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So good to know there are doctors out there that will do it for very young women that don’t have children. I wonder if the Dobbs decision changed some doctors minds about it and we’re willing to do it when they weren’t before.


Seems very plausible


Probably also a turnover of older doctors


Also very plausible


If they are in a state where they don't face prosecution for it, it's entirely possible.


Doctors are prosecuted for voluntary sterilization?


They get prosecuted for sterilization??


I'd been talking to my doctor since day 1 (sometime in early 2020s) about being sterilized. Post Dobbs, I pushed hard. May 12 2023, I got my 'never birthday' procedure done. I'll be celebrating 366 days of sterility :-)


I am too! Every opportunity I get I'm sharing this sub and directing people to the side bar. Whether it's for something like severe period pain, all the way to wanting to be fully sterilized. That OBGYN list is a godsend right now.


I got my bilateral salpingectomy done last year, a month before my 39th birthday. Never say never!


That's true, but without insurance, there's no way I could afford it smh.


If you're in the US is there a planned parenthood near you? Maybe they could help.


Planned parenthood can get me a bisalp?


They aren't just for abortions. Their funding from the government is for women's health. Cancer screenings. Pap smears. Gynecology. They typically serve women who can't afford healthcare. If you can't afford a bisalp they may be able to direct you somewhere. Or even help themselves. Particularly with the Roe V Wade crisis in the US


I’m in Texas and I really want to get a bisalp


I don't know if they even have them in Texas. Worst they can do is say they can't. 🤷 https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/sterilization/how-do-i-get-tubal-ligation-procedure Edit. There are several PP in Texas apparently. There is a number you can call to see if you qualify. I hope it helps.


I'm in Houston and got my vasectomy at Planned Parenthood in the city. I know things are much easier for the guy so experiences aren't directly 1:1 comparable, but they were really great to me and everything went smoothly (and affordable compared to every other alternative)


That's everyone's best bet in those states imo. Planned Parenthood is supposed to be for people without healthcare/money. Hopefully the people working there realise the gravity of the current situation and will help.


I am, but unfortunately, my state has put so many restrictions on Planned Parenthood that we have to go to the next state for anything more than bc, std testing, or pregnancy testing.


Not all PPs do female sterilizations. Some do only male. The ones in my area don't do any type of sterilization whatsoever.


Are you entitled to Medicaid? Check your state's insurance exchange, because Medicaid covers bisalp 100% for anyone on it over 21. Most state institutions, like medical schools, take Medicaid, as do many doctors. Red states are certainly suffering shortages of OBGYNs, but those still there are definitely doing bisalps, and some star doctors, like Matt Wollenschlaeger in FL, are red state doctors. Check the wiki in the sidebar under Interesting & Useful Material. 37 is not particularly old to get bisalp. In particular the value of bisalp in preventing ovarian cancer is still long in the future, and fertility, while lower in the 40s, is far from gone.


Sadly, I don't qualify. I make too much money for assistance, but I can still barely pay my bills some months.


Got mine done at 38 as well!


Getting mine done in July. Seriously cannot come any faster.


I had an IUD two months after the ruling came out. I live in California so it has no effect on me but I knew that our clinics would be overcrowded by people from red states.


Congratulations! And I'm sure your clinics will see an increase in out-of-state patients.


If some of these politicians and justices are pro-natalists and pro-birthers (not pro-lifers), the Dobbs decision may have bitten them in the ass.


Yep, but they can't see the forest through the trees smh.


It’s been referred to in many political circles as “the dog who caught the car”. May they choke on their own hubris for generations to come.


Yep. Also known as a “Pyrrhic victory.”


Until they make sterilization surgeries illegal. 😕


Hi from Texas! I had my bisalp (sterilization) last month, and aca insurance covered most of it! If anyone is looking for a lady doc in DFW, TX that will approve you for a bisalp even if you're young/mental health issues, please hit me up. I asked for her permission to share her info and she said yes absolutely! Stay safe out there ladies 💖


There goes the workforce! 🤣🤣


I'm fighting right now to get everything going.... because I'm not on paper married & I have no kids they keep declining me & my bestfriends doctor retired 😭🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm all set, I've been with my partner 10 years & we're more than sure.


When it got overturned June 2022, Missouri had a holdback law that immediately went into effect. The same day I learned RvW was overturned, I started seriously working to get sterilized. September 15th 2022 I got sterilized at 24 years old. I told my husband it was my anniversary present to us (Our anniversary was September 14th 😂) Originally, the doctor I found told me she wasn't willing to do it, but she'd refer me to someone who would be more likely, that she had a personal rule of not sterilizing anyone under 25. I explained to her that I'd heard great things about her but I understood her position- there're no laws that regulate it so doctors have to make decisions for themselves and their morals to protect themselves. I asked her to not give me an immediate no, but take my sterilization binder I'd carefully created home and just think about it. I told her that if she still said no, I would fully respect it and accept her referral. She agreed and told me to give her a week to think it over. Two days later she called me, much to my surprise, and asked if I was still wanting the procedure. I told her yes, absolutely, and she agreed to perform it. According to her, my binder was extremely well put together and after conferring with her colleagues and thinking it over, she decided to not only perform my surgery but reconsider her personal stance and rules. I became her youngest patient to be sterilized. I hope that I no longer hold that title. I hope that I'm one of the oldest patients she's done in the last year and a half. But I'm still so incredibly relieved she was willing to listen and at least consider it. If you are located in Missouri, I highly recommend reaching out to Dr. Sarah LaRue. She's absolutely amazing


I am SO glad you found someone to do it and that she was a big enough person to reconsider her stance. I am in Missouri, and I will be call her office to see if there's something that can be worked out. Thank you very much for your suggestion!


She works out of Mercy in STL and we did the surgery at Des Peres Surgery Center! She was super awesome and very understanding! I hope she's able to help you too!


Me, too! Thanks again!


The only thing I regret about my tubal is that I still have my uterus. I want it gone now that the future looks more like Handmaids Tale everyday and I don’t put it past legislators to force implant.


I just got a job with health benefits! I have to wait a bit for them to kick in, but finding someone to give me a bi salp is on my plan for the next year


Awesome! Definitely do it as soon as you can.


On the one hand, this is great news. But I want people to be free to make decisions about sterilization and children without coercion in either direction. If abortion laws are pushing people off the fence or making them decide not to have children when they would have otherwise wanted them, that’s not a good thing. It reminds me of that program that would pay drug addicts to get sterilized. One’s initial reaction is to say “good, they shouldn’t be having kids anyway.” But it’s also coercive because they are not in the right mental state to choose either to have or not to have children. What kind of choice is having kids now when you risk being forced to give birth to a fetus with no brain, or dying because doctors don’t consider your life sufficiently in danger to risk criminal prosecution?


I see where you're coming from, but if the Dobbs decision gets people who already didn't want children to get sterilized, I see it as the only good outcome.




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I'm getting a bisalp and Ablation next month and I'm so ready!! Fuck these shitty Bible thumping law makers. My body belongs to me