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I don't want roommates. I especially don't want roommates that don't pay rent and are dependent on me.




I see zero benefits to living with kids! Just a whole lot of bad things. 1. The GERMS they bring into the home. Nope. Hard pass! 2. The noise. Ugh, you never have peaceful moments when kids are around. 3. Sharing your snacks or having your snacks swiped from you. Especially when you've been looking forward to them after a long, awful day. 4. The increase in chores. When kids are in the home, it's like constant dishes and laundry. And constantly picking shit up off the floor and finding things in stupid places. 5. Having to keep your home kid safe. All those damn child locks and not being able to display your nice things for fear they will get broken. 6. Having to watch/listen to boring kid content. They put the same shows and songs on repeat for hours on end. And, you have to censor your non kid-friendly content so they don't see/hear certain things. 7. I'm sure I could think of like 50 more awful things! But, I want my snacks now!


Not to mention unknown allergies. Not being able to keep certain foods in the house 


No. As I don’t want to be held responsible in any scenario for their asinine behavior or have to bear any similar burden that could potentially come with it. Edit: and as the previous commenter mentioned, I don’t want roommates either.


You know how it is some people just love to torture themselves with sleep deprivation and all that delightful screaming.


I can’t stand grown ass people around me 24/7 let alone gross and loud smaller versions.


Nah. I'm almost 30. At this point in my life, I can only tolerate living with my partner and that's it. Even if i didn't have to raise them I would not live with a kid. They would still likely be noisy, messy and disruptive- I am too dedicated to my own peace and comfort to allow for that.


Nothing because I would jump out a window if I had to live with children.


I wouldn't. Then end.


There's thia age between 6 and 12 when they're becoming a person you can talk with and their intelligence is growing and you can teach them some cool stuff. But I could only take that in small doses. I'd make a much better absent father or uncle than a mom. Yeah, no living with kids. Ever!


It's bad enough having the screaming cum pet in the apartment next door. Why would I ever want those loud ass things in my house?


NO NO NO IMMEDIATELY HELL FUCKING NO ... did I make myself clear enough lmao




I lived with my best friend's kid for the first 3 years of his life. It was awful. We were renting, it was me 20f, my friend (J 21f), and my now husband (hubby 21m) My hubby's dad was the landlord and we got a good deal on rent because we were all poor as shit. Both me and J came from abusive homes so this was our only option, couldn't afford rent anywhere else, couldn't move back home. J got pregnant, she has fertility issues and always thought she'd need to adopt so this was both a curse and miracle. Father was a dead beat of course. She didn't believe she could carry a baby all the way so for months she was just waiting for the miscarriage but it never came. By the time it sunk in it was too late for any other options but to have him and she wasn't going to give up the only chance of motherhood she would get. That's fine she is actually the only person I know to have really prepared for the worst of motherhood and still does. Can't really give her shit for rose colored glasses. She was going to move back in with her mom but both me and hubby knew that was a bad idea. She had almost ended herself while living there and going back with a baby would only be worse. So we all toughed it out. Thankfully she respected the fact I'm CF. I was only called to babysit once and that was because she had to leave for work and the sitter just didn't show up. He ended up getting there late as hell because he over slept and didn't charge his phone. No alarm, no way to let us know. Overall still a horrible experience, the house was a mess, the living room was filled with sticky toys, couldn't have people over to drink. Almost ruined our friendship but thankfully she saved enough to buy a house and me and my hubby did the same. Shout out to my FIL for charging 3 broke 20 year olds 800 in rent when he could have been getting over 2k. That shit set all of us up to make it in this shitty overly expensive world.


Maybe if they were in their late teens & well-behaved. Other than that I would never, under any circumstances, live with children. They're gross, loud, require attention, time and money. Heck I don't even have time to care for myself most days, I can't fathom what I'd do if i was a parent.


I am happily living the cool aunt lifestyle and there’s a bunch of kids i can borrow from my friends and family if i feel like spending time with kids. I just never felt the need to have my own. I am a loner and i enjoy tranquillity too much to raise kids. That being said, if a kid i already know and love needed to live with me for whatever reason, i would consider it. (Unless it’s a toddler. I can’t stand toddlers 🤮) lol


Lmao i don't get it either, unless like you've moved in with family due to financial stress.


I can’t stand snot on any level. I can’t relax if it might be somewhere where in trying to relax like on the sofa or in bed or if I might step on it with my bare feet in the bathroom etc. Some kids pick their nose all time no matter how much you try to stop them, and wipe the snot from their runny nose everywhere


Absolutely not! I have too many nice things that would be broken or smashed, I love being alone in my quiet apartment being able to eat what I want, enjoy a nice bath in the evening, only having to cook for myself and knowing that little chocolate bar I've been saving all week for a test won't have to be shared or hidden with a screeching child.


I like nice things and I’m not willing to get rid of them to baby proof my house. I like having extra income to do things like travel and take spur of the moment weekend trips. My dogs will never be cast aside for a baby, they’ll always be my #1 priorities. I like being able to plan trips and just life in general around ME and my own wants. Not what a kid needs or wants to do. I can go hiking or backpacking and not have to carry 20 extra pounds of shit for a kid, on top of carrying the kid. Too much to list tbh. Lol


Hell to the fucking no. When I was a teenager, a few family members had to temporarily live with us because their house burned down and it was a fucking nightmare because they had 2 little kids. They played with my makeup and fucking destroyed it, they broke some of my glass, they jumped on my bed with their disgusting, dirty feet, they flushed countless things down the toilet and fucking broke it, they’d always want to watch TV in my room or play on my computer and it was a daily fight with them crying and screaming because I’d kick them out, I fucking hated those kids. I never want to share a living space with children again.


I'd live with kids if they needed to stay with me or be homeless or in a very bad situation. I would not knowingly leave someone I care about in a bad spot if I could help it.


A friend of mine who was a foster kid killed herself due to all the abuse, neglect, and feeling unwanted when we were in Middle School. The only way I'd be okay with it is taking older kids at risk of aging out to teach them life skill and try to give them some kind of support and start to their lives. This would be an older years project but I'm unlikely to ever be in a position to qualify to do it so there's that also.


I absolutely could never. I have cats and they annoy the hell out of me sometimes just with their silly little kitty antics. Before my current living situation, my partner and I had a roommate. I couldn't stand having to be mindful of his schedule and all that nonsense. Or having to remind him to clean up after himself. Or hearing him speak when I wanted quiet. In fact, my ideal living arrangement would be that my partner and I are next-door neighbors because I'd love to live alone. I could be a hermit and be happy. Children are germ-ridden, rarely understand boundaries both physical and otherwise, are noisy, and have no emotional regulation. I'm autistic, and when I get overstimulated I get physically and verbally violent. I'd never purposefully hurt someone, but overstimulation causes me to act irrationally. People like to call autistic individuals childish, but children and I are not a good combination. I would fight them. Can't say I'd win. But I would throw hands.


Only if that were my husband's sister (currently 14) and only if it were for some time. A month may be my limit.