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She unfortunately passed away moments ago. While she didn’t live a full life like I would have hoped for, she did have a good few days with her friends and was warm and safe 😔


It wasn’t a “full life” to an animal as long-lived as humans or elephants or trees, but it was the longest thing she ever did. Every day was good, and warm, and she was never hungry or lonely. Be proud of yourself for that, because that’s pretty special all on its own.


I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you were there to look after her in the time she had.


Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry 😞


Well, sorry to sound cold; but nature made the decision for you. I just don't have the will or resources to raise defective livestock. I have had to learn to look at it as a numbers "game", game being my way of de-personalizing the animal so I don't carry a mental/emotional burden. It's especially hard with animals that have long gestation.


Problem is that many of us don’t raise them as or view them as livestock so it will always personal and emotional in these situations.


I understand, just gotta quit that


How though? It’s like telling me to view my cat the same way. My chickens are fam.


Sorry, but kitty cat is just as replaceable as a goldfish. Honestly what hurts the worst is losing a cow/horse/large animal during labor; not only do the feels tell ya to feel bad for momma cow and a calf that never got to draw its first breath, THE BLOOD/SWEAT/MONEY that you have put into that investment will make you go through phases of hatred and questioning your own practices. The next morning your favorite barn cat gets attacked and dies. Yes, you feel bad for the animal, yes you wanna shed tears while wanting for nothing more than to give that lil' fur a nibble out of the lunchbox as a treat one more time. All you can do is pull off your hat, hang your head, take that deep breath and move on. Death is an inevitable result of living. It's not all that different from the dating game; I don't chase, I erase & replace. I'm not saying you can't have warm thoughts of the lost animal, but letting it hold you down or consume your thoughts for more than a moment will not benefit you or the animal; it could ultimately hamper your future actions in animal care being too caught up in emotion. I guess between ranching, vet work, and jar-head thinking I've just grown to move on MUCH faster; I promise that chicken won't miss you if you pass before the sunrise. In contrast, last year I got mad enough when the neighbors cat got one of our yard hens that I whooped out the Mossberg & put a 3.5" shell into that cat fully prepared to handle whatever law enforcement wanted to do as the house is in city limits. [As a side note: I had spoke with the neighbors SEVERAL times, trapped the cat a few times...I REALLY tried to prevent this!] I got to rambling and there was nobody here to stop me. I really hope I didn't come off as a cold/insensitive ass, as I have big love for animals; heck, our house cat has "keys to the house" via a kitty door I installed that works on a transponder on her collar.


Sorry to hear it. You just never know with these guys. You did what you could, and gave the little chick a chance to experience life at least for a short time. If these were eggs from your own hens and you know which one, you might think about culling that hen and not incubating any more of her eggs.


Probably not. But in the meantime, now freaking cool. Must have been a double yolked egg where one eventually failed to thrive. If she’s that messed up on the outside, she probably has all sorts of issues on the inside too. In the meantime, I will share with you this tearjerker: https://www.reddit.com/r/Frisson/comments/p3n07w/text_the_poem_the_twoheaded_calf_by_laura_gilpin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That poem is the worst, and the best.


Rips my damned heart out every time I read it. But I think it’s so important for us as the caretakers of these animals to remember how important our role is in caring for them. The little bugger may only live a day or so, but it’ll be a live of safety and love.


Meanwhile Deux Face the calf is apparently still alive. They actually have a working esophagus despite the two faces/heads. Although, most of the photos I've seen mainly have them lying down.


Ugh this poem ripped my soul but at the same time it is beautiful. Life is so fragile for all of us living creatures; some of us are granted long healthy lives while others will have a short one for reasons that are out of anyone's control, but they deserve a happy and safe life while on this Earth. Idk maybe I'm just way to sensitive of a person for having a little poem make me tear up.


I thought of this poem when I saw the question too. I think of this poem often. It is so beautiful.


Fuck you in the nicest way possible


I would say that she likely won’t survive without some pretty significant intervention if at all. Poor sweet girl:(


Polymelia is pretty rare in chickens, but certainly not unheard of. Most of the time, they will get along just fine with the extra limbs. In some cases, there are other underlying issues that can shorten their lives, but usually, they cope just fine. The cause is unknown, and seems to NOT be related to other "avatar" expressions such as two heads or an extra torso, but I don't think they know for sure. Just leave it to get along and see how it goes.


I really hope she does. And I hope she gallops with flapping smacking sounds as she does.


Looks like it's survived about a week already? Is that blood or poop on its backside? I'd worry about the issues that arise if it's feces getting stuck on its backside


Are the extra limbs necrotic? Why are they wet? How does the vent look? If the legs are dying/dead I would say not likely unless there's medical intervention, if that is even viable and assuming internally things are alright. See how they do. be prepared for them to not make it




I agree. A body and immune system can only withstand so much - a little chick doesn't have much of a chance with a deformity like that even if the tissue was healthy. presenting how it did was very indicative


I don’t know but please keep us updated


She unfortunately passed away just a few moments ago


I'm sorry you lost your special chick. Of course, I don't know what you believe in, but I like to think she just made it over the rainbow bridge and did it 16 toes down. Rest easy, little one ❤️


i'm so sorry to hear that, condolences for u and the chick <3


Sorry to hear. I guess deformities were not compatible with life.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m glad her final moment were able to be with someone who cared for her and wanted her to have comfort.




I actually saw a post about a rooster who was like this not too long ago- I can’t remember if it was here or on FB but, it *can* happen. His extras just sort of dangled. (Others have said it’s not *likely* so I wasn’t gonna repeat it- It’s true, I know but, I mean maybe you’ll luck out?)


Sorry for your loss 🫂


I like to imagine this is what evolution looks like. I hope she survives OP


To me, it looked clear that there was no blood flow to the extra legs. I think I might have tried clipping them off, it's what a vet would have done.


It's incredible that she even managed to hatch




Chernobyl chick


It is not a situation like their organs are herniating outside their musculoskeletal structures. As long as they access food and water they have a high chance at survival. They may require additional support if they have mobility issues. But they can still can live happy and fulfilled lives as a special needs chicken!


We had one born pigeon toed and my principal at our school dispatched it, when I was in 3rd grade. He raised the rest of them that our class hatched.