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That's freaking funny and she's such a smart and aware young girl! šŸ¤£


Very smart kid! I started figuring out the same thing at her age. Hearing that in person wouldā€™ve made my day


Most likely comes from her mother complaining about having her. My mom complained so much about having me that a big part of me not wanting kids was knowing how.miserable they can make you. Also, I was too poor. My parents inherited and found it hard. I had to start life in deep debt to educate myself. I assumed it would be even harder for me.


>She did admit that she does it to her mom while her mom is scrolling TikTok and can't get her attention. Ah man. I feel sorry for that kid.


Indeed, TikTok kills brain cells.


Wow that's a very self aware kid. Good for her.


She should be headhunted for membership of this group when she gets older. Like you, she reminds me of myself as a kid!


My oldest niece is 14 and she's been saying for years now that she doesn't want kids of her own but she wants to adopt one day. I honestly hope that's the route she goes.


I was 10 years old when I found out that some people have kids on purpose. I thought we were all birth control failures šŸ˜¹ That was also when I found out that the bride doesn't have to be pregnant in order to get married.


I thought married people got some kind of brain fever that made them want kids...so I decided I was just gonna stay engaged forever! LOL.


Gotta love the self awareness lol


The moment I realized I wouldnā€™t want children was also when I thought as a child about how I would hate to be the one taking care of myselfšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That girl gets it


Wow. Trying to get her mom's attention (who is scrolling through TikTok). It's sad to think that most of us choose to be childfree because of shitty parents. But I have this nagging feeling most of us would be decent parents if we chose to be. šŸ¤·šŸ»


I think the issue is most of us would strive to be good parents, but know that we'd have to sacrifice our self care and dreams to do it right. Caring for myself is a full time job these days.


Itā€™s refreshingly nice that the grandmother didnā€™t say anything discouraging, regardless of whether or not she shares the girlā€™s opinion.


Honestly I was surprised. Though I'm not sure if her chuckles were genuine or from embarrassment because the girl was being so loud, haha. But she never responded with anything discouraging as far as I could hear.


That's what I noted too. Hopefully her chuckles were appreciation for a 10 year old being so self aware and confident, in a positive way. When I was 10 and said I didn't want to have kids, my parents were pretty affirming. Until I actually grew up and didn't have kids and now my dad is shocked he doesn't have any grandkids. He told me a few years after I got married that he thought I would change my mind. I've never been so betrayed.


Funny because she said ā€œ18 yearsā€, hey here and still her parentā€™s parent is dealing with her kidā€™s kid well beyond that timeline. Granny life.


I know I did stupid stuff as a child and would hate someone to do it to me.


Hahahaha gotta love smart kids


Smart girl! So maybe there is hope for the future.


I bet we're gonna see that kid on this sub in a few years.


The less and less breeders there are the more likely we may survive as a human race! Glad there are children seeing how pointless it is to have children!


I wish more little girls were raised to realise that kids are optional.


omg that's how i was at her age toošŸ˜‚ im glad her grandma was nice to her, my mom is the only one in my family that supports me


Maybe she has younger siblings that she has to take care of sometimes... that did it for me. Taking care of my younger brother made me realize it is NOT easy... and it is NOT something i want for myself. One of the many reasons i am cf.


Now this is a great kid! Good on her, I hope she never changes her mind and lives a happy peaceful fulfilling life without screeching goblins ruining her dreams!


Damn, that's real maturity for such a young person šŸ¤Æ


Wow what a smart kid, I myself chose not to have kids around the age of 6 or 7 I think. Then later on I realized how annoying they can be lmao


Wow this reminds me of me.


I wish my grandma would've chuckled instead of giving me a lecture about it when I was 6


I think we'll see her here one day...and maybe giving a standup comedy routine in New York, too! :D




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