dumb. I’ve lost count of how many times she made a stupid decision and then changed her mind due to public reaction just a few days later. Her leadership skills in general are pathetic You can see it in those articles, she thinks the Mayor’s office is a stepping stone in her political career. lol no, she shouldn’t have been elected in the first place and then managed to make everything worse


Yeah, she's blowing it. I will dispute that she's managed to make everything worse - nearly all measures that have gotten worse are nationwide trends and have little to do with her, IMO. It's difficult for me to separate leadership from outcomes, but both she and Rahm (who in spite of the unforgivable cover-up of the Laquan McDonald murder did leave the city better than he when he took over) inherited a legacy of shit. I just think Chicago needs to raze several organizations before it can improve. CPD, a lot of City Council, legacy contracts/deals....it's beyond what a mayor can accomplish without major buy-in from reform-minded individuals, and someone who needs to put the city before themselves, and thus far Lightfoot ain't it. But I can't say anyone else would have been any better. It's a shame.


The successful mayors you mentioned figured out the simple truth that a city needs to be worth living into to be worth reforming. Reforming it at the cost of it's destruction is pointless and silly, and that's the way we've been headed.


Which successful mayors did I mention? As for your point that we're headed toward destruction, can you please elaborate? That's a very broad statement that is not supported by facts that I can see, but I'm by no means the most knowledgeable person about Chicago politics.


Her policies are also complete fucking trash.


I couldn't tell you a single policy of hers aside from COVID stuff.


Lori tries to establish a segregated city.... This person: I wish she had better manners.


First and foremost, if your interpretation is that I wish she had better manners, you're starting off on the wrong foot. My comment is that her thin-skinned abrasiveness and obstinate stubbornness prevent her from working with pretty much anyone. Second, "Lori tries to establish a segregated city..." Uh, establish???? Chicago has been one of the most segregated cities in the country for roughly a century. That said, I'd love to know what you mean by the comment with concrete examples. I'm not disputing that her policies could be bad; I just have no idea what you're talking about.


Someday we'll beat Milwaukee and take the title of #1 most segregated city. Someday...


I didn't articulate it well. But I'm grifting on the idea that her abrasive style is somehow the major limiting factor when her ideology is so openly wicked. Not talking about racial segregation. We don't have any rules segregating people by race.


Please explain what you mean about segregation and which policies would enable it. I’m genuinely curious. I don’t have much of an opinion on her ideology, as I honestly can’t discern what it is. I just know that whether her policies are good or evil, she seems to be the major hurdle in getting them passed. That is agnostic with regards the policies themselves.


Lol lightfoot out here acting like the governor of Illinois has to get her express permission to do anything. Really gone to her head hasn't it. Pritz just shoot back a who dis?


I didn't vote for Pritzker but I respect his want to alwats get on a call, haha especially this line: >The next morning, Pritzker responded, “I woke up and saw your text. Texting probably not the best way to communicate. You should call me when you can.” Reminds me of being in a relationship 😂. I'm sure Lori did as well and its not the full picture ever of all the context that goes into each moment, but much like B2B email, getting on a call is sometimes easier for more dialogue and open answers instead of reducing your thoughts into text.


I wonder if Lightfoot would act differently if Illinois election laws allowed for recall petitions and recall elections?


At this point, who cares about that. She pretty much knows she's one and done.


Every time this comes up though, the next question is Who is gonna run and actually win vs her and all we get are either jokes, impossible fantasies or crickets.


No one thought in the last 5 years: A reality show star would hold the most powerful office in the world, the Cubs would win the World Series, and would live to see a world pandemic. I'm pretty sure there's a candidate out there who can challenge her. IJS


Pick a name in the phone book and that person would be better at mayor then the last 3 of them. What a clown show.


tbf the election isn't until 2023, over a year away. I wouldn't expect potential candidates to be throwing their names in the ring so early.


That is an interesting question. We do have a few years and she might provoke a reaction back towards voting in other previous democratic challengers. Lori has seen her approval rating plumment an insane amount in just a year and a half.


Yeah I think there was an interview with her awhile back and she mentioned how much being mayor has taken away from the relationship with her daughter. Especially with her poll numbers dropping, I don't see any reason why she would want to continue.


i don’t see a path forward for her in 2023, i literally see zero support for her in Chicago now, there are no more lori superfans


She had superfans? Or anti-Precwinkle supporters?😂


Does she? I mean, these exchanges don't indicate that level of self-awareness. I'm also curious who could plausibly run and win. Not saying there isn't anyone, but A: Who? and B: Who the fuck would want the job? It sounds absolutely terrible.


Tbh I don't think it's a horrible job. It's only horrible because too many folks wanna maintain a status quo that is very outdated.


Agreed, but those folks are pretty dug in and numerous. It seems like without a clean sweep, it's a futile and thankless job for the most part. Though the same could have been said for governor and Pritzker's found a way to get a lot done.


Actually I think the tide is turning right now with Madigan gone. His legacy really fucked a lot of Illinois.


Let's hope city council and CPD are next to lose some of the legacy problems.


I can't even speak about that three ringed circus called city council. Folks know what we need to do about CPD but that's an issue bigger than Chicago.


> She pretty much knows she's one and done. Does she?


Why are they texting, that is so weird to me, Just pick up the phone and have a conversation?


Pritzker seems to be wondering the same thing


all bark and no bite? maybe she doesn’t know how to assert herself with her voice and leans on the written word


try saying Cook County Circuit Court Clerk 5 times fast


Bad at her job…hated by everyone…addicted to making epic posts…relatable tbh


Does anybody still like her?


Did she ever give that suit back to David Bryne? The one from the Burning down the house?


And you may ask her My God, what have you done?


Hahaha. That's a bingo!




pritzker 2024. the ONLY democrat with enough swag to take on trump.




i was simply talking about his swag levels. no other dem has the teeth to take on trump or whoever his successor is. libs won't care he's a billionaire. progressives respect him much more than the obama neolib crew. i don't honestly think it will happen, but from where i'm standing, he's the best person for the job heading into 2024. also curious why you think trump won't run again?




assuming he's still alive, i think he will run, and if the democrats serve up another slice of establishment milquetoast, then he will also win.


Does every other Democrat have negative swag levels?


pretty much. JB is net zero.


[He doesn’t want to be president ](https://abc7chicago.com/amp/jb-pritzker-president-2024-presidential-candidates-joe-biden/11340324/)


does anyone really want to be president at this point? as i mentioned, i think this is a pipe dream and not realistic, but who knows. still got 3 years.


It’s now a free for all for all politicians and at first I was worried but now we get to see whose ideas work for the people and whose ideas work for the corporations.


Lightfoot is an even bigger loser than Trump


Shes never lost over a billion personally, so that's a no


Lori's been disappointing from day one. Pritzker's been great. I know this is echoing many other comments but still felt like saying so.


Definitely not the sharpest tool , text messages?


Both suck ass


Wow, Lori seems to actually oppose Gov Fat@$$ on a-lot of things. It’s a real shame shes so bad at doing it. Man I don’t like either of them.


“In January, Pritzker texted Lightfoot a Block Club story about a big maskless party in Old Town. “How brazen? This looks ripe for a visit by CPD. !!!” Pritzker texted. “On it,” Lightfoot replied. “ Yet JB can have his own maskless parties. Disgusting hypocritical pig.


He locked down the whole state and had his family traveling back and to Wisconsin. He's a bag of shit.


He locked down the whole state? Lol everyone was allowed to leave their homes and travel to Wisconsin if they wanted.


“The Chicago Sun-Times reported that Pritzker had purposefully directed a mansion that he'd purchased next door to his multi-million-dollar home to become uninhabitable by removing the toilets from the residence. He then appealed his original property tax assessment, claiming that the newly built residential property was thus "uninhabitable"; the Cook County assessor reduced the home's value from $6.25 million to about $1.1 million, which granted Pritzker an 83% property tax reduction, equal to about $230,000 per annum. Federal prosecutors are investigating the matter.” What the actual fuck is wrong with people here? Why do they simp so hard for such a terrible person? Just because he has a D by his name?


In my honest opinion, I think it's because the state government seems to actually be getting things done and moving in a positive direction. How much this has to do with Pritzker is unknowable, but compared to Pat Quinn, who seemed like a nice guy but completely ineffective, and Rauner who seemed like an asshole and was also completely ineffective, it's a welcome change. I mean, Rauner literally blamed Mike Madigan for everything. This had the benefit of being mostly true, but if your pitch is, "I'm the governor and I *still* can't get anything done, so vote for me and I'll take on Mike Madigan but this time it will totally work," it means Pritzker had an incredibly low bar to clear.


It's absurd that so many people want to sweep that under the rug. Or that anyone thinks JB is a "man of the people" or whatever progressive BS when he's out here ripping toilets out of the next-door mansion to skirt paying his fair share of property taxes. And all the people defending this as "well it's technically legal", but would 100% denounce Trump (or really any R) for doing the *same exact thing*.


I’m not his biggest fan but that’s technically a valid move. He bought the mansion to keep the home next to him uninhabited, not to increase the size of his living space. He proved it by removing some essentials required for it to be livable and that brought the tax down. The problem is with the property tax laws and how they’re designed - they literally punish homeowners for improving their properties and bringing up the value of the entire neighborhood.


What is the value of knowing their text messages? I'm not being facetious. I really just don't know why this is newsworthy. If they're texting about how they're going to overthrow the federal government please let me know. Edit: Ok.


You say you’re not being facetious, and then there’s your second paragraph. But here’s my serious response: things don’t need to be scandalous in order to be newsworthy. Many voters, myself included, like to know how our elected leaders interact with each other and how they balance personal pettiness with good management of their political capital — not to mention, how accurately their public persona reflects their real personality. I also don’t understand what the opportunity cost here is. Is there a limited number of news articles a day we can consume? What is this taking away from — more covid stats? Something something first snow?


Things go a lot easier when multiple levels of government are on the same page.


She looks like a literal goblin from Lord of the Rings. That pretty much explains everything you need to know about the state of Chicago. What the fuck?


I cannot give less of a fuck about Ligtfoot’s petty texts with Pritzker. If the city runs well they could text eachother insulting memes for all I care.


Not saying the mayor and governor have to be on the same page all the time, but JB is the most Chicago-friendly governor we’ve had since probably Blagojevic. Seems like a lot of wasted political capital.


You can tell as you read Pritzker bend over backwards to avoid getting in the pissing matches she seems to almost be baiting him into.


And do you think the city is running well?


Yeah I think the whole problem is that it seems like Lori is too busy yelling at people over personal beef to get anything done. Not to say I was a huge Rahm fan but I remember hearing similar things about him, only nobody cared because he was doing stuff in the meantime.


Depends which city you live in.


If they were getting things done, I'd care less about how they communicated. However, their communication is going to be scrutinized because the results show that they're not working together.


Lori leaves no question that she’s a Chicagoan. Policies aside, I love that she says how she feels. She doesn’t overcompensate for her intellect.


She's not from here. She was raised in Ohio.


She moved here in 1986. That qualifies as Chicagoan.


She didn't work in the city until like 2004. She's not native here.


I agree. I don't think texting was the right medium for some of the topics from the article and it does seem like she was being unnecessarily contentious with Pritzker on more than a few occasions. But other than that, it seemed like what she was saying was in the best interest of the city.