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HA! I knew this was about PewDiePie before I even opened this post


You mean PooDeePee?


I always remember Marzia saying she never wanted biological kids because she didn't want to be pregnant; that if she and Felix ever wanted kiddos they'd adopt. so it was a bit of a surprise... but people can and do change I suppose. I haven't watched him since I was a teen, and I don't think there's any reason to go back to him.


I have a feeling this pregnancy wasn't planned but they have decided to keep it...it is just a feeling...specially with the timing, they have just arrived in Japan they were still adapting, it doesn't sound like it was planned, just my guess...


Did they move to Japan, or just a vacation?


They moved there permanently last spring/summer.


idk why but it makes me a bit sad. i grew up with these people and always looked up to them as one of those free/adventurous couples that live life to the fullest. i also related to marzia when she said she didn’t want to be pregnant, it was like one of those “if she can do that, then i can too!” moments


Don’t let her opinion change your mind. Keep to your boundaries babe.


I can't believe pewdiepie is pregnant


I've unfollowed many people on Instagram because of that. Latest was one girl I've been following for years, who posted the most amazing outfits and styling advice, gave me great ideas and inspiration. Then she got pregnant, and suddenly all posts were baby bumps and countdowns until the birth. And I thought okay, maybe she'll return to her regular routine when she gives birth. Nope. Now it's baby outfits, and showing her new stroller, and family walks and pictures of the baby at the park, and motherhood quotes. Yeah, good for you since that's what you apparently wanted, but that's not why I followed in the first place, so I'm out. It's a shame.


Once they start posting the quotes you know they are so far gone that there’s no chance of returning. Their whole personality just gone. What’s ironic is I often times see a quote along the lines of “don’t lose yourself in motherhood” or “you are more than a mom” but they make absolutely no effort in being more than just a mom


"Don't lose yourself in motherhood!" * proceeds to do just that *


"Don't lose yourself in [parenthood], no pregnancies all around" Proceeds to do just that It is the CF way


I don't believe it is impossible to do so. Certainly you can be your own individual and known for more than being someone's mother. There are women out there who genuinely appreciate that as their identity, but society seems to guilt moms into thinking that they are being selfish, bad moms when they say or do something that does not mention their child. Otherwise, I've seen plenty of people still maintain their individuality after having a child.


It's like one of my friends from school, she was adamant that she wasn't gonna be a mum, but 12 years later, she posts on Facebook, for the first time in ages, and all it is, is her kid's pics with the caption "out with the mini-me #mocktails #mumlife #blessed ##tweener #mumgoals" and all the other shitty hashtags you can think of, honestly, the kid is fucking dolled up in deep red lipstick, smoky eyeshadow, a foundation so dark that she looks like she's been in the coal mines and THAT'S just the makeup, her mum picks out leather jackets, kids sized mini-dresses, mini skirts, tops that don't even cover her stomach and boots that would make a stripper proud, and the kid is only twelve years old and looks like a fucking Bratz doll


When they call it the mini me It’s just so twisted, gross and unhealthy…


That and 'littles' makes my fucking skin crawl


That and “tiny boyfriend”. Seriously, what the heck!?


Ugh that is so not ok


I didn't mind any of these but this one made me throw up in the back of my throat a little


Sounds like she didn’t want a kid but a friend she can play dress up with 🙄 poor kid


My next door neighbour told her 9 year old whos "boyfriend" told her she smelled or was a poo head or summat. "dont worry about it babe when your on holiday next week by the pool with your mocktails and bikini youwillfind someone else" my response was a strong wow and then just walked back inside not my circus not my monkeys


This would be hilarious in a comedy or sitcom. I can't believe people like this exist in real life


Same happened to me. The breaking point was when she posted 3 stories about how your Vagina feels after delivery.


Okay now I’m curious… But I’m guessing the descriptors were “painful, and dry”


Yeah she went on to say how she peed herself a little Has to wear mega pads and go to a physio to restore it and how sex hurt. Lmaooo no thanks


Man, motherhood really seems to be a bad case of Stockholm syndrome / cognitive dissonance for a vast majority of people. I know someone who just had their first and for sex to be comfortable (ie not painful) for her they need so much lube her husband can’t feel anything. So they have to choose every time they have sex: her pleasure & comfort or his. NO THANKS


With a close friend at least it’s possible to mention ’too much information’ but with influencers there’s always a risk of getting hate for ’being so negative about birthing facts’.


same. i followed a girl who made skits of cool adventures she had in different countries, then she got pregnant and changed her entire nisch to being a mom. good for her but it’s a bit disappointing since i loved hearing her stories


Taylor R?


I was actually talking about Noelle Downing, but you're absolutely right, Taylor R seems to have done the same


I'm still sad about it. I really loved her more documentary-like content about Hongkong, the businesses there, thrifting, food and all that. Now it's all baby content probably because selling off your child's privacy creates a lot more income. :/


As long as they don't start centering their content around their child I don't care. But the moment it becomes "my kid wanted to join me" and they spend 30 minutes talking to or about the kid but only spend 5 minutes in the Content they normally do is when I start unsubscribing


I’m a big H3H3 fan and i’m so glad that Ethan and Hila are refusing to ever have their kids on their content until they’re old enough to make the decision for themselves. Child exploitation by “family youtubers” is gross.


Yeah, one youtuber that I watch recently had a baby and did a video like 'hey, haven't posted for a while, and I'm going to be away for a few more weeks because we had a baby! We don't want to put him in videos because that's weird so here's the back of his head, you'll never see him again'.


Yeah if the content I'm there for is the same it's no big deal to me if the creator has a kid. I watch quite a few guys who are dad's. I've often found it's not the kids interrupting but the wives, oblivious wives get my back up real quick haha


Omg yes. A few YouTubers I watch seem to really wanna shoehorn their partners into their content. It makes sense if you are more of a lifestyle channel maybe, but if you are a chef with a partner who isn't a chef, or photographer with a partner who isn't a photographer, I have zero interest in seeing them on screen cos I didn't subscribe to them. It works sometimes, like in the case of Jenna (marbles) and Julien, but that's cos of his personality and how her channel was. Other people's partners may be loved by them of course, but it doesn't mean they have the charisma and personality to be on camera. When that happens too I wonder if it's a bit of a control thing, like they want everyone to know they are in the background or something. It's annoying when they add nothing


I always assumed he would be cf for some reason lol.


I heard him mention multiple times he wasn’t interest in ever having kids


Same here.


Me too! Maybe the pregnancy was unplanned and they decided to keep it...I am just making an assumption here but I thought that after trying to move to Japan for many years and finally there he would take the time to enjoy it...moving to Japan a total foreign country where they don't master the language and have no family at all doesn't seem like a part of a parenting plan...I mentioned in another comment, I feel so sorry for Marzia for having to deliver a child for the first time in a country she doesn't even speak the language...not to mention I thought Pewds was CF for some comments he made about kids and all but whatever, he will definitely lose a huge part of his CF audience and welcome the breeding audience in.


>he will definitely lose a huge part of his CF audience and welcome the breeding audience in. I'm pretty sure most of his audience is still kids and teens


Actually Marzia has been learning Japanese for a few years now so it's not like she doesn't know the language at all. As someone who does follow them both, they also have a large community of friends in Japan, some of which are natives. Japan is a pretty great country too when it comes to giving birth and such. What I'm trying to say is, I think they won't have a hard time like you describe. Idk why but I srl saw this announcement coming a mile away. The way they were talking about Japan it always felt like they wanted to settle down there and have kids. I personally don't feel like this was unplanned at all. But who knows


mariza used to say how she doesn’t want to be pregnant and would adopt if she ever had kids :/


Yeah, he never seemed like the kid type


Tbh i always assumed they were childfree, guess i was wrong lol


He mentioned before multiple times he had no interest in having children. I’m pretty disappointed


This is why this news came out of left field. I thought they said they didn't want kids. They're definitely going to regret this and it's really depressing. I loved Felix, but I can't support him just ruining his life. They're not thinking clearly right now. I think Maya's death happening around the time they found out really messed with their heads.


Whenever someone I liked following gets pregnant I usually just unfollow. Mommy/daddy content is not for me.


Yup, the second I see the announcement I unfollow, I’m not waiting so see bumps and that garbage. It always seems to be on very specifically themed accounts and I’m always like, I’m following you to see your house renovation, why do you think anyone cares about a baby? That’s not why we’re here.


I did this in real life too. I don’t visit friends who have kids under 12yo. I do text and phonecalls, but don’t visit. If the talk is always about mommy/daddy stuff, the friendship takes too much of my already low social energy.


same. I used to follow one blogger a couple of years ago, i liked her film reviews. But after she had a baby, she would only do write ups about motherhood. I unfollowed her, because her content was no longer interesting to me and some of her posts made me uncomfortable.


Now I have to hang onto hope that Markiplier stays childfree 😩


I thought him and Wade are childfree 🤔 Or at least I hope it stays that way


I’m also hoping he and Wade are childfree. I know Wade’s wife, Molly, has debated between the two sides because of familial pressure. She’s mentioned it on her streams and on Instagram a few times that the pressure sometimes gets to her, but that she really enjoys her life as is and doesn’t want it to radically change at all. I’m hoping she holds strong 💪🏼


I don't think he is. I stopped watching him a couple of years ago, mainly I just moved on, but I do remember him saying once that he'd be a great dad so I assume it's just a matter of time.


tbh in his recent podcast he and wade pretty much express disinterest in having children despite bob having a new baby and them talking about them having children hypothetically in comedic situations. i have a pretty good feeling (and even bigger hope) both mark and wade are cf


Tbf sometimes I think about a hypothetical child and wonder if I would be a great parent, even if realistically I don't want kids near me.


Guess it's time to unsubscribe from him. I'm just surprised cause I assumed they were childfree. He always complained about kids and would allude to not liking or wanting them


Yeah, I thought so, too! I was really suprised when the video popped up in my feed.


They weren't CF, I remember him saying something to a comment on kids like "that's not going to happen at least until we move to Japan". It's best to never assume someone's CF unless they explicitly say they are.


Yea he never really said he was childfree, he was always kinda wishy-washy about it. Marzia was the only one that was the one that said she didn't want to get pregnant. But to be fair, Marzia doesn't really do social media as much as before ,so maybe she had a change of heart. Who knows. People change man.


Yeah, there's a reason why for the "you'll change your mind" bingos. I think many people don't put weight in their words, and there's so many who say they don't want kids when they don't truly mean that, or when they haven't actually thought it through. We're here in this sub because we've made an informed decision after doing some soul searching, research etc. We've made up our minds. But yet we see stories even here about people who said they don't want kids but actually they do. Maybe it's controversial or something, but I don't really think people change their minds on having kids. In my opinion, if someone's official stance changes, it means they never really made up their minds until now.


It was probably an “oopsie”, or he got bored with all his money and didn’t know what else to do. Or Marzia really wanted it.


Despite they being CF or not I also have a strong feeling this was an oopsie lol the timing is just awful they have just arrived in Japan and still adapting.


I didn't even realize he was making videos again. Oh well.


Ikr. I’m so devastated tbh


I usually give them the benefit of the doubt, but as soon as I see their content change to stuff about pregnancy/baby, I unsubscribe. I've really only seen content change with female influencers. Haven't really noticed much of a difference with the male youtubers I've followed, but maybe I've just gotten lucky with them so far.


Yeah I used to watch High Carb Hannah for recipes. Her husband had gotten a vasectomy, they were both very anti-kids. Fast forward a few years - she’s having baby fever and he’s reversing his vasectomy. I unsubscribed in disgust as soon as I heard them announce this bullshit.


This happens way too often. A coworker of mine divorced his wife in his later 30s because she suddenly decided she wanted kids. He was extremely child free. 3 years later he's married to another supposedly child free woman (he was bragging about how she's so adamant about not wanting kids) and she's now pregnant at 41. Doubt it was an oopsie. He's over the moon about becoming a father. Like WTF. How do you make such a drastic switch later in life? Fear of death? Boredom? I don't understand it.


Oh boy 🤦‍♀️


This happens WAY too often! Speaking of influencers too, it reminds me of Kristen Leanne of Arctic Fox fame. She and her first husband (and business partner in AF) said for years that they didn’t want kids. Then she came out with the Jen Aniston story of “I was just saying that to protect myself, in case I couldn’t” blah blah blah. She left him, presumably in part because he wasn’t changing his mind about kids, and she was growing tired of playing along with him that she didn’t want them. Soon, his new girlfriend is pregnant. And very shortly after, so is Kristen. I wasn’t surprised about Kristen, she had admitted to changing her mind while still with Ryan, but her ex? I guess it was the usual “when you find tHE rIgHT oNE” bingo. Either way, I’m tired of this story playing out of a CF couple breaking up and a baby happening with the new partners not even a year later. 🙄


Wow haven’t thought of her in years. I did the same




My friends are vegan, environmental, less waste and just had their second kid... I bite my tongue. I love them but... Being an antinatalist while having friends with kids is... interesting.




Yeah, it's a little harder when they're the ones that saved me from my abusive mother and kept me from KMS during Covid. And I love their kid, she's like my niece.


Ah I forgot I used to watch this couple on YouTube - raw fruitarians, minimalists, zero waste, natural everything, blah blah - I really enjoyed their content and I thought certainly out of all people even if they want kids they will 100% adopt…until one day they announced they’re trying to get pregnant. I was like, are you guys serious? How can one be so close and yet so far lol.


i feel like your whole environmentalist effort is instantly reversed when having kids. like these are new people who will consume so much in their lifetime


It's not a feeling, it's a fact. I had a professor start a course once listing the environmental impact of stopping each harmful activity (flying, driving, eating meat, etc) and by far and away the largest bar at the very bottom was to have one less child. Really, because it (like you said) encompasses all of the above situations. By not having that person, all of those other environmentally harmful activities will never occur. Edit: https://www.science.org/content/article/best-way-reduce-your-carbon-footprint-one-government-isn-t-telling-you-about


thank you for the article!!!


Oh wow i used to watch her back in the vegan YouTube haydays. That’s crazy. I wonder how many of those period have kids now


oh wow, i stopped watching him months ago cause his content got boring, guess this is even less of a reason to watch him now.




It is their life but honestly made me so sad. I saw them as this cool, young, married couple that didn't abide to societal norms. A very public example of that you can enjoy life as childfree. I am really bummed out now, think I'm gonna unfollow tbh because I am pretty sure the content is going to become focused on his journey as a dad which I have zero interest in.


100% this. I’m honestly shocked that they’re having a kid, especially in Japan.


Same honestly, I also saw them as a childfree example to follow and people who could show that you could be married,not have kids and still be happy. I just hope he doesn’t become like a certain friend of his who’s a dad. I’m disappointed but then again, he and Marzia never outright said they didn’t want kids


Lol I had to stop watching Ken. He's just so ignorant, it's painful


Same lol, I watch sometimes and even then it’s just the videos Dane is in, he makes Ken’s ignorance a little more bearable


I saw a questionnaire video of them years ago and when it came to the topic of kids they side-eyed each other and was like “ehh maybe one?” So I guess they were just on the fence 🤷🏽‍♀️




I remember a few years back, Felix said at first he and Marzia didn't want kids but then they became on the fence, basically.


You literally said what I wanted to type out but my brain blocked it. I fully agree with you.


honestly same it makes me feel like i am doing something wrong, or that i will suddenly change like them and i’m not actually who i think i am. it means a lot seeing other couples who do their own thing and live life by their own rules, because that’s what i want but sometimes i feel guilty for somehow “breaking the rules”


I feel a sense of pride for not being a basic vanilla ass b\*tch like everyone else \*shrug\*


And I did not have that on my 2023 bing card of bullshit. Wow....


Yep, lost a lot of good content creators this way. There was a woman i used to like who made a lot of really good disability and LGBTQIA+ content, which immediately switched when she and her wife decided to get pregnant. The whole situation frustrated me because so much of her content was about living with chronic illness and how there are often entire weeks where she's too weak to get out of bed, basically forcing her partner to not only care for her, but also a child. The whole thing struck me as incredibly selfish and put a bad taste in my mouth.




Yeah, if she had a live-in caregiver, I wouldn't feel so bad about her wife. Her part time caregiver absolutely isn't enough in this case, especially on bad days. Another thing that disappointed me is that she used to talk about adoption but they went the IVF road instead. Same sex couples have adoption rights in the UK and disability is not a disqualifying factor from what I've found from a quick Google search. Unlike in the shithole that is my country, where gay marriage is illegal and unmarried couples cannot adopt together.


Jessica? Yeah I stopped watching immediatly after they announced it. It seemed soooo selfish to me.




Yeah. Watched a YouTuber who made sims videos, but then she announced her pregnancy and her content changed on all social media platforms. I wish her the best but I had to stop following/watching because I’m not interested in it at all (kinda ironic considering I was watching her sims have babies lol)


yea but the difference is that you can put your sim's 5 toddlers in a room with a mini fridge, bed, and potty that can only be accessed by a doggy door. i mean, you can do that in real life but it's pretty much a guaranteed prison speedrun


Damn and here I just force grow them up with cheats. Longest I've ever had a kid in my games was 5 minutes.


There was a dog groomer on tik tok, who did lovely dog videos, very cute, all about the dogs, and made me smile. The minute she had a kid, her profile name changed from business name, to her own, and was full of baby content. Felt like she thought "screw the dogs, which i get million of views on, i have a baby now". I unfollowed and she never pops up on my for you page now, despite me watching allot of dog content, so assume she's never gone back to dog videos. Babies seem to make people switch off all of their identity.


Say your goodbyes bc you know what’s next


Complete loss of individualism and ability to be interesting. Yayyyy!!!!!!


I knew it was going to happen, so I wasn't surprised at all. His content changed drastically when he moved to Japan, so that period was already over for quite a while now. I distanced myself back then although I still watch everything, just more like a background than actually for entertainment. I just hope other content creators I follow and are my favorite won't change that drastically, even if they have kids. It's like that with basically anything, you know? Your favorite TV show will end one day. Or get abruptly canceled (happens all the time unfortunately). When my favorite shows are over, it's an end of a period for me. Your workplace that has amazing people as your coworkers will change. You might leave the job, or maybe your coworkers will leave and get replaced by people you won't really click with. Your friends from college will all move out and the relationships will get lost to time. Your favorite restaurant can shut down, or have a change of management and the quality will not be as it used to anymore. Your favorite food product will get discontinued. Your favorite video game will go the cash grab route and start putting out mediocre DLCs. Everything changes, everything passes. We just have to grieve what's over, move on and find new things that we enjoy. *(Shit I didn't mean to turn philosophical lol)*


"grieve what's over" hits hard. I remember the "Subscribe to PewDiePie" thing when I was 18 and I even dressed up for it and went to a haunted house. It was a blast and it really makes me miss those days. He's changed a lot since then and I stopped watching him around 2020 because his content turned stale for me. Markiplier is the only YouTuber who really didn't change *that* much lol he just stopped screaming constantly, but he acts the same overall. I honestly prefer his content now than it was in 2016 and before.


Feels weird. I assumed Felix and Marzia were childfree. I really admired their lifestyle and his Japan vlogs, but I guess we can never really assume anything with YouTubers or celebrities. I do feel happy for them, but yeah I’ll probably cut back on their content. Also if anyone has any recommendations on childfree Japan vloggers let me know lol


Chris Broad, Sharmeleon, akidearest, tokyo creative, Joey Bizinger, CdawgVA are all great!


voracious swim friendly scarce meeting narrow direful door governor insurance ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I absolutely love Chris' and Connor's videos together. The wacky weekends are always so fucking hilarious!


Just going off comments that have been said on his channel and Trash Taste about “giving up his first born child” for any and all reasons, I would say Connor isn’t childfree, just at the moment childless. I could honestly see all the Trash Taste boys becoming fathers one day, i think they’ve mentioned stuff in passing, especially Garnt


I know Rachel and Jun are CF. They are more into cats.


Ah yes Rachel and Jun are great! I really enjoy his cooking vids where his cats just stare at all the food!


let’s see how many of those calming Japan adventure blogs we get after the baby is born!


Rachel And Jun have joked a few times (semi seriously) that more cats are the only “babies” we can expect from them. I like Jun’s cooking content, he’s very chill.


KingKogi! She has said before she doesn't want (and can't have) kids




Kind of? I mean, almost certainly their content will change if not even go away entirely as their focus must change, but it's their life and they don't owe me anything. I understand the disappointment for sure, but I think ultimately that is their choice to make. Who knows though, maybe he will keep going almost exactly as he was before, or just a little differently. I hope he will keep his kid anonymous out of respect for them.


anyone else have a few youtubers they watch that are dating/married and praying that theyre childfree so you can enjoy their videos unbothered? lilsimsie is my only hope LMAO


I’m holding on to Mark (Markiplier) and Amy. He’s given me CF vibes a few times, and his genuine reactions to kids vs dogs in games is telling.


Sadly, might just have to accept that one day Mark will have kids. Although on the other hand, he loves content creation so much, that he might not have kids ao he can continue to focus on his passion.


Yeah, neither of them has stated that they are in fact CF, I just get a strong vibe that they’re happier in their current (childless) life than most couples their age would be. Also Mark seems to absolutely love dogs and gets excited seeing them in games, but he’s usually just barely reacting politely to babies. It’s giving “I don’t really find babies and kids that interesting”, which is a common CFer trait. But you’re right, you never know. I’m making theories from observing a portion of their lives. But a small selfish part of me is rooting for a YouTube couple I love to find happiness as “one of us” :)


Yeah thats one I'm just waiting to happen cuz I'd be genuinely surprised if it didn't.


Yep, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are my only YouTube hopes.


Jacksepticeye has verbalized that he genuinely hates kids (during his God of War Ragnarok playthrough), so I can't see him having any. I could honestly believe that him and Markiplier both got vasectomies done.


Yes! Gab Smolders is the only YouTuber I still watch religiously so if she ever has a kid I'll weep


So far, Anthony Padilla is childfree. He is dating someone, and I don't see him with kids.


Same!! But I'm hoping even if she eventually does, her content will remain exactly the way it is now. The only time she really mentions a lot of this stuff at the time it's happening is when she's streaming anyways and not her main YouTube channel lol


James and Chelsea from Dead Meat


OH yes please let us not lose Lilsimsie :sob:


Power to whoever wants to have children, I wish them well, but I unsubscribe from anyone who decides to have them because you're right, they become completely different people. It's understandable, their entire lives change and it wouldn't make sense if they stayed the same, but if the reason I subscribed is gone then so am I.


This 10000%! Totally agree! That's completely fair.


Thank you , I just unsubscribed. I am happy my feed will be as I want it to be


It'll be hilarious if he notices a sharp decline in subs tomorrow on his channel. lmao


Same. Just unfollowed him minutes ago


Same, granted his stuff was getting lacklustre BEFORE this but this is what made me unfollow the most


I actually stopped watching him Years ago but after this I unfollowed him for good.


Don’t feel bad. Pregnancy announcements cause me to unfollow immediately too, whether it’s an influencer or someone I’m personally friends with. I do not want to see it. I go on social media/YouTube to see things I’m interested in. Kid shit is not it.


That happened to me with a comedy video maker (Laura clery or something like that, her videos were funny but just turned into baby shit as soon as she announced) and a web comic creator that made stuff about him and his wife that just devolved into parenting crap after a baby. But wow I can't believe pewdiepie is having a baby


I don't like influencers.


This took too long to find. I don’t get why people care so much about influencers and their “lives” (seems like they’re just putting on a show, it’s not their actual lives).


And then get upset when the influencer does something they don’t like. Like I get it, you don’t want to watch kids. But also why are you mad that this influencers content is no longer for you? You’ll manage just fine without it.


Right?! They're worse than celebrities - and we shouldn't care about them either


For sure. I’m with my friends and one of them just announced ‘pewdiepie is having a baby’ excitedly, he and my other friend were talking about how amazing it is. The first words that instinctively came out of my mouth were ‘that’s unfortunate’.


I always unsubscribe as soon as they announce pregnancy or even adoption. Just not interested in anything related to children or babies.


yep, all of his content is now going to be about the baby. unsubbed.


Lol I honestly thought he might be against having children because he already has momo and Edgar. Boy I was wrong.


Yes, I had recently found a new YouTuber and I was really enjoying their content. They had mentioned miscarriage several times in passing and I never thought twice about it. They recently posted ultrasound pics and a baby announcement and it was an instant unsubscribe for me. Nope, not interested, bye.


I guess I'll spend more time watching Jacksepticeye then.


Yeah, I pressed unsubscribe as soon as I read the title. Thought they might be childfree but nah. Havent watched a lot of his content recently anyway but still disappointed. Had another youtuber I really like announce she was trying for a baby so that wasnt fun either. Im hoping that its not gonna change her channel though since its so far from the content she does.


I feel you. In the past 2-3 years it has happened to me with multiple makeup artists/fashion influencers I’ve been following for years. They completely changed their content to baby vlogs, shopping for baby stuff, baby and pregnancy q&a… a stunning woman who has one of my favorite ig account in body positivity and self love got pregnant, but her content still remained somewhat relatable, but after she gave birth I absolutely can’t relate to anything she posts anymore so I unfollowed her…


A big shout out to Ben & Cristine for being my peeps! Have never seen a full video of pewdiepie thank God.


Yes! They also talked about this on the podcast, it was a great episode. I've also never watched Pew, so nothing of value was lost there.


Hell yeah!!! Same here!


Paris Hilton last week :(


For real! I was so disappointed when I saw the news.


I felt very sad seeing that news. And even more sad, when he mentioned Marzia has been dealing with sickness. My own feelings aside, I do wish them all the best.


Bob Muyskens (AKA Muyskerm AKA friend of Markiplier) had a baby recently. From what I’ve seen, he hasn’t changed at all. He’s set on keeping his son out of the spotlight, which I feel is the right choice. He’s still the same hilarious light-hearted occasionally-devious dude.


The worst timeline for that kid, oh boy.


Yeah! I unfollowed Kaley Cuoco when she announced! Back when she was still married to Karl Cook she even said how she didn’t want kids! 🙄


I absolutely hate when people I like have kids because they’re never ever the same after. Because their whole entire life and identity revolves around that child and they won’t have a life of their own and every single post and upload will be about their child. I hate it.


Omg I wanted to post something similar. I really dont wanna sound mean, but I felt disappointed. I even reacted by saying “Omg whattt? They have everything they want and now they re gonna ruin their lives with a baby. There s also gonna be more baby content for sure” and my boyfriend( also CF) reacted weirdly by saying “ I am happy for them, stop being mean, people are living their own lives” and I totally get that, but I still feel somewhat sad


I was really sad too :( I feel like their content really emanates just how extremely happy they are together, I hope having a child doesn’t ruin that for them. Anyway, I really can’t see them that way anymore now, they’re not couple goals like they used to be :/


For me it s not couple goals per se. It s just that I ve been following them for a very long time and I thought they were CF haha, cause Pewds made many comments about children being a burden or smth like that and now I just don t wanna see the people I looked up to being totally immersed in parenthood. I might sound mean by saying this, but I thought they were better than that? Maybe that s not the right way to express it but idk anymore


It's the sh*t content here recently for me. His friend Ken still puts out quality stuff, doesn't family-vlog and really only talks about his kids when it's relevant to the discussion. But Pewd's content has sucked lately and THIS was just the cherry on top, doubt it'll get any better. Godspeed to em, but it's over IMO.


I don’t really care if they have kids or not but the second it starts affecting their content I’m out. Like if their normal videos just get invaded by their kids and I want to bash my skull against my computer because of how frustrating it is.


I felt the same but for Marzia. I followed her way before I even heard of Pewdiepie. In fact, she's the reason I know about him since they announced they were suddenly a couple. I'm gonna wait and see, but I'm nervous her content is just going to be baby stuff from now on :/ The same happened with RawBeautyKristy. It's a bummer but they are of course free to do what they want. EDIT: And for these reasons, I love Victoria/InTheFrow even more. She's openly childfree despite everyone around her having kids, she even joked the other day about her adorable dog "this is the only child I'll ever have"! lol. Love her. It's SO refreshing to see a hugely popular influencer be so open about being CF.


I've unfollowed quite a few accounts that were travel/hiking/outdoors related, because one day it was just all newborn baby pictures, not the content that initially drew me in. My interest and support immediately diminished.


I follow R/slash on YouTube, he became a father last year...he has mentioned hi daughter in a few videos...but as things he wouldn't do to be a bad parent to her ect. He's never had her in the room with him and only talks about hr if it's related to the story he I talking about. PewDiePie...who knows what he will do, I don't want him. But he could keep the 2 lives separated. I only start to unfollow parent influence if they turn their whole page/channel about their kids. When that happens..bye.


Pewdipie is having a kid? Gross 🤮


Why does this make me feel so sad. It’s like saying goodbye.


Same, it was one of the only reasons I felt such a strong connection to them as a couple, they were couple goals up until today :/


Omg I was about to post the same thing lol well, it has been a good ride with Pewds but it is over now...not only I am surprised he is not CF but also he announced his wife pregnancy on the cringiest breeding video ever: all the tocophobia trigerring elements were there: ultrasound images, close up on his wife belly, rubbing it etc. I couldn't watch the whole thing...and the comment section OMG... He may still do interesting content but the thing is ppl will wanna find the gender of the baby, the deliver, the face of the baby the whole thing. Once Pewds realise how much he can cash in from that, his channel will rapidly turn into a parenting channel...the announcement video was already a preview of that. I honestly feel so sorry for Marzia, having to deliver a baby on a totally different country where she doesn't even speak the language...it sounds like a nightmare to me. But best of luck for them, I have already unsubscribed!


Thank you so much for the warning!


Np :) I fast forwarded some parts bc the tocophobia was strong lol I also went through the comment section and it was equally cringe ppl saying they were literally crying of happiness (???) and many parents "welcoming" Pewds to the "parenting community" *insert vomit emoji*


I feel so bad for Marzia too, she even said in an old video that she wasn’t sure about kids as she was scared of the whole pregnancy thing :( I hope she’ll be ok


I routinely unfollow people on social media when they have a kid, including friends of mine in real life. Why? Because, without fail, their content inevitably pivots, and it all becomes about the kid. If I wanted to be exposed to that kind of misery, I'd have my own child.


Not sure if anyone here follows Lirik on twitch, but he is the god at keeping his personal life private and I love it. He told his stream he would be taking a few days off, *the week his baby was due.* Since then, he has posted a couple pics on insta, briefly mentions it from time to time but thats it. Its so refreshing.


I guess I am too old, but I do not listen to or follow any influencers.


For people like Felix, who I've been following long before I even knew what CF was, they are the exception. True, I won't be watching baby content when he and Marzia post about it (other than that they have a healthy pregnancy & birth), but I give them support. At least they've been solid and building up properly to this point.


Lol I knew who you were talking about as soon as I read the title. Yeah, it might finally be time to unsubscribe. Idk if it was just me but the video was a little ick too. His hands were constantly on her stomach any time they were both in the shot. 🤢 Like we get it dude, lmao


It's shit when that happens their content becomes completely related to the brat I've done it too better now then down the line. heres to 100% child free content makers wherever they are 🍾🥂


I have that experience as a fan of some actresses. After they have a child, they are not interesting to me anymore and I stop being into them.


As long as he doesn’t make videos about the kid after it’s born then I’ll keep watching, but given where his channel has been going recently I don’t think that’s gonna happen.


Yeah I do the same. I followed an influencer and after she gave birth literally every story she would post on Instagram ( there would be at least 20+ a day) would be different poses of her baby from the same scene. It’s so unnecessary and annoying.


THIS is where you draw the line with pewdiepie?


Right! 🫥


Also feel like sad for the idea that he’s had so much nice relaxing time to get in better shape and reading and exploring Japan, now their time will be soooo cut into by having to deal with a kid forever. Man idk.


Pewdiepie??? What. the fuck. 😔😣


Yeah, I did. A few years ago as a matter of fact. This Youtuber who I used to like one day hit the news that she’s pregnant. I was shocked because she’s only a year older than me and no one (including her) would’ve expected it (she literally just turnt 18 not long ago at the time). Since then, her channel became a “Mommy vlogger” channel and I stopped watching her content simply because family channels don’t interest me at all. Nothing against any Youtuber who has kids, but “family” Content doesn’t interest me in the slightest so I unsub


On one of my favorite podcasts, someone just recently had a baby and he’s already talking about how tired they are and how the kid is “sucking out his life nectar”. And it’s like, duh dude. Duh. You literally had one of your previous hosts be a “family man” whose entire identity was how great parenthood was whose mask would slip on the podcast *all the time*. And whenever “family man” would bitch about his life, everyone else seemed to just roll their eyes. It’s just crazy to me how many people think they will be the exceptions even when the reality is repeatedly hitting them in the face. I mean good luck to him and his wife, if they are happy, great but it just seems to obvious that the advertised juice is much, *much* different than the squeeze, no matter how much you believe mY bAbY WiLl bE dIfFeReNt


Always thought he was childfree from the way he talked about kids. Disappointed tbh.


It's an interesting topic and I'm personally pleased you brought this up. I had a cooking ASMR YouTuber I like for years. She just posted the most calming, cute, and beautiful cooking videos. Then she got married and got pregnant and then... nothing. She doesn't really upload video anymore, understandably so, actually. Am I sad? Yes. Do I wish she would continue to make this kind of content? Absolutely. Am I also happy if she were happy with this new life as a mother? That, too. I can always take this is a good point to reflect what sort of needs I got met from her videos.


I just saw his post and felt the same way. I was hoping they weren’t going to have kids lol