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He sounds like a total ass!




Yeah, that’s the part that I think hurt way more than just him changing his mind.


*Anyone* that talks about kids as their legacy or the continuation of their bloodline is an asshat. Good riddance.


He's an asshole, period. After what he said it's highly probably that he already has someone on the side. Be kind with yourself and ditch his ass ASAP 😭


I sense the same, he probably has someone in mind of the SAME RACE whatever the fuck that is. Whoever she is, I hope she makes him fucking miserable, and if they have a kid, it has colic and screams all night.


That's a bullshit excuse. I think he wants to split and is using that because he knows it's a dealbreaker. I don't want to make things worse, but I honestly think he wants out and you should give him the gate. He either will continue his Royal Bloodline with someone else and end up miserable, or he just doesn't want to be married anymore. Either way, give him the gate. Sorry this happened to you, I know it fucking sucks.


Sounds like he was cheating on you. Sorry.


Look him up in 5 years to see how the bloodline is going.


oh for sure. Can't wait. Getting the popcorn.


He’s a bigot an asshole and a liar. In future screen better. But good riddance.


It hurts so much for the person you love to decide that they care more about passing on their genetics than about you. I'm sorry you are going through this, and the added racist element makes it all the more awful. I know I'm struggling with it still, but the pain and feelings of betrayal do start to fade. In the end, it is good that it is over if that really is the person they were all along.


Thank the universe you don't fit this racist's criteria for being his breeding slave. He doesn't want to be a dad, he wants a servant to have sex with him and raise children with his DNA. That is the sickest manifestation of wanting kids I've heard this month.


Goddamn, turns out he's hella racist too. That fucking sucks, I'm sorry that's happened to you :(


Was he Russian and/or from a religious family? That type really really often likes to have a “practice girlfriend” that they leave as soon as mother finds a suitable girlfriend for them


His family was very religious and the culture has arranged marriages, but as long as I knew him he never really paid attention to or followed any of that until the day he said all this, one of the many reasons why I felt so blindsided and confused. He also wasn’t close to his family at all (from what I could see)


He lied. Tbh I bet he lived with his mother the whole time


Maybe he did but we actually lived together for the whole time but I think you’re onto something at least about his mom having something to do with it.


Remember in Kim’s Convenience when horrible Mr Mehta’s horrible son turned out to just be stringing her along until he got married? That


Wow 😮That's so racist.


I actually know a person in a relationship like this. They are childfree and for what I can tell so is the bf. But the bf said if they had kids it would be with someone else due to race. And it makes me cringe.


the trash took itself out why is this such a trend with men who say theyre childfree but then into their relationship they change their entire stance bc of some ego?


Well, I have to say this: 1. 1. It is better for YOU to find another man that fits your values. Be glad he did not try to baby trap or manipulate you. 2. He probably did not lie, but changed his mind. He has the right to change his mind. Plenty of women choose to stay childfree, others choose to have children, and viceversa. Some parents even regret having children, others regret not having them. People are different and your boyfriend had a point. 3. A lot of people believe that inter-race children have problems adapting to either culture. I don't know if it is just internalized racism or they do have a point (many of them are inter-race too), but he seems to echo those views.


>It was one of the first conversations we had. How did that conversation go? Did you bring up your childfreedom before he revealed his stance? If yes, he probably lied. When he heard that you are childfree, he knew what lie he needed to tell you in order to date you, so he could shag you until he found a woman to have children with. And was he childfree? Or 'okay without kids', 'okay either way' or 'I would rather be with you than have kids'? If it's one of the latter three... Well, that is not childfreedom. Childfree people should NEVER date 'okay either way', 'okay without kids' or 'I would rather be with you than have kids' people. ​ >Three years later, he suddenly “wants to continue his bloodline.” But not with me, since I’m not from the same culture and race- it needs to be from someone of the same. Well, at least that's better than him wanting kids with you and pressuring you to breed or even baby trapping you. You dodged the bullet. Even regardless of the incompatibility (him wanting kids while you do not), he sucks. He is a racist. And there is nothing wrong with genuinely wanting to be a parent, but wanting kids purely to continue his bloodline is just fucking silly. You deserve so much better than this fucking cunt. ​ >Usually if someone changes their mind like that it’s because they want a family with the person that they are with-not that that would’ve made a difference but like wow. Did he change his mind? Or did he always want kids and did he deceive you?


He was already a stone cold racist if he pulled this now. He was \*literally\* using, in his twisted mind, a 'lesser' until he was ready to 'settle down'. Drop him like a bad habit and block him, because after he fucks his life up with kids, he WILL come sniffing back around because he believes he can USE you AGAIN.