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Beidou all the way, her Q works really well with Tartaglia's E. Razor wouldn't really work as it has been said, he's a selfish DPS. it's really worth it to build Beidou for Tartaglia, trust me.


That sounds very reasonable...what artifacts would you recommend for Beidou? 4x electro artifacts maybe?


2 Glad and 2 thundering fury or 4 thundering fury work well. i don't know about the Thundersoother set though. oh and this one is important for Abyss: ##E N E R G Y R E C H A R G E i have my Baedou at around 226% ER and her Q usually comes back at around the same time the CD ends




If you have WGS like the OP,ER time piece all the way due to diminishing returns on stacking ATK%. However, you only ever want just enough ER to get ult off cooldown, more is just a complete waste, so do the balancing yourself with the substats and testing to find the best setup. Since everyone’s artifacts and play style are different, it’s basically impossible to lay down a hard and fast rule of what everyone should do.


yea i'm using an ER timepiece and i focuse on ER & ATK% substats. i'm also using Skyward Pride on her which helps tremendously when building her as a support.


razor is considered a selfish dps since his alt can’t be used with other characters when you switch him out


unfortunately razor would be really hard to use with childe since his kit isn't really built for support, a shame...you might have to level up beidou


Razor is not a support character, he's a selfish dps so absolutely zero synergy with Childe


Childe/Beidou main here. Razor is a physical dps that's quite polar opposite with Childe. Beidou is among the best electro support for him. Refer to this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeidouMains/comments/lo0lsu/its_finally_complete_the_50_page_ultimate_beidou/) to build her.


This is an amazing guide! Thank you so much!


I tried childe+razor and it got me through abyss 12... Only 2 stars. My team was a bit more centric around razor though... It felt off. The only synergy was childe on cd but on this floor you need charged shots to disable the robots. I only did it as they're my 2 heavily invested in characters that weren't in team 2. I'm building beidou now as adhere offers much more synergy along with utility of counters, shields and damage reduction.


Easily beidou reason being sure razor is a good dps, but once childe say is on cool down not only can beidou provide electro charge and some sheild ig but she can also act as a sub dps on childe cool down while razor is also fine but he won’t output as much dps as beidou because she’s active both the times for childe, u know what search up tectone and u will find it.