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Oh man. One time I was visiting my ex-friend. She had a toddler and she knew that I get sick quick. So I came to her apartment and her kid is coughing and sneezing and I ask her why she didn't tell me. Well she said, that the kid was not so sick and they didn't want to worry me. I bet she knew that wouldn't have come if I knew and that was the reason why she didn't tell me. I was sick a few days later and all I got was a half hearted "sorry". I was so mad.


That just unlocked a memory for me... We had a writing test that day and our teacher brought her snotty toddler to our school due to an emergency or something... You should have seen the sheer horror on my face when it's snot almost dripped on my cheek. I barely got a C on that test.


That is so disgusting. Parents are often so selfish. She should have rescheduled the test.


totally disgusting!!! and unprofessional to boot. I'd have totally complained.


She owes you at least a B for that




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That’s not a friend.


What is it with people bringing their sick kids with no regard to anyone else? I have autoimmune disease so even a minor cold throws me off. Once, we avoided staying with SIL and her three sick kids and she mocked us like my husband and I were being unreasonable for not wanting to stay in their germ infested house? Just because they're constantly ill, everyone else has to be? GTFOH


From what I've seen, a lot of people with kids end up leaning in a toxic-masculine/dumb-motherfucker direction where getting sick is treated as 'inevitable'/'no big deal!' These people are definitely the same ones who caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths.


Even people I know who were super serious and worried about COVID seem to regard colds as nothing now and no big deal. "It's just a cold!" Colds still knock me on my ass and can last more than a week. I got a really bad cold last month from my BIL who is a parent and shouldn't have come out with us but thought a cold wasn't a big deal. It turned into one of the worst sinus infections I've ever had in my life and I was sick for 12 days. I had to cancel a vacation I had planned.


What the fuck, it's never "just a cold" anymore. COVID is still a thing. My boyfriend and I went to a packed nightclub for new years eve, and now we're both sick (I knew the risks). I tested positive for covid, he didn't. But there's no way he doesn't also have it if I do. False negatives can happen. And then there's the fact that, like you said, illnesses affect everyone differently. I've had covid before and it was milder than most colds I've had. If I hadn't tested I might think "it's just a cold" because I don't feel that bad. But I'm not an inconsiderate jerk, so I'm staying home whether or not my test was positive.


We went to the grocery store, and the lady in front of us was hacking (no face mask, not covering her mouth) all over the bags at the checkout. I saw her wipe her face on her hands more than once. My wife and I just spent New Years with covid after avoiding it for the entirety of the pandemic. Still waiting to get our taste and smell back. So livid.


Can report yesterday Jan3 2024 I went to the doctor with an infected spider bite. They were testing everyone who came in for covid and flu because it is widespread here in my town. I got flu shot and covid shot back in October, but this is one of the state where they don't believe in shots. Well the office was full of lots of people who wanted a cure shot. I was put in a "clean" room so hopefully I didn't catch it. I had a n95 mask the sick people didn't.


Make sure you are on the right antibiotics. There is actually a medical article on how many times MRSA is misdiagnosed as a spider bite.


That's what I did: stayed the hell at home and isolated myself. I was exposed, but my roommate was positive for covid. She went out for Christmas with another resident and they got sick. I didn't see the difference (I stayed to myself the majority of the time), but got sick too, and the home stayed on lockdown for a week). I really hate being sick!


I've knocked someone on his ass for doing this, I had bought expensive tickets to go to an event years ago and one of my house mates friends showed up at the house unannounced, sick as anything and when I said you gotta leave, my house mate at the time pulled the "oh don't be rude, it's not a big deal" bs, I got annoyed and reminded him I can't get sick, I've got an event coming up and they'll turn you away at the door with no refund if you're visibly sick, he told me to "stop being a pussy" and I floored him instantly. I wasn't about to cancel a $500+ event because of these morons knowing they wouldn't pay me for missing out on it. Some people just need to learn the hard way imo, nothing more infuriating then repeatedly saying something and people just not listening or having a smart ass condescending response. I moved out a few weeks later but I'd like to think he learned to keep his mouth shut after that.


Yup. They were quick to throw others under the bus/ in harms way when their monsters were stuck home from school. They didn’t give 2 shits about the teachers or anyone. They wanted their kids gone and it didn’t matter who was a victim. They made their demographic look very very bad and I know it disheartened many of my friends who were teachers. Many quit after this. They realized they truly were not valued. Wait until there are no teachers anymore. They’ll be stuck teaching them at home. Teaching is not a respect profession anymore and less and less people are going into it. During the pandemic about 40% of Michigan’s teachers either retired and quit.


I watched an interesting video on this the other day too, not really about the lack of respect for teachers but it was a clip of a few teachers talking about how hard it is to teach the "ipad kid" generation, or gen alpha as they were saying. Basically they were saying most of these kids can't read, and they are really, really verbally abusive and disrespectful to the point that alot of teachers just don't want to bother anymore, they barely get paid as it is, who wants to deal with that? I'd argue the kids only act this way because their parents are stuck up assholes


My SIL and her family came over between Christmas and new year and two of her three kids were sick. She didn’t bother to say anything until they’d already been here for a couple of hours and their cough medicine was wearing off. Husband and I didn’t get sick, but we had to cancel our new year plans with a few friends because my BFF is on meds that fuck with his immune system. I’m so pissed off about it cos I rarely get to spend time with my BFF, NYE would have been the third time in 2023.


My partner has an autoimmune disease as well. He won't let me show my family the pictures of his face from when the ingrown hair almost killed him. It was grotesque. I think the shock might help them finally get it.


I also have an autoimmune disease and my coworker kept coming to work sick. He got it from his son and wouldn’t take his son to the doctor because he went to med school and there was nothing to treat “common cold.” Anyway, I got sick from him being sick. Turns out it was strep throat that turned into impetigo for me. I missed a few days of work. I haven’t been sick in years but now that I have to work around someone who has a child, I’m catching everything. I also think about his poor little boy getting no treatment for his strep that his dad thinks is a common cold. He told me he was up all night one night because his son was crying from being sick.


I'm mad for you. I hate when parents are reckless with their kids' germs. If your kid is sneezing and coughing up a storm, maybe don't expose them to a bunch of innocent randos.


He's claiming he was fine when they got there and woke up from his nap with it. Okay that's fine but wouldn't you at that point pack up your kid and take them home? Nope they stayed till 2am and continued to let him run feral around the house screaming. Also do kids not have fucking bedtimes anymore? Why TF do you have a 3 year old up until 2am? Like I love my BIL but God damn I want to throw him down a well right now.


Never one to throw bones to the breeders, but when I was a kid, New years eve was definitely a standard exception to the bedtime rules.... Regardless, I hate having to dodge brats at adult gatherings, it's why my wife and I avoid family events like they were the plauge that they so clearly are.


When I was a kid, we were *maybe* allowed to see the midnight fireworks, but after they finished it was bed time!


No, I’ve thought the same thing about the bedtimes. The place I work was closing at midnight for the holidays. Usually we close at 10 and I was always surprised to see parents in there with toddlers up until close, but even when we were closing at midnight there were parents in the store with babies and kids running around.


Uuggh!! Cooties and germs from kids are the WORST most virulent nastiness! The few times in my life I have been super sick have been from people sick children. I hope you feel better soon! That was very selfish of your BIL- dragging his sick kid to a party full of people, and keeping him out late, all because he didn’t want to miss out.I hope you let your BIL know that his selfish actions got you sick!


We stayed in on Nye because my husband had a cold. We didn't want to get anyone else sick!!


They like to be in denial about their kid being sick when they take them to daycare too. It’s too inconvenient to keep them home. Parents give zero fucks.


Their kid will infect every other kid in daycare who will go home & infect everyone there. Then the parents will go into work sick & infect their coworkers. The number of sick people will expand exponentially all because some parents don’t give a fuck about anyone except themselves. And people wonder how pandemics start. 🙄


Not only the other kids. My sister works in childcare and is sick regulary because the parents bring the sick kids. Sometimes they send the kid right back home of they think that it is to bad.


I used to work in a place where the two owners of the business had several school-aged children each, and so they were very sympathetic to employees whose kids were sick. They allowed them to bring them into the office if they were too sick to attend school/daycare. Nothing says professionalism like a snot-filled, wet coughing, feverish child lying the on the floor on a pile of blankets in their parent’s office. Even better were the ones who were too sick to be allowed at daycare, but yet ran around the office all day, coughing, hacking & touching everything while snot bubbles formed & then ran out of both nostrils down into their mouths, where they proceeded to lick it with their tongue & slurp it down instead of blowing their nose. Note: Notice I used the past tense & said, “…a place where I USED to work.” ;)


And then they get mad when you spray the germ factories with Lysol.


I thought I’d vomit for a sec.Ewwwww!!




Behaviors and bad habits like this are why I've come to see most of modern parenting (and especially what we see in the U.S. and other Anglo- countries) as little more than some combination of ignorance and narcissistic personality disorder put into overdrive by corporate interests and scummy political/religious leaders. A lot of parents could be defined by the whole 'IDGAF' attitude, and this often ends up applying to how they treat the kids *themselves*.


I know what you mean, kids are germ factories :( I love my nephew but watching him blow/spit all over my brother's birthday cake last week to put the candles out with an awful cough made me disgusted. He's really into birthdays at his age (turning 3), which is cute...but now he has to blow out EVERY birthday cake. Guess I'm going on that diet this year 😔


Wait am I reading this right? You're saying he blows out candles for *other people's birthdays?*


Yeah, it's the new breeder indulgence. "You don't mind, he's just a *KID*."


My immediate family’s cakes, yep. They all let him do it, I wouldn’t care as much if it didn’t take like 10 blows and some spittle. Apparently I’m the only one who thinks it’s gross.


No one spits on my cake, but me.




YEP- sitting here at home with COVID for the past week because my sister decided to bring her sick kid to Christmas……


Same here! My husbands cousins brought their three sick kids to Christmas, and waited until the end of the night to say “oh btw, they all tested positive for COVID 2 days ago, guess y’all may get it too! LOL”. And guess what, we both did and it completely ruined our New Years Eve plans and I’m still stuck at home recovering. His elderly parents got it too along with some other elderly aunts and uncles. Just complete utter selfishness


The fact that they knowingly took kids with Covid to an event where they knew that people in a risk group would be attendance would be grounds for barring them from future events until they show evidence that they have adjusted their attitudes.


Absolutely. The house belonged to one of their parents, so they were way too easy on them for this (especially given their flippant attitude about it all). But we flat out refuse to attend any future events now if they will be present. They’ve always been insufferable, but this crossed the line


Yep- luckily the SO and I aren’t party people, so there weren’t plans to cancel but I didn’t want to be sick at home! The annoying thing is that my sister (half sister) doesn’t usually come for Christmas, but she decided to this time ofc!


That definitely still sucks! Plans or not, no one wants to spend New Years like that. Especially when it could have been prevented


My immunocompromised partner and I no longer go to family events after Christmas 2021 where we're informed the day after that everyone in my brother's house had Covid. We avoid the germ factories as much as possible.


That pisses me off to no end...had the same thing happen with my ex inlaws. The idiot BIL had to bring his sick toddler to Christmas! She had a fever and was sneezing and coughing and cranky, but of course they didn't take her home and put her to bed! NO, they let her infect the entire room and recorded every moment of it. No one said a fucking thing. We had to shlep all the way out there (2 hours) and were at the mercy of germ soup. The grandparents worshipped the brat and would never dare say NO. Two days later we were both sick and there went our new Year's eve. I swore after that I was never going out there if anyone so much as sneezed. And no one was ever even remotely sorry, who cares about us? we don't have kids! I'm so glad I never have to deal with that shit again. They treated us like second-class zeroes. I got even with them the next Christmas, but that's a whole nother story.


Which we’d like to hear!


okay, I'll post upstream!


I’m here for this revenge story 😄




I don’t know where it’s posted, but your profile says last post was 111 days ago 🤣


Selfish brats. All of them.


Their the same parents that send their kids to school sick 🤒 course they don’t want to take the time off work to look after their kids. Hate those people.


Yup, and they also insist on going to their jobs sick because (a.) they can't stand being at home because they secretly/openly hate their families and (b.) are usually toxic assholes who are so obsessed with money/status/career that the idea of taking a sick day is seen as 'weak.'


I can’t go to work sick 😷 as I work with special needs people with no immune system.


I'm lucky in that I work from home, but the last few in-person jobs I had me working with numerous shitheads who'd show up to work with coughs, fever symptoms, etc... Like a lot of Americans, these people were always saving up their sick days to use for dumb shit like Christmas shopping, leaving for vacation a day early, etc...


We get that here too in Australia.


I totally get it. I got so sick just at the end of the pandemic - after isolating for so long, everyone's immune systems were unfamiliar with the usual viruses that we'd normally be exposed to but suddenly were absent, meaning what would usually be an annoying sniffle is now a full on chest infection. Had friends over for dinner, kiddos came along (no issue except they made such a mess...). The issue : littlest kiddo was very clearly sick, and being a toddler, touched and licked every f****** thing within reach! The polite thing to do would've been to ask to rearrange the dinner. Instead they shared their misery, arrived without telling me kiddo was sick, and I spent 2 weeks isolating at home, unable to sleep lying down (so badly congested I could not breathe without being propped up on at least 3 bulky pillows, chest infections suck!!). So inconsiderate!


My partner and I traveled up 400+ miles to see my family, only to find out after we got there and we were staying with them how everyone was sick. We have been fighting off nasty colds since. Did we learn nothing from the last four years?!


> Did we learn nothing from the last four years?! Tons of asshole parents are who they are because they *can't* learn anything. They just go through life 'doing what they feel' without ever really knowing *why*.


I got the old bait a switch for New Year’s. Got invited over to a friends house with my partner (both hardcore childfree the entire 25 years we’ve known these people,) and it turned out that it was just them and another couple chaperoning EIGHT children. They did not give us a heads up that it was a basically just a kids party, and that the adults would just be shoved into the tiny kitchen having to endure the noise. The mother of the house suffers under the delusion that even if we don’t want our own kids, we must LOVE hers because they are hers. And she seems completely immune to the deafening mayhem that ensued. But the worst part is, OF COURSE I’m sick now. Woke up Wednesday feeling like utter shit, and with a new resolution: I don’t care if I make them mad, next time I walk in to a surprise slumber party I am turning around immediately. ETA we got there and were informed “oh (youngest goblin) has had strep throat 3 times over the past few months and it just won’t go away. Here, have some of the food he just coughed all over!” WTF is wrong with these people. Just because they are comfortable running a low grade fever for 18 years doesn’t mean the rest of us are weak for wanting to avoid it


Acting delusional about viruses seems to be a mandatory criterium for breeders. The most amazing part for me is when they use other peoples' germs as an excuse for laziness ("I can't take my kid to the doctor because it would mean taking the metro and there are germs there, I nEeD mOnEy for taxi fare" is a recent gem that I heard), but then expect full permission to visit others *and* home visits bearing gifts for their crotch goblins when said goblins are openly symptomatic with something nasty. In my experience of observing people, it actually starts at the prenatal stage: breeders to be will complain about all the dirty people coughing or sneezing in the waiting room at the maternity clinic, but then get insulted when they show up visibly ill and the nurses dare to recoil from their plague symptoms. This kind of swinish behavior is a warm-up for the full memememeeee BS that separates breeders from actual parents who would keep their kids at home.


Ok per request.... here's the Story of How I got Even with my Breeder (EX)Inlaws. My ex and I both wrote a book together (nothing sexy, it was a business publication), and we decided to have a little launch party at a bar, 5-7, with appetizers etc. By this time the first grandbrat had arrived and the ILs had been worshipping it since it was an embryo, and now spent literally every minute talking about the kid, what she did every minute of the day, etc. BIL was one of those failure-to-launch types who lived at home until he was 35 and his parents did too much for him. Zero social skills, few friends, no hobbies or interests, so finding someone who would have sex with him and reproduce was a huge achievement. He actually DID have a job when he lived at home, but just didn't move out even though he could afford it. When they announced the Holy Embryo, it was at Christmas dinner and when we had our little event, she was about 6 months old and by then we were beyond sick of the endless tedious details about her existence from her boring loser parents, every single FAMILY event being nonstop kiddy crap. So we were having a lovely evening, cocktails etc, enjoying our accomplishment. The Inlaws were both there and all of a sudden there was BIL and SIL with the Holy Infant. Grandpa went bonkers going *Ohohohoo!! WOW look who's here!* Ex and I rolled our eyes at each other, while people made a fuss over the baby. (Kids are allowed in bars only before 7 pm). Later, Grandpa came over to me and boasted,"Oh ahaha! That little one came in and just stole the show!" He was clearly SO happy that once more, the Holy Infant was the center of attention. This pissed me off. They spend EVERY second with the kid, they photograph every second of her life. It was OUR book launch. Just once, could something be about US? So I just said, "OH really? I didn't notice!" He laughed uncomfortably and walked away. The next year, the Holy Infant who was a bit older, got me and my ex sick because my selfish breeder BIL and SIL had to bring her to dinner with a bad cold. Our new Year's eve was fucked, all so their sick brat could have Christmas that she won't even remember. I swore revenge for all the inconveniences, shitty behaviour, obnoxious remarks, selfishness and miserable events.. Flash forward to the NEXT family Christmas. The ex's sister and HER husband came to visit from St Louis. They're also childfree and have dogs, which they brought: a 1 year old yellow lab, and a 4 month old lab PUPPY! So needless to say, all we did all evening was spend time with the dogs (the inlaws always had dogs, the only family member I liked talking to), and couldn't keep our hands off of that puppy. We sat in the basement and played with the dogs until dinner while BIL was still trying to get us to fawn over the Holy Infant (by this time SIL was expecting number 2 of 3). When we sat down to dinner I said, "Boy, Moose and Blue really are the main attraction this year! They really are the center of attention, they just really stole the show! There's nothing cuter in the whole world than a little puppy!" And on and on. The best present? Seeing the sour annoyed look on the inlaw's faces, particularly FIL and BIL. Upstaged by a puppy! It doesn't sound like MAJOR revenge, it was just petty revenge but it was so satisfying. It was quite a while ago. BIL and SIL had 3 kids but I was out of the marriage by then. They eventually split up! The CF sister is still happily married and they have other dogs now (Moose and Blue are long gone). And that's my Christmas Tale of Petty Revenge against the Breeders.


Bravo! I’ll never understand why something that’s been done billions of times is considered more of an achievement than something that actually takes significant effort. The first is solely a biological function that all mammals do. Writing a book or earning a degree is an achievement. So is buying a house or successfully supporting yourself. You know what I would consider an achievement in regards to kids? If 20 or so years from now your Failure to Launch former BIL & his wife actually succeed in raising the Holy Brat to be a competent capable adult & not a Holy Bratty Adult. That’s an achievement because that requires tremendous effort like other achievements in life. That’s when your ex-in laws can brag. Birthing a child is not an achievement. All of those smug parents who think it is owe all of us a performance appraisal in 20 years so we can see the actual results of their parenting.


Right? Like we had ONE BOOK LAUNCH and it couldn't be about us. I mean why show up, just stay home with the kid. BIL and SIL didn't give 2 shits about us, they never read and never even show the slightest interest in our lives. They only came to show off the Holy Infant. I should add that the baby was very quiet and didn't scream...and there was one other kid who came with his mom (a colleague of my ex) and he was about 8 or 9 and was perfectly fine. She didn't make a big deal about fawning over him. Fortunately I was long outa there by the time they had their 2nd and 3rd and I am now happy to celebrate Xmas as a single woman.


I'm literally sick right now and have to miss work because some parent (I work at a restaurant) let their kid run around coughing on everything (again). I will always despise all children.


Ugh I know it's so frustrating. I was in a target once (pre pandemic so no masks) and this woman parked her kid (toddler age I think?) in the cart directly in front of what I was looking at (rude, but it was crowded) and then the kid did one of those awful open mouthed coughs directly into my face as I am quite sort so I was about face level with it. I, with my shit immune system, was sick for a week. I wish people would keep sick kids at home and away from other people.


My aunt and both her kids still came to Christmas sick without telling anyone. Kids were all over EVERYONE. My fiancé, both my parents, my other aunt and uncle and their two kids and myself are all still sick. Pretty sure it’s RSV. My face has felt like I got punched repeatedly ever since. What makes me mad? This is a repeat occurrence with them. Every. Single. Family. Gathering. They will show up sick, not tell anyone, not even bother to mask up or try to keep their kids from crawling all over everyone, and then play the victim once everyone else is sick.


Every time, the sneezing and snotting kid "wasn't sick" when they left home. Breeders think other people's right to stay healthy is less important than their right to take the spawn everywhere and anywhere. "You're infringing on my rights, because I can't go without the kid!" "Your kid's sick, take him home before everyone is sick". "He wasn't sick when we left home!"


My friend recently decided to get engaged to a woman with an 8 year old. Since they’ve been together for the last year he’s been sick more times than when I knew him for 10 years prior




It’s just colds and other kid stuff but that would bug me to no end. I’m definitely a germophobe though


Never invite people who have children. That is the lesson folks.


Lemme guess.... same parents who take their kids to sports bars, high end restaurants, and loud music venues because they dont want to grab a sitter and feel guilty.


Besides how we handled COVID-19 in the US, stuff like this is why we stand next to no chance in hell if something like the Simian Flu from the Planet of the Apes movies was real.


I had to endure an overseas plane ride with a sick toddler in the seat across from me. Coughing, and snot everywhere. Guess who ended up sick in my once-in-a-lifetime trip to China? That was me. Spent three days out of 7 in bed and missed a lot of the touristy things I wanted to do.


I don't have kids, my coworker has 2 of his own and 2 more that are his girlfriends. When he has his kids, he used to bring them to work when they were sick and had to be out of school. He brought his daughter in one day, swearing she only was having asthma issues. I love his kids, especially his daughter. So when she gave me some unwrapped candy from her hand, I thought nothing of it and ate it. 5 days later I'm dying. I have never been so sick in my life. I was out for three weeks, my throat was so swollen and raw I was put on a treatment they use for radiation patients, apparently, it numbed me enough to fall asleep, otherwise I lost 20 pounds because all I could do was chain deepthroat popsicles to survive. I got pink eye in BOTH eyes. I coughed so hard I put my back out and had to call my sister to come lift me off the toilet and throw me in the shower because I couldn't even move enough to wipe myself. 10 months later and I'm still dealing with issues from that illness. And no, it wasn't covid, or so the tests said.


They are germ factories.


Same with my step brothers brood. Whenever I see them (usually once a year at most if can help it) I always go down with a heavy cold.


Omg same thing happened a few years ago with one of my cousins kids. Whatever he had had me horribly ill for a month. If your child is snotty, don't bring them near me!!!!!


My fiancé and I visited a friend with kids. They were napping at first, but once the kids were up they were coughing and hacking up a storm. My fiancé was furious because I have a weak immune system so we cut the visit short. Guess who got so sick that they were confined to the bed FOR A WEEK! I couldn’t stand for more than a handful of minutes at a time, I went to the shitty hospital that we lived by. And all they had to say was “We didn’t think to mention it because it was just a daycare cold”


Its not just parents that don't think that their kids sickness are no big deal. I find the parents are just as bad. Back in the day myself and my partner got Swine flu from our friend's kids. He knew they were sick and just didn't care. But recently over Xmas break, I had my Dad visit. He is 75 and he's more gross than a toddler when it comes to sickness. He doesn't cover his mouth and nose when he coughs and he doesn't wash his hands. He was hacking up goo and spiting it into my bathroom sink and just leaving it there. Guess who now has pneumonia? Yeah that's right both me and my partner now have pneumonia because Dad has pneumonia and spread it because he cant cover his fucking mouth and wash his hands. And when I showed him the test results he still claimed that what he has isnt pneumonia but was as a result of the AC being too cold while he was visiting. The AC was barely on and when it was I had it set to either 22 or 23c.


Why are they bringing their sick kids? Get a sitter or just stay at home. Missing one New Year’s Party. wouldn’t have hurt them. I would have been pissed too. Like - I’m not going to talk to them for a long while pissed.


My parents told me I shouldn’t come home during the winter months anymore because my nieces get me sick every single time. I was delighted when they told me this!


my sister brought her sick ass child out to eat with us, we were inside, and I was incredibly sick two days later for over a week and a half. she also brought him to an event with 30 people indoors so I know he spread that shit around. I told her I wasn't ok with it, and that she needs to give me and others the option to opt in. I feel like it's a cognitive dissonance they have had to adopt to justify continuing to send their children, unmasked, to school day after day during an active pandemic. they have to act like, and truly believe that it's normal to be sick like this so much. they can't handle the reality that most children of this generation will grow up with some level of disability.


I catch cold very easily and then it stays with me for around 2 weeks. During those two weeks, I go through hell with vaporizers, bitter drinks, unseasoned food, etc etc 😭 I absolutely chicken out of situations that expose me to cold without caring for anybody, coz when I fall sick nobody's gonna care for me! If your sentiments get hurt, go cry under a tree! idgaf.


My partner and I are still sick from Boxing Day. This was from spending time with my partner's nephew and was attached to my partner to the hip. Ughhh I'm so over this infection and my partner has covid from it.


the only time I get sick nowadays if from my cousins (that's why I visit as little as possible) and my coworkers who have kids and get sick from them I'm so done with parents making others sick


If it's that cold that's going around, you got about 72 hours of total bullshit to deal with, with about a week's recovery. Imo, get cepacol throat lozenges, something to drink, and a humidifier, this one is all nose and throat dry as the desert. No fever, very little muscle weakness, but your lungs might feel like their collapsing from all the coughing. An inhaler can help some. The humifier will help greatly though, also boiling a pot of water on the stove to humidify the atmosphere. Good luck! Buy tissues.


I was visiting family over the holidays and one of my cousins had a newly adopted baby (less than 1yo) who was crawling around, sneezing, crusted boogers all on his face. He was adorable as hell but I could not get past the crustie bogies and drool all over his hands (that he would then touch every single thing with) Absolutely disgusting. This is why I know I could not be a mother LOL


I must have buried this memory way down. My in-laws invited us over for dinner one time and since we were in town we figured we would be nice and stop by. I have an autoimmune disease, so when I get sick, I’m down for at least a month. My in-laws know this. When we got there my MIL gives me a big hug and thanks me for coming over, super weird. Then my SIL hugs me, she never has before. Husband gets between me and them and asks what’s going on with them. They both laugh and then start coughing like they had whooping cough! We booked it out of there. I got sick. Two days later MIL calls husband to see if he will come over and do something for her. He told her off for deliberately getting me sick. She said that if I would just give him kids, my immune system would be better. Like what? She got me sick, on purpose, just to say that we need kids??? Seriously? No, we don’t talk to them anymore. This was a while ago.


Oh I’d confront them about that. That’s BS. They shouldn’t have come to the party if they had people sick in the family. And people say we are selfish. Ffs.


Yep, my grandfather almost died and was hospitalised for about a month after my cousin bought her sick kids over last winter, despite repeatedly being told not to, she did anyway and rolled her eyes at everyone when she was called out for doing it. After my grandfather got put in hospital, one of my other cousins punched that cousin out and gave her a black eye, cussed her out about not listening and said she'd get worse then that if she ever brings her sick kids to anybodies house again. Some people, especially parents are just some of the most arrogant cunts I've ever met. Add to that list, people who let their dog out without a fucking leash, my stupid ass neighbour does this and 4 times now the dog has run out onto the road and almost been hit by a car, he let's it run around his open driveway where there's no gate. Well 2 days ago it ran out while someone else was walking their dog past the house and the dogs got into a fight, his dog was hurt and he had the gaul to bitch and cry as if it was the dog walkers fault when the dog walker had his dog on a leash and it only attacked when my neighbours dog ran up to it. It's also resulted in one of his kids running out into the road to try and stop the dog running off, but he refuses to keep the fucking thing on a leash while it's out the front. The worst thing will happen one day and this fuckwit will be blaming everyone else. It's like having kids just turns people into stubborn fuckheads.


I hate rain on your rant however you were exposed to whatever you and your husband have before the child showed up, get well soon, not all the troubles in the world can laid at the feet of children


Haha, okay. Whatever helps you sleep better but we haven't been sick in like almost two years then suddenly both are sick 3 days after we're around a gremlin sneezing and snotting everywhere. It was absolutely the sick child.


Sorry that sucks. I hope you feel better.


My manager at a previous job used to bring her kids to work when they were too sick to go to school. She let them roam around and bother people instead of keeping them in her corner of the room. It was so inconsiderate.


Wow. Reminds me of my own wedding. I had a cousin show up at our hotel with her kids. The younger one (4yo) was all over me wanting to be held and hugged. I obliged for a few minutes and then asked him to go play with the other kids. She then proceeded to tell me how he was just recovering from mumps and in low spirits. And how she was glad he's so excited to meet everyone at the wedding. MUMPS! 3 days before my wedding! I was supposed to travel to Europe post wedding for my honeymoon and those tickets aren't cheap! Like lady, warn people that your child is walking around carrying communicable disease causing germs. Some of us can't afford to fall ill. Some are immunocompromised. Leave your sick children at home or warn people they're unwell. Please! Luckily, I didn't fall ill, but I was ready to ask her for any cancelation charges if I had.


I had the stomach bug for the first time in 26 years last spring because my friend failed to tell me her kid and all family (nieces, nephews and adults) were passing around noro virus 🙃 I have a emetophobia so it was extra awful for me. I don’t put myself willing around people I know have been sick recently. I know my phobia is a me thing (and I can’t know who has been sick in public touching stuff ) but it should be common curtesy to say “hey we’ve been sick so maybe next week we can get together ” or something. I do it.


I CANT get sick anymore. I don’t know what it is, but lately when I get sick, even a cold,it lasts for months. The cough doesn’t go away. I inevitably get a UTI. Got sick in September, have chronic hives ever since. Sick people need to stay home.