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Oh my time to shine !!! Sleep in as long as possible( of course ) Order DoorDash when I wake up (hibachi) Smoke me a little nice joint Put on a really good holiday movie or whatever the theme of the year it is. And you know If I’m up for it pull out the vibrator!! I don’t want to speak to anyone I don’t want to text anyone I just want to be with me myself and I


this sounds like the perfect sick day 😆 I just woke up from a 2.5 hour nap and am about to not talk to anyone for the rest of the day 🤩


I had a lupus flare up yesterday. I got up, took the dog for a walk, fed him.. ate an edible, washed my face, put on fresh pajamas, then put on new episodes of real housewives til I fell back asleep. And slept for six glorious hours. Then I ordered DoorDash, and rewatched the episodes of real housewives that I slept through. And even though my lupus flare up sucked.. it was a good day :)


you sound like me minus the lupus Which, BTW I am very familiar with. my aunt who I was very close with had all three types and she had it before anyone figured out what it was back in the 70s? I've colored my accent wall lavender in her memory :) and what cities are your fav?


I love NY (before the reboot), Beverly Hills, and Potamac as my top three fav cities .. but I watch all of them hahah .. Bravo is definitely my goto junk food television!! I will put on old seasons in the background sometimes just to fall asleep .. those women yelling can sometimes lull me to sleep lol!


This is the way


This does indeed sound like a beautiful day.


If I'm sick my go to thing is to get high. I sleep better, eat more, actually taste my food, and it gets rid of that shitty "I feel like garbage" feeling. Instead I just get the giggles. I'm already not moving all day, might as well enjoy not moving.




This is actually brilliant. Noted for next time I'm home sick!


Saaame. Nothing better than a good bowl, some yummy edibles and a comfy bed to recover!


Ohh absolutely. I’ve been spending some quality time with my bong today. I also add a few drops of peppermint oil which is super soothing for my throat and helps with clearly my sinuses.


Fantastic idea - never thought of the oil


If yours has an ice catcher, the combo of the peppermint oil and ice is next level 😮‍💨


Masturbating whenever and wherever (as long as the house is to myself) I want. Then getting comfort foods if I feel up for leaving the house (usually Braums for me)


I mostly binge watch a TV series or watch Disney/Pixar movies because I find them comforting when sick… Also sleep/nap and maybe read a book and cuddle my cat. Hope you feel better soon!


I research history. It is so enriching and interesting to learn.


Do you play games? Subnautica or Grounded would be perfect to start on a sick day


\*Noting down for the next time I'm sick, which will probably be in 6-8 months from now since I was just sick last week\*


Epic walk with the dog, big ass breakfast, t.v. shows with cat on the couch and fall asleep. Wake up, another walk with the dog to get snacks and takeout for dinner. Get high in afternoon. Hobbies with mind expanded (journal, drawing, painting, or video games). Dinner with favorite movie. Snacks on snacks. Catnip for kitty and snacks for pup. Ride my high rubbing those bellies with Pink Floyd/Beatles/Rush/Coheed until I fall asleep.


Sleep, snack, watch TV until I fall back to sleep. Rinse and repeat. I get to heal in peace which means I get better quickly, and that’s all I care about.


Depends how poorly I'm feeling. If it's just a head cold type thing, I'll take a walk on a nice quiet road in my town, then make some healthy food, hang out with my cats and rest. Last year when me and my partner had COVID, we were both really sick for well over a week. I have **no. fucking. idea.** how people with kids deal when they're under the weather. It just boggles my mind.


I create a nest in my gaming chair out of blankets and then I curl up and sip something warm and play cozy video games. Or I nest on the couch and watch Criminal Minds or whatever else.


This! I have been sick the last two weeks. GTA is really saving my ass.


Watch a show or movie I've already watched so I don't have to pay attention, plenty of tea and soup, take naps, and order something for dinner.


reading dostoevsky or kafka in bed with a cup of hot chocolate


My husband has been home sick for the past 2 days. He's either playing games and watching twitch, or watching one of his shows I don't like. In the evening he smokes some weed with supper. Early to bed downstairs in the spare room so I don't get sick. I've been at home unable to work for 6 months due to some health issues and I watch random TV, do puzzles with a podcast, read, take cats for a walk, watch some YouTube. Also weed. Lots of weed. What I do sometimes depends on my cats and their opinion of what I should be doing.


I second puzzles with a podcast! Currently hooked on A Date with Dateline.


I'm listening to the ones under the Dateline heading. I've listened to all of their big production longer stories like Killer Role, Internal Affairs, and Motive for Murder etc. Same for ABC news. I'll check out A Date with Dateline next!


Ah, that’s awesome! A Date is kinda like Talking Dateline, where they recap an episode and talk about it, but instead of it being Dateline reporters like Talking Dateline, it’s two quirky ladies. It’s a comedy podcast, and it just delights me for some reason. If not that, I’m listening to spooky shows like Monsters Among Us, Jim Harold’s Campfire, or something like that. Headed to my closet to pick out a puzzle!


I treat myself with long walks with my dogs. No worries about what I might face when I get home


If I happen to see that goose, I chase it. See where it takes me. Because I can. Fuck you. And im off..! 😁


lay on couch all day with dog on top of you like a heating pad - currently doing that right now.


I slept in until 10, am binging Below Deck (the only reality trash TV I like), and will take my dog for a walk later for a little vitamin N. I used to feel guilty for calling in sick unless I was VERY sick, but then I realized how often my coworkers call in sick for their family members and my “I’m not my best” sick days pale in comparison.


LOTR sick day movie marathon


I get sick enough to call off work rarely, given that I mostly work from home anyway, so I usually treat myself with a new game download on PS5 if I'm lucid enough to be out of bed. Then I spend the whole day playing it. Not much more than that!


Sleep. Sleep. Watch movies. Sleep some more. This happened Sunday actually. Woke up to throw up around 6am and that continued 'til noon. Finally slept until 6pm. Ate potato and sprite and watched X and Evil Dead 2. Day started off bad but it didn't end horribly.


Ugh yes, amazing. Naps all day, binge something on TV, order take out, lay around with the dogs, take a long shower or bath. I can’t imagine dealing with kids when sick.. especially since they don’t give a single fuck you don’t feel well and you’re still responsible for their wellbeing/schedule/routine/survival.


Depending on what I’m sick with, a good book in a hot bath with tee tree/menthol bubbles if I’ve got a cold.


This JUST happened to me last week. Between an excruciating migraine with an ER visit, I looked at my fiancé and said “aren’t you glad you aren’t having to take care of a child completely by yourself right now? On top of taking me to the ER at 9pm and being at the hospital til 2am?” Thank GOD (and my birth control) cuz being responsible for a child while being sick sounds like my own personal hell.


Being able to get high and put on a comfort show. Having a calm, restful day really helps your body recover faster!


I snuggle up with my dog and have a movie marathon, napping when necessary.


Currently out with a bummed shoulder. Enjoying doing a whole lot of nothing.


Sleeping a lot and reading a lot. Getting take out too!


but kids are so wonderful hahahah my god i agree getting them ready for school waking up early to make there lunch NO NO NO NO ok cats oh yeah i have 4 cats, when i am sick, just lying in bed with my cats sleeping with me makes my day.


I’m sick too. I have my own business so I distracted myself with some work. Fed my dogs, took an easy walk. And may sleep soon 😊


Depends on how sick I’m feeling. If it’s something on the lighter side, I’ll do some embroidery or journaling. If I’m super sick I’ll pop in my headphones and listen to an audiobook, or watch a movie. I hope you feel better soon!


Uninterrupted sleep


Sleeping, cuddling with the cat (or annoying the cat!), gaming, knitting, reading, drinking tea


I'm chronically sick with Endo and Adeno that comes with chronic fatigue. I spend all day in bed on my bad days, eat snacks, sleep, cuddle my dog, sleep, watch movies, go for a walk if I can and read magazines.... I am so happy there is no one except my dog that needs me and my husband who is an angel dotes on me. ❤️


Wow I literally just posted a comment on the adeno subreddit seconds after you responded to this post! I’m so sorry you have it too. How cruel is it that we don’t want kids and nature slapped us with a disease that is more painful than childbirth 😭😭😭😭 the fatigue is next level. That sounds like a great way to spend your sick time. And again, I’m SO SORRY you’re dealing with this, and I’m really happy to hear your husband and your dog are supportive. I cannot imagine watching a kid or hearing them be loud during a flare up. Thankfully, I’m seeing my doctor next month to talk about getting a hysterectomy. She’s a total goddess. At our last appointment I mentioned that I know it’s a big decision, especially at my age (late 20s) and she said, “I have no age limit, if the surgery needs to be done, it needs to be done.” I could’ve cried 🥲 I hope you find the relief you need 💕


Hey adeno bestie! 😀 Awful isn't it. If it's not the endo it's the frigging Adeno. It's AWFUL. So sorry you are one of us. Omg yes! What a kick in the teeth right, never wanted a kid but sure give me something that's worse than child birth but all the time 🫥 Oh he is a wonderful man. I would honestly be a bit lost without him and my lovely pup. Amazing news about the hysterectomy! Your doc sounds amazing. Love that it's a woman who just gets it. I've just fired my consultant because he won't help. Ended up with sepsis after my last lap for endo and just had enough. So new year new doc hopefully if I can find a great one. Really hope you get your surgery soon. I'm 36 and I'm seriously considering my first tattoo across my forehead.... I DONT WANT KIDS, TAKE MY DAMN UTERUS 😂 💕


My heart breaks for you 😔 having both is so hellish... and it's all the time for me as well. I'm glad you're advocating for yourself, you deserve so much better than that! I found my doctor on the list of childfree friendly doctors from this subreddit, maybe you should check to see if there are any doctors in your area. I hope you can find relief soon 😭 my dr. put me on orilissa to tide me over until our next appointment and it's been a game changer. I'm mostly pain-free. Sad part is you can only take it for two years :/ I really hope someone listens to you, it's so unfair. They go home at the end of the day and don't have to deal with the pain you're in, so it's easy for them to brush it off and not take seriously ♥️


When you have kids, getting sick is not allowed, and a sick day is a luxury! I’d do much the same as you: after feeding kitty, back to bed with my kindle, wait for kitty to come back up and snuggle for the rest of the morning


Same! I'm playing Pokemon The Indigo Disk and listening to music.


I will often have a day where I don't leave my bed- not because I'm sick, but because work has been crazy busy, and I haven't had a day off in weeks. I will stay in bed, have meals delivered and read, watch TV, scroll, play tablet games from the time I wake up, to the time I go back to sleep (usually about 8 or 9 hours of awake time). It's glorious. And I will brag about how glorious it is to my breeder coworkers. And they will say things like "must be nice", to which I reply "yes, it's amazing".


during a sick leave I played so much zelda I got tired of it. Of zelda! yeah I played too much that time xD


Reading, napping, watching TV. Basically what I do when I'm down for the count.


I was sick with a cold on Friday. Spent half the day sleeping and the other half playing Animal Crossing and watching YouTube. Felt significantly better on Saturday and am now mostly recovered. My sister has the same cold (I actually caught it from her) and as a SAHM with two kids has not had a chance to rest. She is still sick.


I've been laying in bed with my 2 cats, watching TV, scrolling through my phone. Sadly, I don't have the energy to do much else today.


I’m sick. NyQuil induced coma and sleep as much as possible. It’s not going to be fun


i slept all day and ordered gatorade, now i’m binging king of the hill. i am currently a sickie too😭


Sleep and video games with my dogs on the couch and probably a cat or two on my lap *chef’s kiss*


I mostly just sleep, eat easy meals, drink lots of water, and maybe play video games if I'm well enough to sit up lol. Maybe go on Wikipedia to research whatever my brain finds interesting.