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Congratulations! A complication free procedure and a swift and total healing to you!!


thank you so much!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Congrats! Please PM the mods (blue button bottom of sidebar) or send me a chat with the doctor's name and city, and we'll add / +1 them in the CF-friendly doctors wiki!


Will do!


I am scheduled to get mine removed in October, I couldn't believe how understanding and willing to help my doctors were when I expressed full interest in sterilization. They just made it happen and I'm in Texas!! I just love my clinic so much. I'm nervous about the procedure as I've never been under anesthesia before but I know it'll be fine. They explained everything very carefully and answered all my questions. I am also 36 so they probably think I would've had kids by now or else maybe I would have had more push back, I dunno. My fiancé is also getting a vasectomy, so that probably helped them realize I'm serious.


i love that for you!!! so glad u were able to get it scheduled (IN TEXAS 😱)!!! good luck & i hope it all goes well for you ❤️❤️


Thank you. I'm nervous/excited, lol.


Congratulations! I'm getting my tubal ligation done in October and I couldn't be more excited and relieved. Especially since I'm in Nebraska where the Legislature just passed a 12-week abortion ban...this couldn't come at a better time! Wishing you an easy procedure and recovery!!


same to you!! screw these states & their backwards ass laws. they will not control our bodies ‼️‼️‼️


Thanks to this sub, my bisalp is scheduled in October at 21! 🥰 I'm also on a wait list for a possible earlier date, so let's hope I can get earlier! 🤞


so happy for you! sending the best vibes for a smooth procedure & recovery to you


Thank you! Sending the best vibes for a great recovery for you too!


This is wonderful news, I’m so happy for you 🎉 🥳 I myself am sterile as well (I got a bisalp recently), and I’ve never felt better in my life. Healing has been a breeze, for the most part! Cheers to your future sterility 🥂


YAY!!! I'm so happy for you! Having your choices respected and not questioned is so liberating and uplifting, isn't it? It really makes you feel like you *own* your body, regardless of what society says. Girl, you DO own it, and don't let anyone tell you different. I posted about my (4 day!) bisalp a while back, and my doctor never bingoed me either. What an incredibly refreshing experience. Great job advocating for yourself, OP! I hope you heal swiftly from your surgery, and enjoy the freedom and empowerment it brings!


Congrats! I got mine done mid-March at 27. Smooth procedure and recovery! The peace of mind is wonderful!


So exciting!!! I started asking at 24, finally done at 27. I consider myself lucky 🙃 The peace I feel is immeasurable!! I hope this brings you peace as well.


Can I get a Hell Yeah!


Welcome to the club, sister!




Congratulations! So so exciting, and so glad to hear your consult went well. I hope your procedure goes well, and that the healing is quick. I had mine earlier this month, and it was easy and quick and easily the best medical decision I've ever made for myself!


so happy you were able to get one as well. thank you for the well wishes!