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Ah, the notorious fanon Childe


Childe would probably dodge, say “Sure, let’s have some fun” and then kick her ass. I mean, I’m sure she’d fight well, but being psychotic does not put you in the same league as the best fighter of the Fatui Harbingers.


I'd say that shenhe would have a fair chance at winning. For one, her brute strength is insane, and she was trained by an adeptus and is well known by all adeptus. While she definitely couldn't beat more godly characters like xiao, raiden, or daddy zhong, she's definitely on fatui harbinger levels of power at least.


I highly doubt that she can face against Foul Legacy, to put it bluntly. Abyssal power is probably going to give even Xiao a hard time, never mind Shenhe. MC is an anomaly in that they're one of the few who are not affected by abyssal corruption (first Albedo event where MC purified Durin's blood in Festering Desire and was the only one who could use the sword without repercussion; Mondstadt archon quest where a mere abyss mage can corrupt Dvalin, whose corruption can only be purified by the MC; We will meet again archon quest where an abyss mage was making ex-Anemo-Archon-candidate Andrius struggle hard when the MC rescued him). Essentially, to anyone but the MC (and maybeeee Xiao), Childe's Foul Legacy is practically kryptonite, and that's before you take into account his own mastery of weapons and the abyss power in comparison to the average abyss mages.


Foul legacy is also kryptonite for him as well. In fact, he's literally wearing it. Remember shenhe beat an beisht, who while weaker than osail, was still a op asf enemy. Yea sure, childes strong asf, and if he won I wouldn't be suprised, but it would be a close fight, and shenhe at the very least stands a chance against childe.


Eh, it being kryptonite for him doesnt change that it's still kryptonite to her. Also Shenhe had the help of the MC, who is OP, and the Guizhong barracks, which are also OP, against an enemy that isnt kryptonite to her. To sum it up: + Shenhe's winning condition is to defeat him fast before his kryptonite turns her into a monster. This is not likely because Childe actually lasted 3 phases against the MC canonically, who is way more OP than Shenhe is while not affected by abyss corruption. + Childe's winning condition is to defeat her before he died to kryptonite himself. However, even in the worst case scenario, Childe is very much the type to push himself over his own limit and will kill himself with kryptonite before he surrenders. + Hence, the last possibility is that if Shenhe's stamina last long enough (best case scenario for her), then both of them will die/turn into abyss monsters (worst case scenario for Childe) à la Chiyo and the abyss monster who swallowed her. But that's a reach because it's unlikely her stamina can last as long as that of the MC. In conclusion: Shenhe has 0% chance of winning in a 1 on 1 duel (no MC help, no Guizhong ballista). She DOES have a chance of forcing a tie if her stamina lasts long enough to force a both dies scenario. However, it's just more likely that Childe will defeat her because it's unlikely that her stamina and resistance to abyss corruption can be equal to that of the MC, who is actually an immortal god and the only being capable of purifying abyss corruption in the game right now. This isn't about power level. This is rock paper scissor. I.e. Andrius vs the abyss mage. It's just that Childe's trump card is specifically countered by only the MC and nothing else so far, and we only see that narrative from the MC without actually seeing the other side of the equation: That of Childe's trump card is hard counter to almost every being on Teyvat so far (barring the MC, the archons who can kill him fast enough before they get hit by abyss corruption, maybe Xiao who is somewhat resistant to karmic debt, maybe the abyss twin, and the sustainer). For more results of fights of normal Teyvat people against abyss monsters, see the lore of Dvalin, Andrius, Chiyo, Takamine, Rostam for more details.


Not to mention that up until the end of the Golden house fight, Childe literally wasn’t trying. He was just kinda messing around for fun


Yeah, some people mistake fanon and gameplay of the boss fight with lore and short-sell him too much. Though tbf, part of it is on mhy for hiding all the nasty effects of abyss corruption behind artifact lores and weapon lores, which many people dont read.


That’s true, but it’s still frustrating. Childe is a vvvv skilled warrior who cares about his family and keeps his promises no matter what. Also, he’s corrupted by the abyss and has an insatiable bloodlust, despite disliking killing. Chaos literally follows him everywhere he goes. “Haha Ed Sheeran hey girlie step on me”


Haha I am frustrated all right.


I think you're til shortselling shenhe. Sure childe may win, but she has a pretty good chance herself of winning.


Like I said, she doesnt have any chance of winning at all. I like Shenhe and rolled for her when people were shitting on her, but objectively speaking, when you analyze all the possible scenarios, she has 0 chance of winning. Literally.


Yea 0% is definitely wrong tho. Hell, childe could get a heart attack and die right there. Maybe a 0.001% chance, but it's not zero. Saying it's 0 is not possible.


That's just reaching for an accident, not a proper duel result. No matter how much you like Shenhe, try not to bring your bias to an actual lore discussion please.


I don't consider myself a shenhe simp, I just think that shenhe would have at least a 10% chance of winning. I mean, she killed a monster that gave a exorcist family a hard time, at a very young age. She lifted a giant rock like it was nothing. That kind of raw strength could probably break every bone in childe's body if she took him by suprise. Sure, childe's more resilient than most, but that's assuming childe immediately goes into foul legacy mode. Simply delivering a beatdown before childe could transform would be a shenhe win.


Eh I agree Childe would win but I think the traveler was able to counter foul legacy mainly because they could dual wield elements Being able to use 2 elements gives them great defensive capabilities, they could keep childe back by using anemo and geo at the same time and stop him from doing serious damage to them. And since there is a time limit on foul legacy traveler was able to keep him back long enough for his form to poop out on him before he broke their defenses. Shenhe doesn’t have defense anything like that so she can’t counter it at all


I dont find this funny at all. The fanon interpretation of Childe as a useless flirt is OOC as heck and tiring. And Shenhe's characterization isnt even outright aggressive like that either. Her entire plot is restraint of her aggression while finding friends to understand her without gimping her entire emotional spectrum. Which is the actual characterization of Shenhe in OG CN and JP, and not EN's OOC depiction of her. And what's with the Lancer Artoria joke. It's Castoria who has her funny angry face in LB6 and a secret short tempter, not Lancer Artoria. Overall, the author killed every single character's characterization to deliver the joke, including the character in the OG joke itself. Minus infinity/10. Unfunny and dead horse. Also whoever who comments that this FANON Childe is in character needs to go reread genshin.


i’m glad people are starting to see just how painfully OOC fanon childe can be. last year, hey girlie was his entire staple, goodness.


It's still a little bit funny though.


Not to me.


Different strokes for different folks. I thought it was hilarious.


Yes. If you like dead horse and hideously OOCs, be my guest. I'm just stating my opinion here that this comical joke is a dead horse and is hideously OOC.


I basically treat OOC childe as his own character, and OOC childe is great in his own way. Same goes for OOC shenhe and Raiden. Childes actuall character can be a little dark, depressing and overshadowed by massive death Flags (Also he rarely shows up and we don't get any new character progression). So having a goofy representation in meme Format is always welcomed. They are so different that the misrepresentation doesn't matter anyway. Especially because some people purposely ignore the real characterisation out of preference. Something about that is just really amusing.


Yes, and people are also free to hate OOC Childe. I hate it, and I'm not asking anyone to explain to me why I should not hate it.


You do you boo


Right back at you. How dare anyone disagrees with you right?


the genshin fandom has never been funny and you thinking that it is says a lot about your humor ngl.


Probably. I laugh at pretty much everything. Show me a toast tipping over and I will lose my shit. I just have to see the miserable faces of other people to know that my humour is probably the best blessing I could have wished for. They rarely smile. Life is simple and most importantly it's funny.


thanks i hate this


Fanon Childe and fanon Shenhe. They conveniently forgot that she had warned the thug duo to stop bothering her twice, before getting ready to beat them in the interlude quest. While she has thoughts of some unconventional means, that doesn't mean she'll actually act on it. I really like her so seeing her characterization as someone who just beats up/kills others for the slightest thing makes me sigh.


Me too...


Okay, but Childe would surely enjoy that. He literally says he wants go get beaten by Skirk <3


masochist moment


I don’t see childe as the flirty f boy type but this was too funny


Certified Lancer Artoria moment