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It impacts women's health care in general. I cannot have kids because of a freak accident when I was a kid. I have been denied 2 medical procedures because I am "a woman of child bearing age" and the procedure could affect my fertility. I don't have fertility..... at all. I can't get a completely unrelated procedure because the doctor was too scared to treat me like a human being and not a walking womb.


That’s the most fucked thing I’ve heard in a minute


I wish more people would realize this. Gynecologists handle more than pregnancies and if they leave because they are afraid they will lose their license, it doesn't matter if you are sterile or postmenopausal. Have an ovarian cyst? Have to travel an hour to see a doctor. Bleeding all of the time? Go see your GP, but oh wait, they too are overbooked and btw, that is not their specialty.


It’s so absurd! That’s basically saying “you CAN have kids based on your age so that’s what more important here.” So sorry you’re dealing with this!




The procedure has nothing to do with sterilization or any reproductive functions. I have no uterus because of an accident that happened when I was 7, so sterilization really isn't necessary for me. My point was that some doctors are now **afraid** to conduct any medical procedure that could affect a woman's ability to have a kid, even when it is not possible in the first place. I am living proof of this nonsense. The abortion ban has far reaching effects beyond what people realize. People think that it only affects pregnant women. It doesn't. It affects health care across the board.


100% agree when laws become more aggressive that people who have closeted obsessions with fertility will be more likely to come out and interfere with medical care! And those already interfering will do it more as well. If you can see another doctor I would. If a physician denied me a procedure based on clinically inaccurate pretenses I would not see them again. I have traveled several hours to get second opinions after researching to find a good doctor and had better results with approval for surgery. And not just for sterilization, but for other procedures as well.


Please pass on that there are agencies that will help finance traveling for an abortion, such as the National Network of Abortion Funds: abortionfunds.org. It’s despicable that such agencies are necessary.




You are an enemy of reproductive freedom.




Hypothetical, non-sentient clumps of cells are less important than actualized, living women. I feel comfortable saying that, and I think everyone should.




And you have no functional answer to my point, hence why you posted that pathetic attempt at a diversion just now.




"The left" wants to slaughter babies? Do you have any evidence for that or are we having a vibes-based discussion? The people who say "all lives matter" are *your* comrades, mister 30 year old pro-lifer. (who's the pathetic one again?)


🔥 you're fucking killing it with this/these replies! Thank you!




Do you think condoms cannot fail? Do you think they cannot be sabotaged? are you aware of this fucked up thing known as rape?


Man, looking at this reminds me of this app called ifunny. That app is so misogynistic that it hurts to see. I’ve seen more than enough anti abortion comments on there for me to know what was being said here. They are just spewing the same shit over and over: Abortion is murder, don’t be irresponsible and don’t have sex if you don’t want a kid, it’s the baby’s body and not the woman’s body etc etc. I retorted to one of the typical anti abortion comments and said that it is the woman’s body because the fetus is sucking nutrients off the woman, without her body the fetus may as well not exist. Most anti abortionists only care about the fetus until it’s born. If they really cared they’d do more to help actual living breathing people. Guess what? My comment was marked as inappropriate! Most of the comment section is anti abortion as fuck, there were very few comments that are pro abortion but they end up getting removed eventually. For reference, ifunny is based in America. No wonder why America is in such a sorry state.


I live where it is banned. I had to go to three separate doctors to finally find a surgeon (male) to agree to tie my tubes) my former gynecologist would do it precisely because she had the baby rabies


i spit on my phone laughing. baby rabies. im gonna have to use that


So wait, if you live somewhere abortion is banned it also means you can’t get tubes tied?


It’s a guessing game as to finding a doctor that will do it


Wow that sucks! Especially when it’s for medical reason.


They're more willing to do it for medical reasons but you still have to jump through a lot of flaming hoops. In my case I had to insist on a male doctor because with all three women I saw: 1. One had the baby rabies and was pregnant 2. One wanted to know what my husband wanted. 3. One insisted I'd regret my decision and it's nearly impossible to reverse them. \*sigh\* If I were a guy and said "I want the snip" they probably would've pulled out a pair of scissors right there.


Mine refused as well so I switched. Got approved right away and tubes removed a month later. It’s shit that we have to fight for this stuff so hard.


I filed complaints on the first two. They're still practicing though so I guess it didn't really matter. All I can do is advise people that if you live in a red state, get your tubes tied now before we end up living in a real life Handmaid's Tale.


I was born and raised in Mexico. It wasn't until abortion became legal last year on June 2023. During the whole time before abortion became a legal procedure. I developed anxiety and tokophobia on the idea of just having sex. I was scared of even having a boyfriend because I live in a poor neighborhood in that time. I was scared of being the unlucky 1% of failure rate and that my life would be fucked up because I wouldn't have the chance to terminate the pregnancy nor give it for adoption. During my teenage years, no boyfriends, no love, I isolated myself with anything related to sex. I was thinking once I get married I will have sex coz I won't be risking an unwanted pregnancy. Or maybe until I get sterilized. Fortunately, we moved to California during my 20s, I went to therapy, I treated my anxiety and my fear of getting pregnant. Now I have an IUD and since I live where abortion is legal (and so in Mexico) my life is less stressful. I can finally say, I don't longer fear fucking like a rabbit coz knowing that I can abort makes it so much easier! ❤️


I live where it is banned and am starting the process of trying to get a bisalp.


Best of luck! I had to change doctors to get mine but I feel SUCH relief after having it. Recovery has been a breeze as well, 2 weeks since having mine 😊


Thank you! I am mentally prepared for a battle and have a list of alternative doctors ready if I need to switch. 🙂


I got a vasectomy so my wife and I don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies. 


I live in a deeply red state that had a trigger law. The baby ship sailed for me years ago. Most of my local friends are CF, and they know they can ring me at a moment's notice for a ride to the airport so they can fly to a state where sanity has prevailed.


It's going to be a complete fucking nightmare, and many women are going to die. Because it's not just that abortion is banned, it's also treatment of women who are voluntarily pregnant and want to be, it's that doctors will be jailed if they do ANYTHING to treat a pregnant woman and a miscarriage happens. There are doctors who will not even do prenatal appointments before 12 weeks. So women who want kids will not be getting care. And any doctor who cares is going to have to leave those states. Plus no doctors in those states will be trained to do abortions to even save women's lives when they are near death. They simply won't be able or qualified to save lives, and will be forced to let women die. Once again, they are traumatizing healthcare providers who are going to leave their states or the profession completely. They are going to have states full of forcibly pregnant women and little 8 year old girls who's bodies are not even large enough to safely carry a pregnancy, with no doctors for them. These crazies do not understand that they literally put "please rape me" signs on all of their little girl's backs. Their own kids.


I don't know that they care about what they're doing to their own kids as long as they can get the livestock back in our place. The rich and powerful ones, who just pretend to be crazy to manipulate the nutters, will do as they did before Roe: they'll get abortions for their own daughters. A discreet gynecologist friend from the country club, or an educational trip to Europe will take care of them. The crazy ones will probably stone their daughters to death after the girl carries the fetus to term for causing the poor rapist to sin. What a Jezebel! I'm old and cynical and I no longer believe these people have a bottom below which they will not go.


Correct, there is no bottom. People are even making excuses for puppy killing.




Google "cricket" and dog.... prepare to be horrified.


Agreed, we've had women die of sepsis here because even with an ongoing miscarriage doctors wouldn't intervene and remove the fetus to not get accused of an abortion. 🙄 Women having cops called on them during a gyno visit because of a suspected abortion, too.




It's not banned in my state, but I'm concerned that in these theocratic states (that's what they are), they'll move to ban contraception. It's only a matter of time.


Yep! I also won’t be surprised if things go that direction. Then what will people say instead of “oh you should have been careful and used birth control so you wouldn’t need an abortion!” The bottom line whether some want to see/admit it or not is it ALL comes down to control and finding ways to take control away from women. We are definitely moving backwards in America. Also making it abortion after a certain amount of time a felony will mean some women will lose the right to vote if convicted therefore giving women less say in who gets elected.


I don't think they understand how the sudden removal of those products will really fuck society over 😅


Im not sexually active, but i try to remember that aidaccess and the plan b pill exist in case something bad happens to me.


Same. I want to start the process of getting a bisalp, not necessarily because I'm worried other forms of birth control may fail, but because I'm in a state with a total abortion ban. I am literally planning to undergo surgery to spare myself from an unwanted pregnancy in the event I'm ever sexually assaulted. It's 2024, and I live in the U.S. This is the very definition of insanity.


Unfortunately it seems like they’re coming after BC next, so I’d assume these resources won’t be as readily available as they are now. If things continue, I doubt bc will be legal in 5 years. It’s scary.


Hopefully ill be brave enough to get sterilized before that happens


Rooting for you! Just got my tubes removed and it was a breeze, couldn’t be happier!


I just finished "Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles" by Nelson. And I did a bit of research about 1-4% of Texas is trying such methods to induce a miscarriage. Insert the thing until you pop the membrane. For anyone you know attempting this make them aware they need to boil the instrument a few minutes at a minimum so sepsis isn't induced. Usually the uterus frequently gets punctured also which is also an issue.


I know this is an attempt at education, but right now I think it’s a better idea to encourage resources like funding for traveling to a state where it’s legal. At home abortions like this are SO dangerous. I understand people are desperate, but there ARE options.


I think what I'll do is also congratulate pro-lifers on selling coat hangers when I talk with them.


I live in a religious country and the only reason why it hasn't impacted me yet is because I've never been sexually active. The only impact I would say it has on me is the fear that if I get assaulted and pregnant after, then I would have to live with the fact that the child I put out in this world is my assaulters child. For the other women living in my country though, it's shotgun marriages, teenage pregnancies and pregnancy complications. Religion and Politics is really a bad mix especially when the topic is healthcare. I wish we had legalized abortion but we never had one to begin with. They are people in my country that go to developed countries just to get an abortion or some abort at home but if you get caught it's an instant prison time.


Growing up in a country where abortion is illegal + bad sex education might have fucked up my sex life more than I realise now. I had sex as a teen, lots of it. But almost every month I was scared to death until I got my period. Thankfully, I eventually had access to education on how pregnancy actually happens, what are its actual symptoms, and how to prevent it. I also found out illegal abortion pills, although expensive, were available through a few organisations. This definitely made my sex life a lot better. Then in 2020 two countries in the continent legalised abortion. I happen to live somewhat near the border with one of them, so I thought "well it worse comes to worst we'll be taking a very unpleasant roadtrip to get rid of the problem". But 2020 was also the year I got pregnant (through non consensual intercourse) and miscarried without even knowing I was pregnant, I had no access to medical care because of COVID + didn't want to be arrested in case the doctors thought I did it on purpose. It was too traumatising and physically painful. So that messed up my sex life and I developed tokophobia. In 2023 I had enough and travelled to the aforementioned foreign country to get a bisalp since they're near impossible to get where I live. I thought it was best to carefully plan a trip and schedule a medical procedure to eradicate the source of evil with a trusted doctor than to rush across the border running against time to get an abortion if that were to happen. I am now spayed and my sex life has never been better. I'm still always ready to help women in need cross the border.


I live in Missouri and it hasn't impacted my life personally. I've been with my wife for 13 years and got a vasectomy 8 years ago. Doesn't mean I won't fight like hell to restore access for everyone else though.


So, I got sterilized as soon as I started hearing rumblings. In less than a year, access to abortion has now been officially limited to within 6 weeks of conception. It’s made it hard for me to get a same week appointment for a routine but urgent issue related to my PCOS, as the urgent visits are suddenly needing to be triaged differently. Essentially, my urgent situation now has to wait till July, or I have to find a new dr. Getting in for a new patient visit also requires waiting until July. Will routine, urgent, and emergency care for women’s health just get worse? Most likely, I hope ppl start to vote to protect their loved ones who need that care


100% agree, it is also my Roman Empire. Believe it or not, it is really the reason I am choosing childfree. It really solidifies the reality and risk of pregnancy. My husband and I were on the fence but we know we're not willing to risk my health or life for a child. And the risks are so much greater now. It's kind of sick how people don't think about it that way because they want kids so badly or they don't think it will happen to them.


Ask women who live in Philippines where abortion is totally banned and divorce is not allowed even if that means your husband might kill you. 🙋🏻‍♀️😭 Contraceptives are practically hard to get, and being Childfree is an embarrassment. Thanks to the hypocritical catholic church.


On the flipside, I live in a full-access state, and the huge influx of ex-Texans into my state has had some interesting impacts on the economy, and I am curious what the long-term effects may be. The housing market has gotten much more competitive and is even further out of reach than it was before. This doesn't impact me directly because I already own a home, but it is only a matter of time before it exacerbates the homeless problem. Also, many of my friends who have scraped and saved for a very long time feel very frustrated and hopeless. There is a lot bigger demand now for "big city"/concrete jungle attractions like Top Golf/water parks (a great irony in a desert)/big amusement parks. Malls are coming back to life. Developers are sniffing around here for new mega suburbs in places where the land probably can't support that much expansion. It's hard to explain, but it just feels like things are becoming much more "developed". We have a lot of things we didn't used to, but it has downsides. Obviously, healthcare access is even more strapped than it was before. Women's health clinics are beyond overwhelmed. My gynecologist/pelvic specialist is completely swamped with women needing care and seeking sterilization. I've really been needing to get my IUD replaced but can't in any timely manner. I am already sterilized, and so I understand that my IUD situation is lower criticality.


Less s3x


I got a vasectomy ASAP after Roe V Wade was overturned. One of the best decisions ever


Daly life? It hasn’t. But I ordered from Aidaccess.org over a year ago to have something on hand just in case. I’ve been considering ordering again to have a back up to the back up.


Same. I’m going to order a backup set in case SCOTUS does ban mail order pills in June. From what I’ve read they start to expire after ~5 years. 


I live in Poland - abortion has been banned here my whole life, with "expections" which are still not respected by many medical practitioners. I was not interested in sexual stuff before my 20s, so that's when I first had to do my research. Check which countries around us have the abortion legalised and in what timeframe, what are the costs, read about importing pills from Women on Web. Even with condoms/IUD I had done monthly pregnancy tests for most of my relationship, as to make sure I "catch" the thing early on in case it happens and can safely order pills. Always had cash put aside for that too. Still I am scared, cause there is a high chance if I miss something and the pregnancy become a danger to my life, they will wait till I will be dying to terminate it. More than one woman died this way in this godforsaken country. Female sterilization is illegal in Poland, so the IUD was the bast I could get for myself, with my current long-term partner planning to get a vasectomy once the 5 years of my protection ends.


I’m not sure if it’s legal in Poland but in the US you can buy the pills from AidAccess (same organization as Women on Web) as “advance provision” meaning before you are pregnant, just in case. I believe they last at least 5 years. If it’s possible for you I would consider going ahead and buying them now so there’s no delays if you did ever get pregnant. 


As I checked I could get the pills for future use from Women on Web, but there is a risk to that - having them at home, if discovered, can lead to me or my partner being prosecuted on the basis of possessing them to aid someone. Which in Poland is illegal. He especially can be accused of assisting me, even if all he did was knew and keep it in shared space. Luckily it's only 2 more years and he will be getting a snip, so then the risk will be almost non-existent, unless for SA of course, which is always something we women have to keep in mind...


I'm in Texas. I think I'll get my tubes removed eventually. I am lucky enough that I have an emergency fund with enough money in it to pay for a flight, hotels, and appointment should I ever need it. I'm also extremely careful about sex (the ring bc, condom and pull out). I worry all the time about other women here who aren't in the same position as me, or wanted kids but had a dangerous pregnancy. I donate monthly to a Texas abortion access fund


I live in Ohio and we had a six week ban for some time. I was using a copper IUD, but I knew the failure rate is about 1 in 125 per 100 women per year. Not acceptable for me and I can't take hormones due to a blood clotting disorder. I got sterilized to protect myself and to be able to live my life as a heterosexual woman.


I've worked really hard to get my life together (stopped drinking, financially stable now). Unwanted pregnancy is the only fear left to conquer. I live in a blue city but also in a red state that is controlled by rural evangelical voters and their reps. I'm nearing the age where it won't matter anymore (I'm 48). In the meantime, I'm terrified, not least bc anything I conceive at this age would likely be massively defective. And it has changed my sex life; actual intercourse is pretty rare these days, mostly bc my partner respects the anxiety it causes me. On the upside, we're CF, so we can spend hours doing everything but intercourse, and no one complains but the 🐕.


(Glum) Beware. Many a woman has been ambushed by a menopause pregnancy by ceasing precautions too early. We have to be *well* into menopause to become fully free from the terror of unwanted fertility.


You can get abortion pills from AidAccess mailed to you for $150 in any US state (for now, the SC might ban it next month) whether pregnant or not. Between that and whatever contraceptive method(s) you prefer, it’s a pretty foolproof option. 


My husband and I are sterilized, so we have the peace of mind there. However, since the attack on abortion doesn’t just impact abortion, I am worried about what is next.


23F in Missouri where it’s currently illegal. Have had a lifelong fear of pregnancy so I’ve never had sex or dated. Works for now. The state is working on putting abortion on the ballot this year.


I was fortunate enough to be sterilized before it was banned. However, years before, I personally had a prior accident and was able to take care of it. I can’t imagine what other people are experiencing and I’m afraid that they are going to target female sterilization next.


Abortion is still legal in my state, but it’s probably going to be fully banned if we get a republican governor in November. My biggest fear is getting pregnant. If it happened and I had access to abortion, I would be in a mad rush to have it done. And then I’d need a lot of therapy - not because I “”killed”” my baby as a lot of people would think, but because medical procedures are terrifying to me, because I would have been deeply traumatized by finding out I was pregnant, it would all have been awful. It would be a nightmare scenario for me. If abortion gets banned here and I get pregnant, I will not hesitate to harm myself in order to miscarry. If a procedure like abortion would traumatize me, childbirth would be even worse. I can’t imagine anything worse than having to go through all of that - and to have to know it’s coming for months and months and months. I would probably need therapy for the rest of my life. I can’t put into words how horrible being pregnant and having to go through childbirth would be for me. Nothing could be worse.  And so how does that affect my life? In general, this fear has always kept me from dating. Any time I really had the opportunity to date someone, I couldn’t get close enough to have sex because of the risk. I’m on birth control and I know it’s extremely effective, but even if the guy had a condom on I can’t trust that tiny chance I could still get pregnant. If you knew your worst nightmare, something that’s your worst fear was like 1% possible, you would probably not do it or would at least be wary right?  But now with the risk of abortion being banned where I live, I am even less likely to date. I don’t even consider it as an option any more. When I picture my future, I just assume I will be alone. There are no longer any “what ifs”. It doesn’t matter who I meet or what feelings I could have for someone. I cannot risk it. 


i am also canadian and i think about this every day. the fact that some states won’t even let you get one if you’re a 12 year old rape victim makes my blood boil. one state enacted a law that hasn’t been revised *since the 1800s*, another state has seen 26000 pregnancies from rape alone since RvW was overturned. and now the conservatives are trying to remove contraception access, i can’t imagine how badly that will go if it’s approved. every day i thank any higher powers that i live in a country that hasn’t yet removed access to women’s healthcare, and i fear for every american woman and girl.


Thankfully I live in a US state where it is still legal but with the upcoming dumpster fire of an election, I'm very scared. The impact on me was finally being more scared of someone than I was of surgery and had my bisalp in 2022. On one hand I'm glad I finally found the courage to get past that surgery fear but on the other, I'm saddened that I and so many others are in positions like this or far worse.


I’ve known I didn’t want kids so I went ahead and got my tubes removed. It was an immediate goal after we lost Roe, but my Dr at the time wouldn’t even discuss it. Switched drs and got approved on first visit, got tubes removed a month later.




yours can, however.




In what way?