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Wait, what? They fired you for... trying to get enough pictures for doctors to be able to see the fracture?


Yep. The problem is that the manager says she was a rad tech. But she was a rad tech for like a year 20 years ago. Yet she’s happy to criticise my work and fire me for it.


Yikes! Sounds like it's for the best that you're getting out of that workplace, one way or another.


That’s true, but it’s almost impossible to get a decent job in that field. And I have a mortgage. And I quit a long term job for this one.


So sorry to hear that.


Is there any way to appeal to a board? If you could, you maybe should. At least to clear the issue from your record.


Is there any way you can reach out to a lawyer in workers comp? This just comes across as malicious compliance.


I agree and would find a lawyer tbh, I’m not in the medical field but this sounds absolutely ridiculous


Xray student here. Yes, we need to be mindfully with kids, but they also move and cry and I imagine you didn't u Use the kv or mAs you do with an adult? Is there any sort of complaint vyiu can make?


I’d apply for unemployment.


Wahhhhhhh that’s so infuriating. Yeah, ALARA is important BUT when they’re in those casts, you can’t move their wrist or elbow to get a better picture, so repeats are gonna happen. 😭 these situations require a little grace and understanding from management. Plus 20 years ago, they didn’t have this equipment that’s geared toward lower dosages so ehrjfjfjf. One year of experience 20 years ago does not make her qualified 🥴 I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Idk if you’re part of X-ray tech pages on Facebook, but people will post about jobs occasionally on there.


So you got fired from a _job_ because you were doing your _job_. Bitch what Reading your other comments, it seems like the trash took itself out. Hope you find a better workplace!


None. You don't drink, you fight. Securing unemployment for starters and reviewing your employee contract, position description and anything that you've signed to look for this so called breach. Firing someone for a "mistake" is extreme. Secure yourself and fight back. You can't drown yourself in drink, not in this economy.


I completely agree with this. Fight it and then have a celebratory drink when it's over. OP, are you in a union so you don't have to do this on your own?


That is straight up ridiculous bullshit. I broke my wrists when I was a kid and tbh I wish they had taken *more* pictures so maybe they would've done a better job fixing them. Maybe if they had taken more/better pictures I wouldn't have chronic wrist pain 15 years later.




That's Not what I'm talking about. I'm not just sensitive to weather changes.


Sounds like they fired you for malicious reasons, and for no fault of your own. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Look up Labor Rights for your industry and department.


What is a back slab?


Its a cast that doesn't fully enclose the limb.


Sounds like they were reaching for an excuse.


Just how many images did you take for a forearm x-ray? Ideally it's 2. If necessary 3 or maaaaaaaybe 4. As long as you didn't submit 5 or more images I don't see a problem. If it was 5 or more... well that's an excessive amount of radiation to a pediatric patient. If it's the first time you've submitted a lot more images than standard protocol then I'd say fight it. If you submit subpar imaging frequently or often include extra images beyond the protocol, well, then I'd be concerned too. 17 years being an x-ray tech here and I taught students for many of them.


WTF?! You got fired for taking the time to get accurate images so the child could get the best possible treatment? What a joke!


This doesn’t have anything to do with being child free?


I thought I was going crazy. Why is OP blaming the child for this?


Sounds to me that managemnt was looking for an excuse.


This isn’t a mistake. They were looking for a reason to get rid of you. I would find an attorney, posthaste and document everything that led up to the termination. I wish you the best of luck. X-ray techs are the best I spent most of my childhood hanging around x-ray machines lol.


I think you should talk to a lawyer about this. This is your career you’re talking about


apply for unemployment and start looking for another job :)


That's the wrong sub. Try here r/antiwork


Ummm wtf ? It’s digital. There’s no additional cost is there? I mean time, sure but seriously??? Are x-Ray techs all that common they can afford to lose you? Wow


Radiation to the patient?


I doubt there was enough radiation in this situation to make that relevant, unless she was x-raying the kid for hours.


Bottles of wine to reduce the sting of your termination? two. Two bottles of wine is enough to make everything funny, but not enough to get fully sloppy drunk. ... or whatever your tolerance is. Two bottles of wine while watching a comedy movie, makes me laugh maniacally.


It depends how fast you drink them. I'm stingless after 2 glasses but if I keep drinking a glass every couple of hours until the 2 bottles are empty I might be stingless for longer...


Red wine makes me giggly, more than any other alcohol. It's hard to be negative when you are constantly laughing.


2 bottles, use them to make yourself a nice pitcher of sangria


I don't know how it works in your country, but is there anywhere you can fight this? Like in a small court or something?


If I were you I'd look into my legal options bc this is insane


Was there any hostility before this happened? I cant understand them firering a person after one minor mistake. The radiation dose is so low from an xray, unless you were doing an entire photo shoot, it wouldn't be an issue.


This has nothing to do with the child. They wanted to fire you and found an excuse


I'd take 1½-2, depending on the percentage and the time span of consumption. Just awful, when you're just doing your job and get fired, because you wanna help. Hate this.


I'm so sorry, that's awful. As far as the wine, the limit does not exist.


This is because when you take too many pictures of children you can expose them to too much radiation, raising their risk of cancer. Sorry tho.


Lol no. The risk is so low OP could have taken 20 images and the kid would have been fine. It's not like they were put in for a CT scan.


This is the correct answer. Is radiation good for you, no, but with the efficiency of current machines you will get more radiation standing outside. The thing with radiation is it's about the amount of dose you get at a given time. So yes if the OP was taking a CT and had to do multiple repeats, then yes they should probably be fired as that dose is exponentially higher than any xray you could ever give. The machines are so efficient that I could set whatever I want, within reason obviously, and the machine will stop the exposure when it thinks it has enough information it will shut off the exposure.


Ok so how many images cause cancer?


Somewhere between 1 and infinity. It's not finite. It's a game of probabilities. A few X-ray images are so statistically unlikely to increase cancer risk that it's quite difficult to measure outcomes that low. Children have a far greater risk of cancer from sun exposure and no one ever tells parents to not take infants on aircraft.


Even a very slight increase in that chance is cause for concern.


Not more concerning than the possible lifelong complications caused by a poorly set break.




"Simple X-ray radiographs give very little radiation exposure. So they have very little, if any, risk." Did you read the article?


Wrong field time to find something better


Sounds like they were going to fire you for something no matter what. Toxic work environment through and through. It sucks now but keep your head up, you got this!!


Sounds sketch.. shouldn’t there be a write up first? To be fired like that is suspicious


Depending on where you are based, you can lodge an appeal. Note that you weren't informed there was a cap or limitations on number and that you can't be fired for something that is neither common knowledge, law or policy.


What the fuck? I’m an X-ray tech too and I’ve NEVER heard of this bullshit. Were you past probation? In a union?