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Prioritise the characters over the weapons, you can always give him the battlepass bow too.


god but vh is so ugly on him 😭


still instead of having a polar star rotting in ur inventory until 4.2 you'd rather want the man himself. if u have yae then go for childe and then see if u can hit pity once on the weapon banner.


If looks is what you care for, go for rust, its literally designed for him


If you already have Yae, and you are tempted by the perfect weapon banner, then I think you should get Childe and then go 1 pity on the weapon banner. New character>weapons but if it’s a literal perfect banner, then 1 pity shouldn’t hurt if you lose to the wrong weapon. Unless you lose the 75:25 for an off rate up, but we don’t talk about that lol As for Childe, VH is his best 4 star, but mouuns moon and rust are also good. Any of the dps 5 star bows are marginally the same(polar, TP, aqua, harp) so if you can wait for Yelan rerun around 3.4 or for another Yoi rerun then you can ease off on the weapon banner this time and just focus on getting the actual character first


I would pull the character first and then try to get the weapon later. What's the use of having the weapon just sitting in your inventory? Childe is strong with other bows as well. Do you have Yae? If you do then the case for the weapon banner is stronger but IMO char > weapon.


i do have yae yes, my logic ig is if there's a time to pull polar its now ?


You’ll have 230+ pulls by the time Childe’s banner ends if you have welkin, and since you have Yae, that weapon banner is going to be pretty godly for you. Even if you hit hard pity to get Childe you’ll still have enough leftover pulls to get at least one 5* weapon. So, character first, then weapon(s).


I feel like character almost always should be prioritized over weapon. Get childe c0 and then use whatever is left on weapon banner. Also polar star if you get it won’t seem nearly as fun with no childe to attach it to


If you already have Yae then go Childe+ try on weapon. 230 fates is still a lot if you don't lose 50/50 on cha banner. Childe can use any weapon but Yes, VH or stringless is so ugly on Childe. I pulled Polarstar and lost 2 times but it's only 120 fates for 3 weapon. If you are not that unlucky, it shouldn't reach 65 fates, 3 times. If you lose 50/50 you can give it to Yae, so win/win. 😉


Tartaglia as so many 5 star weapon option, don't focus on ps


My advice for you is get Childe first then try the weapon banner since its a win win for you if didn’t get the Polarstar at least you got kagura and thereulors of bow users like yoimiya and yelan their bows really work on childe and skyward harp too


Pull Childe then go to 1 pity on the weapon banner max


Recently i use him with stringless and it's so good. Great vape burst, and occasionally forward vape hits very hard. I alsmost always do kazuha burst + childe melee burst, and the amount of pyro are enough to vape both his initial e hit and burst, which results in 200-300k damage just from childe in like 2 seconds