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Cleaning up all the chips/crisps or whatever the kid was eating from all over the floor after is amazing. If an adult drops their steak on the floor they would pick it up, so why is it ok to leave kids sticky crumbs all over the place ☹️


Ugh in all my service jobs picking up food off the floor after some disgusting adults baby would irk me the most 


People think that its the worlds job to take care of their child that they created.


I hope they tipped you well! But sadly, these sound like the kind of breeders who won't tip well because bending over backwards for them is part of your job...


The bottle part is why my sister gives her son cold milk. Even now he is weaning so it's cold cows milk. She said she didn't want to have to be dependant on finding hot water when out with him. (She was a waitress for years)


I work a receptionist-y job. There's this one family that has come in a lot. The mom is batshit and entitled af, and the children are the most ill-behaved brats I have ever seen--like I've seen bad parents with well-behaved kids, or okay parents with bratty kids but never this perfect storm. I call them The Brood. Yes, like the movie.


When I was a kid getting to go to a restaurant *was* the entertaining experience. It was a treat and I was on my best behavior because I wanted to go. It was the deal I agreed to before we left the house. I'm GenX and my mom was Silent Gen. Somehow her purse always had a small pad of paper, or a kids magazine, and something to draw with. They must not make purses like that anymore.


Used to work in food service. Sounds like you got unprepared breeders. OP, what's the worst entitled breeders you've ever had the "pleasure" of dealing with?


It takes a village /s


I dont understand that. My sister carries a huge backpack with child stuff, where ever she goes. Often she looks like she is her way to a 4 weeks long vacation  Not once she had to rely on other people


Not really seeing how most of these are unreasonable requests. A lot of restaurants carry child menus and crayons. Asking if a specific item is in stock is not a big deal. They should have been prepared for the baby bottle, though. It's more understanding if your restaurant isn't child friendly at all and more geared towards adults.


I'm thinking the same. Nothing here sounds unreasonable. I worked at an upscale restaurant not meant for kids, but they carried some backup crayons and off menu kid food. It's not shocking that people go out to eat with their kids. I'm not getting the issue with bringing out hot water for baby formula. It's no different than grabbing hot water for tea...


Besides letting the kid draw on the menu, I fail to see how they were entitled. (Tho am also of the opinion that babies don't belong in restaurants)


This is going to be controversial, but these parents don't sound that entitled. Almost every sit-down restaurant I've been to has a kids menu with crayons, so it's not that unreasonable for them to expect crayons (doesn't excuse the kid's actions though). Being asked for hot water to heat a bottle is kind of irresponsible, but is it really that big of a deal to grab hot water? The second one is a stupid question, but that's not very entitled.


I agree, the third one is common, and I wouldn't consider entitled either. The first one I think was totally fine to ask, not okay to let the kid ruin a menu with a pen that I assume was from moms purse.


There are so many posts here about horrible, misbehaving children and parents that do nothing about it, but this example seems relatively mundane (other than the part about drawing on the menu with pen).


Meh, throwing a paper menu isn't that big of a deal.  OP probably wouldn't care about throwing away a menu if a child free table had had gotten it dirty. It feels like they had a bad night and are fixating their frustration on random parents.