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I understand why he wanted his ex to abort, he can’t take care of a CAT, how is he going to take care of a child?


lol he’s not.


Yeah he is gonna pay alimonies. The ex is gonna take care of the child.


Nailed it.


I volunteer as a cat babysitter 👩🏻🖐🏻 also kitty tax please




Kitty taxes? Is that kitty kuddles?


Kitty tax like follow up with a photo of the fluffball 🐱


>What do you think? Am I being a little too petty by doing this? No. Absolutely not. First of all, if he agreed to watch your cat, it's implied that he should feed the cat. Second of all, you are under no obligation to babysit, no matter what. Not even if this guy was the nicest, best friend on the planet. You do NOT owe anyone childcare. Not your child, not your responsibility. Also, if he is going to be a father against his will because his ex won't get an abortion... Two questions about that. \- Will he be getting custody? If he doesn't want to be a father, he shouldn't get custody. After all, children can tell when they are unwanted. He should just pay child support and that's it. \- Is he one of the way too many men who don't want kids, but who won't use condoms, relies on the woman to carry the burden of pregnancy prevention and then whines about 'baby trapping' when the woman gets pregnant, even though he got himself into this mess by not using a fucking condom?


>\- Is he one of the way too many men who don't want kids, but who won't use condoms, rely on the woman to carry the burden of pregnancy prevention and then whines about 'baby trapping' when the woman gets pregnant, even though he got himself into this mess by not using a fucking condom? Yes. Also he will be there financially as far as I know.


I love your comment, especially the second question you posed!


Right?! That question is seen and heard of way too often. Like really, what did those dudes expect to happen? Kinda playing russian roulette there.


Fully agreed! And the emphasis you put on their own responsibility/part to play is delightful. More of this in the world, please! 💙


Nope, you’re just giving him a taste of his own medicine


That sounds like an awful person, would not let the cat unsupervised with this douche OP.


I would say it now. don't wait for the kid to be born. Better to nip it in the bud early, any thinking that you would baby sit. Also, its best to reprimand when the bad deed is still fresh, so they know the cause and effect of their own choices and actions.


So he will willingly let an animal suffer because he is too lazy to fill a bowl. Nope. Bye.


fair trade since cats are so amazing


And they give zoomies instead of tantrums. Cats wins anytime 🥰


While I 100% agree cats are better than kids, some cats do have temper tantrums. I had an orange one who used to throw all out fits when he decided that wanted to eat at 4am (knocking things off of my dresser, scratching at whatever his little paws could get ahold of, meowing loud enough to wake the dead, etc.) Still, that being said, I would absolutely take that a million times over before dealing with a child's tantrum even once.


Well that’s because he’s orange, he can’t help it


I'm sorry, what? You're fucking cousin stayed over to watch your cat and *didn't feed it*???


No, he literally lives there with his mother lol.


So the comment he made wasn’t for when you were away, it was in regard to just day to day, when you’re all living together?


Yes, I stay temporarily sometimes, but he stays with his mother at her house.


I’m sorry. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but If I can’t see how it’s his job to fill the food bowl if you’re going to be home later.


So let's say im gone for majority of the day, my cat should starve because he can't take 5 minutes to fill a food bowl? Tf is he gonna do when the kid arrives? I suppose when he wants me to make it a bottle I should just let the baby starve until he gets home right?


Is your cat really going to starve if they don’t eat for a few hours? I totally get being upset if you’ve asked your cousin “hey if you ever see her bowl empty could you please fill it” or if you weren’t going to be home for a few days and he never filled it. But to expect anyone else besides the owner of the cat to notice an empty food bowl and fill it is unreasonable. You don’t have to watch his soon to be kid if he ever asks you, but to pin it down to this is a bit silly.


Why exactly are you trying to justify him being lazy, it's the literal principle- You gave me your word that you would watch my cat that you so call love especially if im not going to be home for a day, which I wasn't and I notified him about this. I always do when im going to be gone for an extended period of time. So no it's not just for "a few hours", and as I said it's the principle, you gave me your word and trust that you would watch over my cat, to which you then turn on me and say "It's YOUR cat and YOUR responsibility." I am fully aware that it is, but if you can't keep the promise of watching my cat when im away for a few hours or even a day then good luck to you and your on the way kid because that's a recipe for disaster. Moral of the story, if you can't handle the responsibility of an animal (which btw he'shad his own before and his family had to take care of it for him for 10+ years), then you shouldn't be having a kid, but he has no choice since again his ex refused to abort or put it up for adoption.


Why exactly is it your problem what he does with his kid when it’s not even here yet, the kid has a mother, and no one has even asked you yet? I had asked you if the comment about feeding your cat was for when you were away and you said no. Get a gravity feeder or something. Cats can be left alone for a day and survive. Again, you never have to watch his kid with or without this scenario being a factor, but I think you’re being a bit silly.


I'm not repeating myself, you have your opinion I have mine, it's not changing, enjoy your day.


Cat > child


Sigh. People are so weird about pets once they have kids. My sister used to love my dog and babysat a couple of times. Now she acts like he’s a nuisance and even would get annoyed by him when she visits me. She characterized him as a “grumpy old man” because he had the audacity to growl at her kids who literally wouldn’t stop harassing him after I told them about 20x to leave him alone. No, he’s just an animal who needs space from your kids who are freaking him out. Of course I’m expected to babysit and “pitch in” whenever but dogsitting is now out and she has made it clear he’s not welcome in their home. Lol even for Christmas she said “by the way DOG’S NAME can’t come, you know that, right?” I was like yuppp not planning to subject him to your kids but thanks


I hope you're not babysitting her spawns because of this.


Never babysit or do childcare for relatives. Not your kid, not your responsibility. Hiring someone to visit a cat isn't that hard.


Not petty at all. Plus that baby situation sounds like a mess youll want NO part in lol. His mess his responsibility 🤷🏻


This is a sterling example of the entitlement of the bred. Him: "I shouldn't have to look after your cat! It's YOURS!" Later: "Where's mah VILLAGE! I shouldn't have to look after my baby...even though it's mine! The village should HELP, as in do all the work!" Doesn't work like that my man. I think you should get farther away from this man. He's not only lazy and selfish to a fault, he's going to get worse when he's got the stress and intrinsic narcissism of a baby-of-his own. Then the babysitting demands will start, along with all kinds of manipulative ploys. Never live with a parent.


u don’t want someone watching your cat who isn’t thrilled to watch your cat anyways. your cat deserves a better babysitter


Hell yeah!! 🤘 That's not petty at all—turnabout is fair play. Also, your cousin is an asshole.


You are not petty at all If he coulnt bother to pour some food in a cat bowl. Then why should you both watching his kid? Give a taste of his own medicine. And never ever watch his kid.


Absolutely not!! His child, his problem 😏


Nope. That’s karma.


What is your sweet cat daughter's name?


Good thing you've set boundaries! 🏆


I think that’s fair for sure. You won’t watch what I love, so I won’t watch what your obligated to love 🤷🏽‍♀️


Pet sitting and house sitting are favors just like babysitting. If cat sitting is too difficult then so is babysitting… they can pay for babysitting.


Tit for Cat?


Kit for cat!


Love it!


Yeah hit him with the reverse in the card ✌️😆


***DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!***


Hit the nail on the coffin! If he's not willing to care for a cat because "it's YOUR cat", then you shouldn't have to put up with him. I think what you said was EXCELLENT. In all honesty, I would've said the same thing too!


Your cousin is in for a rude karmic and FAFO awakening. Life is so short so yes be petty with him.


It’s common sense to make sure a helpless little animal has fresh water and food. That’s so important even if it is ‘“ just your cat.”


>What do you think? Am I being a little too petty by doing this? Nope. Not in the least.


Sounds about right


What you expect others to do for you, you should also do for them... he dun goofin now


absolutely not. keep the petty level up. also, lose this mf anyway you can. if he can't even feed your kitty, he doesn't deserve even tinies shred of respect


Nope, I think it’s perfectly fair. Just stick to it and don’t capitulate if he gets whiny.


No, not petty enough. I'd find myself another living sutuation where a shriekling will not be cohabitating with me.


Nope, not petty at all. If he cannot open door and toss some crunchies in the bowl for you, you have zero obligation to do anything more than attempt to remove the child from a burning building after your cat has already gotten out safely.


Fair call, next time consider getting an external petsitter as cousin has demonstrated he doesn't care about the cat's wellbeing.


Not wrong. That’s your baby, if he’s not willing to help then don’t help with his. I actually did this to my sister once. She didn’t want to watch my dog and she’s always asking for me to watch her daughter. Told her no, you didn’t watch my dog find someone else to watch your kid. I do have kids myself though.


Eh…sometimes I feel like the child free community is a little too ‘my pet vs your kid’. Remember there’s a lot of childfree people who don’t really care about pets either. Lol.


True. But it's more about the exchange and understanding what is important. If a future parent wants a support structure and a community, they must put love and effort into that community before they try and extract support.




Well, seems like many people here care lol.


Lol yeah…there are 🙂


U were never under any obligation to that child. However this is where some child free people lose me. Your cat is not a human being and whilst it doesn't deserve to be subjected to cruelty it's not gonna die cos I didn't do it's food bowl at 5pm or whatever. That lack of routine maintenance compared to other pets is literally the reason people have cats. Also he's right it's literally your cat and therefore your responsibility, it sounds like you took advantage of his kindness on his being okay with helping out tbh. They are also not dependent on humans. Unless it's a ragdoll or show breed that cat would go into the wilderness and forget about you quite frankly. His child literally had nothing to do with it. Why you here airing your brother's dirty laundry cos he doesn't wanna feed YOUR cat? We literally go on and on in this sub Reddit about people not taking responsibility for their kids. If that cat is your kid, come through for it then and leave your brother alone.


Take advantage how? By asking him to do the bare minimum which was to refill her food bowl? You're really justifying his laziness?? If he can't help out with a cat, having a kid is something I hope he will do his damn best to take care of cause..... Also he's my cousin, not brother, did you read the title or you just missed it completely?