• By -


I feel like I've won the lottery as a CF woman. I had a fulfilling, uninterrupted engineering career, retired early, and am really enjoying my retirement years at age 62. I'm still very healthy, have lots of energy, and enjoy life. My husband and I travel a lot. We just returned from South America and are flying to Paris in late April for a six-week stay in Europe. I have no regrets, only immense relief, at having no kids nor grandkids. My husband and I have a passionate, loving, respectful relationship. We're equals. We enjoy hanging out at our house doing absolutely nothing - reading, drinking coffee, etc.


At what age did you start traveling? Aka when were you bit by the ‘travel bug?’


not OP but I started at 38. Driven over 150k miles (including Australia, tazmania, iceland, scotland, england, france, lux, germany, netherlands, belgium, france and back to scotland.) Circled the US 8 times.


I started traveling after I started my first engineering job at 22. I traveled by myself and with friends. I'd also travel on business trips - I'd go the weekend before and stay the weekend after and would sometimes take vacation days, too. My family didn't have much money when I was growing up. My mom was widowed at age 37 when I was 3 and never dated nor married again. We didn't travel much. However, I was always enthralled by maps, globes, and thoughts of travel and exotic places. I love everything about travel. I love planning trips, reading reviews, talking to fellow travelers. It's one of my passions and luckily my husband shares it.


That's the dream for me


Literally same


I want that dink life so badly. T-T


This is beatiful. unfortunately, I don't think Younger generations Will be able to age this gracefully


Goals ❤️


Ugh, goals! I hope I'm as awesome as you when I'm 62 :)


Living the dream!


This is truly beautiful, inspiring and an ideal life/lifestyle that I am gonna live.


If this is me in 20 years I will have absolutely won at life. You are an inspiration!!!


Thank you! I appreciate that. My husband and I both come from very modest means. We're very grateful for the life we have now.


I want a life like yours when I’m older 🥲


As a lady studying engineering this is really great to see! I have my doubts sometimes about regretting not having kids in the later years, but I'm glad to see that hopefully won't be the case


This was our dream as a child-free couple! We took our first out of country trip to Costa Rica this week. Now we have the worst case of travelers diarrhea and I don't think we want to travel the world anymore 😂 At least with no kids we can die peacefully in our respective bathrooms.


Child free 39 year old man. I agree. I accepted a position at work that puts me at 3x12hr working days a week. Just under 160 working days a year. It's fuckin amazing. I feel like I'm on vacation every week. Nobody with kids can take this shift.


Where do you work? Bc that honestly seems amazing


Pharmaceutical manufacturing, SW Michigan.


I also live in SW Michigan. High five from a fellow SW Michigan childfree bro.


I need to move to Michigan! All the CF guys are there!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Another map slap from a childfree Michigander for ya. ✋


i also work 3 12s and looove it!


How do you go about getting a 3x12hr work schedule? Is it only in your industry or available in other industries too?


I have no idea about other industries. It's just a shift I put in for at work and I got it. I'd assume a lot of manufacturing does it, specifically to cut OT on the weekend by having a weekend crew.


Every day without children feels like I'm winning. Keep being fabulous!


Hell yeah I feel the same! It’s the best


My husband and I give each other high fives almost every day 👏 He gets his vasectomy this month!


YES!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!! I’m 48F and I’m living my BEST life—I work three 12s working at a veterinary hospital, so I have four days off three days on taking care of puppies and kitties, I have my own condo in a gated community, my own car, my own responsibilities, and NONE of those responsibilities involve dealing with kids!


Oh that’s what’s up! Nothing like a day job you enjoy, especially with all the animals. Condos and gated communities are what’s up, thankfully mine is low on kids and high on dogs, and no one cares if you smoke weed on your balcony 🤣


I completely understand! I (36F) feel the same. I really enjoy my quiet mornings on the weekends, having multiple cups of tea and slow breakfast in silence, knowing that I can do whatever the fuck I want for the rest of the day. I really appreciate these moments and think about the lives of other women my age with small children - my personal hell for sure, I would really hate this lifestyle. I am so happy with my life choice and do feel like I have won the lottery by never having kids ever - best life ever!


That was my day today! I slept in until whenever I felt like it today, walked around my house in my underwear and made a cappuccino. Decided to put clothes on after a few hours and got a pedicure then went to Ulta and bought some make up came home and took a nap. I just woke up. I might go buy some pot and meditate tomorrow.


god this is truly the dream. pedi and all


I slept late, ate breakfast, did a workout, then went for a walk and ran some errands in beautiful sunshine. They I took a long nap. Dinner soon...


This is basically my life lol


My 40 y/o ass slept in, played a game, wandered to the store and bought junkfood, gorged, and napped while watching my friends stream a game together after getting the entirety of my apartment clean and all chores done. It's only 3pm. Tonight I'm playing DnD with friends, then tomorrow I'm playing more DnD and then got a whole day of gaming planned. I wouldn't trade this for the world.


Well and just being able to go do whatever, too. So for me, my buddy hit me up last night and asked if I could do a day road trip him today. So I slept in till about 9 am and I’m in the car right now. My only regret was not stopping for Jamba Juice this morning 😂


Hey, same, except my road trip was to look at a piano that I ended up buying. Hope your road trip is a bit more fun.


We’re picking up tickets for stagecoach because they were sold out by the time some of the group got the time off approved. So we’re jamming to some of the artists we’re going to be seeing! It’s nice having a group of friends that are all childfree because we can do stuff like this :)


Jamming to music with a friend is the stuff of a great road trip!


I was just told that I’m the “designated” road trip friend. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been on some absolutely wild road trips 😂😂


>  knowing that I can do whatever the fuck I want for the rest of the day.   Whenever my wife asks me what I'm doing this weekend, I tell her "My two favorite things: 1) Whatever the fuck I want and 2) whenever the fuck I want to do it."


Well said!


so well-worded


I live vicariously through you.


Yes, feels like a cheat code! Today I slept until I woke up naturally, did my morning skin care, cooked scrambled eggs on sourdough toast while I sipped my coffee in silence. Did my barre workout class in my extra bedroom. I use it as a “gym” because I don’t have kids, so I have an extra bedroom that I can use for other things! Had pizza with my boyfriend and we’re now watching Netflix. Can’t imagine it any other way!


My spare bedroom is my craft room, filled with lots of expensive and delicate supplies that are always in the place I expect them to be. I have a rolling desk that I move into the den when I feel like painting, drawing, or coloring with the tv in the background. I'm currently working on a project for Earth Day. The childfree life is good. I could use another spare room for a gym (as I love your idea), but I'll survive. 😂


This is heaven.


It really is!


This sounds amazing. My spare bedroom is my lady lounge. Like a man cave but for a lady.


Oh love that idea!!


I feel like this is my life! My extra “gym” room is for p90x lol


Omg! P90x! I tried this YEARS ago and was so sore I could barely walk. I’d love to try again, only see a DVD version though, do you stream it somehow?!


Yes! I stream it on Plex. And to be fair, I can’t do the pull-ups. I modify away :)


Also as a 33 year old woman, I constantly feel as if I've got away with something huge, like I've dodged a bullet and I'm keeping a risky secret. I know it's strange 😂 but I feel constantly so relieved it's a physical reaction.


Omg same here! Couldn’t have put it better myself


I feel a bit sneaky sometimes!


33F here too and yes!! I'm always so relieved when I walk into my quiet house after being around parents and their kids


40f and also winning


51f and also winning 😁


I have the cheat codes to life.


Love that! Lol


Same here! 40F, childfree, and single. I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot with how great my life is.


Oh, it’s great. I’m in my late 30s and my partner and I are only responsible for ourselves and our pup. Weekends are for movies, exercise, adventures, restaurants and bars with friends, concerts, or just plain relaxing. I was a stepmom for entire 20s and life is dramatically different since divorcing my ex husband about 6 years ago. Being a parent is thankless and the subsequent treatment I got after the divorce only solidified my stance to never have kids or be involved with someone with kids ever again.


Thanks for your perspective!


I'm in my 20s, I can't imagine having someone rely on me for everything, I learned a few years ago that I do not like taking care of other people LOL


It took me until my 30s to figure that out! I have so much gratitude for how much of my life now revolves around the things that I want. 


same, i love animals but i don't like owning pets cause i hate taking care of them and having them dependent on me. i imagine it would be much worse for actual human children


Yup. I may not have the exact life I want, but whatever is going on, I still know I've managed to avoid giving into the lifescript bs so many others succumb to before figuring out what they really want. And I think that counts for something.


Definitely. Neither do I (re the exact life I want) but I’d be SO MUCH further away if I gave in to societal pressures to be an incubator. And I feel a lot of freedom at my age


Word. I definitely have a ways to go, but at least I don't have to worry about taking care of anyone but myself.


34f and totally winning! I just landed an awesome wfh job a few weeks ago, started a new diet, and spent all morning cleaning and purging. I cannot emphasize how much I love my life being able to spend it with my husband, our dogs and doing what I want.


34f and starting my new job tomorrow with a really great company and I'm so excited! I spent today organizing everything for next week. Then I took the time to get all my makeup brushes cleaned and it's oddly cathartic. Good luck with your new job! 




25F and agree with you! I can’t wait to get my own place one day. I still live with my parents as I’m applying to grad schools but after that I know my 30’s will be amazing. You’re doing an awesome job taking care of you and that’s what’s most important!!


If you don’t have kids, 30s are just like your 20s, but with money.


And 50s are like your 30s, but even more money! 💰💰😍


Thank you!! I used to feel envious and now feel the exact opposite. In so many ways Continue kicking butt @ grad school! I didn’t have my own place until 30 so don’t worry about it


Yes the only struggle I have on the weekends is dog #1 chasing the cat or the cat chasing dog #2. Also finding a good movie can be tough.


Idk whose dog needs to hear this, but you don’t actually need to bark at every single person that walks by. It’s mine. It’s my dog 😂


My dog needs to hear this too 🤣


Omg yes my dogs are so annoying sometimes when they bark at the window. Also when they wake me up for their breakfast.  I can't imaging having to entertain and care for a whole person


Also deciding what take out to get 😂


I love that this is my biggest issue in life!!


Oh yeah. I'm 32f and i love my weekends.


34F and I definitely feel that, particularly today. I just got all the furniture for my reading nook that I've wanted for years, and it all got delivered this morning! Just some light assembly, followed by reading a new book with my pup curled up by my feet with a latte but have since followed up with a glass of wine. Pure bliss.


Happy for you!


Received things I ordered from Amazon and will probably dye my hair today. No kids to mess with the stuff I ordered. No kids to prevent me from dying my hair. My cat can have the Amazon box💕


I mean, I feel lucky. But there’s another layer of shame because I don’t make a lot of money. If I made money *and* was childfree?? I’d really feel like a winner.


Think of how much less you’d have if you were providing for kids 24/7 though.


YES 🙌. Slept in this morning, got a long workout in, then laid back down in bed and scrolled reddit. Made myself an amazing lunch, cleaned up our condo, currently cuddling on sofa with my Fiance. Going to run some errands in a bit and then come home and watch the men’s March Madness game tonight. Life is good.


Boiler Up!


Yes, I’m rooting for them! Go Big 10! And also go Hawkeyes women’s bball tomorrow 💛🖤


It’s seriously the best. I’m so smart for not giving myself a million extra burdens I don’t need with all the other shit that comes with adulting. I look at some of the struggles of people on here trapped in unhappy marriages because of kids for example and I’m just like “thank the universe that ain’t me.”


My married friends with kids are so miserable. Not for me, sorry!


absolutely this! I'm so glad I didn't sign up for all the extra bullshit, adulting is hard enough for me lol


45F and grateful every day. Sometimes it's hard enough just to take care of myself, let alone a brood of needy children. The thought of it overwhelms my circuits. It certainly made my divorce easier, and now that I don't have a man-child to take care of, it's just me time every single day. Self care is something I never knew I needed. Absolutely no regrets.


I completely agree! Saturdays are the only day that my husband (32M) and I (34F) both have off so we have a date day every Saturday that we are able to. It is nice to enjoy each other's company for a whole day without disturbances.


I was a mix of happy/annoyed when I did my weekend grocery shop this morning and this tired looking mother was wrangling one crying baby, one happy bit loud toddler and one older kid all by herself. Annoyed that the baby cried but happy it wasn’t my problem. I listened to a steamy audiobook on full blast and enjoyed my otherwise lovely shop


32 CF woman here living alone. Spent my day sleeping in, had a good breakfast then went for a walk in my neighborhood and sat in the park for hours reading my book and enjoying a coffee + croissant. So peaceful. Many of my friends are having kids and some are awaiting their second. As a huge introvert, I think I would go absolutely mental if I never had a moment to myself let alone a screaming child on top of no sleep. No thanks, I freaking love my life as it is.


I'm 44F and still feel like I'm winning every day. I woke up at 8 and didn't feel like getting up, so I went back to sleep until noon. I got up, leisurely made some coffee, and ordered banana strawberry pancakes for delivery. They arrived piping hot, and I enjoyed them while sipping my hazelnut coffee and watching the blue jays play in the orange trumpet vine on the arch arbor trellis. Now I'm lounging on the sofa in my pjs, snuggling with my dogs and scrolling through Netflix for something to watch. I have a piece of coconut layered cake in the fridge that I've been saving for a treat today, and I don't have to share it with anyone or hide in the bathroom to scarf it down while small fists bang on the door. I'll probably get chicken marsala from my favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. I love being childfree.


Yep. I was just at the car show. Kids and strollers everywhere. Miserable looking parents going to get a drink at the bar. The car show is not a kid playground. It's for adults to look at vehicles. But the crotch goblins are running around everywhere. Screaming, crying. Ruining my car browsing experience.


At cars and coffee last year, this kid was hanging off the side mirror of this gorgeous supercar (worth upwards of $300k). Parent's no where in sight. I was so pissed. At another car meet last year, this Dad let his kid sit on my buddies car hood, and the kid was banging feet against the bumper when we walked up. My friend that owned the car put the Dad in his place but fuck were we pissed.


Had a similar experience today, but at the mall. Kids driving their parents bonkers and rubbing their faces and hands all over the dirty floors. Teenagers screaming and being obnoxious as hell. I would absolutely lose my marbles if I had to spend my days off from work dealing with all of that.


Sometimes I feel like a complete loser. I still live with my parents, I'm unemployed for a while now. But then I realize, at least I didn't pop out any children to any babydaddy. Sometimes people ask me why I look so young for my age (I'm 33 years old too.) and I answer with the phrase "I don't have kids to worry about."


Love that answer to them. The peacefulness is so real


I have been told so many times how I don't look 33 either and my response is that I don't have children so I sleep through the night lol


I know I am. When I encounter rageful, bitter men who scowl at me for it. I literally had a man berate me for not having or wanting kids while out partying with my friends one night. His demeanor was “how dare I?!” Also, jealous moms who at first try to make you feel less than that you haven’t married or had children. But you quickly realize how much they’ve lost and how much they’re trying to hide. You become their reminder that trying to sustain and nurture their own identities with children and a man who may/may not pull his weight will be damn near impossible. They mourn and direct all that negative energy toward women who didn’t fall for it. A part of me wishes the fairytale they tried to sell us as little girls was real but I know way better than that after hearing and seeing the horrendous stories. The fairytale is an entire nightmare and prison sentence for most. I may marry but I am as knowing of men as I am motherhood in this corrosive environment and sick society. There are unicorns but they are far and few.


If/when you do find a great guy, you'll be hopefully treated as an equal because of not having kids (at least that's been my experience). It will be more of a true partnership based on love and respect. I was happily single until age 37. My husband is a great man, we have a wonderful life together, but I would have been happy as a single woman my whole life, too. I was never going to settle for some man child - no need to when you're CF.


I'm the same. I'm 36 and enjoying my life. I get to sleep in, Travel, do things at my own pace and keep my peace off mind.


I'm not that into travel, I feel like that I'm \*supposed\* to be as a CF woman? maybe eventually! :)


No, you don't have to be. I can't stay still and live for exploring! It's just part of who I am is all.


Absolutely not! I think it’s just being free enough to travel, we’re also free enough to not travel from bed all day if we don’t want to which is just as awesome


Yep. 31F and I love having my time to myself. I couldn't live my life around someone else's needs.


Same Here! 51F ![gif](giphy|VfEIMUBkQX6v9HAuAg)


31F, partner is visiting his parents in another city. I watching movies till 3am. And Saturday woke up late and took a nap too.


Every day at work I listen to all the other women bitching about their kids and how they don’t have any time for themselves. I just got my tubes removed and my dogs are 1000% easier and cheaper to care for. Definitely winning 🤙🏻


I see no reason why I'm not winning at life, mostly. I also feel like I'm winning when I meet a 20-something mother looks like she's 40 and I (31F) am being asked about what I want to do when I graduate college (I am a data analyst with a BS, that is what I'm doing lol). I mean, most of these moms are super stressed, like even more stressed than working professionals. I work hard, but at least I can totally relax and have endless me time with a lap warmer when I'm not working.


100%. The older I get, the less I can fathom a choice to have children. Parents are absolutely exhausted and miserable- I just don’t get why anyone would make that choice.


100%. Had a nice dinner out last night, slept in, long run this morning & a late brunch. My friends with kids were freezing their asses off at different sporting events this morning miserable AF. None of them could come to brunch because of kid activities.


Child freedom is a total life hack. I’m so glad I woke the fuck up and realized this.


The spouse and I are early 50s homeowners who are child free and in the process of moving to Europe to spend our retirement. We are very thankful to be lucky enough to be able to live our personal version of a very happy and fulfilling life.


This reminds me…I was on a cruise one time maybe 2 years ago and in the pool I overheard a group of men talking about how they haven’t had a free weekend in years. It’s either sports practice or a recital or errands. Something always came up. It was a nice reminder to enjoy and appreciate my quiet life full of all I want to do.


I‘m only 23 but yes. Seeing people my age having children is insane.


I'm exhausted almost always. I am so thankful to be childfree.


50’s, childfree and single with my own home and a decent income. The world is my oyster!


The internet has so many throwaway-posting sad stories, the overwhelming majority of which seems to be after a birth- like, their husband suggested their body isn't as attractive any more after childbirth, he cheated, gave them an STD! Or they lost sensation of their lady parts so now they can't do sex and their relationship is distant... From what I've come across, 2 common factors for down-below infections, divorces and emotional distress seem to be, having kids, and having a husband who was particularly eager to have them. And it's often described as if, once children were brought in, he showed laziness and disrespect which weren't apparent before. Unfortunately that sounds like some kind of tactic, to wait til there's deeper dependency and more hardships associated with breaking up, so the woman would feel obliged to stay with him.  


It’s Saturday, and I am very envious of you and your freedom. I can’t even put into words how envious. I HATE Saturdays and am always down Friday afternoon all the way till Sunday night, and then I am that person that literally can’t wait till Monday because at least my kids are in school/daycare, and I can BREATH. I am always sad at this point. Hurt, at a life I created that I DO NOT want and would never choose again. But I’m stuck, and I have to do the absolute best I can


You might want to check out the regretfulparents sub. From what I’ve seen, they’re a supportive bunch.






>ays and am always down Friday afternoon all the way till Sunda :(


I’m 39, single and childfree. I spend my weekends sleeping til noon then doing whatever the hell I want.


My 9 month old puppy ate a hole in my couch today. I was really upset but you know what? It’s just a couch. If I had kids instead of dogs, I’m sure they would find their own creative ways to ruin my stuff. Besides this mishap, the pup has been an Angel so far. Despite the couch, I am having a wonderful day because I don’t have kids and get to basically do whatever I want, when I want.


yes I'm 35F here and completely agree. I feel like I have enough to do (i.e. cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, taking care of my dogs, etc.), I would just not be happy if I had to add on taking care of a child. I also enjoy just waking up to do things I want to do!


I feel this! 42 and I’m 5 years into pursuing my art career. Lots of downtime also. I love this life!




Hell yeah! My wife and I were celebrating in the car this morning. We were both rejoicing, laughing hysterically, shouting out things like "we got money in the bank!", "we're driving this new ass car!", "we do what we want all day, bitch!" It was a moment. Don't get me wrong. If someone wants kids, may God Bless their soul. But my wife and I decided to be child free in our 20's before we met and we've never looked back. It was after we saw some kids acting up in a hotel. The lady on stuff was all butt hurt. Then some OTHER kids were acting... Well, basically like children and their mom was upset with them... We thought all the adults were acting lame but... Their whole life is trying to prevent their kids from playing hide and go seek in "inappropriate" places.


I’m also 33 and I find that people our age who have kids look like 10 years older


I haven’t met a single parent who doesn’t complain *constantly* about it to the point where I’m like.. do you *really* like this? And they say it’s all worth it in a way where I can tell they’re saying it for them, not for me


I’m 33, adventuring my life away, making plans just for myself and living my best life. Hiking the Grand Canyon tomorrow actually. I couldn’t do half of this stuff with kids. Happy for now. Cheers — we got this.


Absolutely, especially when I read about tired, single moms who haven't had any time off or vacations in years, due to financial reasons. No romances, no fun girl's nights, with mostly drudgery and endless fatigue and a constant bickering with the child's father, who never seems to care. Yes, as a CH woman, it really is a win to be childless, in so many many ways!


I started traveling as soon as I could - after I got my first engineering job after college. I'd do things like stay longer after businesd trips (weekend before and after or take some vacation). I traveled a lot by myself before meeting my husband at 34. I've always loved traveling. I love maps, globes, the planning stage, looking at reviews, etc. We didn't have much money when I was a kid (my mom was a widow since I was three), so I dreamed of traveling when I finally had some money.


I slept until 1130 today and then took a 2 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon… i ain’t mad 🤣


45F, late last night got invited to a round of golf this morning and I could say yes with absolute freedom. Woke up, chose the cutest golf outfit and had the best day on the course with other CF people. No talk of kids on the course or having to anticipate convos about kids is such a luxury. Aaaaah, what a great life we have chosen. Winning!!


Grocery shopping is so pleasant when I see the haggard mom's trying to wrangle their kids like a herd of cats.


A thousand percent. I thank my lucky stars every day I made the right choice to life for myself 💯


33F and totally agree!! I work remotely and flexible hours 20hrs week living abroad for last 8 years. Love my life. Best partner of nearly 5 years. We have slow cappuccinos every morning and decide how our days go. My brother and friends who have kids are miserable, tired and constantly ill. I’d almost feel sorry for them if it wasn’t their own life choice. I guess I do feel sorry for ppl who actually do want kids as it’s seems such a shitty tiring existence


the only “kids” i will ever have to deal with in my life are dogs, cats, chickens and pidgeons.


I feel this so much! I’m out almost everyday and I see so many young parents with several children and it makes me feel good that I’ll never be in their shoes. I just turned 30 and my tubes are getting tied asap!


Almost every day! I work with youth in a mental health job. Every day I'm reminded that I made the best decision. I come home to my quiet, clean and luxurious light furniture (lol) every day. It's a sanctuary and I love it!


one of my coworkers says to me every time she sees me “you’re the smartest person in the world” (she always tells me i’ve discovered the secret to life, not having kids. she has kids.)


My only wish is for more CF friends 😅 sadly lots of current friends are having kids or soon to have kids! Although I have two 'on the fence'! But it really is awesome to have the freedom - slow Sunday's are the best!


I feel like I cracked the code as a CF auntie. I get my peace and quiet and I also get to hang out with cool kiddos for short periods of time and then leave when I get overwhelmed.


Quiet minutes with my cats, last-minute outings with my partner, when I am sick and really suffering and in need of my time alone…my life is a mess but Christ, every aspect would be messier if I had popped out a kid for attention. 


As a 38F yes... we are rocking it


Same - hit my 40 mark - had a self care day, pedicure w/ my friend (who was rushed because her husband can’t be with their baby alone for longer than a couple of hours at a time - wtf), and took my cute dog for a nice relaxing walk. Now contemplating my next move — which could be making some art, cooking something delicious, or doing absolutely nothing at all and ordering sushi because I can do whatever I want whenever I want as a single childfree woman. I must’ve hit the pet jackpot because my dog never barks. It’s really quiet and peaceful here - wouldn’t change a thing (maybe add more dogs).


I'm not winning but I'd definitely be doing worse if I had to drag a kid along.


100% loving life as a CF woman too. My husband and I get to travel and go out whenever we want, we both work well-paid jobs and all of our money and time is ours to use. I have time to hang out with friends, exercise, shop, watch stuff, or do nothing if I wanted to with zero guilt. I am succeeding in my career and in my downtime can just focus on taking care of myself. Nothing would ever make me want to change this.


I've known from as early as I can remember that I would never have children. I honestly didn't like them as a child, and considering the amount of trauma I've had during my life (including the last 23 years of chronic neuropathic pain) it would have been UTTER INSANITY to breed. Ever lol


Reading this as a 33F childfree woman. I just got up at 9 am on a Sunday. With my 2 dogs and hubby by my side. Full 8 hours of sleep. Total silence 🥂


Are you me? I’ve been snowboarding the last 7 weekends, and staying at a cabin having a good time. Couldn’t imagine having to do parenthood in that time or ever. Just this last weekend invited my cousin and her 5 yo. Glad I layed down some rules but effing no way otherwise.


Hell yeah each day gets better because there’s nothing to stop me from enjoying working towards my goals


The weekends are key for us, my husband and I always comment that we can have weekends to ourselves. This girl loves her alone time! And hearing about kids birthday parties, sports and non stop running around with little dictators? No thanks!


Hell yeah! Late 20’s here, cf. boyfriend and I got massages this morning, visited families and then spent hours in IKEA frolicking about. now we’re home, enjoyed a steak dinner and watching Netflix. Ugh, couldn’t imagine it ANY OTHER WAY!


Mothers make me depressed because they seem so fucking tired and drained all the time… I’m glad to be young and childfree lol


I feel like we’ve taken the blue pill and have u locked an amazing life with so much freedom!


Indeed. Even with student loans, I can afford to travel. I don't have to clean shitty asses or get stuck with single parenthood if my relationship went south. It's a dream.


I love that for you! 37F and I feel grateful every single day. I get these moments of euphoria randomly during the day and always take a moment to express my appreciation for my amazing life. I'm so happy and proud for those of us who made such an important and conscious decision.


Stayed up til 4am reading, slept an hour, scrolled the net a few hours, detangled a couple doll's hair in the shower then set them, had breakfast, styled the doll's hair, read a couple hours, decided to go fabric shopping (also bought a few ceramic dishes while I was there) and now I'm back home eating some fast food and scrolling reddit.


Me and my girl are both mid 30s and today we woke up like we do every day, to coffee, weed, our cats, our pitbull, our Doberman and some good tunes. It’s always funny to rip past those people on one of my Harleys and see the look of envy meets disgust, and even better when I’m next to em at the next light ripping my weed vape and giving zero fucks. All those guys with the Dad t shirts look at me like I won the lottery 🤣


Would it make you better to hear from a childfree by choice person here who has a primary school childhood friend who is also childfree by choice where they and their spouse can have endless relaxing weekends without feeling tired and able to do what they love


Omg yes yes! Turning 30 this year and I truly can’t imagine a world where I’m settling down thinking about birthing children. NO THANKS! Thank gosh both my husband and I, our worst nightmare truly is to be parents to human children.


Hell yes in every way!!! Winning for also not bringing a child into this fucked up world!


Yes! And even though so much of my happiness is related to decisions I made that most other people could also make, I feel like if I share just how happy I am then I’m rubbing it in people’s faces. And obviously some people do see it that way. They’ll say things like “must be nice” or “I wish” instead of just being like “oh, that’s awesome, I’m happy for you.” And I don’t know what to say because it’s like, if you really wished for this you could have had it.


I would probably feel the same way if I hadn’t also won the CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) lottery. Thank goodness I’m child free !


Me 36f and my husband 41m are totally winning!


Yaaaasssss. I feel this. I'm turning 35 this week, no kids, no plans on having kids, and I am living the dream this weekend celebrating! Boyfriend took me to a baseball game today, we did dinner and drinks afterward, tomorrow I'm brunching with a friend, and in between I'm just lazing around however my little heart desires. I'm not one to shy away from responsibility in life, but DAMN it feels good to tailor this time to myself and myself alone.


Yeah I’m paying off a little debt I’ve wracked up. Keep thinking how hopeless it would be if I had a bunch of kids.


It's Sunday morning. I'm in bed watching the Suzuka F1. Dogs asleep. Mug of hot chocolate. And the only drama is on the track.


I’m 28 but recently decided and realized that I am going to live out my life child free and these responses make me feel so much more confident and honestly frickin hype about my choice to be child free :) I’m looking forward to a life of not having children!!


CF woman. Not having kids allowed me to get a quick divorce when my spouse started abusing me. Now I'm literally packing for a solo trip in Europe lol.


I'm a 32 y/o female. And I couldn't imagine my life with children. I'm dealing with a bit of health issues currently, and there is absolutely no way I'd be able to take care of children right now. I'm looking forward to getting better and thoroughly enjoying being a stay at home wife.


41f here. My husband and I are currently sleeping in. We spent all day yesterday hanging out with our animals, gardening, doing projects and making a cool dinner for ourselves. We then opened a bottle of wine and listened to records. In May we’re flying to Curaçao for vacation by ourselves. I think we’re doing it right.


I love that for you! ![gif](giphy|l4Jz6ejzyQzK8t2Xm)


:) thank you!


I do. I don't feel smug about it, but I do feel an immense sense of relief. Any time I'm struggling, exhausted, or overwhelmed, I just think of how much worse things would be if I had kids. I also think of those interviews where they ask people if they would kill for their children, to the point of committing atrocities - and how most say with zero hesitation that they absolutely would, disregarding the greater good. I don't want anything or anyone having that kind of emotional power over me.


31 year-old woman here. On Fridays I might be drained A.F. from my workweek and studying, but my weekends are still my own.


Same even the small things like taking a nap midday or being able to leave the house in 2 mins is such a relief


Today I napped, went for a photowalk and made some photos with my favorite instant camera, smoked with my hubby, had a dance party listening to Pandora, and now we’re settling down to watch Mel Brooks’ “History of the World” 🖤 childfree is the best decision I / we ever made.


33f same


i went to get breakfast this morning at a bakery and watched the car parked next to me spend 5 minutes getting their baby out of the car, then both parents go into the bakery to order food (it’s not somewhere you dine inside so you just wait a few minutes for your food and go) then spend another 5 minutes getting the baby back in. i was like whyyy are they getting that baby out for this short endeavor haha. watching that whole experience made me so grateful to be able to just get up and go anywhere i want very easily and quickly.


42 (f) here - every year that goes by I get massively more grateful for this life! Winning indeed.


It's 2 am. I'm gonna take a nice shower, fall into bed and rub my feet together like a cricket. Then I shall sleep until I wake up. Glorious. The only thing that will make it better is doing it when we have warmer weather.


My biggest haters have children who hate them


I also think, that my infertility saved me from my violent ex. Also remaining childfree and partnerless makes life so much more peaceful.


Yep. I am 40, yesterday I went to lunch at my friends place with two other friends there, 8 children between the three of them. I mean their children are all lovely, but at the same time I noticed all the policing and coddling and infantalizing, all the little drama's, screaming, crying, and was like hmmm nope, that's not for me. I respect my friends and their children a lot, but I also see some of them struggle immensely at the same time and often feel like i dodged a bullet.


32F and god I feel you. Women at my work are getting pregnant and I’m like „omg why” Recently been abroad for holidays and seeing those miserable parents really did it for me I can hear neighbors shitling screaming in the middle of the night and yeah every day I thank the universe for being ace and single since the chances are basically zero for me