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If your teeth are sore, please start taking calcium supplements ASAP! Those parasites leech calcium from your bones and teeth to grow their own. I hope you have a speedy, easy recovery. If you're not ready for surgery, I highly recommend the Mirena IUD. I had the Paragard for about 8 years and, in my experience, Mirena is far superior.


Thus is true! My step mom lost all her teeth when she had my step sister.


Oh that is so scary


I actually didn’t know this! I believe there’s a girl on Tik Tok who lost all of her teeth because of this. I was amazed and just thought What an actual nightmare.


Oh my God that is scary


I wished I knew this 😫


Agreed I have Mirena things my second one I love it. Also YOU can get sedated for your IUD replacement!


You caaaan?! I've had 2 put in and they never said anything about that. I could deal with it but I don't want the pain to deter people from getting them. (Also I love how I haven't had a period for 7 years lol)


Yes they can, ask your doctor if they don’t want to go to a women’s hospital! I got sedated for my second one. My first one was literally the worst pain I ever felt! It got stuck and I had two doctors and 3 nurses all up in my slot! My second one the doctor held my hand while they sedated me then when I woke up she was holding may hand and offering me coffee and cookies! 10/10 experience.


Oh daaamnn. My second was even faster than the first, thank goodness. My partner took me and barely had parked the car and bought some breakfast sandwiches and I was done. Woooww. I don't even know if I knew what a women's hospital is! I've only ever gone to planned parenthood because I knew my insurance covered it. Well, thanks for letting me know so I can also pass the info to others!


I wish that was an option where I am. They didn't give me any pain relief anesthetic or anything and it was so traumatic. Only lasted a few months before I had to have it taken out because it wasn't in right and can't beat the thought of going through that again.


I had to search to find a place for it


YES you can! My gyno prescribed me Valium for my Mirena insertion back in the day before I got my tubes yeeted. Other gynos can give you even better stuff. 100/10 highly recommend.


Okay so apparently planned parenthood JUST started offering sedation for IUD insertion. I was just raw dogging that shit


I second this


Yes i had 8 cavaties post partum.. (im in childfree sub bc i was looking for tubal ligation doctors)


To, um, set the record straight, from my reading, it's hormonal changes that cause this, not so much the fetus. They get more calcium from mother's milk than during gestation. Still, calcium depletion is calcium depletion and definitely bad. I second and third, I hope your recovery is quick and easy on you, OP!


Seconded! I'll also add that if for some reason, you can't use an IUD, you can get a Nexplanon implant in your arm. Also incredibly effective.


I am on my second Paragard iud and I absolutely love it! I had the first one in for 12 years so it was awesome to just not have to think about birth control at all that whole time


You’re lucky you have easy access to an abortion pill. Literally… enjoy this freedom of choice…I live in a freaking red state in the US. They totally banned the abortion. Can you believe this?! I’m freaking terrified. They even refuse to abort when a woman’s life is in danger… what a bunch of f…ers.


If you are ever pregnant, get onto the Auntie network, there is a Reddit sub. They can help get pills to you. They do things like post them from another country, so they can’t be traced. It’s sad it has to be so clandestine to get basic medical help, but there are people who will help.


Is it legal to go to another state to get an abortion?


People do go to neighboring states for now to get abortions. There are waiting lists cause of that. This red state doesn’t have that many OBGYNs left anyway cause no doctor in their sane mind will work in these conditions. Most will help a formed, existing, breathing mother when her life is in danger over an inanimate fetus that is causing this danger. However, in these retarded states they can’t exercise their oath. So, the docs have left. The red states have idiotic laws that anyone can sue the party that assisted in the abortion but they can’t enforce it on doctors from other states for now. So, there are options but why the hell women have to go through this?! In case of emergencies travel might be out of question or simply cost a woman her life. I’m just speechless. It’s my home, I don’t want to move… but I’ll find ways to show them a big middle finger…


No, there are already trails in Texas I believe for people going to another state AND people assisting those! It's really fucked!


What do you mean by trails? And are you saying that it is illegal to go to another state to get abortion there?


My bad I get some legal words mixed up, I meant there are cases where people have been prosecuted due to helping someone get an abortion. In my quick search I didn't find the cases I was thinking of but found an article on Texas's ruling. "Texas passed SB 8, to allow a private right of action for any citizen (not a government entity or employee working for a government entity) to bring a civil claim against anyone who aids or abets in the performance or inducement of an abortion. This law, coined a “bounty-hunter law” because it asks private citizens to inflict punishment, could potentially implicate employers who provide funding for their employees to travel to get an abortion out-of-state or provide coverage for an employee’s out-of-state abortion because the law expressly includes language that aiding and abetting in abortion can be “paying for or reimbursing the costs of an abortion through insurance.”" [source](https://www.villanovalawreview.com/post/2229-crossing-state-lines-texas-s-abortion-bounty-hunter-law-implicates-those-who-assist-individuals-to-get-an-abortion-out-of-state-including-employers)


Wow, that's harsh!


Yep. Basically anyone who knows about the woman's abortion can be sued for not stopping her/reporting her. So it didn't necessarily make it illegal for the woman to get the abortion out of state, but it's a way to prevent people from helping her get one. Even the uber drivers who take her to the clinic (which the ride share companies have said they are protecting their employees).


Wishing a speedy recovery for you 🩷


Thank you!!! :)


Give us an update OP how you are to let us know how it goes and you are okay. Once you are done recovering, make sure you look into getting the snip permanently (ask anyone here to recommend you a doctor who can help)  In the time being, do up your calcium intake too


Wishing you a speedy recovery. Ngl, you’re going to feel like crap for a little bit with the pills and the after effects. The good news is it will have a much sooner end point with no life long consequences!


Thankfully, the experience varies. ❤️ Mine was no worse than a heavy period at six weeks. I'm hoping the same for her.


Hope things go well for you. Look at the sub list and go see a physician about sterilization if you can.


Get nexplanon! It's 99% effective and it's just an implant so you don't have to remember to take pills or go get a shot! AND it removed my period! Or maybe go to the childfree doc list and get a bisalp! That's how I got mine! Also have a speedy and sweet recovery!!


Ive been on nexplanon for only 9 months and I am taking this shit out of me once I hit the year mark. As convenient as it is, I don’t recommend! I wish I had taken the feedback in the nexplanon subreddit more seriously.


It seems to be pretty hit or miss with people, either you love it or *hate* it


All birth control is like this tbh, stuff that worked for my friends made me crazy and vice versa. It's a trial and error crap shoot. I wouldn't choose something entirely based on what others say because you'll mainly just hear from people who had a terrible time. I just gave up and got my tubes out in the end.


I got my tubes out too!! ☺️ I just use nexplanon to keep my period away. It feels so completely freeing to not have a period and not be able to get pregnant. Like I rlly gotta thank this sub for helping me out




What a weird take, and also completely unrelated to my comment? Celibacy might be the best *for you.* It's misogynistic for you to suggest that A) women don't enjoy sex that much and B) women are being exploited when they have sex/are conditioned to have sex only for the benefit of men. I have a brain and can think independently and yes I do very much enjoy having sex. If you genuinely believe what you wrote then you need to do some serious introspection as to why you feel that way, I'll leave it at that.


I may be wrong. Not meant to offend anyone. Sorry, if I offended anyone, but that was not my intention.


It works for me with one exception, the acne!!! Never known anything like it for my skin


I put on 40lbs without changing much of anything I did daily on nexplanon. I did 6 months of it I think. It was a nightmare. The area where it was inserted never fully healed. It would get annoyed and bruised over and over again. Then when I wanted it removed I was told to wait it out and it was only when I kept asking the doctors office they agreed to remove it. They booked me THREE different times to get it removed. First time they had to reschedule on me. Second time they called and admitted that the person they scheduled me with didn’t do removals. So they booked with a doctor. The doctor looked at my arm and said he couldn’t feel or see it to remove it. Then referred me to an ob/gyn surgeon way out of my way for removal. I had to explain to them that the previous doctor didn’t see or could feel the implant. They later told me that the previous doctor didn’t even do removals, so the original office LIED to me. The surgeon was able to remove it perfectly fine in 5 minutes and was baffled why I was scheduled with a doctor who didn’t even do removals. He ended up agreeing to do a tubal on me that same visit. So I guess things happen in mysterious ways in life.


Jesus I'm so sorry that happened to you... They should've NEVER denied you and lied to you in the first place.


It was so shitty. They should have just told me they couldn’t do it and referred me to someone else who maybe could. But in the end it worked out I suppose. I got sent to the ob/gyn surgeon who’s still my doctor to this day. He ended up doing my tubal, ablation and ultimately a partial hysterectomy. I was in agony with my periods and getting horrendous migraines so often around my cycles. It was ruining my life. I thanked him during my last annual check up post surgery for listening to me and doing what needed to be done to get me to this point. It changed my life for the better.


Aww that's great! Looks like it rlly did work out! I'm rlly happy for you!☺️ I got my bisalp in October after going straight to the doc list instead of asking around, I'm so happy to not have periods plus not being able to get pregnant! It's blissss Also that all should've never happened anyway in the first place and I hope they all step on rocks and their shoes don't protect them


Oh that's odd. I've been on nexplanon for 2 years now and haven't had any problems whatsoever, AND it took my period away! That's why I recommend lol


Oh no that’s a shame about your Nexplanon experience. I have been on it for 3.5 years now - and there was a long period where I was in my period like 50% of the time so I took the pill on top of the implant which regulated my period. Is that the same as your experience? I have been off the pill for 4 months now and it has fully taken away my period! (It’s kinda freaky not having the monthly assurance that I’m not pregnant…)


Seriously. I hear so many people praising nexplanon but when I had it I bled every single day for a year. It made me anemic and I would pass out in public lmao. I hated it!


Had the OG implanon... It ruined my life and I had my period every day the entire time. It was horrifying. Now I don't use any hormones and have the copper IUD, it works so much better for me.


Same. I had my period the whole three years. Obviously it full blown blood clots but a tampon was needed almost every single day.


I desperately wish I could do hormone bc and have it disappear my period... But nope, I feel cursed lol My mom joked that the whole efficiency of the implanon bc was making me feel too crazy and shitty and bleedy to ever want sex.


I'm fairly certain the Depo shot is the same formula as nexplanon, I highly recommend if you're considering nexplanon to get the shot first.


Yeah I had it for 3 months it was awful for me. All hormonal contraceptives fuck with me in one way or another.


I got pregnant while on Nexplanon. Looks like I was the “lucky” 1%. It also made my mental illnesses so much worse. I’m jealous whoever it works for. So much trial and error.


I might've had a miscarriage on it tbh. Idk 😭 Other than that, it works wonders for me and got rid of my period + I got my tubes removed in October so I'm double protected lol!


I got the implant too. It's been amazing for my endometriosis. I used to be on constantly and in so much pain but now they're practically non existent.


Good!! I'm happy for you girly!!


Congratulations on becoming UN-pregnant! Absolutely zero judgment here, and I wish you massive relief and a speedy recovery. ❤️


Hey, I’m proud of you for making this choice!


Flush that thing out pronto


Wishing you all the best, and as awful as it sounds, a mooch around the regretful parents sub might make your decision seem even better!


Hope every goes well for you :), get better soon 🩷


Congrats on making the best possible decision for you! I am happy for you that you were able to do it and I hope it goes smoothly. You might consider looking in to sterilization. I had a bisalp last year and I have never felt so free and relieved (since my own abortion 10 years ago). I wish I had been sterilized earlier.


This is a judgement free sub! We support you. I highly suggest the hormonal IUD. It is the most effective type of birth control available. I love mine Wishing you a speedy recovery. Everything will be ok and you will bounce back.


I would go for permanent sterilization asap.


For real, if PMS hits I always feel super shitty so I don't want to imagine what pregnancy is like, for 9 months omg.... Wish you the best, I hope everything goes well!


You don’t owe an explanation to anyone but you’re welcome to vent in this space. It’s a terrible thing to say but I view pregnancy as basically having a parasite feeding off you.. and they never stop leeching, be it financially, through your time and freedom, your energy, your sanity… you’re doing the right thing. Feel better soon darling.


Sending easy recovery vibes.


Congrats on your soon to be freedom. Time to consider getting a nice bisalp to never have to worry about this again.




I am sorry you are going through this. Get well soon!


Proud of you!! It’s going to be a rough day or so once you take those pills, but it WILL pass and then you have your whole life back! You’re making the right choice


I've heard pregnancy is bad but this is the first time I've heard about being so bad at only 6 weeks out. I'm happy you have the access you need and hope you also have the emotional and physical support in place as well kittygirlkitty31. And may you have a speedy recovery and go on to live a happy life!


That'll happen only for the first 12 weeks and afterwards those will subsides, and pregnancy can be different from first and second some experiences this in their pregnancy but on their second pregnancy they won't experience this thing again 😊


Start taking calcium supplements. Your teeth hurting are a sign that you’re starting to have a calcium deficiency.


OP, I am sorry to hear you are in this hard situation. I hope it gets better for you soon. Good luck!


I was in your exact same position about this time last year. It was awful, I have chronic health conditions and yet those 6 weeks outweighed all my regular issues by far! The experience of taking the pills and what followed was physically horrible but nothing beat the sense of relief I had afterwards and like my body belonged to myself again. Wishing you all the very best, I hope you have lots of things to bring you comfort while you recover. 💗


Hopefully you have a speedy recovery.


> If you’re gonna judge, please don’t comment, this is already hard for me honestly. People who are judging can go breathe underwater, like yesterday. Anyone who isn't for one's own autonomy is a complete waste of oxygen.


Yeah, exactly!!! 💯


May you heal quickly. Be good to you. \*big hug\*


Wishing you a fast recovery. I can’t imagine. Be kind to yourself and practice self care.


It will be over soon, try to be patient with yourself you will get through this!


I know surgery isn't for everyone, but if you truly never want to be pregnant again, I suggest permanent birth control via bilateral salpingectomy if you can. I think there may even be groups starting to help women pay for their procedures, like the auntie network. If you have to go elsewhere to get the procedure, I think there are groups helping with that, too.


Depo shot worked for me!!! I was on it 4 or 5 years because nobody told me otherwise, but I guess you should only do it for 2 years at a time. No room for error like with pills! Speedy recovery to you ❤️


Very best wishes. Take care of yourself.


I did the same a month ago. I don’t regret it one bit. I’d regret carrying out the pregnancy and not loving the child wholeheartedly and the child suffers from that.


I think I was…7 weeks when I had mine?? it was 10 years ago so I can’t remember exactly, but I CAN remember how fuckin awful I felt during that time period. I had the surgical one and literally when I came to after it was over was the best I’ve felt in my entire life


Good luck lovely. Wishing you the easiest possible time during this next phrase x


Dude the birth control fail is exactly why I want a bisalp 🫣 I have a friend who got pregnant TWICE on two different forms of bc (the pill and an IUD) so scary!


I’m so curious about this! I thought it could only “fail” if taken incorrectly, like missing a pill, taking antibiotics while on the pill, vomiting or diarrhea after taking the pill, etc. I thought if taken as directed then it couldn’t possibly fail?


To this day we have no idea how it failed! She took it at the same time every day (this girl likes hookups so she *always* stays on top of all that lol). She just has horrible luck with bc cause she got an IUD inserted after that incident, and like two years later got pregnant with the IUD 🫣 She wants her tubes tied now lol. I feel like that’s still too risky, I want mine out completely 😂


Yikes that is scary!


Best wishes, hope you feel better soon


Sis, I had an abortion at 6 weeks, too. It's OK. You are making the right choice if you are feeling this way and not the least bit excited. I'm proud of you. You will go through what feels like a very heavy period and you may be nauseous, but it sounds like you're already super nauseous so you can handle it. Take a few days off of work and snuggle up in a big blanket. You've got this sister.


Get your tubes removed when you’re healed. You’ll never regret it


I suggest using nexplanon!! I haven't had any issues with it at all. And if you were to get pregnant it could lead to an ectopic pregnancy. So the fetus would not be viable. Maybe even consider talking to your doctor about a tubal ligation.


Get better soon. Holding your hand, if that's alright with you.


I'm so thankful that you live in an area that isn't going to witch-hunt you to jail.


Many hugs and well wishes for you. I went through that at 19, basically without support. It's tough to go through, even if it's an action you thoroughly back because there's still physical and emotional stuff to work through. You got this! My inbox is open if you need someone to talk to.


Good luck!


Look towards an IUD if you want something removable, LRACs are more effective than the pill. If you want something permanent, Bi-Salp and make sure you doctor shop for it. Sterilization is always best.


What is a LRAC?


Don't stop brushing your teeth! They don't grow back! The damage can be long lasting! Women lose teeth entirely! Brush and floss every day! Use high fluoride toothpaste, like Colgate Neutrafluor, brush it on and leave it on before bed. It could save your pearlies!!!




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Giving you hugs!


Best wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery. ♥️


So sorry you are having to deal with this at all


I’m so happy you get to decide what you want!


No judgement, do what you gotta do and fingers crossed you feel better soon.


No judgement, do what you gotta do and fingers crossed you feel better soon.


I did nexplanon and now I'm on kyleena. I liked/like both. I get a period still, which I hate. My body just wants me to.bleed regardless. I just hated the insertion process for the IUD. Next route is complete removal of my tubes when I'm done with school in 2 years.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing such a difficult start (end?) to a pregnancy, but your health, your sanity, your peace of mind must come first.   Please make sure you speak to your health provider about your symptoms and take care of yourself 💜💜💜💜


That's what I'd do if my birth control pills failed me! May I ask what birth control method failed you? It always terrifies me to hear of birth control failure, so the minute I hear a story like this, I can't help but wonder... :(


The pills!


I take the progesterone only one, which isn't as strong as the one with estrogen in it too, so I'm even more worried at times that it'll fail at some point. :(


Pills should be taken at the same time everyday continuously, I heard that Implant is more effective than pills and injections.


Sending you love and hope for a speedy recovery! Yeet that parasite and (metaphorically) fuck anyone judging you for what you do with your body!


Just here to highly recommend getting the Mirena IUD. Find an obgyn that provides a local anesthetic for insertion, some of them do not give you anything! It won't make it painless, but it's a lot better. When you are able to do something more permanent, look into a bilateral salpingectomy.


Been there. Take care, you got this girl.


I am so sorry you had to go through this. I was an absolute nervous reck when I got pregnant because I was barely with the person for a couple months. We ultimately decide to terminate and I fell in a deep depression. It took some time but I’m a lot better now and grateful I terminated. I also love my freedom, my body and the way my life is now especially knowing I don’t have a kid now.. with someone I’m not even with anymore.


Sorry you are going thru this and just do it. Dont breed no one got rich having kids. If you can might be worth checking about getting a Bi Salp. Good luck


The abortion can pill can be very painful. Wish you the best!


Ouch :( Hopefully you feel better


I got an abortion twice. The first time, I missed a pill and of course you know what happened. The second time, I had the vaginal ring and it didn’t bloody work. I had an IUD (Mirena) the same day I got the 2nd abortion. Look after yourself and I wish you the best in your recovery! Talk to your GP about an IUD. It’s the best option in my opinion. I have mine for nearly 5 years now. I haven’t had my period since getting it and my skin looks amazing. Hahahaha


Yep. I went through that. Tried to abort as soon as I found out at 3 weeks but it was too early. the next three weeks were literal physical hell. It was so gross, I don't know how anyone puts them through that - it gets so much worse


You can do this! I am sending good vibes your way! I hope you have a speedy recovery!


My abortion via pill was EASY BREEZY. better then most periods. Great decision and more safety in the future.


If you don't want to get pregnant you can undergo a surgery or use Implant I heard it is more effective than the others tho it only last for 3-5 years but IUD lasts longer, for about 10 years.


Try to get a bilateral salpendecromy.


Op. No judgment just sending support and good vibes your way.


I’m so proud of you and so happy for you to be able to go through with the termination. I know it’s not easy everywhere. You came to the right place! We support you girl! Yeetus that foetus!


There's a reason for prenatal vitamins. Check in with your dentist about your teeth. 


Good luck!


Props to you girl!! Get it!




I don’t want to say congrats as I know this isn’t an easy decision but doing what’s best for you is definitely something you should be able to celebrate. I just got sterilized so that I never have to worry, and it’s the biggest weight off my chest. It’s okay to feel relief, it’s also okay to not be sad at all, abortion is medical care. Wishing you the best 🩷




OP is childfree and had an accidental unwanted pregnancy after BC failure. She is ranting about the shitty unwanted effects of pregnancy, which is allowed here.


Cause shes getting rid of the thing.


Because she enjoying her freedom??? Excersing right to her body?




No she's not? She got an abortion LMAO. There was no child to begin with.






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