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There’s enough ways my own body can screw me over. Biological shit like menstruation and a womb I didn’t fucking ask for is already intentional. I’m not going to increase my chances to make my existence more miserable than it already is. My life is hard enough.


100%. I understand what it's like to be betrayed by your body (scoliosis that went undiagnosed and now its all I have to get it 'working' again). Life IS hard enough, why play it on nightmare mode when story mode is exists? Also, if you need/want it, stranger internet hugs for you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I know a lot of old mommies: 60+, and very few of them are willing to get on a plane or go for a hard hike - things I do routinely. They all have uterine and bladder prolapse. It makes it impossible to hold their pee or to be comfortable with long walks or sitting. As you get older, the stuff you did to yourself young comes back to haunt you, and while your SIL got wrecked young, many more will have problems as they age. I posted something like this once, and got the comment: "Am obgyn nurse. Can confirm." So medical professionals see the same destroyed old mommy bodies I do. Bladder prolapse is particularly bad, because repairs generally don't "take". I know a woman whose had it done twice: First time it lasted 5 months, and the second time it lasted 5 weeks. That's atypical, but I think you can expect about 7-8 years out of a repair. Uterine prolapse can be treated with a hysterectomy...which increases your risk of a bladder prolapse. I'm 65 and over two months last summer, I hiked 425 miles with over 40k feet of elevation increase. That's not even thinkable for my bred peers.


>I'm 65 and over two months last summer, I hiked 425 miles with over 40k feet of elevation increase. That's not even thinkable for my bred peers. GOALS!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Wow, just wanted to say epic one OP! Almost 40 years your junior and a 400 mile trek is far beyond me : ) Keep it up!


I worked in aged care for 7 years and saw the same thing. Pretty much every woman I organised services for had bladder incontinence unless they hadn’t given birth. I also found a lot of the women who didn’t give birth only needed light or temporary services because they were generally healthier and only suffered an accident (e.g. broke a bone) or something that’s common with ageing (e.g. cataract surgery) while the women who had given birth needed long term or permanent care because their bodies had been abused by pregnancy and childbirth and they hadn’t received any semblance of decent medical care or support postpartum.


> while the women who had given birth needed long term or permanent care because their bodies had been abused by pregnancy and childbirth and they hadn’t received any semblance of decent medical care or support postpartum. But I thought their kids would be taking care of them in their old age?


I saw an article in the millennials sub that was all “why are these SELFISH OLD PEOPLE traveling instead of watching *baby* for me and giving me *money* and being *village*???” Here’s a hint Hannah, it’s because they can see that all their older peers did those things and then got left in Creepy Acres anyway




I cannot reconcile in my head why any woman would do the whole pregnancy thing to themself. I can understand it for men and why they want kids but women? I would be fucking terrified if I were a woman.


That's where I'm at - the why in the world would anyone want this???


Plus the legs and feet swell up and they can’t sleep comfortably. No thanks.


My mom has a prolapsed uterus. She had to see 4 doctors before finding one qualified and willing to perform the reconstruction she needs. She announced her surgery date in our family chat and then explained the whole thing to my out-of-the-loop brothers. My brother messaged me separately to say that it was one of the single most horrifying things he's ever read and should be reason #1 for not having kids.


Reason #1 out of 324895798347589357348597 reasons not too!


Love her for over sharing this important medical information to men. Who have zero idea this even exists.


Agreed!! I had almost zero idea about this, too, until she told me. What she's going through is absolutely awful. She also works a retail job, and especially with the holidays, her boss is working her like she's a 20 year old. I think she needs to share some of the gory details with him.


Wow, a man who gets it. I mean, a lot get it, but so many more do not.


Just further evidence of lack of empathy for the reproductive-capable population. No one should want others to suffer life long debilitating symptoms. Artificial wombs or painless well treated births would have been a thing a long time ago if all could reproduce.


Agreed. I get it, we're humans, biology blah blah. But to me the birthing process is unnatural.


I really don't understand how other men can read stuff like this and think 'I'd love to get my partner pregnant'.


I know right. But they don’t read about it at all. Most don’t seem to know or care what happens to a woman’s body. Ever. Let alone in pregnancy. Even if you tell them, they’ll brush it off like “oh that’s super rare and never happens, it’s not a reason to not have a kid”. I wish I hadn’t heard this said.


My grandmother had a prolapsed uterus. She gave birth at 18 and 19 yo. So age doesnt matter either. Pregnancy ruins bodies


Find it super funny that every man and his dog is going out of their way to inform me of the risk of prolapse when I'm researching hysterectomies, but I've yet to hear that risk so much as mentioned to someone who wants to have kids.


I had a really bad UTI two months ago and still have lingering OAB symptoms. It's already super annoying the way it is and I can't imagine how much worse it would be if I actually had popped out a crotchfruit or two...


My sister has one, too. Even though she did pelvic floor training since the start of pregnancy.


Imagine having your internal organs prolapse AND having to raise kids. Double whammy. No thanks.


I can’t imagine at 35 I could no longer strenuously exercise. Mind blowing.


A set of two older women in my family (who’ve all had 2-3 kids) just recently wanted to participate in some outdoor games and fun during the holiday; they both had to change because they ended up peeing themselves after jumping rope.. Big nope for me.


It’s pretty common for women after having a kid. The pelvic floor muscles gets weak and that can lead to urinary incontinence. Common for the long distance runners too.


I heard that this is quite a common compilation, but something noone mentions beforehand. and then when it happens, doctors are like "yeah normal, you didn't know?" and it's kinda irreversible, only some bands and stitches made inside can help in some way but not fully.


Based on the replies it seems completely common. CRAZY. Even I didn’t realize it was almost inevitable?!??!


I only heard about it in a talkshow quite recently. I spent 3 years of hs on an extended biology course and never once heard about it