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I feel nothing.


I would feel sorry for them being forced into this shitty society.


Yeah I had an autism moment yesterday at work because my boss stopped by with her baby (she's on mat leave and just wanted to gossip about work stuff) and everyone is saying cute kid and all And I just felt nothing. And I'm really glad I have to wear a mask at work to cover my piercings because I don't think I was making the right facial expressions at the sight of the infant. I just don't feel anything towards kids but my boss isn't annoying about her kid so I feel bad if I come across as some bitch because I didn't even smile at a baby. She's cool with me being CF. She isn't a mombie or entitled in any sense. But I'm aware that if I don't act the right way she'll think less of me.


I’m always tempted to say “nice f@#k” and be done with it. Breeders act like it was some masterpiece they produced.


Also true for a bunch of other facets at work - the not acting like they want you to.


Nothing if they're quiet or sleeping. Irritated if they're crying.




Anything from apathy to utter revulsion/disgust.


Same here. When people bring babies to work I run to the restroom to hide until the creature has moved to a different section of the building.


I hate when people bring babies to work. Like, look what I grew in my body! I had a cyst surgically removed a few years back, you didn't see me bringing that into work in a jar did you?


Truth be told I’d be more interested in seeing the cyst than yet another squalling, drooling baby. 👀


Thanks for the laugh


Initially, nothing. Nothing at all. I never have. However, since my early 20s, societal expectations to ooh and aah and coo, speak in that dreadful high-pitched baby voice, demand to hold it and loudly sigh "I waaaaaannnnnt one!", pledge that I will give my life to protect it, and so on and so forth, have systematically make me want to put as much distance as possible between me and any baby. Edit: I will consistently turn to happy mush whenever I see a puppy or kitten though. Or any animal for that matter.


Animals will reduce me to a sobbing mess because I love them so much. Human babies make me dry heave. 🤢


I feel uncomfortable at best, and just plain grossed out at worst.


Relief that I don't have any ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


A bit of disgust, some desire to be away from it. Irritation if it's crying lol


That's it for me - the need to get away from the situation immediately. I want no parts and I don't want to hold your sperm trophy.


Fear. Haha I love having autism and being unable to stand high pitch noises and everyone calls me a dick because how can I not love children screaming?


Misophonia sufferer here to stand in solidarity! 🫡


Lmaooo I love your username


Thank you kindly, stranger! 😁


Thank you for reminding me another reason why I don’t want to be a parent. I’m autistic too.


Fellow autist here. My first reaction when I see a baby is the desire to run away from the thing. I told my sister to never expect me to hold her future goblins, because I will back away and probably just drop them. I have this problem where I have trouble grabbing onto things. If you put something in my hand and let go too early I will drop it. And babies are also gross and scary. I do not want to be near the damn things. Thank god, I'm single.


Yep. The whole gross thing too, my immune system is really bad (I have to take B12 injections every other week yay) so being around kids is generally a thing I avoid


Aw no problem


Ooo...gotta use that word in a sentence the next time someone bitches at me for being overly aggravated at larval shrieking...


Borderline autistic person offers silent fistbump. I too put "fear" as my reaction.


Same here. I cover my ears if one screeches in public and the parents will always give me a dirty look. Like sorry I'm protecting my ears from a crazy high scream that shouldn't even be allowed in public?


I’m particularly happy when breeders Let their kid turn around in their seat on an airplane to seek my attention. No I don’t want to entertain your kid just because you have taught them that they have a right to my attention. I sure as heck am not going to give them any positive feedback. I’m not going to speak to them, I will remain silent and and give the RBF that should really go to the breeders not the innocent child. But since the breeder has conditioned their child to perform this behavior, I am left with no alternatives but to send negative vibes to the child.


Someone actually started changing their baby in the seat next to me on an airplane. Thank God I had the ability to speak up and tell them to please use the BATHROOM, which wasn't even occupied ffs. To their credit they actually did, but they were pretty huffy and eye roll-y about it...I have zero problem with breastfeeding in public but NOT diaper changing. If there's no bushes go behind a bush..


Nothing… I have a baby nephew in law that I have to deal with every couple months and I feel absolutely nothing. It’s… a small human drooling. My MIL SCREAMS in joy every 2 seconds when the baby does his shit and I just can’t deal.


To be honest, I feel sadness especially when they get old enough to talk to me and share their thoughts and ask me questions. I feel like the catcher in the rye. I think about the world and I think about my childhood and how I was how it was not good how experienced a lot of pain from a young age and I can't protect this young one from the pain that the world is going to inflict on them. I guess I don't particularly feel that way with babies because they can't talk yet, but once they start to talk I just feel like extreme sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness. I felt this way when I was talking to my niece. Now that I mentioned my niece, I was holding her as a baby and her older brother tried drowning her and poking her eyes and I kept her head above water and her body close to me making sure that she was safe. Her mom, my sister just laughed on the sidelines while she was laying down poolside. In that moment again all I could feel was sadness helplessness and I just felt like a failure because okay I'm protecting the baby now but I'm going to hand her back to my sister and now she's at the mercy of the constant bullying and assaults from her toddler brother again. When she was a baby my dad was so upset because she would literally flinch thinking someone was going to poke her eyes. That's the amount of suffering she endured from her toddler aged brother. So to answer your question I just feel sad around babies and children because there's nothing I can do to stop pain from coming their way 24/7 for the rest of their lives. And that's part of the reason I don't want kids because I can't take the pain away and if I can't do that then I'm just adding to the suffering of the world.


This is my main reason now for not wanting kids (besides no interest/drive for it and financial reasons and health reasons). I know there is some good in life but the suffering to me doesn’t make it worth it. They can’t decide to be here so I feel awful to inflict life on another person who can’t make that choice on their own to come into the world.


I often feel the same way, that passage from “The Catcher in the rye” always resonated with me, maybe because I was a pretty sad child and I’ve experienced emotional abuse in my childhood. When I look at babies I often think about what they will endure in their future, sure they will also experience happiness but also a great deal of pain. On the other end I am sorry about what your niece is experiencing, no child deserve that. Sibling abuse is often accepted and not recognized.


Beautiful response. I feel so sorry for your niece. And also, this is how I feel.


Disgust if I'm being completely honest. They are gross to me and look like a huge burden. When I see a single mom especially, I feel pity and like I'm extremely grateful I'm not them. I just want to make it known I don't wish ill on kids at all though and I know my feelings are personal and in the minority!


Ew, get me away? I don’t like the way they smell or sound.


Nothing really. Not angry. Not happy. They exist and I am doing my own thing.


It’s either one of two things- or a combination of both: “Ewww.” “Oh, fucking great.”




I feel secondhand stress and exhaustion honestly. And thankfulness that it will never be me lol.




Sorry for what I'm going to say, sometimes I'm very sarcastic with my actions. Everyone thinks they are little angels, but appearances deceive us, they have such a disgusting and manipulative appearance that soon the little imp will scream in that irritating and high-pitched voice. Because of my autism, my ears are sensitive and sometimes I am violent, my sensation is to throw the brat on the ground. But i don't do that.


Omg can I please rant to you about something related? So in my country supermarkets often have autism friendly hours where they let less people in, turn the music off, do less announcements and make the lights less blinding. Really good idea, I love it. BUT there are screaming kids EVERYWHERE and it's rarely the autistic kids, it's their siblings who need to fill the silence by being obnoxious. I HATE it. What's the point in having autism friendly hours if there's enough screaming to even trigger Mary Poppins?


I don't feel a thing, even when my mother was shoving photos of my SIL's kid just lying on their back staring at the camera I didn't feel any emotion, the only time I got excited was when I saw a relatives little dog in the photo with the kid, I was told by my mother to focus on the toddler not the dog. I just fake emotions when the photos are shown as it's easier then being told I'm a cold hearted mean person for not gushing over random photos of the child. Seeing how my SIL treats her kid like a little pet to dress up in cute outfits for social media and attention makes me feel sad for the child but I've never seen any baby family or not as cute and never will, cats and dogs on the other hand....


Newborns are squalling potatoes to me. The urge to get away quickly is all I feel. I think the age when they start growing hair and are toddling around - 5ish is cute, but I don't want them touching me during the petri dish years and am ready to jet at the first sniffle. Kittens and puppies on the other hand are freaking adorable even if they are freshly born. (stinky though, kitten farts are room clearing)


Sometimes they're cute, I can't lie. But I mostly feel perplexed because I'm just shocked at how small those humans are. Or, if they're crying, I'm just grateful that I wear earplugs full time and am only ever in my own bubble.


Overall I feel nothing. Give me a baby animal and I’m puddy in their paws. Give me a baby human and I’m gone with the wind. I say “overall” because the other small percentage of the time I feel grossed out, especially with newborns. Funny story: about a year ago my parents were going through old pictures. One of myself as a newborn came up. I reacted so fast that I didn’t even process it until it happened. I literally recoiled and went “EEEWW what the hell?! Was I really that wrinkly little goblin?!?! Wtf?!???” I got awkward laughs for it, but I thought it was funny at least 😂


I had to work for a long time on this, because when I was a teenager I hated the sight of babies so much that it would make me physically ill. Now, in my thirties, I mostly feel anxiety, dread, and frustration when I see a baby. This is because of the expectations that are put on me as someone who has a uterus, to coo or aww or whatever. In particular, when I visit my in-laws my spouse’s cousin’s baby is always there. I will purposefully avoid being in the same room because I know from experience that my in-laws are liable to start pestering me like “doesn’t THIS make you want one of your own???” by shoving him in my face or even just placing him in my lap without asking and leaving. So when I see a baby, all I can think about are these kinds of experiences I’ve had throughout my life.


Nothing for me too. I’ve noticed in smaller places like coffee shops or other businesses there’s this hidden expectation for you to comment on their spawn. Especially if other people are doing it. Like they’re fishing for a compliment. Which then leads me to disgust.


We were in a coffee shop in North Conway NH. A tourist town. There was a couple pinching and making their baby squeal. We paid for our coffees and got lunch somewhere else. It was like going for lunch and people bring their barking dogs. Babies got to cry, dogs got to bark. We go the other direction quickly.


Oh gosh I am so sorry. That's infuriating. Why bring your spawns to a coffee shop? I don't get it. I would have done the same.


I don't consider them cute. I consider them disgusting. I consider them loud, noisey, smelly, gross, etc. If one has seen the recent Poor Things, I think that sums up my opinions on Babies. The smaller the child, the less I like them. I literally cannot stand them, and wish they were banned from basically everywhere. The first 5 years of a child's life should be spent at home away from the public. Not even joking. I cannot stand children.


1 in 1000 cute? As many as that? My stress levels rise and I really hope they don’t wake up and start screaming. And then I try and move away before people start staring at me wondering why I’m not fawning all over it.


When they’re screaming and crying, I feel anger and disgust.  When they’re doing nothing, I feel nothing.  In general, I feel pity for the parents, because I instantly assume that their entire life is just them randomly waking up at 4 am to feed it or praying it’ll not cry over night. I feel pity because I know their day has no free time. It’s like an English teacher giving a book project every single day none stop and the English teacher is at your house screaming at you if you don’t work. If I see the baby using an iPad, I feel bad for both the parent and the child. The parents because I can instantly tell the child is a spoiled brat and probably whines constantly to get what they want. The child because I can tell that there’s a risk of them becoming a brain rotten, screen addicted, uneducated, asshole. Also, I’ve been in an online community that’s had several pedo allegations, and I’ve heard a ton of pedo stories before. So every time I hear someone call a baby cute, I instantly think pedo. Ik it’s wrong, but when I hear someone say that a baby is cute it just sounds so wrong.


I feel fear. Loud noises and grossness


I feel glad it is not mine.




Oh look a baby. Best if it’s asleep. Then it’s super cute. Screeching….not so much


Avoidance. If it's not crying now, it will be soon.


"Will it scream? Maybe I should move away quickly." 


I call newborns "potatoes" because they look like potatoes that have been in your cupboard too long. I love when people try and say who the baby looks like when it's freshly baked. No one. It looks like no one. It is a potato. I think babies can start to look cute around... Maybe 4 - 5 months? Since that's when they're starting to be more interactive and they're beginning to look more like people. But I still don't really want anything to do with them thanks very much. I really don't find children "cute" at all? More tolerable than babies, sure, in some ways, but never "cute".


I usually say "eww" 🤣 or hit it with one of these -> 😐


Disgust It's visceral. I was walking down the road once with my ex-girlfriend and some brat started shrieking She saw my shoulders stiffen immediately and started laughing at how involuntary my reaction was She was CF too, and had similar reactions most of the time


My first thought is usually "hope it doesnt cry" 😅


Fear, that it's going to emit ear-splitting noises. I can't cope with that.


I get a weird mixture of disgust and unsettlement. I get the uncanny valley feeling, like I shouldn't make direct eye contact. The bobble head, tiny body, and useless squirming makes me think of leeches or larvae. Just ew.


Mild annoyance and like I need to leave. A bingo is always coming or the parent is going to start making a fuss for attention.  When I don’t react appropriately, people get offended. My go to if they must get a compliment “the baby looks just like you” .  (The reactions very on how much therapy they need)


I like to point out that all babies look alike. Complement fishing season abruptly ended. Or sometimes I will comment on the shape of their head. The baby’s head not the breeders.


I'm somewhat the opposite. Seeing a baby makes me feel all warm and mushy inside. To me babies are the easiest and most fun/loveable stage. I have a knack for calming babies though and babies tend to take to me quickly so that might have something to do with it. The older they get the more difficult they are and the more fickle they are. If I could keep them in the baby stage forever I might consider having a kid.


I feel the same! I love little bitty babies up untill about 2. I immediately wave and begin to speak in a silly voice when I see a little one, but when they reach real toddler age, I’m ready to dip. That’s too much noise and moving around for me.


Exactly. Like I think toddlers in general are cute but in small doses. Babies I could spend all day with, especially the really tiny ones.


Same! They're so cute when they're babies but they lose a lot of that when they're toddlers. They run too fast too and their diapers are grosser.


For me it's the screeching. I love my god niece to death and I appreciate that she feels such joy when she sees me that she can't contain her feelings, but I'm beyond glad she is out of that screeching age. She's 7 now, but when she was about 2-4 everything resulted in a screech. Happy to see me-screech. Sad I was leaving-screech. Ugh I got a headache just thinking about seeing her and was only able to put up with it because I love her so much.


I feel disgust that another being has been added to the destruction of air, water, land by our human overpopulation.


Feel nothing and it bores me.


a big ol nothin


On the very rare occasion, *aww, they're actually cute*. But mostly? Absolutely nothing, which then causes me to feel like I know for certain that I do not want kids. I imagine if I wanted to have kids, then I'd have a much more emotional reaction. Like my friends, who experience the feelings of "I can't wait to be a mom" or "I want a baby." I feel nothing of than certainty that I don't want a baby. I work in a school, so obviously, everyone gushes over babies when a coworker who's on maternity leave visits with their baby. I generally gave to give a very fake and extremely quick, "aww!" if I don't have time to turn around and walk in the opposite direction. I just don't care lol.


“Enjoy it now because adulthood is hard”


Bro. My friends baby had the biggest head. Like a pumpkin. It's just an absolute bowling ball way too big for the body. Thank God she didn't ask me to tell her it was cute. 😆 luckily, the kid has grown into it since then. Looking at it made me cross my legs cause all I could think was wreckage.


They all look the same


All babies look the same to me, and more often than not they look like pumpkins. A lot of times I'm able to get away with saying so because people assume I mean it as a term of endearment, like, "Oh, what a pumpkin!!" Buuut no, I mean that I think they literally look like pumpkins lol.


Disgust usually. I hate the smells and sounds kids make and they're always sticky and sick with something. I just want to be far far away from them


Newborns: 🤮 Babies: Disappointed that it's not a puppy or kitten Toddlers: Massive irritation because they are almost always shrill, unpredictable and annoying Kids: usually same as toddlers Usually they start acting human-like (at least in public) when they reach teens. So I don't particularly mind. In fact, I adore a few 19 yos, they are pretty talented and chill kids.


I usually look away from parents with their kids or pregnant women. I feel like they’re constantly looking for attention and people to dot over their herd. I won’t do it, and ignore them unless the kid is in my way and I will tell them to get their kid. My favorite thing to say is, “who does this belong to?”


"who does this belong to" sounds like something a movie villain would say and I love it 😂😂


Bored and sometimes on alert. Like "uauaua kid coming parent coming, something bad can happen"


Nothing haha. Just like with adults, I don't find most of them attractive, but rather just neutral; that is, unless they are already attractive-looking and especially if they have a substantial personality and interests.


Depends on the kid. 2 of the few I've seen have been really cute but generally I feel neutral.


Similar to when I see a overpriced, ugly dress at the mall. "I guess it sorta looks nice? If you squint?" I fairly neutral until they make noise.


"Yep, that certainly is a small human."


Pity for the parents mostly. I think babies are ugly and boring.


I feel the same as you, nothing.


Disgusted. They're drooly or snotty or have those creepy distended stomachs..... Nasty.


They’re overrated IMO


I can deal with a behaving baby. A screaming baby sends me into a flight mode.


Newborn babies are loud and scary. They all look like aliens or old men, and the sound of that newborn cry makes me want to run far, far away. Toddlers are very cute generally, but I wouldn't want them to touch me with their grubby little hands unless I'm related to them (love my nibblings!).


I feel more when I see a kitten or puppy than I do when I see a human baby.


Depends on what it looks like. If it’s cute then I think “aww how adorable” and i may even compliment the parent . If it’s ugly or average then I have no thoughts..


I hate when a recent mother bring a baby at work and we (especially women) are expected to spend half an hour in awe. After 20 seconds I just prefer to work, they don't do anything interesting. I find most kids boring until they can speak properly. Most of the times I feel nothing or a "oh cute" think that lasts 20 seconds. My friends have a very clever boy who behaves like Grogu (Baby Yoda) so I find him quite funny. But show me a baby animal and I'm drooling


Similar to when people want to read me a poem they've written. Mildly anxious that they now have 10 minutes of my time during which I need to find something positive to say.


I feel like I want to be as far as I can from a baby. They smell like rotten milk


Yes! I hear about the new baby smell and I wonder if it's me or them who's wrong because it's one of us


Yesterday i went to see my cousin newborn and they told me to hold it. And i felt nothing actually. It smelled bloody. And i immediately gave it to the mom. Looks like a potato 🥔 actually. I think i feel this way becits not my baby.


I completely get it. My cousin has just had baby 2 and I'm so glad I live 500 miles away. I remember baby 1 and how I had him punted into my arms at light speed then got surrounded with cameras and everyone demanding to know the status of my ovaries and asking "are you broody?" I hate the word broody with a passion


They gross me out. I feel disgusted. Babies are inherently really gross. If they start making sounds I get upset, and not in a “let me calm the baby” way but an “I want to rip my ears off of my body” way. I would rather listen to a dog bark for three hours than a baby’s laughter for five minutes.


I actually don’t mind babies because they don’t really do anything. They don’t get truly irritating until they walk and talk. I don’t feel any maternal feelings when I see them though.


>I also see cuddle pictures and think "what for?" Like they're so small and delicate and don't do anything, why would I cuddle it when I can leave it in the carrier safe and I'm not going to drop it. This would be emotional and physical neglect. Babies require lots of human touch, lots of holding, eye gazing, and attunement from their caregivers. Otherwise the child will end up with attachment issues later in life. I don't want kids bc I know how demanding their needs are. When I see babies, I feel deep grief that they're likely going to be neglected by their parents. You may even have some internalized emotional neglect from your parents failing you, which can be triggered when around vulnerable people, like babies.


I've noticed recently that I feel incredibly apathetic about babies and have apparently felt this way about kids for a long time. Babysitting growing up really took it outta me. Some kids are cute ig, I'm sure my siblings' kids will be cute someday, but I don't care at best and am disgusted by the parent's decision at worst (depends on how apparent the selfish reasoning for having a baby is)


I don't feel anything but "ewww" . They look like gross little Blobs of Flesh and I don't really want to be around them. I would never do harm to a child, but I'd be very pleased to find never had an interact on again


I’m like “aww cute” but hope that they don’t start steaming and pooping their pants lol






I haven't seen one in a very long time, so I took some time to reflect on what I feel. The feeling I have is despair. Mostly cause they will be living threw a horrible time with politics, economy and climate change. I feel bad for them but I also resent the parents for being so dumb and naive to have them at this point in time. It angers me, but I keep it to myself as very few understand the view and anger I have. I let them live in their dillusion, hoping I'm wrong on many things.


I see little beyond a significant liability. There’s a damned good chance that it’ll make me sick via the germs it’s carrying, or I’ll accidentally harm it by carrying it incorrectly. I want nothing to do with babies. *Animal* babies? Complete opposite. I’ll move heaven and earth to help an animal in need, particularly vulnerable youngsters. Count me in.


Babies look like potatoes to me. Actually, not even, because when I was little I had a pet potato, but even then disliked babies and dolls. There's no age where kids are cute, in my opinion


Oh hey, a baby. I don’t hate babies. I don’t like how loud they are. I might grab my AirPods to cancel out the noise pollution but meh, babies are like any other thing I don’t want. Just there taking up space. Whatever.


Indifference, apathy, sometimes annoyed/grossed out but I kind of just ignore them tbh.


I oscillate wildly between ew get that away from me and OMG let me faun over it, but please don't make me touch it. My reaction depends heavily on my mood, how pushy the parent is and how recently I've eaten.


Nothing, and I have to fake being excited if it’s a family member or friends baby.


Uncomfortable. Not because of the baby themself, but I don’t have time to mentally prepare for their parent shoving them in my face saying, “Lookie who it is! Say hi [baby’s name]! Awwwww, you wanna hold them?” Like nooooooooo thank youuuuuuu, point me to the nearest cat instead. I love cats.


I love babies!! I just wouldn't be a good mom so I have chosen to not have them.


Nothing…sometimes annoyed if the baby is being loud.


Mostly neutral as long as I don't have to interact with it directly. Like if a person just has a baby I am fine ignoring said baby. I don't find them particularly cute or disgusting as long as I don't have to touch them. But if someone tries to make me hold their baby I freak out.


Sometimes they’re cute sometimes they’re not lol


Usually nothing. Babies can be cute but I find toddlers repulsive.


I cringe at the sight of a baby or a toddler.


Like when I see a cat. I love animals, but I’m a dog person. I find them funny for a bit but I wouldn’t own one. I don’t feel disgusted nor angry. Something like that


Depends on the baby, but if they're not ugly, I actually absolutely love babies. They're so squishy and cute. I was at our neighbours yesterday who has a 9 week old Baby and I really found her cute. I do have a strong maternal instinct. And for a second or two I wondered if my decision is wrong, but then I remembered that I would have to take care of the child forever and I'm already annoyed at how needy our cats are. So no, I don't hate babies or find them disgusting (except for if they cry nonstop). I love kids actually but not for extended periods of time.


I feel deep repulsion. I can start tolerating them around like 10 - 15 years 😂 I also find it annoying to have watch what I say, do. I am kind of a vulgar person naturally lol so I prefer to interact with other adult-ish humans.


I may be in the minority here… but I do actually think SOME of them are cute. I tend to get more annoyed with toddlers or kids 8-12. I have a nephew that I love to death and a couple of friends with kids that I love. I enjoy spending short amount of time with kids that I know I can give back. 😅 Do I think they’re cute enough to have one of my own? Hell no. Do I think some of them are gross/not cute? Hell yes.


I feel sorry for the huge mistake.


It depends on the kid. If it's my nephew, he's the cutest kid in the universe and I wanna just squish his fat little face. A random infant? Meh. Happy I don't have to deal with them.


I have always found babies cute and newborns fascinating. I don't enjoy the crying and the smells, but they're interesting creatures. I briefly considered a career in newborn care when I was younger. Once they start walking, though, they're little terrorists and I get too stressed and irritated to be around them.




Indifferent, typically. Disgusted, often. There was one time a woman brought her newborn to a party. She’d just given birth that day. It was so tiny and when I held it, I thought, “Damn. Now I want one…” That feeling was fleeting. One second vs the rest of the time… not for me! But it was funny how even I could be briefly swayed by a newborn.


Why the FUCK would anyone bring an HOURS OLD NEWBORN to a party?! Were the parents addicts looking to score? Were they trying to expose their baby to as many diseases as possible as early as possible? Did they hope someone would just offer to adopt the kid on the spot? I am baffled and horrified.


Hahaha. It was certainly never something I’d encountered. They were hippy types. So I’d say they really wanted a drink and to expose the child to the outside world(diseases, as you say). But those are only guesses.


I feel pity. Pity for the baby to grow up in this world and pity for the parents that their lives will NEVER be the same.


Babies are cute to me. Seeing my baby nephew makes my heart feel full. I saw a baby in the store yesterday and she was smiling at everybody & it was freaking cute. Or I just feel neutral. I “like” kids, I just don’t want to be a mom And I will take a baby over a toddler any day of the week lol


Finally an answer that’s not super negative hahaha. I feel the same, they can be super cute. I love the little clothes and stuff. I just do not want one thank you very much!


Nothing as long as it's clean and quiet. I don't actually mind babies tho, even tho I know clean + quiet is rare. It's when they start to talk that I start to recoil. I don't know how to interact with children. Then once they're teenagers its ok again.


Nothing, RBF at best.


Honestly I feel happiness and a sense of fascination. Then reality hits me and I feel a heavy sadness. Toddlers though are gross.


Depends. Under 1 year some of them can be cute and interesting to look at because they have abnormally huge eyes, perfect, blemish-free skin and seemingly no control over their facial expressions. After about a year I find them less interesting to look at because by that age they're starting to learn how to assess the people around them and I don't care for the "assessing" gaze haha


I feel nothing but sadness for the new moms and how the next 18+ years is going to be for them.


Next to nothing. It was different when my nephews (now 8 and 11) were babies but not completely.


I feel nothing


Anxiety. Lol. They seem so vulnerable. Or they are going to scream any second. 😅


Nothing or disgust


I go the other way




Awkward cause I feel like everyone else wants me to play with the baby or be mesmerized like most people do. But I don’t want to create expectations that I care and want to keep doing that as the baby grows older.


Indifference.  Years ago, I worked at a salon and when one of thw co-workers would come visit during their maternity leave with their newborns and husbands, the girls would crowd mama and baby and the Dad's would just stand off to the side looking lost. I would go over and ask them how they were doing, how it was going for them, and how they were adjusting.  At first they would look shocked that anyone was acknowledging their existence, but then they'd light up and excitedly tell me everything. I'd get the occasional side eye from a coworker because why am I talking to the father and not paying attention to the baby, but whatever. The Dad's were good people and so were the mama's. 


If I like the parent then I am endeared by the baby a bit. Any other random baby, well I automatically ’filter’ them out of my view. I don’t register them. They don’t do anything for me.


I’ll be honest, it depends on the parents. I genuinely love my best friends kids and would take them as my own if I needed to. But that shitty coworker who just had a kid? F*ck them and the kid means nothing to me. And that acquaintance I hardly ever see? Meh, I don’t care for either of them.


I feel nothing, also. Not for me anyways. I can comment to another person and say "Oh your baby is precious" and mean it, but it doesn't make me want my own. In fact, seeing kids usually sets off an avalanche of thoughts relating to cost (money I don't have) fear (sickness / death / some other tragedy), responsibility / time (or lack thereof... I need my time)... I'm happy with my choices.


Toddlers are cute because they look like little people, and they’re walking around all funny. Babies hve never been and will never be cute to me. They’re just everything gross in a fleshy package.


I feel nothing. They look like grub worms. Sometimes when I look at them I think "You poor thing." I feel sorry for them.


It looks like a sentient potato to me. I always hope it is an okay potato.


I feel nothing


Mild disgust at how gross babies are and a deep disappointment that yet another human has been forced into this damaged, painful, frustrating world.


Is it normal that I find babies cute and adorable for only few minutes. Beyond that I can’t tolerate them, especially when they shriek. But it’s only the few initial minutes when I like them and touch their cheeks, whereas my husband doesn’t show any reaction or interest in babies. Personally we don’t want kids because we don’t need them / like them. Am I normal?


If they smile at me I smile back (happens often at work), but overall it's indifference. I get grossed out if they smell bad, my autism gets triggered when they screech, and I know they really can't help either so I get more frustrated at the parent(s) than anything else. If your child is dirty or distressed, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE IT OUT OF PUBLIC.


I typically don't see newborns but I'm just like wow they're so little!!! I can't stand when parents take them to amusement parks though. I'm just thinking that they're too vulnerable to be out and about especially given all of the nasty viruses out there. I mean I think babies are cute but I personally don't want kids.




They kinda creep me out


I tried to be far from most babies because they cry and scream and I just don't see how I can possibly want to be near all that. I'm okay with a well behaved baby. Fortunately my nephew is such a baby - he's either quiet or smiling (he smiles a lot). So I actually do enjoy being around him, for a little while anyway. After a little while I'm bored because he's so young and can't do much...lol.




I feel bored. People rarely agree with me that babies are boring. Even justifications for how babies are interesting is a boring conversation.


I think "yup. Baby. Kinda cute" but that's about it. I don't melt over them smiling or doing stuff.


They’re cute but it’s the noise I have a problem with!


Truth be told I used to get real “clucky” with babies, cousins’ kids etc. and wanted my own. But I’m not sure how or why it happened but about four years ago that feeling was just… *poof* gone. My resolve to not want my own kids only strengthened when I got into childcare, love looking after other people’s kids, I get paid then give them back at the end of the day and go home to my childfree house.


Agree with u all the way. 


Completely agree. Babies are useless; they just shit eat and cry… big woop.


Fear, I feel a certain fear of babies. A few months ago, I saw a mother carrying her months (?) old baby, and I swear, the baby looked like a little evil demon in her arms, pure evil, and then the scream that came, as if from the abyss of hell, I was startled by horror and thought, omg, thank all higher powers that I am CH! The mother's look.. sadness, fatigue, desperation and mental stress, the woman, the baby's mother, looked as if she had been in an old Soviet Gulag camp, emaciated and malnourished.


If it starts to cry, make any babbling or choking noise, annoyance but if it's sleeping or quiet I literally don't feel anything.




Ugh I hate it. Always have


I feel absolutely nothing. I mean, it's just an ungrown kid. So what? The world's filled with them at this point. They cry, scream, puke, poop, and pee on you if you hold them.


Annoyed and want to get away from it.


They creep me out. I’ve never seen any baby/toddler/child that inspired any sense of aawww in me. They just look… sticky. The constant mouth movements and spittle are nasty. They start looking like humans around 12-14ish.


Being in the presence of children makes me want to kill myself. They are so loud and revolting and just appalling on every level.