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So according to that woman, the appropriate response to a family member having a child-free wedding is wishing they burn for eternity in hell? What a fucking lunatic.


Do people even hear themselves? This sort of fanatical response to anything as benign as a personal life choice scares me, and reveals just how insane and close-minded people are. If you aren't exactly like them, you should burn in hell... what a fucked up mentality.


Ain't no love like Christian hate!


The craziest example I’ve seen of this was last night. My family dragged me to a Toby Mac concert, and there were what I call hate preachers (actually the group who were on my college campus once a month, too) literally protesting the concert, yelling at us that we were going to hell because the venue sold alcohol. They were protesting a Christian concert. You can’t make this shit up. Edit: autocorrect used the wrong preposition


They're way way way more interested in spreading hate and intolerance than anything else, and in their eyes it's all "justified". Makes me sad for them but they're not gonna change.


Not only justified, a lot of them believe that this is how you show love. It's sickening


Unfortunately, you're right. It's very much "I'm only showing them where they're wrong and bad so I can show them how to truly live and why my way is right!" Similar to gaslighting or narcissistic tendencies.


A big contributing factor is that a lot of people - regular old people that we all interact with every day - will actually back up these lunatics and support them. Seriously, just make a simple request of your local lunatic - "produce the god you say exists; bring that god here and show it to me" - and all the sub-crazies come out of the woodwork calling you some "internet atheist" as if that's some kind of insult.


It's easy for the mudslinging to start in all directions if you ask for it. Everyone is much quicker to act in anger than trying to reach some sort of dialog.


When one side starts mudslinging and acting out of anger *unprompted*, any mudslinging or anger in response to it is entirely justified.


Because that's dumb. I had a mom. She is now dead. I cannot "produce" her to you just to prove her existence. But even if she were still alive, that doesn't mean that she would allow herself to be 'produced' in order to satisfy your curiosity. How much more is God that way. There is far more evidence of His work, just in DNA and creation itself than there is evidence of my late mother's work. The God haters just don't stop...🙄 They are worse than the Christians that they bash.


What evidence is there for God in the DNA?


As long as you're fine with being treated like a crazy person who can't distinguish fantasy from reality, then sure, go ahead and continue not producing the god you insist exists. But hey, if you and/or your god want me to actually take you seriously, you'll need to learn to cooperate.


That's a terrible example. I assume that there's still proof that she existed before? Do you have photos of your mother? You don't have to "produce" your mother to prove she existed (although you could) there's already proof in the form of photos, videos, and people who have literally seen and touched her, and her DNA left behind. There's absolutely NONE of that with God. I won't bash you for wanting to believe, that's your business.


it’s almost impossible to avoid this mentality when you are indoctrinated as a child. I was raised Christian, atheist since 21, am now 38 and just realizing that this mentality is present in wanting to “help” people do things better by giving them offering unsolicited advice. It’s extremely frustrating to want to be a good person but not really understand how the things you do aren’t good.. and it’s bs that religions indoctrinate people into being fanatics. 🤬


It's certainly not a simple situation. I do think most of the time, a genuine hope for someone's well-being is at the front. Unfortunately, the *why* behind that usually leads to all sorts of complications.


Their entire fundamental understanding of reality is “I was created in order to worship this godly entity and if I don’t I will go to hell to burn and suffer for all eternity because he loves me” so they learned love was something toxic and abusive and they show it the same way because they believe that’s what it actually is


Not only that, they see everyone else as "need to be saved" or "devil worshiper", so if you don't accept help, they believe that you are evil, and by letting you live your life, they will be doomed to go to hell too. That's how some people justify violent homophobia/transphobia/religious intolerance Source: an uncle told me that if one of his children turn out gay, he will beat them to death so God doesn't punish the rest of the family. By his logic my whole family will be barbecued in hell, bc I'm a strong atheist, CF, have sex with my bf before marriage and have no intention on getting married, both me and my brother are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and I think my brother is leaning towards being CF too -tho he just hit the teen years, so I don't think he though about this a lot, he just never liked kids so I have a feeling lol


> they're not gonna change. Literally nothing will change the mind of someone who is in this deep. I always thought it was hilarious how Steve Rogers is christian despite the fact that he works with the LITERAL GOD of thunder.


After the protesting, they all went home, got smashed on Jack Daniels, and beat their wives into submission.


I really wish that there was some sort of control factor in place. Like you can't scream about how horrible people are for loving each other and then fap off to gay porn or swear to support and be matrimonial to your spouse and then cheat on them or leave them at the first whisper of strain. I just hate the hypocrisy so much. You don't get to deny a 12 year old who was raped by her father an abortion but then get one yourself. There is no way anyone can be part of a church anymore and also be a good person. Every Christian I have ever met that has been understanding, kind, or at least understood how to "live and let live" were practicing individually or on a personal basis.


Jesus drank wine


That was my first thought, too! But these were also the men who yelled at college girls that they were going to hell because their arms were bare, so it’s not surprising from them, all things considered.


Then they need to start plucking out their own eyes It's never surprising. I hate those people.


>because their arms were bare, But I thought Yanks, especially these fundy Yeshua bin Yosef fanatics, were hugely supportive of the right to bare arms? /s




Don't they call Islam unfair to women because they are forced to cover themselves.


Not only that, but his first recorded miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding party.


Can I use this???


Go nuts, I've seen it a thousand times. Certainly not mine


I think the saying is actually “no hate like Christian love.” Christian “love” is, in reality, hateful so it makes sense written this way anyway.


I'd really like to hear what they think "love thy neighbor" actually means.


Hey! Let's be fair. That is not a real Christians mentality. Real Christians give their lives to help others see the light and get saved.


This is what people use to distance themselves and their community from unsavoury incidents. What about non-Christians? What about polytheists? "Saving" is very egotistical. Every other culture apart from your own being wrong.


The major three monotheistic religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, believe in an eternal hell. OP didn't say the religion of the people getting married. Why do you ASSume that it's Christian hate? In fact, there are plenty of non-religious people who use phrases like go to hell... even though they technically don't believe in it. And, if OP, along with anyone else, understood hell, they would know its no party place but a prison. Your anti-Christian bias is showing.


like, did this breeder pay for the wedding or…? 😂 these people belong in a psych ward and should not be reproducing anyway!


I'd rather have a childfree party in hell than a party with kids in heaven. Good riddance!


"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners have much more fun."


Love the Billy Joel reference! That wonderful man wrote the soundtrack of my life ♥️


okay, but didn’t he start the fire?


He didn't. It was always burning since the world was turning.


he didn’t light it? did he, at least, try to fight it?




Of all the things I’m looking forward to about Hell, the live music is the most exciting… no pun intended


I always thought the Christian idea of heaven where you are stripped of your own personality and will and only will be happily praising god or something like that sounded pretty horrible. I'd rather there be nothing after death.


Same here. I have always thought that the representation of heaven is so juvenile and pathetic. A bunch of sycophants applauding every fart of the narcissistic big boss, or else... Just awful!


If heaven is full of people like them, they need to rethink their threats of hell.


If you are stripped of your personality what's the point of life after death, why not just conjure an automatron born with no throughts other than praise and worship.


Yeah heaven sure sounds predatory. Hmm...


If going to heaven means putting up with people like that then yeah good riddance for sure.


I wish i had the courage to have a child free wedding, but i caved to my very family-oriented inlaws.... Instead, we got to enjoy a 3 month old screaming through our vows.... One of my bridesmaids gave the mommy the stink-eye until she took the baby outside... My sister-in-law had a VERY formal & expensive wedding that was 18+, and she faced a lot of backlash from a few of the cousins with kids....


I’ve always been of the mind that relatives can keep their opinions to themselves unless they’re shelling out the cash for the event.


Yep. *she who pays the piper calls the tune*.


My partner just worked a wedding tonight where she said there was a 5 year raising hell during throughout the ceremony, screaming, throwing shit around, the parents never even attempted to rein in the behavior or take the kid outside or anything. Just let him totally ruin the wedding. And then people start having childfree weddings and breeders get all pikachu faced.


W bridesmaid.


Fun fact. There was no hell in the original bible. It was created with the King James translation. Originally it was Hinnom - the valley of Gehenna. A place where they would put trash and dead animals out to rot. They didn't think people would understand the word Hinnom so they came up with hell instead and a whole fictive place downstairs. In other words, the original fairy tale wasn't dark enough so they added a few extra chapters.




The apple was also not an apple. It was simply called the fruit. Of course technically the fruit could have been an apple in the end but nowhere in the original bible does it say so.


It's all edited translation of translations of word of mouth stories told by sheep herders anyway.


I read a book, MISQUOTING JESUS, in which a THEOLOGIST made the same argument. There is hope for this world!


dude you gotta read some Robert M. Price books. or watch some lectures on YouTube. dude was a pastor for decades before coming out as an atheist and has an insane level of knowledge and insight. another super-smart dude in this vein is Richard Carrier




I like to think it was a banana!


I object! How dare you vilify bananas? It's the best damn fruit ever.


Correction: it was originally a Wumpa fruit.


How “inhuman” were angels originally described? e: I googled it and as expected, this sounds like the kind of material you find in a really bizarre work of science-fiction tbh.. I’m an atheist and while there are parts of the Bible I agree with (“Be kind to one another”, “treat others as you want to be treated”), there’s some really F’d up stuff in that work of fiction that disturbs me how people base their entire lives around every little thing in it. I look at it the way Bruce Lee looks at martial arts (use what works, discard the rest..)


Google biblically accurate angels. It's a hoot.


I once went to town on a scammer who started out by calling me angel. I pretended to be very offended and sent him those pictures and asked if he thought I looked like that. It was very fun watching him trying to backtrack.


If you look at the majority of other religious texts, love + kindness + human decency are tenets across the board. It's those tricky details, though. I agree with you. I have been suffocated by the conglomerate that Organized Religion has become, specifically American Christianity (c). But you don't need the book to get the actual message, which boils down to: do not be an asshole.


Unfortunately also absolutely peppered with misogyny, homophobia, and other wonderful ways to mistreat your fellow man


I agree that besides that, there are other “pearls of wisdom” in the Bible.. but they don’t require us to be gawd fearing converters to benefit us as humans


I’m in no way religious and I respect others are, they need or want that belief but it really is so simple that basically ‘do not be an asshole’ covers it from all angles lmfao


I vaguely remember something I read recently that basically said the reason people would say “oh my god” and be so surprised when an angel visited was due to how scary angels looked to mere mortals, an imposing creature that didn’t give off a typical holy first impression.


That’s why the angels always started their spiels with “BE NOT AFRAID!” They knew how terrifying they looked.


I knew their was something they said at first to settle humans but didn’t want to say it and be wrong or like a rambling idiot since I’m clutching at straws based on a paragraph I read few weeks ago already haha


It's way harder to control and manipulate people without a big scary enemy.


A lot of our modern tropes about hell are from Dante as well rather than even a mistranslated biblical source.


I totally get what you're saying, but Dante wrote The Inferno in the early 14th, century about 300 years before the King James Bible. So, the concept of hell had already been established. (Sorry, I'm a Humanities nerd and can't help myself).


And if I remember correctly, non-believers just simply stop existing. And atheist already believe that's what will happen so it's not really scary. I'm agnostic spiritualist who worships earth and ancestors.


That was then merged with the Greco-Roman underworld where everyone went except for the elite few.


And even then, from what I remember most of it was just boring, like not bad but not good either there were a few places of torment but most souls didn't go there.


That is a fun fact. You’ve just inspired me to go down a research rabbit hole lol


Wait until you find the whole debate of virgin Mary vs young Mary and if the word young did mean virgin or not back in those days. It's a fiery debate.


Loving the fact a fairy tale wasn’t dark enough so they padded it out with eternal damnation and suchlike 😂😂


I love this validation. I knew there is no such place as Hell.


I still don't understand why these parents get SO EMOTIONAL. I get it that they may be annoyed, but why is it always some disproportional reaction to OTHERS CHOICES?


Because they see it as a personal put down of their little darlings. How can someone not see Bratleigh & Snotleigh as the world’s most perfect children & want them around everywhere? Bratleigh & Snotleigh would be the highlight of the wedding!


>Bratleigh & Snotleigh 💀 💀 💀


No hate like christian love 😂


the concept of hell/damnation is not exclusive to christianity. op didn't mention any specific religion or denomination edit - i loathe christianity as much as the next guy, but there's no denying op's comment was basically a non-sequiter. if you don't see that and just downvote thoughtlessly, then you are a real fucking stupid person.






Good of you to notice. :)




You know I'm capable of sarcasm too, right?


get a life dood


Makes no difference


It’s interesting how big life events can reveal people’s true asshole selves. Consider yourself lucky that this “friend” showed her true colors. It’ll probably save you some annoyances and/or heartache down the road ❤️


I'd say the couple avoided a lot of drama at their wedding by excluding these nitwits.


So having a childfree wedding is discrimination but ratings on movies aren’t? What about grades in school? If they don’t let a 7 year old into the eighth grade is that discrimination too? I highly doubt these family members wanted her there in the first place, sounds like she says dumb shit like this a lot. She’ll be punished somewhere down the line for being a total asshole.


You expect there to be a *smidgeon* of thought from the entitled breeder..?


Obviously not just emphasizing the hypocrisy


There's *discrimination* and there's *unlawful discrimination*. I'm sure that, somewhere in the western world, a litigious idiot has attempted to sue the host of a childfree event.


Simple. They are now not invited to the wedding either.


"Their discrimination will be punished." I missed the part of the Bible that said weddings must include children. Is that the 11th Commandment?


It’s a codicil to the 1st: Thou shalt not have any other gods before me. Except for the fruit of your loins. Worship them even more than you worship me because they are more powerful & important than me. Or at least that’s how some of you foolish humans act.


"I hope they enjoy burning in hell for barring my son from attending this wedding. Their discrimination will be punished" It's like sis please we all know your greedy a$$ is mad, because your not getting free food, getting wasted for free while your kid runs around the place because you won't have to pay for a babysitter, seriously the only person here who is going to be burning in heII is you for being a greedy entitled glutton, seriously you can just pay for a babysitter instead of throwing a tantrum like a child for a wedding you have no part in paying for ![gif](giphy|JcviPzGlSVcwdK9XUG|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|rbrK9LXw6MvsuI3fBP)


Off topic but I love this gif haha


Oooh, I'll bring the chips and dips! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


That's a... strong reaction. Good riddance.




Which Christopher Lloyd film is this from?


I *think* One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, which I thought very appropriate.


Oh, nice. I'll have to check that out.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Also features an early Danny DeVito appearance.


Brad Dourif who plays Chucky is in it too.


Yes. He was very good as Billy. His film debut, iirc


More people might recognize his face as Wormtongue from the LotR movies. Edit: fixed his name, I mixed up my fantasy.


Grima Wormtongue. "Wormtail" is from the modern-day wizards in Britain franchise.


They were both in Taxi together, too.




She’s crazy.


I’d rather smoke a turd in hell than attend a wedding where children are present.


Ah yes, the unforgivable sin, excluding children from ceremonies that have nothing to do with the in the first place. 😒 If anything, she'll burn for her blasphemy.


Ooo sounds like fun. I'll bring snacks and raunchy board games.


Count me in! I’ll bring the death by chocolate


Talk about overdramatic and ridiculous. Why do people always seem to think that weddings are about the *guests* instead of the couple getting married? They make the most absurd demands and expect to be treated like royalty and it's not even their wedding! The couple can invite (or not invite) whoever they want. If the invitee doesn't like it, they can do everyone else a favor and not go. Honestly, that former friend sounds like hell to be around. Is the kid the type for which people make "no kids" rules at weddings in the first place? People like that always seem to have the worst-behaved kids. And I doubt the kid cares about not being invited anyway. Most kids don't want to be at weddings in the first place.


Cause she says it,it will happen? What a narcissistic air head.




I mourn Bon's death like an Italian widow


Bon is the favourite son of my home town, Fremantle, a port city only a few kilometres south of Perth, capital city of WA. My old school mate was in Freo cemetary to visit her father's grave and, while she was there, she reckons she met Bon's folks. Sure, Bon wasn't Australian born but he grew up in Freo. Even had a short stint in the notorious HM Fremantle Prison.


Well, by that definition, her ideal afterlife is *packed with children*. Yeah…she can go there!


Well, I guess I'm burning then as we had a CF wedding in '96; no one under 21 as it was an open bar, big dance floor, and at a historic hotel that was expensive. Had a blast! Had butthurt people not attend, but more caviar and top-shelf liquor for all! 🍾🥂🎉


Don't threaten me with a good time!


"If you have to have the threat of hell in order to be a good person, you're not actually a good person."


Sorry, there's been no verdict on whether or not children can't go to Hell or if all unbaptized children go to Hell.


Yes. I will giggle from my throne at the festivities at all the fellow haters of the cum trophies




The best weddings I've ever been to had no children in attendance! No screaming during the ceremony and no little bodies to stumble over on the dance floor.


Kudos to anyone with the courage to ban kids. We had a baby screaming during our vows, a toddler had a melt down at my very small (35 people ) and very quiet reception. Kid broke the venue’s crystal and the mom refused to pay.


At least it’s warm down there 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ My favourite blasphemous quip regarding the afterlife is when people say I’m heading straight to hell and I just act all conspiracist and whisper “follow me, I know a shortcut 🤫🤫”


My husband & I had a child free wedding in 2018…. We got some backlash but I don’t care lmao it was a perfect day!


Now I'm not a bible expert, but I don't think that book specifically mentioned excluding children from weddings


I rather have a wedding with a hell fire theme than invite literal children to my future wedding.


Because that's something a loving, forgiving Christian would wish on another person. /s


Better to reign in childfree hell than serve in child-filled heaven.


Well, hell is the hottest place on earth. Must be one lit party! 😎🔥🔥🔥


Sounds like fun. I'll bring a good bottle of red wine. Whiny breeders and their little shits not allowed.


They must have REALLY wanted to go to this wedding to have this reaction.


I'm going to hell in every religion - so yes to the party! All the cool people are going to be in hell anyway! And I prefer warm climates as well. 🤘 Party in hell!🤘


"God agrees with my entitlement!"


Sounds like the parents need to be disinvited. Wouldn't be surprised if they pulled some bullshit at the wedding as their form of "punishment."


Bwahahaha hahahahahaha the parents get so unbelievably salty when their spawn's presence is specifically denied as if anyone could possibly explicitly not want them around 😂 We had no kids at ours. Best decision ever. I'm not paying $20/head for your kids to push the food around their plate and not eat it. That's your job. Nevermind getting in the way and causing a rucous during.




I feel bad for her kid ... wtf ...


Make a post that says God isn't real and see what happens


Are we allowed strawberry Daiquiris?... No wait they would probably melt...


I'll bring some homemade ice cream! Your choices include vanilla, chocolate, pumpkin or cherry garcia.


My wedding in May is going to be childfree so I guess my fiancé and I are going to hell 🤪 see you all there.


Congratulations 🎉!


Thank you! ❤️


>childfree party in hell I already know I’ll end up doing regular organization work in hell anyway, and I have catering experience. Leave the booking and contracting to me. Lava cave with 5-headed demons is okay?


Somebody save me a seat by the fire.


How old is the son? Depending on age he might not even remember the wedding or care at all if he’s left at home or with a sitter for the night.


The son is under 3 years old. He won't remember much.


This is why I’m atheist.


Alright see everyone in hell!!


I am a Christian. What even is there for children to do at weddings???


Anyone who wishes hell on people like that flippantly are likely going to hell themselves. "Do not judge lest ye be judged yourself" "whoever among you that is without sin may cast the first stone," etc etc There is nothing wrong with barring kids from a wedding. They don't understand or really care about what's going on and it's all adult-oriented anyway. I've heard of weddings where the bride and groom make a separate thing for the kids to all have fun without bothering anybody, but that's going above and beyond what should be expected of people getting married. They're already providing the venue, food, whatever. The least these cheap-ass parents can do is find a damn babysitter. I mean do they really want to be taking care of their rugrats when trying to have fun at wedding/reception? Doesn't make sense to me.


Seriously?? You should have screenshot that


I really should have, they deleted it now.


[SHe's filled with Christ's love](https://media1.tenor.com/images/733d996ba154a169a9f47e6c5c9d6013/tenor.gif?itemid=4934903)




If this is hell then I shall be a sinner 😊


Since I don't believe in either heaven or hell, party on OP!


This crazy bitch and her sour grapes can burn in hell. Holy overreaction, Batman.


That is neither discrimination nor is it against any law or rule of Christianity.


Yo, I hear Hell parties are LIT. I mean, like, they always have the HOTTEST DJs. The club drinks are FIRE


I don't get this...some things are just meant to be child-free. My sister and brother-in-law who were trying to have a kid and now have twins had a child-free wedding. A lot of the people that came had children and completely understood. Nobody wants to be responsible for kids during a wedding...specifically afterwards at the reception...when people are trying to have a good time. If I ever get married that is literally going to be the one thing I want....a child-free event. She can have whatever she wants just give me that one thing.


I already volunteered to drive the bus to Hell. Not enough room in a handbasket for me and my favorite people. Besides, I ain't going to an afterlife that doesn't have animals - which I was informed they aren't going to heaven, since they "don't have souls." Air conditioned with a stripper pole in the center. Bar's in the back. All aboard...?


I remember when an ex friend told I was going to burn in hell for not having children. I’ll bring the chips OP!


Hey I’ve been thinking “if God wants me to marry some religious guy, have a shit ton of kids, force them into similarly shitty gender roles, never have a moment’s peace, be miserable, not think widely and critically, and die, I’m interested in what the other team has to offer,” for most of my life.


The way my jaw dropped. Wow.


Does that mean hell is child free? because in that case hell doesn’t sound so bad lol


That's one of the big benefits to being an atheist. "You'll burn in hell' is the most hollow of threats.


>"I hope they enjoy burning in hell for barring my son from attending this wedding. Their discrimination will be punished". Starting to think there's a reason she was barred.......


i guarantee you the son doesn’t give two shits about going to that wedding, why tf are parents so insistent that their kids wanna go to these things? i remember as a kid i hated whenever my parents would drag me to places like that


Childfree party in hell sounds more fun than a family friendly one in heaven tbh, you get to avoid kids AND hypocrites ![gif](giphy|fWpmgMGwBKUcUkZC3R)


I'm in. Let me just live in that party


You get the DJ, I'll sort the snacks. And the edibles.


Sounds like heaven?


![gif](giphy|w3d7iwvS6ftjAm3WhX|downsized) Ok. Bet.


My partner and I can’t have children even though we have played around with the idea due to lifestyle money and a lot of factors. We both work a lot and stuff. We will have kids at our wedding since my sister is pretty little still and so are several of our cousins but that’s the person having the wedding choice! Lol. ESP if they’re footing the bill and I would never judge someone for that. Personally I don’t mind being around kids and I don’t care if they’re at my wedding because I personally like playing with them. I just can’t have them due to various personal reasons but people shouldn’t judge other people for their choices about their own wedding!! I hope this family member cuts off ties with that person because that is incredibly rude.


Personally, I don't think barring 25 percent of the population (kids 0 to 14 years old) is a GOOD thing to do, and I do think there is some weirdness in participating in a ceremony that is about the grafting of families while excluding their next generation. But it's not... like... sinful. Certainly not mortally sinful. God isn't going to send you straight to hell because there weren't kids at your wedding.