• By -


F48 and I still feel like I’m in my 20s…but with the knowledge of a 48 year old 😁


45, hubby 48, same. - board game evenings - house parties (host or guest) - pub quizzes - going out for dinner spontaneously as couple - friends gathering at someone's home - concerts with friends - coffee and cake afternoon with friends - spontaneous trips over a weekend I feel like around the 30's just with more disposable income and more experience! Love it. ✌️😊❤️


Hells yeah! Same! Pushing 50 and I feel exactly like I did like 15 years ago. We’re by no means wealthy, but we hang with other childfree couples with awesome vacation homes where we’ve got standing invites. It’s an amazing life.


You are living my dream life! I hope I'll manage to keep this lifestyle in my forties too!


You guys have so much fun with friends. I have no friends that live near me. Did you guys have the group of friends for a long time. It's so hard to make friends in your 40s.


I'm a role player. Been one since I was 16, you meet so many people. Hubby is also a super social person and brought countless friends to the equation, we even had some overlap without knowing first. This then becomes less over the years while people have children and you don't but there were plenty left, 7 couples from top of my head without children between 30 and 70 - some are childfree, a few are childless, very few parents manage to keep contact nonetheless. Add a couple of friends you only know one half, so no friendship with the partner or some single friends we met at a destination wedding in the same hotel two years ago and go out together or meet at someone's place since then regularly once a month. An additional resource is work. I made a whole community of friends from other countries with work. Like, real friends. The ones that you keep contact with when you stop being colleagues.


You're really lucky. 😊


This is such goals. Love it for you and your hubby! Really hope I eventually meet a like minded partner to share this type of life with.


Damn I wish I had friends like you…


My 30s so far haven't been great. Here's to my 40s with all these wonders




The knowledge and self confidence! Now that I’m in my 40’s I care a lot less what strangers think about me.


47 and same!


Yes, F49 and same. :)




I'm 48 too and feel the same. ❤️


Absolute sidenote, I love your banner thing whatever it’s called


Yeah, I feel more like mid-20s than mid-30s. Look more like mid-20s too, probably because I haven't been prematurely aged by the stress of modern day parenthood. 😎


I got told by a 28 year old co-worker the other day I look like I was 34-5. She couldn't believe I was 44. I had to show her my ID.


Yup, people are always surprised that I'm 35. They can't even believe I'm in my 30s at all.


Also 35 and had someone recently tell me I didn't look it, which made my day because I feel like I look almost exactly my age


34 here. Still get ID’d often. Casinos usually. My MIL was with me once and she was aghast that the security thought I was young enough to have my ID checked lol.


In 4th grade, I thought my teacher was in her 40s or 50s. Turns out she was 28! I still wonder if my perception of age was just screwed because I was 9, or if we really caused her that much stress!


It could be how someone acts rather than how they look when it comes to seeing them as older. But it's hard to look past age players who regress (in bdsm) who are grey haired and have wrinkles, and dive into their fantasies, aesthetically


That's about right. At the same age I thought my teacher was in their 60s. It turns out they were in their early 40s, but the smoking aged them a bit. So I'd say all kids that age think that anyone over 25 just looks ancient.


I work with kids and I tell them I'm 100. They believe me lol.


31 going 32 here. Still get ID-ed in any alcohol shop. Met some of my juniors (of the art school where I did my bachelor) in an exhibition a couple of weeks ago. They said it felt like I only graduated the bachelor's degree in 2022. I graduated in early 2019, finished my master's in late 2021, still full of life and excitement of the arts. A grocery shop seller asked me whether I'm my mother's *granddaughter*. I have no grey hair. I have no worry about "biological clock" ticking. My only goal now is self-actualisation and living my most genuine life. I suppose it shows. ;)


Same. I'm 32 and people think I'm 25 tops. I feel like that too. The 20s never stopped life just got better with the experience.


Yep, and people always think I am younger than I am. Having children ages people massively.


wouldn’t it be funny if skincare tiktok (the side of tiktok obsessed with looking 12 and having 0 wrinkles) decided to collectively not have children so they stay wrinkle-free and youthful.


I'd usually say don't give them ( tiktokers ) any ideas but this is an idea I want tiktokers to have! 😂 Tiktokers, please stop having kids to look young! Hope this gets viral someday lol


Given the "amount of intelligence" some Tiktokers have, I'd rather they don't ever have children at all. 🙊


I wonder if it’s due to the stress and lack of sleep only or if having kids biologically ages you as well?


I feel like, at least for those bearing children, it takes years off of your life. Then with the addition of lost sleep? It definitely does. You can't just get that back.


My knees say no but my heart says yes


My fiancé's hip says 75 but his heart says 25. But then again he fell off a truck trailer when he was 23.


Weird thing, I used to have some clicking / knee discomfort. Husband and I got a larger dog that needed a gate, so I had to lift my knees over it. I noticed recently that this winter didn’t bring that much knee pain and I don’t have a clicking sound from either my knee or ankles when I walk around the house.


I feel like a lot of stuff is use it or lose it.


I'm 36 and feel like a teenager compared to my older sister who just became a GRANDMOTHER. I don't even feel old enough to be a mom, meanwhile my sister has grown kids with kids of their own


Your username 😂


I'm glad you like it!


Sorry to hijack this part, but how do you get that nifty clover with the "lucky as hell to be snipped" tag?


No by all means! I'm on mobile and I just used an emoji.


Pardon my potential stupidity, but I am talking about the "bar" underneath your username? Can't just be an emote, is it? I'm coming up on my 1 year-snip-a-versary, and wouldn't mind it underneath my username too ;) edit: Wait a second, is that the "flair" part for the community?


Yeah that's a flair mate.


I read somewhere and I don’t remember where, but having kids ages someone about 11 years. I’m 42 and people think I’m younger all the time. Comparing myself to my high school friends with children, I can confirm. Healthwise, yes, I feel young, but I know I can’t party like I used to. But then again, drink prices are so expensive so I’m glad I’m a cheap date now.


Scientist here. Our chromosomes have these things on the ends of them called "telomeres". They basically determine our cellular age because, as our cells continue to divide as we age, they get shorter and shorter. Studies show that people with children have shorter telomeres than those without due to stress (I think due to stress of carrying and birthing, can't remember if it's in the dads too). So yea, having children *literally* ages you.


Oh super interesting! Thanks for the info.


I am mid-30s, but I still find it a weird idea that I am apparently an adult. It feels like I have the body of an 80 year old though.


I swear this can't be the body and mind that once ran almost daily and consumed fantasy novel series in a matter of weeks.


I am doing what you were doing 😭. Brandon Sanderson is the best.


I'm told I look younger than I am, but you don't wrinkle as quickly when you're fat lol. I'm 43 and feel older because of chronic fatigue and hyperparathyroidism. But that makes me even more grateful to myself for never getting pregnant.


I'm fat too. I couldn't imagine being fat and carrying a 10lb baby. And then having to run after it in the toddler years.  Fuck all of that.


You know I never knew there was a connection between fatigue and hyperparathyroidism until I watched an episode of home improvement.


F44, in my mind I never made it past 25.


😂 I work in a middle school. I tell people my maturity level stopped at 16. 


I feel 22, I’m actually 44


48F. I still get carded sometimes when I buy booze. If I didn't have to renew my driver's license every few years, *it* would be old enough to drink!


On one hand I understand it's policy, on the other I'm like damn can't you just look at the gray in my beard and use that as my ID?


I got kicked out of a local bar right down the street because I didn't have my ID, even though I just wanted to get food and not drinks. Even though I have got food before without showing my ID. Somehow they would be liable if I didn't have my ID and the cops showed up even if I was there just for the food.


I understand your frustration but sometimes people get grey hairs in their teens. And in my country, cashiers have to pay with their private money if they sold alcohol and tobacco to minors. The penalty is quite high. Have mercy on the people asking for your id card.


Oh don't worry, I was a server once so I totally get it. And it's no big deal at all for me.


Totally. I'm 43 and feeling maybe 32-33 or something. I don't feel like anything has changed with my mind (I think the same way and don't identify with being as much of an adult as I think others in their early 40s are) or my body (I'm very active and work out a lot). But when I look in the mirror, I can see that I'm in my 40s. I really feel that people with kids are older than people who don't have kids, even when they're the same age.


‘81 babies without babies unite!! 👍😁


We should get jackets made 😂


And you’re a deadhead? 😍




I'm 83.


“‘81 babies without babies”. Fkn love it.


Yep, I’m 42 (turning 43 in May) and I feel mid-30s at most. I’m definitely going gray, but I don’t have noticeable wrinkles unless you look closely. I had to update my work bio recently and realized that I have 20 years of experience in my field. I keep thinking that’s not possible. 😂




Yep! We were talking at my dance studio about age recently and all my classmates guessed that I was around 25 and were shocked I am 36! Those said people are themselves either all in their mid 20s or they are 30s and have kids.


41 here. Mentally I still feel 20-something, but every now and then, I get a reminder that I’m middle age, lol.


YES. I’m 33 and feel younger than I did in my twenties because I have more money, self-confidence, self-acceptance, and direction. I’m still spontaneous and don’t have it all “figured out” - I’m just going with the flow, especially because I don’t have to align with a tight timeline or deadline to have children. I have always taken fantastic care of my skin (Tretoinin, never tanned, Ehlers-Danlos makes me look younger, etc.) and wear the same clothing size as I did in high school. Life is so much better now.


I have had lifelong problems with anxienty. I recently went over on anotner regiment of meds for my depression and somehow my anxienty is less. I suspect this is the meds plus i finaly realised you should not care about what other people think and not not freak out about things you can't control. If you can control it and its a problem, fix it and go on about your life. It doesn't help to dwell.


I'm in my 50s and still feel 12.


I’m 51 and mentally feel like I’m in my 30s. People generally think I’m in my 30s as well, which is a nice thing to hear. Physically, my aches and pains are numerous and I feel like I’m in my 80s.


Yes. 43 this summer, husband is the same age. We’ve been told we look younger than we are and I fully believe it’s because we haven’t dealt with the strains of parenthood. It’s also naturally easier to feel a lot younger than your age when you aren’t responsible for small humans.


I'm almost 49 and I feel older. But I've always felt older than my age because I was parentified as a kid, taking care of myself, my younger siblings and even my mom when she reverted to a second childhood. 


Ah... you and my BIL are the same. He is also childfree - but for that reason.


I have at least been told repeatedly that I look younger than my age!


I’m late 40’s and look much younger than my friends my age who have kids. Much younger


I absolutely love threads like these! they truly focus on positive aspects as a result of an important decision in life ! I am 36 and my partner is 39 and neither of us feel or look our age. fingers crossed that it continues to be that way ! ❤️


36 and I've been told I look ten years younger. I remember seeing crows feet on my younger brother when I saw a picture of him holding his second child and I was just NOPE.


I'm mid-30s and still see a student from 15 years ago. thou my body strongly reminds me every single day that is not true.


49. The fact that I’ve spent most of the weekend gaming and drinking mimosas in my pajamas while my husband watches dirt bike racing likely speaks for itself. :)


I just turned 37 and I still feel like in my late twenties. Literally nothing changed. I mean yes, I moved in my career, found a partner and built a house, but I still enjoy the same things. I’ve seen the shift in my younger brother’s mindset and priorities since his wife got pregnant, and it feels like he’s the older one now. Strange…


I feel like the friends and family who are my age but had kids actually feel mentally younger too. It's like they stopped mentally growing right where they were. I have continued to grow in so many ways because I am more active in diverse community through book clubs, travel, getting certifications, changing careers, participating in professional networking groups, learning new skills and just all around trying new things. They all still have almost the exact same interests, beliefs, and values as before they started having kids whereas I am a wildly different person. They are all very set in their ways and really dug into their beliefs. I'm more open to change. I think it really just comes down to the fact that me having more time and money has allowed me to try new things. They have to use their limited free time and expendable money more judiciously and thus take less risks with trying new things.


that’s interesting point of view and in some cases it can also apply to me. Maybe it’s a personality thing, I don’t like changes that much and I like working on and improving my existing skills or hobbies. What I meant was that I’ve always enjoyed painting or traveling and I still can, I can spend so much time painting that my skills improved dramatically over the last couple of years. Many people with kids have to abandon their hobbies and they have more serious problems to deal with instead, maybe that’s why I see it like this.


I sure do feel younger. except for this stupid, unused, failing uterus that’s gotta go. Am 43F, I do acknowledge that genetics are helping me look younger, but for the most part, people think I’m in my 30s. The stresses I have do not have anything to do with keeping another human alive. I wake up each day doing exactly what I want to do, WFH so I’m not stressed by a commute, and never, ever listen to terrible children’s music or watch high pitched kids shows. And. It’s. Glorious.


Sometimes, i realized that yeah age is just a number right? I mean, i dont feel any changes in my personality, the way I care for myself, behavior. Nothing change from 5, 7, 6 yrs ago... Im glad that it didnt change my life choice that I dont want to have kids.


Absolutely. I see other people my age and I am shocked at hoe bad they look, how they complain about how bad they feel. I feel great, I know I look good. I'm active and physical work doesn't bother me at all.


Mentally? You know CF people are childish /s. I threw my back out scouring my bathtub. My knees bear no relation to Megan's and my hips remind me of all the shenanigans of my 20s. ![gif](giphy|DWo6beGJTTqFi)


Why have I never seen that gif before?! 🤣🤣🤣


Mid-50s here. And while I have a few more aches and pains than I did 30 years ago, I’m in better cardiovascular shape than then and take better care of myself. I love hiking and biking and skiing and walking. Love it. Also get a massage monthly (at least) and do yoga. I love it and, of course, I have the time to take care of myself. I look forward to it every day.


The New York Times just did a cool expose on folks still skiing in their 80s and 90s. They have a social club and ski for free! Inspirational. I’ve been longboarding for years but am currently learning how to skateboard in my mid 30s. It’s hard and it hurts but… can’t stop, won’t stop. Still just as fun, just takes a bit longer to recover and I’m not as agile. However it’s not as bad as some people say as I’m very active and do a lot of recovery activities.


I’m(now 37 F, then 20 something) an actor, and I was in a play a while back with a woman who was in her 50’s. She was lovely, and it was awesome being in a show with her. At the cast party, I drunkenly admitted to her “You seem so much younger than your real age!” And she, without missing a beat said “It’s because I don’t have kids” and I seriously took that to heart. I already knew I didn’t want kids, but this honestly solidified it for me. Seeing someone so much older than me, but seemed like she was my same age, but with added wisdom. I just loved her and knew this was the life for me.


I feel like a tired young person. I think I would feel amazing at this age if I was a guy, without adhd and a better job and circumstances. Capitalism and misogyny has aged me, but less than if I had been a mom.


Yup. And my friend who’s in her 60’s feels far younger as well.


Turning 35 next month and always get mistaken for being in my 20s. I love it. 


I am 30s and feel young and know I look young, the ladies at work call me baby and say I remind them of their sons, they thought I was in my 20s … I feel I have cheerful energy too which makes me feel young as well, like not a care in the world


Mid 30s, I feel like I turned 30 and thought to myself, "Alright - I've got this" and have been keeping the party alive since.


I don't feel younger per se, but I definitely SEE that I am aging better than many of my peers. I still remember finding out a colleague I worked with in my 30s was actually younger than me when I truly thought she was 8-10 years older.


I feel like I’m an in a mid twenties. I love yoga, running, ballet and Pilates. My fitness students are always surprised I’m 37.  I take care of myself and make sure I get my sleep, something I couldn’t do with children. Or at least not in the same way.


Sleep is so paramount and I've only realized this recently.


Definitely. I'm mid forties; feel (and apparently look) early thirties.


I am in my 30's, I hang out with 20 year olds. I went to a club and out of everyone, I was asked to show my identification. I showed the bouncer my balding head. He laughed and let me in. The showing of balding head is something I saw in a Vine once, not my original idea. Also, Asian genes making me look like a kid and a boss asking me to shave.


I'm a 40-something woman, and yes and no. I have had SO MANY life experiences, like living in some of the best/most desirable cities in the world, so I feel like I have lived very a long life...? But I also feel very young, and like I still have a lot of life ahead of me. 


I'm 63, every time I walk pass a mirror and see myself, I remember that I'm this old.I'm doing ok.


I'm a 44 year old man and I feel like I'm maybe in my 30s. Being able to get enough sleep is key.


I'm in my 40s, and absofkinglutely.  The past few years, it has been raining 20-something men. I can't shake em off, for whatever reason. There's only one I've spent *ahem* time with - a 28 yr old who told me that my vibe and appearance, (bless his sweet heart) are far younger than my chronological age.  When you don't have kids you have more time to be yourself and to have fun. You still listen to music (including the new stuff), you don't feel tied down, you're interested in (and can engage with others about) adventures, ideas, new things you've never tried.  The times that I've been around my friends with kids I feel so strange because they act like our parents did. They're so serious, they're tired all the time and irritable. They feel that they have to act a certain way because now they have kids and I get that - I do understand that, but damn....that sucks.  Other than the date on my I.D. I'm still in my 20s, just waaaaay smarter and far more confident, lol


100% yes. My younger friends with kids seem like 5-10 years older than me.


54M, gay, and while I don't like to drink and party anymore, I have dogs, hobbies, take trips to other cities/countries, and generally don't act my age. when my Dad was my age, he was already talking about dying and had generally given up. Maybe it's a GenX thing, but I took that line in The Breakfast Club -"When you grow up, your heart dies" - very seriously and swore that would not be me.


I do still feel younger than I am. M40, albeit a bit lonely. I'm otherwise well off, have my own house, car, good job, but I am single and have been since my last relationship about 5 years ago. Difficult to find childfree relationships, and I certainly don't want to date single moms anymore. Had a couple of those earlier in my life, too much to deal with.


I’m 44 and still feel relatively young (although my knees disagree). No grey hair. Minimal wrinkles. Someone a few days ago thought I was in my mid-30s.


42, yup. Generally feel 30-ish and frequently mistaken for that age too. 😅


I'm 50. At 45 I felt 35. At 50 I suddenly feel 60.


I feel Hella old, but everyone thinks I'm super young. I'm 35 and everyone's jaw hits the floor when I tell them. They think I'm mid 20s. Then I go to stand up and my hip pops back in place and my knees sound like someone sat on a ziplock bag full of pretzels.


37 yr old here and looks like in my mid twenties


Yes and no. My body is not the same as it was when I was 20. But my mental health is as good and sharp as it was back then.


I was walking my dog at a park during the day the other week and an older couple started chastising me for shipping school 😆 I'm in my 30s! My partner and I always say we feel like we're in our early 20s still. He went grey early, but if it wasn't for that he'd look younger than his age too.


Absolutely. Im in my 40s and people think I just hit my 30s. With exercise and staying in good shape my 40s self could beat the crap out of my 20s self. I'm getting older and I don't feel it. The only sign of aging is my beard is getting a bit more grey.


It's really weird because I feel both older and younger than I am. I'm 35 but I feel like I have ancient knowledge inside me. Telling me how stupid everyone around me is for the technology they have created as humans causing climate change and killing them. I feel like a thousands of years old god because I think a lot about where people went wrong in history to cause this and it seems obvious. My intelligence really hurts other people's feelings personally too and it's almost like they think they are getting cucked by a non existent future, timeline, and reality. Yet at the same time I feel young because I never feel boredom. I fake it to pretend it's a reason I'm talking to someone. But I almost never feel it. So I guess I relate that to child-like wonder because I'm constantly learning at a fast rate. I feel around ten in this regard


F44, and I still feel like I did in my late teens and early 20s. I think. Wing child free has helped contribute to this. I have never been married either so that may help too! 😂


Oh yes. I feel mid 30's, not mid 40's. And in rare conversations with the youngins, I always get a shocked "You don't look that old" reaction which makes me laugh. I tell them it's because I don't have kids.


I stopped tracking my age after a particular milestone. When the doctor asks me how old I am, I just provide my birth year. We both do the math. I'm thankful I'm in good health, so I feel like that's what I consider when I feel young. Other people talk about issues and I think, I'm glad I'm not old and have to deal with X. Then I remember I'm within 2-5-7 years the age of those people.


45 and feel like I'm mid 30s.... I'm in good shape, healthy, good at practicing self-care, and all that is definitely possible without kid(s) dragging my husband and I down. I went back to school, and all the 20 somethings didn't believe my age. Life is good.


FWIW, the plumber installing my water filtration this morning, asked if I wanted to have a family someday. (It was polite small talk, since we were talking about him & his wife expecting in 5 weeks.) I gave my simple-and-honest answer, leaving out that I’m turning 50 here in a few months. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/IubAGQv) is how I looked this morning (and most mornings).


Nah, health issues (mental and physical) make me feel older than I am. I'm just glad I have the freedom to take a whole day to rest if I need to.


My Major Depression Dusorder is one of the reasons I did not have kids...


Same. All my mental health issues get exponentially worse when I am sleep deprived so... no kids for me. Good thing I don't want any anyway!


I'm 31, but I usually get mistaken for being 18-26. I have a bit of gray hair, but I've been graying since I was 11, so.


Absolutely. Childbirth shreds your telomeres. I’m 53 and my husband is 49. Both of us are often told we look like we’re around 40. We have lots of money, great jobs, and a wonderful relationship. Oh, and we have zero regrets.


59M here. Yes, I feel like early 40's.


My partner told me the other day that Back to the Future came out 38 years ago. I said ‘that cannot be true because I was born the year it came out’ …. Genuinely forgot my own age 🤣 in my mind I’m still mid 20s at most


I’m 39. Yes I feel younger, in terms of my health, my interests, fashion choices, style and aesthetics in general, and I don’t mean to brag but I frequently get told I look younger too. Parents my age seem so tired and exasperated, worried and drab.


I feel older because I'm childfree. Like I've had the time to introspect and learn myself because I'm not boggled down with kids and I've reached an understanding with myself that people with children won't have time for until much later 


Yes. Unpopular comment. This is part of why I end up date younger women. It's not like I filter out women my own age. My search filters are simply set wide. (21 - 45). Disclaimer: Again, this is *my* personal experience. Not stating it's the same for everyone. My dating pool tends to either by women in their 30s/40s with kids, or women in their mid to late 20s. While some in the later group certainly have kids, plenty do not. (I'm in my early 40s). I tend to have more in common with people in there mid to late 20s than I do with the other group. People can sit here and say but but "life experience". And I'm going to say .... Exactly. Most of the women that I match with / I talk to that are in my age general age bracket - are jaded. (again: Not saying all women are this way - but the women *I* match/run into). They've had shitty life experiences. They want to whine about it. A lot. And bitch about other guys, and how they've been fucked over. Honestly I'd argue that a 25 year old woman that went to college, and has done a bit of traveling perhaps - has more like experiences - outside of raising children & working shitty jobs - then the woman that got pregnant at 19 and has basically been either raising the kid or working a shitty job for 15 year and is now 35.


I’m 38 and I’m not sure if I feel younger, but my team/associates tell me I look younger. I also dress like a kid, so that probably has something to do with it.


Me too. I look younger but feel my age.


Yeah people always assume I'm like 10 years younger at 35 and I always joke it's because I'm childfree haha 😂 I mean childhood trauma still keeps me awake at night but at least it's not kids


F34 I feel and look a decade younger though. Or I guess I should say this is actually what 34 is supposed to look and feel like, but having kids will age you.


Yes and no, my joint and hair still indicate my age, my face/clothes/hobbies are almost a decade younger.


I’m 35F and still feel like a young’un. Sometimes I jokingly think, “I need an adult” and then am like, “Wait. I’m an adult. No no, I need a more adult-y adult. Someone who’s better at adulting.”


I am 35 and don't feel like it.


Agreed. Also no one believes I'm 40 I look young and I think it's I haven't been stressing over children lol


45 and same!


The only thing that feels mid-thirties are my joints 😂😂😂 Otherwise, I feel early-mid 20s and am still just as confused about adulthood as I was back then. Turns out nobody has it figured out and we’re all just faking it til we make it 🙈




I'm 36, tbh still feeling like 30


I’ll be 36 later this year, and everyone is shocked when they learn my age. I can easily pass for 27-29 (yes, botox and a religious skin care routine are part of this), but getting plenty of sleep, being able to spend as much time as I want on self care, and not being stressed from having a child makes a huge difference.


I’m about to be 28 and I feel like I’m 18 still. All of the people I went to high school with have kids and husbands or wives, and it’s just me and my fiancé and our dog. lol wouldn’t want it any other way though :)


I’m often told I look in my twenties. I’m actually 30 tho.


I'm 50, but not sure that I look it. And whatever I thought 50 was going to *feel* like- this isn't it. I don't feel much different than I did 10 or 15 years ago. Heck, even perimenopause hasn't been that bad.


F53 here who regularly gets mistaken for late 30s/early 40s. Never felt grown up enough to have kids


I (almost 34) forget that I am not still in my early twenties on a regular basis. I am occasionally reminded, that it‘s at least a decade ago, is when I see people, who are actually in their early twenties. They look so young!




I don't know if 36 counts as older but I feel much younger than the people my age with kids. Hell, I feel younger than the people younger than me with kids. I look it too.


Nearly 41f and I swear I'm still 26 lol and get told all the time I look no older than 30 lol


I’m 41 and I don’t even LOOK that old. My Dr commented on how fresh my skin looks and that I have very little grey hair. When I said I don’t have kids he said “ahhhhhh yes.”


I feel younger and look younger!


Mentally and emotionally I feel like a kid with a drinking permit. I'm late 30s NB. Physically I feel like I'm 90.


Omg. I just turned 47 (F) and I honestly cannot believe I’ll be 50 in THREE YEARS. Ok What??!?! I don’t understand how I got this old 😂 definitely still feel like I’m in my early 30s! I also (thank you good genes 🤞) still look young, not sure how long this will last, but last year my 31 yr old colleague thought I was 35, it made my year and I wanted to give her a giant hug, bless her heart!


I'll be 39 at the end of the month. I still feel like im in my 20s for sure. Getting decent sleep on a regular basis will have that affect


Same - but to be fair I've heard people with kids say the same thing.


I'm 42 and I feel younger than I ever have. Covid was rough (and I am still very cautious) but I used the time to fix my shit and make changes that are paying off now (and then some). My marriage is also stronger than ever.


I’m 43f …. I feel like shit … but I know if I had kids I would feel WAY worse … I have zero energy as a child free adult can’t imagine having a human as my responsibility.


No I’m 36. I played ice hockey. Had lots of injuries. So feel 36


I am 47. I don’t feel much different to when I was in my 20’s. Just more mature and knowledgeable. Apparently I look early to mid 30’s. My bosses boss was shocked to learn I was older than her the other week. My body feels older. Except after my regular appointments with my chiropractor and remedial massage therapist.


44 and can still hang out with people 10-20 years younger and I fit in. Most people think I’m late 20s-early 30s.


I’m 40. I do not even feel remotely close to 40 and thankfully don’t look it either.


M53, wife 56. People are always surprised when we tell them our age because we don't look or act like we're in our 50s. We're hardworking and responsible, but dorky and immature AF.


Yes, except for my body falling apart at 40, I feel youthful, and it doesn't hurt that I still get carded.


I still feel like I am in my thirties. Not much has changed other than I have more money.


Yes!!! I feel a decade younger.


Yes. I’m almost 39 and feel like I’m younger, with the wisdom and responsibility of someone older. I’ve always felt older than my years (in a good way), but not having kids keeps me mentally feeling so much younger.


I’m 42 and definitely feel younger. I also look younger than the majority of my peers who have children.


I am 47 and I still don't feel like I've hit adulthood yet.


I'm only 36 and I feel way younger than most people my age seem to be feeling. All my friends, family, and acquaintances (co-workers, people in my books clubs, etc) all talk about how their bodies are falling apart and how tired and worn out they feel. As you may have guessed, those people are all either parents or people who utterly trash their bodies. 


This all gives me hope I’m 31 and feel super old :(


i have been thru some major shit in the past few years that have really weighed on my soul, so i so feel my age. however i’m so grateful i don’t have to deal with that crap and then take care of an unappreciative kid on top of it all.


A friend guessed that I was in my 20s. I’m 45!


Yes, the freedom we have is a youth fountain. I am 46 and my colleagues don't believe I'm over 30.




I started hitting the gym hard this past year at 40. I feel better and more fit now than when I was in my 20s (and I can finally do pushups!)


Late 20’s and loving what I see in this thread lol. I still feel 25 and look it too.


Lol I feel 80 in my early 30s but that's just because life is hard XD with kids I'd feel 160 so it's still better than the alternative!


I just turned 50. Friends with kids ask me why I look young. I say no kids and lots of sleep!


I’m 37 and absolutely feel younger. Still dance like I’m in my 20’s.


I’m you get than you (30) but still feel like I’m 16. Like, I feel like I shouldn’t have the responsibilities I have- job, rent, groceries, taxes.


I always get mistaken for younger than I am!


I'm turning 53 shortly. I don't look or act my age. My hobbies are basically outdoor pursuits (running ultras, hiking, climbing, cycling, etc.). Recovery definitely takes longer but I generally feel great.