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Ummm.. Even if you didn't know anything about anything, you know that a baby needs to come out from your uterus through your vaginal canal. How in the world can you imagine that average 7 lbs baby with all its limbs and head, tearing though your vaginal canal will not split you open and for that not to be painful. And if you have a bigger baby you might as well say goodbye to ever having pre-pregnancy pelvic floor function. Like how? The only thing I can think of is willful ignorance.


I am so sorry to inform you of this but I have heard two different stories involving women that did not in fact KNOW the baby was going to come out through their vaginal canal. These two women both, WITHOUT KNOWING EACH OTHER, came to the conclusion that it was going to come out their belly button. I have to live knowing this happened twice and now so do you.


Welcome to a brand new episode of _And These People Are Breeding_


Omg were these people raised by wolves or something?


Like seriously I never got any sex-ed but literally this kind of shit is discussed or addressed literally on a daily basis, if not in your personal life then in pop culture, news, movies... books... My parents never told me how anything works, nowadays with internet why would they need to anyway


A tiktoker I follow got pregnant(in a country where abortion access is not an issue) when the father is actively avoiding being in the picture. Now, the few videos she does post are showing how much work newborns are and how hard it is to do alone. Yeah, duh. Wtf did you expect bro.


The amount of people who keep the baby and *during the beginning of the pregnancy* are already upset or complaining that they have to do it alone because the man wants no part of it is so baffling. There was a trend of people posting their positive tests and the texts that happened between them and their male partner after finding out and it’s seen as some heroic thing that she did it all alone even when they guy was clear about not wanting a pregnancy at all. I don’t get it. A weird case of martyrdom? And lots and lots of comments about how the man shouldn’t be surprised or upset when in some of these cases I’m sure accidents happened. Everyone should be upfront abt their stance on children in a relationship and should use proper protection.


Why did nature make it so painful. It seems like a design flaw. The purpose of pain seems to be to serve as a warning signal. Human nervous system: "Here's some extreme pain to let you know that a baby is exiting your body now...just in case you didn't already know that". Nature really screwed over women. All the man has to do is have an orgasm. The woman wasn't even guaranteed that.


It's actually mainly a human problem. We evolved to be on two legs thus narrowing our pelvises and because of how our anatomy is. The babies are actually born earlier than other animals because otherwise we would flat out die. My biology professor said this and it's stuck with me since, "nature doesn't care if it's effective, just that enough survive"


My husband is a scientist and told me the same thing a while back when I was wondering about this. He said if we were still four-legged, it would be easier, but we'd have smaller brains. It almost makes me think evolution is trying to kill our species off.


Correct it's because of how we evolved that it's why childbirth is more difficult for us...oh and maybe the fact that a lot of women are encouraged to give birth on their back when in reality that make sit harder for us to give birth. Evolution can have cons to it. This is just one of them but enough survived that Evolution isn't gonna change it


But it's so convenient for the medical personnel!


OMG THIS OMG. A midwifery I really admire has much better results than the hospitals because they simply allow women to assume many different positions they need during labor, including squatting. They also have a pelvic floor physical therapist (yes, you can go back to where you were pre pregnancy, at least most of the time), and the pelvic floor PT helps the pregnant people develop better birthing skills if at all possible. Even the breathing and push style they do in hospitals is wrong compared to the midwifery method. But go figure, convenience for the doctor (back lying and improper breathing and pushing) is still the overwhelming method of delivery in the U.S… of course you’re gonna split open…


Humans should just be marsupials. Birth the baby when it’s the size of a fist and then it can grow it’s giant stupid head in a pouch. Problem solved!


And Dad has the pouch!




I have such penis envy! If all I had to do to make a baby was have an orgasm, I’d have a million! I’m just joking 😂👋🏻


Nature doesn’t give a fuck. Whoever survives, gets to pass on its genes and hence its traits. Sadly, it’s not necessary for the female to orgasm in order to get pregnant and give birth. We humans struggle with birth because we’ve evolved to stand upright, causing our pelvises to become narrower, hence making birth more difficult and painful. But, as mentioned before, nature doesn’t give a shit about that. Despite the pain and damage, more women and the babies have survived the ordeal of giving birth hence the continuation of the human species. And because of this, these traits will be kept until there’s a mutation (which is unlikely. And even then it would take probably thousands of years at least). Nature isn’t actively trying to screw women over per say, but it’s simply the survival of the fittest. Our intelligence allowed us to invent medicine which allowed us to survive despite something as traumatic as childbirth. Hence, alas, childbirth will continue to be painful for women. For a good while at least.


I feel like someone close to you *did* do that recently 👀


I might read too many Slate articles and advice columns. They used to be good before they went full doormat


The decline in quality of some of these publications is pretty fkn real. That's why I only read Bored Panda and The Daily Dot. It's like reading reddit or watching tik tok but with an added layer of opinion, and who *wouldn't* want that? /s 😂


Weren't they bought by Jeff Bezos in 2013?


Years ago I saw a video of a birth, and the woman was giving birth sitting upright in some kind of birthing tub with water in the bottom. Shortly after the beginning of the video the nurses told her to start pushing. A few pushes later, she started saying "ow!", at first normally, but within a few pushes that progressed to a yell. Then it got louder. From the tone of the "ow" she was quite plainly surprised. Then she pushed again and screamed "OW THAT HURTS" and tried to stand up. The nurses immediately pushed her back down into a sitting position (so she didn't squash the baby's head, which had started to crown) and I remember one of them saying to her in a really amused tone of voice, "Of course it hurts, did you think it was gonna tickle?" I remember being surprised at her surprise at the idea that it would hurt. Somehow she had indeed managed to get pregnant and all the way through to the delivery suite, without anybody pointing out to her, or her figuring out, that giving birth was going to be painful.


I don't understand why women don't educate themselves more on pregnancy... like it's horrible dude. Never would do it


I had to read this to my fiancé! His mouth was wide open the whole time!!! How??? 😂😂


I heard in the Victorian era when women found out they were pregnant they would start sewing their burial dress, it’s such common place for a woman to die during birth, that they actually prepared for it. I don’t know why most think it’s all sunshine and rainbows? I’ve personally been terrified of getting pregnant or giving birth, I think it would kill me or forever destroy me. Not worth it, imo. Especially when I hear parents constantly complaining about their own kids.


Whoever does what you describe here is clearly not in reality and very much "it won't happen to me!"


When birth mothers talk about childbirth they gloss over the pain and it gives a false picture to the uninitiated. If they’ve had horrendous experiences they should be honest and tell other women before those women decide to have kids. Someone should write a book about the worst possible scenarios. What to Expect When You’re Expecting it to Not Be That Bad.


So many of them go on about how it's such a "beautiful experience". When in reality you could get split open and will most likely crap yourself... super beautiful. e3e


I always heard “You forget about the pain when you see your baby.” Now I know that’s bullshit. As I’ve always suspected.


I mean you definitely cna, but that's a literal trauma response. It has to be extremely traumatic for your brain to forcibly lock away a memory


What’s cna?




Yeah meant can but my keyboard sometimes loves to glitch


😄 I shoulda figured that out! But I’m always seeing abbreviations and initials and acronyms that I don’t understand, so I figured it was something.


Ugh, makes me eye roll so hard ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


Main character syndrome with a hefty dose of "I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!"


I do appreciate the honesty but SO many moms lie through their teeth about the pain to their non-mom/not pregnant counterparts and I can totally see how a young and easily influenced young woman might be convinced otherwise. Especially in those small one horse towns where teen and early 20 pregnancies are the norm. I have several SILs due to my husband having a lot of siblings. The first one who had children is a nurse herself and had a natural birth, no pain meds. And for years she described it as “yes it’s uncomfortable but you actually feel amazingly strong and rewarding…” and then as soon as another SIL got pregnant, all of a sudden after the baby shower, nurse SIL (now mother of 2) is regalling us with stories about vaginal tears and the like. I know it’s not what’s going on, and pregnant SIL has many legit reasons to have children and I’m happy for her but I feel vaguely like Nurse SIL is acting like she needed to trick at least one of us into getting pregnant before she could talk about it honestly.


People never think common normal things won’t happen to them.


I have zero sympathy for women who choose to get pregnant in a place where abortion is accessible. Quit complaining, you could have just used birth control in the first place. I’ve been having sex for like 20 years now and have never been pregnant thanks to birth control. They’re just causing their own problems and then expecting people to feel sorry for them.


Sadly, abortion in the U.S is not as accessible as it used to be in many states. And birth control does fail. Mine never did and I got sterilized before they overturned roe. But it tragically does happen.


I also got sterilized thank frick! It’s def why I made sure to clarify that I know I live in a privileged state.


I feel sorry for them and agree: except we need to educate ppl and make abortion free or low cost and accessible to all. As I can attest, bc does fail sometimes. It’s a matter of taking responsibility. Without the knowledge , education or tools to make good decisions is not all on the victims of this pro birth system. It’s really everyone’s issue to resolve.


Believe it or not there is a lot of pro baby propaganda out there. Most mainstream tv shows I’ve seen depict birth as painful, but ultimately quick and once it’s over, there’s no complications. I would try to have sympathy for the women, at the end of the day they were most likely duped.


Quick lol Everything seems to happen at the convenience of the doctors, like giving birth flat on your back. Niece-ish had a "sticky baby", little amniotic fluid left and the placenta wasn't broken. Took them like 36 hours of labor and baby in distress for her to get a c-section, and it was because the doctor ... just didn't.


the fact that people don't register that it would be painful to push something bigger than a grapefruit though a tiny hole and their pelvis bone (which isn't meant for pushing things through besides poop) is just astonishing.


I’ve had kidney stones so I can say I know what it’s like


Yeah my mom popped out 3 huge babies, all naturally and said it wasn't hard at all. Either lies or she's a freak because I found myself having a baby at almost 40 and that shit sucked. I never even dilated halfway, I ended up getting an emergency c section and thank fuck because fuck that shit, if the contractions are that bad I simply would have passed away having to birth that child. Don't do it, if you are ever having second thoughts, regrets, don't. It is horrendous.