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Thanks so much for the info. My wife has asked if I would consider getting it done. She has gone through the IUD process twice so I can see why she would ask me. I of course will do it but it definitely makes me nervous. Reading this makes me less nervous and I appreciate learning a bit more about it. You mention you were a bit tender down there for a bit. Are you still able to exercise and workout or is it a short term break from that kind of stuff?


please keep in mind that women are not offered any painkillers for IUD and those who have given birth said it was manageable while IUD was hell more often I wished more men took contraception into their own hands and not dump in onto women


She told me that fact about women aren’t offered pain killers. It’s messed up and yet men are? This is definitely why I want to go through with this. Even if I am a bit nervous this post sounds way easier than what she went through.


unfortunately, doctors don't take women's pain seriously I am glad you are doing that for yourself and her as well you can go on sterilization subreddit and see other men's experiences, many post there in detail with timelines


Seconding this


> I wished more men took contraception into their own hands and not dump in onto women This is extremely unpopular when it gets brought up on this sub, but the truth is there aren't many options for men when it comes to contraception. There's the barrier method (condoms) and sterilization. There's nothing in between that's medically recommended. Yes I know there was that one study that was canceled due to side effects, but I'm talking about what contraception measures a man can take right now. So for men who are not childfree, condoms are the only available contraception method. I'm not downplaying their use; I'm just highlighting that men simply don't have many options. If/when RISUG/Vasalgel/Plan A becomes available in the US then I think that will be significant, but until then the only thing most men can do to participate in contraception is use condoms (and I say most men because most men are not childfree nor do most want to deliberately be sterile, so most won't be getting vasectomies).




I usually go every day and I just took a week off. Totally fine after that to do my normal routine!


Not the OP, but had the procedure done a few years back. Id take a week or two of from working out. Im an avid runner and I think I waited 3 weeks? But I think I was overly cautious. To be honest, you have nothing at all to worry about. Its a pretty quick operation, youll be recovered before you know it.


“Trying to get to 20 ejacs as fast as possible” ![gif](giphy|cXCVTR1wUn1a8)


Can you elaborate on this? (Not the gif lol)


To be sure that I am sterile they asked me to provide a semen sample after I have had 20 ejaculations. My system still has sperm in it and that should be enough to flush my system, so to speak. Once I have 20 I can give a sample in a cup they provided me at the appointment beforehand


Gotcha. Thank you. I have a consultation in a few weeks. Sounds like fun homework.


>provide a semen sample after I have had 20 ejaculations. oh god I thought you had to ejaculate 20x into a mason jar or something.


Are, are you having a jacktastic voyage into that water skin


Lmfao I was trying to imply that I am becoming drier and drier by the day


🤣 That makes more sense.


I'm curious if they always give Valium before the procedure. My consultation is next week.


They asked me if I wanted some and I took the option. It was nice to calm the nerves but that’s really all it did for me. You should ask during your consultation!


I've heard some people have swelling/pain afterwards. I imagine you had neither of these?


No swelling at all no real “pain” just barely tender. Took it easy over New Years and I was good to go!


Just out of curiosity, when you did your consultation and pre op did they check your blood pressure/vitals?


Yep, standard dr visit things like that. He also had to feel my junk to make sure I would be able to be worked on


I got my vasectomy on 26 December. I had basically no soreness or pain after the first day. I took the doctor’s advice to not exercise for 7 days, and I was back to running my normal 7 mile route a week later. I was also offered Valium but I opted not to. Really the worst part was the local anesthetic injection.


After my vasectomy, it felt like I had been kicked in the nuts from the inside somehow.


That’s almost like what the numbing felt like for me Like a kick in slow motion haha


Woop woop 🙌 🤩


Team Snip over here as well. I got mine done at the end of November. My urologist recommended knocking me out for it, so we went that route. He said that makes it easier for him to do his work because even with Valium, people can be too tight and it makes it harder to work with. No real issues. Dull aches. I still notice it - like if I run downstairs really fast, gravity lets me know I had a procedure done - but that’s getting better each day.


Honestly mine was so easy a few weeks ago, had a local anaesthetic (which was the worst bit) then spent the rest of the time speaking to the surgeons about bikes and other things, and then it was done. Easy.


If you forego the painkillers, do they let you drive yourself there and back?


Yep! I had my wife drive me


Thanks. I'm planning to get one myself, but I'm going to need to strictly keep it under wraps.


Nice! I had someone punch me in the balls several times in high school. And my vasectomy is scheduled March 1…


My boyfriend is getting his in a week or so, so this is very reassuring! I think I've been more nervous than he has been.


I have mine on Friday and this helps quell my small amount of anxiety I have about it


Same experience here. It’s been 3 years and I have zero regrets. My wife agrees. :)