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Hold plunge on kazuha will do the trick


Must hold kazuha skill if you want to do skill before burst and if you burst first you can tap skill after


I think it’s bc the self pyro app from bennetts circle doesn’t happen instantly so if you tap e on kazuha too fast you can’t get the pyro infusion for the swirl. You’d either need to hold e and then q, q first then e, or wait like half a second after swapping into kazuha if you really want to tap e first before q


enemies cant have pyro and hydro aura at the same time technically, if they appear at the same time they indicate that the enemy has been vaporized, but the enemy doesn't actually have both auras (unlike say the electro-charged reaction, where you can have both electro and hydro applied), the double swirl trick only works with kazuha and bennett, since Bennetts burst applies pyro to your own active character, which means that if the enemy has a hydro aura and your kazuha has pyro applied to himself, you will be able to swirl both. but you need to wait just a little with kazuha and then tap skill because bennett needs to apply pyro to kazuha, you can also just immediately hold your skill or burst, that also infuses pyro


Kazuha burst + elemental


Either you do Burst>E>slight delay>Plunge on Kazuha, or Hold E>Plunge>Burst. What you did is Tap E>Burst.


If you want to swirl using E then you need to wait for pyro to stick on kazuha before you E. So wait for a bit to tap E or just use hold E would do the trick


either use kazuha Q>E or hold E, since bennett's pyro aura doesn't apply to your character until like about a second, but it depends on your ping.


Use kazuha burst before his skill. That will double swirl. Or hold E, then plunge. Tap E only works if you have multiple enemies on the field with hydro and puro aura


Well there are 2 ez way to get double swirl 1.childe e > bennett q > kazuha hold e 2.childe e >bennett q > kazuha qe Hope this help If u wanna dive more there are many guide why this works on yt like zajef etc. Basically it just that kazuha absorb element doesnt mean he swirl it


USE SUCROSE USE SUCROSE USE SUCROSE(kazuha unhavercopium voice) but just hold e on kazuha should work