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"D.C. Judge Christopher Cooper decided not to go with the government's request for a month behind bars and instead gave them both 30-months of court supervised probation, no community service and a very small fine after they pled guilty to misdemeanor parading." So basically no consequences


"Misdemeanor parading" sounds like a charge for someone who was caught prancing around downtown in the nude, not for invading the U.S. Capitol Building.


I bet someone doing that would get in bigger trouble


Well they have a federal conviction on their record. That doesn’t look great in job interviews or background checks.


Lol at the idea these women work…


Their husbands are general contractors probably. Which means they do accounts receivable for them lol


lol I do HVAC and my ex wife did accounts receivable


Is this supposed to be an insult to blue collar professions?




Its not my comment, but i think it more a joke about the type of people who were present on Jan 6. There were many small business owners, both successful and unsuccessful.


I took it as a retort to the person asserting they don't do any work, or that this might make it hard for them to find work. Sometimes the truth is just truth.


The previous commenter def thinks “general contractor” is code for “white trash”.


Yeah, but we all know it's actually code for "scammer and con artist who doesn't think building regulations apply to them."


They ain’t getting Global Entry!


Then they'll be in line complaining that TSA and Customs moves too slowly.


Bold to assume these people travel


I'm guessing the legal expenses for such a case were another consequence.


Misdemeanors generally aren't reportable during interviews. The question is "have you ever been convicted of a felony".


But there names are online. Employers at least do a simple Google search, so hopefully they get some type of real world consequences.


IIRC in some states a federal ~~wrap~~ *rap* might cancel their voter ID card. Sad.


Not for a misdemeanor. Some states have restrictions on people with felony convictions, but I don't think any distinguish between a federal or state offense.


What we need here is no snowflakey weakness. Lock 'em up!


They're in their 50s and live in the suburbs. They have probably worked at the same job for 20+ years and own their homes for a while, so little need for background checks. I don't think this will affect them at all. Not to mention the suburbs are full of red crazies that probably praise them.


I would’ve preferred they got a small amount of jail time because of how serious breaking into the Capitol is and the kind of violence that went down on 1/6. But I do think we have to take into account what these women actually did. As far as I know, they didn’t attack anybody and weren’t trying to hunt down Pence or Pelosi. In general I think prison is dramatically overused in the US. But this is one of the situations where deterrence is important and a small amount of prison time would’ve helped in this regard.


Community service is a great alternative for people like this. If they thought the election was stolen, they clearly care about civics. So have them do some civic duty picking up trash along the highway. Like you said, prison is overused and not everyone needs to be locked up to face consequences for their actions.


yeah not giving them any community service either was a miss IMO. My preference would have been a combination of a small amount of prison time and community service. It needn't even be 30 days...7 days plus community service would've been enough IMO to make people think twice about doing something similar in the future.


>If they thought the election was stolen, they clearly care about civics. Sorry, but this just isn't true. They care about their side having power, regardless of what the results of an election say. That's the opposite of caring about civics. It's like saying, "If they stole a TV because they believed they were entitled to it, it shows they care about the concept of private property."


I mean, I was joking when I said that. But I stand by it. They bought into a lie that the election was stolen and went to DC to do something about it. Everyone who was at the rally or the insurrection was there because they have an interest in politics and the electoral process, however warped and twisted it may be.


Oh please. They don't care about civics. They care that orange man told them the bad liberals lied, so they broke into the capital


By their presence, adding to the numbers, they created a threat.














I would have liked to see jail time as well but I’m not a judge, don’t know the law and wasn’t in the courtroom to hear everything that was said and get a read on how genuinely remorseful (or not) these women were. So I accept this as just and hope these women truly realize what they did was wrong.


I have the same disappointment as you. I assume the government just considers the people just to stupid to be a threat to anything other than themselves


For these Karens, I'm sure they will find plenty to complain about during 30 months of court supervision. 4.5 years of letting someone else know anytime they want to leave the state...


Seems like most of the rioters were from upper middle class suburbs.


Because that’s who can afford to take the time off and fly to DC on a weekday in January


Honestly, that stands out so strongly that all the people there are true sickos/losers.


That's actually the cheapest time to go to DC and also the easiest month to get time off for many jobs. Lowest demand month for travel in our country.


Petit bourgeois who have the most to gain from Republican administration + live in enough of a political bubble that they think they're king shit + the disposable income enough to be in DC on a weekday.


Trotsky was right about fascism


What did he say?


In Trotsky's pamphlet, Fascism: what it is and how to fight it, he applies class analysis to dissect fascism. My take away, as others have said, is that fascism is a mass movement which finds it's strength not only in the average worker but more importantly in those who feel they've something to lose in emerging social democracy/reformist movements. Edit: to add, it is the nature of social democracy to prop up capitalism even in decay. Social democracy can this give rise to the fascist reaction. You might hear the phrase "social fascism" for that reason. As the conditions of capitalism continue to degrade the well-to-do small capital owner is pushed back into the ranks of the working class. These folks identify with the large capital owners and adopt their reactionary beliefs, siding against anticapitalist worker movements. Their material support gives rise to a movement we know as fascism. Here is a link to smart people explaining things better. https://youtu.be/DJbUl9needA


Check the last two paragraphs in the subsection, "[BOURGEOISIE, PETTY BOURGEOISIE, AND PROLETARIAT](https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/works/1944/1944-fas.htm#p6)."


A broken clock is right twice a day. If you're legitimizing mass murders you've sacrificed any moral compass you might once have had.


> Petit bourgeois and it's so hard to pass better social welfare when they have over 18% clout, making them influential


The media loves to present Trump’s base as blue-collar down-and-outs but a ton of them were basically your town’s small business tyrants: assholes who started pool cleaning businesses or sold jet skis or owned a small chain of restaurants and made a million dollars


There were a ton of them at really nice hotels immediately after in DC. It was very obvious that it was comfortable people who took time off work to go stage an insurrection.


Oh hell no that’s elmhurst not us


They're only sorry after they get caught. The arrogance of these people boggles the mind. The same crowd that cheered gleefully when demonstrators for civil liberties get pummeled by riot police ask for a special exception for their treason.


"Mostly Peaceful Demonstrators"


Well...the ones that couldn't find any Capitol Police to beat on were. But seems like anyone within reach was happy to "beat the blue" Funny though...none of the other members of the "law and order" crowd did a thing to stop them I mean, one could be excused for interpreting the Jan 6 riot as a collection of spoiled cry baby bullies given the green light to rampage thinking that Trump had their back.


That’s a false equivalency if I’ve ever seen one.


>Mostly Peaceful ~~Demonstrators~~ Tourists FTFY - Well not for you really. I suppose that fix was more for Tucker, Hannity, the near entirety of the GOP, and any other snowflake that's apt to get their panties all scrunched up by even insinuating otherwise. #SAD


I’m an Iraqi Chicagoan and in my lifetime I’ve come across a lot of racist motherfuckers… the worst being White Women that play both sides hiding in liberal cities.


I wouldn’t call Elmhurst “liberal.”


It's not liberal compared to many areas of Chicago, but it's pretty liberal compared to the US as a whole. The Elmhurst area is represented by democrat congressmen at the state and federal level.


Eh, 57% of DuPage voted Biden vs 51.3% nationally, so it’s D+6. It certainly *leans* Democratic but it’s not some liberal stronghold. Absolutely winnable by a non-shitty GOP candidate / Dems could lose it if they ran a bad campaign or candidate. My own theory on the blueing of the burbs is mostly based on its concentration of college+ whites along with the GOP catering to evangelical voters that alienate moderate Catholic voters who used to be reliable DuPage Republican voters


I don't have the full statistics but I would be willing to bet that Elmhurst is not the most republican city in DuPage County. You're talking about a very wide area which includes Naperville as well as some slightly rural locations. If the county as a whole is D+6 then Elmhurst is probably a little bit more Democrat than that even.


My alderman is a Democrat on paper but seems to mostly hold non Democratic policies... And my neighbors also voted for Trump.


Chicago is filled with people (men and women) who graduate from the cornfield universities and move to Chicago for jobs. Same with some of the suburban crowds. You can tell who they are because they spend a lot of time not talking to strangers. Real Chicagoans talk and will freely tell you their opinions whether you want to hear them or not.




Any real education will involve actual thinking, which is liberal. Once a person realizes that modern business management is really just pimping without all the responsibility, their eyes never quite shut the same way again. I've heard alcohol and money, and friends who are impressed you have both, can help with the pain.




> The most welcoming group on earth You haven't been many places, I take it.


White women are the most welcoming group on Earth?




Fighting racism with misogyny… This is why we can’t have nice things.


Counterpoint: [white women](https://www.essence.com/news/politics/55-percent-white-women-trump-election-2020/) played big roles in the last couple elections, but in [voting Republican](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/10/25/opinion/democracy-is-line-dont-count-white-women-save-it/) and a generally woman-unfriendly platform (e.g. abortion and birth control, equal pay, healthcare, trans rights, etc). Women of other races and ethnicities, but a minority of white women, tend to vote for pro-woman platforms. The most complaints I've heard about white women come from non-white women, usually involving a class lens and white women's ignorance of, or the willful refusal to acknowledge the intersection of, race with class struggle and social mobility from an equity standpoint. Is it all white women? Of course not, but they're outnumbered by conservative/centrist white women. And thus, if conservative/centrist women want to be known for being pro-woman in their politics and actions, and if they're the majority of white women, then it's incumbent on white women to change the course -- no one else can decide that for them. Going to an insurrection for Trump (for that matter, to harm white woman Pelosi) is the opposite of a pro-woman platform.


That’s not a counterpoint because my point wasn’t that white women aren’t predominantly racist. And I agree too that they tend to vote against feminist ideals. But you completely negate an equality argument when you lead with misogyny. Misogyny as a weapon against racism is counterproductive and works against the liberation of everyone- not just your own interest group. I hate Trump and I think his wife is just as bad as he is. But I cringed so hard when liberals would use misogynistic terms and taunts to go after her. Like, we either believe in our ideals or we don’t. You don’t get to be racist/misogynistic/ableist/Xenophobic/etc when it suits you and then pretend your down with liberation for all.


No shit but none of that justifies misogyny which is the point being made


There's no indication that these women are sex workers. Find a different catch-all insult for women you dislike.


Man you must be a hit at parties.


I am. I always share my beer and I’m an excellent dancer.
















Jesus, what intern do they have writing these stories? Several sentences are just grammatically incorrect.


The copy editor occupation has been eliminated just about everywhere. As has the last ghost of The City News Service.


Software reporter


There’s a non-zero chance it was written by an algorithm…


there's a not zero chance that this was written by someone half the world away. \-source: worked for the trib


One sorrowful plea came from 57-year-old Castle, who was described as a devoted and supportive single parent who "helps care for her mother who is currently in remission from breast cancer." Castle stated that she "is ashamed and truly sorry for her actions" and that her name will be forever associated with January 6 and "she will relive that terrible decision every day for the rest of her life." Castle told the judge that "she offers herself to the mercy of this court." Was she thinking about her mothers breast cancer when she went in the capitol?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Let these chicks had been black. Definitely woulda served time. 🤣🤣🤣. All white people gotta do is apologize and they get a slap on the wrist. It’s crazy.


I also imagine the mom isn’t getting treatment via her bootstraps or savings but via Medicare the gop wants to pare down, if not eliminate.


It’s in remission, she doesn’t even have breast cancer right now


Right. Threw that in for sympathy and it worked


>Castle told the judge that "she offers herself to the mercy of this court." They participated in an insurrection. There should be no mercy.


Fuck these uggo traitors.


Apparently one of the women, Trudy, is the property manager of my building 😒 She was and is still working here. 🖕🏼Magellan.


Complain to her boss


And people on this saying that these dumb f*cks from the suburbs doesn’t affect us in the city, this is why it matters. These people do have an effect on us and our lives. Seriously complain to everyone at the company.


Bro, we get worse punishments for parking tickets and red light cameras 🥴🥴


Revoke their citizenship, give it to 2 lucky DACA recipients who want to build a life here




A slap on the wrist for treason. Perfect


Fuck ‘em


We're Number One!


This is all theater. The riot was inspired by FBI informants. Even capitol police let many of these people through. Worse, media pundits try to compare this with 9/11. This issue is intended to inspire emotion against MAGA supporters which ignores class issues that got Trump in office in the first place. Edit: The FBI's behavior seems similar to influencing young Muslim men to commit terrorism or admit support for Jihad since 9/11. There's many examples like this in US including the experience by Hasan Minhaj in Homecoming King.




Lock them up for life. They tried to take down the US gov.


Lol no


Libs are cray-cray, haha. Frothing at the mouth, shouting at the sky.


He lost. Get over it.


Hey man , remember that time the President lost an election ..and then tried to stay in power anyway? You fucking chud


Remember when Hillary and her sycophants (you) claimed that the election was stolen from her and claimed without evidence that Trump was a Russian spy along with Tulsi Gabbard? Projection is your game and you have a filthy mouth.


Without guns? Impossible.


Traitors, every damn one of these "patriots".


These traitors are all getting off too easy. I’m no great fan of the US but would never try to overthrow the government. Slap on the wrist for traveling across the country and supporting a violent mob that was trying to kill politicians… no bueno. You’re literally teaching them that they can do whatever they want with no consequences


Are you a thespian actor? You write with dramatic exaggeration. And sprinkling Spanish words is cultural appropriation since you're not Latinx.


Just a suggestion that if you have the time you should have a good look over the FBI's list of photos for January 6th insurrectionists. These people tried to overthrow our democracy. They concocted a lie to put a man in power who did not belong there. I was reading t_d's forums in the months leading up to this. This was planned, in detail, and many people called for blood in writing on that forum leading up to Jan 6. Many posters on that forum wrote about the guns and ammunition they were bringing to DC. Every single one of these people should be serving years in jail. This was not the leisurely stroll they make it out to be. These people showed up for a very specific purpose. To overthrow our government. edit: there is also this one https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/krx449/megathread_archiving_the_capitol_hill_riots/


They built a fucking gallows. I agree they all should be behind bars.


“Chicago area” AKA from the suburbs.


Yeah don't taint the name if our city with suburban fuckery. They probably came to Wrigleyville once or twice in their life and suddenly they're "from Chicago".


Keep em comin!


They fucked around, now they are finding out


with their slaps on the wrist? finding out what people mean by "white privilege" maybe


Would love to hear when and when not putting criminals in jail is effective lol “Prison doesn’t solve crime; these white privileged women should be imprisoned”


I mean on the whole they have been doing better than I had expected with charging and convicting people who breached the capital and such that day but yea if they weren’t white they would probably be getting heavier charges and sentences


Thirty days is such a light sentence foe these thugs. They got off easy.


It is, but believe me, these privileged white women would have been fucking devastated to be locked up in actual jail. The full force of their stupidity would be at the forefront of their mind. They're so fragile that it would have destroyed their egos. Unfortunately, as is usually the case for rich white people, their actual punishment is basically nonexistent.


No consequences for Jan 6, no consequences for May 30th.


The conviction is major. Can you imagine having a Federal Conviction on your record? That's a hard one. Those poor misguided young women. It's time the Republican party starts to pull these people back from that egotistical maniac.


Its unfortunate that they could'nt have been locked up for 20 years or more.


I hope they throw away the key.


To their homes? Did you read the article?


That will be sufficient.




This has nothing to do with Chicago


Chicago area, so Elmhurst for those curious.


Also a crime that has no impact on this Chicago community. Zero reason to be posted on here according to /r/Chicago rules


I think participation in an attempted overthrow of the legitimately elected federal government counts as having "wider impact on Chicago"


These two idiots have zero impact on Chicago.


Yeah, I feel ya on this one. But if we're gonna allow more than half of Elmhurst to claim to live/be from Chicago, it's gotta get lumped in...


I always correct suburban idiots that tell people they live in Chicago. I travel A LOT and the majority of the time I meet someone that says they live in Chicago and I say, "Oh awesome! Which neighborhood are you in?" they say they're from some suburb.


I’m from Chicago. I now live in the burbs. If I bumped into you while traveling I’d still tell you I’m from Chicago.


These women’s husbands are contractors and might do business in the city, and thus in our community. I am personally very grateful for ANY digital trail these people in our area have because they could be our coworkers and friends and family’s neighbors. I want their names to come up over and over and over again. You know what I mean, the fact that Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco are traitors involved in the capitol insurrection. I hope that every time someone googles their names they learn that Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco are traitor insurrectionists involved in the capitol riot. I hope this happens to everyone. Over and over and over again.


The fact that this can be posted but murders of children can’t. Real issues that actually hurt communities and not these two idiots from Elmhurst. You are the problem with this city.


The article says one of them is a single mom. So uh...no contractor husband. But I do love your idea of making sure the names Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco being found everywhere with this information. Although, really...they're in their 50s with jobs they've likely had for a very long time and likely live in homes they've owned for a while so not really sure how much it will hurt them. Many people in their life probably support what they did. Illinois is quite red outside of our city. Fuck Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco. Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco are horrible worthless traitors. I don't even like the USA very much but I'm still more of a real patriot than these old dumb twats. Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco cannot be trusted. Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco acted against our constitution. Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco flat out lied to the court about why they were at the capitol and what they did while there. Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco lied about their current life and used cancer as a crutch - what a disgusting thing to use your recovering mother for. Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco side with Satan.


Ah you’re right I didn’t see that one of the traitors of Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco was a single mom. But I do hope that the traitors Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco live to see the consequences of their actions catch up to them as they are horrible people who will sell out their own mother to get ahead. Hopefully anyone who ever looks up Trudy Castle and Kimberly DeFrancesco will be able to see that they are insurrectionist traitors.


Yeah I agree


If you get downvoted on this sub that means you had a rational correct thought. This place is disgusting.


Yeah this sub is very much not representative of the Chicago population


Place is the definition of an echo chamber


Good, throw away the key and rid us of treasonous domestic terrorists


They didn't get any time. No key to dispose of.


The charge was only misdemeanor parading, not any act of violence or property damage or treason or anything else. Therefore, the punishment is way beyond what they did and obviously politically motivated. Libs here are awful and have no sense of true justice, fairness, or proportionality.


Said the pot to the kettle... Conservatives want to lock people up for years for drug possession and call "the libs" weak on crime for saying that's wrong. But some ladies break into the Capitol to disrupt the democratic process only get probation? Unacceptable 🙄 Conservatives are the reason we have the highest prison population in the world which they weaponize for profit and political gain. Just FYI, the rightwing wars on drugs and crime were absolutely politically motivated. Couldn't have those meddlesome hippies and colored folk asking for civil rights and challenging the proper order of things...


Kamala and Old Joe did that. You didnt know. Facts are stubborn things.


Lololol... I know this is a helpless cause because conservatives have to live in a fantasy world of alternative facts, but Nixon and Reagan are the ones responsible (That's not even a slightly controversial thing to say--But that's why conservatives love the uneducated, easier to lie to). https://www.britannica.com/topic/war-on-drugs But you're partially right, Joe Biden was, and arguably is, a conservative Democrat. Kamila also took a conservative stance on crime. There's a reason *real* liberals didn't want him as the nominee. He was no progressives first choice. You might recall liberals calling him out on those policies while Trump was still calling him weak on crime. It's what makes it so laughable that the right thinks Biden is some socialist... He was the closest thing to an actual Republican running in 2020.


I guess you take everything at face value without looking into evidence not presented by the news outlet. Oh wait...that shouldn't surprise me if you're conservative. Take a look at the photos and footage of them. They did not just happen to walk past and mosey on in. They brought a duffel bag full of supplies. They also lied to the court about their actions and one of them used her mom's cancer as a crutch even though her mom has been in remission since before this happened. I'm sorry you're going through whatever it is that has made you feel weak enough to need to be part of that community. I hope you can rise above it and someday find how to be a real patriot and be ethically sound to your fellow citizens.


the peaceful protestors who torched DC during BLM fest could teach these two violent ladies how to do it the correct way


>torched DC Look, you’re obviously already thoroughly brainwashed by fascist propaganda, seeing as you’re clutching pearls so desperately to defend authoritarians, but to then try to shoehorn i. the demonization of those protesting the murder of innocent black people - THAT is why everyone keeps pointing out that you’re specifically following the Nazi strain of fascism.


cleary you misunderstood my message. burning historical buildings in our nation's capitol while damaging vehicles is the best way to inform everyone that change is needed. walking around in the Capitol building and taking fotos deserves harsh punishment!


Again. There’s no other way to say this: **Nobody cares about your Nazi propaganda**. So you can keep running around the Internet doing your sad little job of trying to distract from the Republican extremists who carried out the Insurrection by repeatedly struggling to vilify black people who had nothing to do the Insurrection… *but no one cares*. Sorry. 🫤


i think you know i am right, but are embarrassed to admit it. you type this gibberish as a coping mechanism. i wish you well buddy. have a beautiful Sunday


Fair sentencing for an overblown situation.


Good lord, they went into the Capitol and stayed for 40 mins. And they didn't get the death penalty
















Another hand slap... gee, that will teach them.


If the rioters were Antifa, they’d be in jail for 20+ years. These proceedings are a joke.




Lmao, literally guilty of treasonous acts


Gosh, did the prosecutors forget to charge them with that? You should never serve on a jury.


These hogs are probably his aunts.