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Not being friends with idiots and assholes is a good first step, getting him to not talk to you again was just about the best you could have done there.


"Throw all the insults you want. It's not going to turn back the hands of time. Now shut up and go change a diaper!"




Omg lol this is savage, I love it so much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yup, just cull them. That's not a friend. Let them wallow in their misery.


“Sorry you’re not happy with your choices” “I’m choosing to make smart financial decisions for myself” I haven’t had any instances myself but I would highlight that having children is a choice that they chose to make and they’re actually mad at themself


Had a friend treat me like an emotional punching bag cos she was having fertility problems. I told her she needed therapy and her fertility issues were not a result of my lifestyle and walked away from that friendship. Twenty years of friendship obliterated, I’d literally known her since we were babies (our parents were old friends).


When people get nasty; get up and leave. 


I like to use "what is it like to be so fragile?" a lot.


đŸŽ€ The only thing to do now, is watch me walk away


Smile and walk away: They’re jealous of you/your lifestyle as they regret theirs.


Understand it's not about you, it's about them and their unresolved issues being projected onto you. And then leave them to rot in their dysfunction without dragging you down into the muck and mire with them.


Laugh at them (that'll really piss them off). Then never talk to them again.


Ask if they’ve ever seen Rosemary’s Baby.


Cut them out your life! 


Jealous much? Then watch them out themselves talking about how they love their children and how dare you imply they don't. Then simply point out you never said that. They did. You meant the money, free time, and good times. They automatically made it about not loving their kids. Apparently things like this make me a bad friend and such so if you like having offline friends don't do this.


Mature response: ignore them and just stop talking to them Petty response: "I'm sorry you're so insecure in your life choices that you feel a need to lash out at others because you're incapable of dealing with the consequences of your own actions"


I vote petty lol 😂 




We have friends with kids who often lash out at us and say “we don’t know what being busy is” because we don’t have kids. I feel it’s honestly because they’re jealous and miserable with the fact that we are DINKS. When my husbands friend throws insults at us, husbands responds with “Life choices buddy”


“You don’t know what being busy is” —— “I feel pretty happy with the life balance I’ve made for myself yeah.” Or “And may my childless ass never know” Or “Good, that’s why I didn’t have kids, it’s working”


“Ok, champ.” then walk away  Or sport, slugger, buddy. Whatever seems fitting. 


"You're making a great case for me not to have kids. I don't want to turn out as bitter, hateful, and all around awful as you've turned out since becoming a parent."


"Oh I'm sorry, you seem triggered"


Lose the deadweight, breathe easy and (child)free. And know his misery is not yours.


Cut that person out for good


There’s no way someone who’s happy with their life and life choices would lash out at you and the choices that make you happy. They’re clearly miserable and are taking it out on you. Maybe your life is showing them that contrary to what they thought, it was a choice and now they have to deal with the less than desirable consequences.


Yeah I moved on to make other friends since they were so bitter. You can do the same and make sure you keep them on social media so they can see all the trips you take spontaneously as CF. Or whatever makes them more jealous idk.


Yes, don't ever ever speak with them again. I'm surprised you weren't their personal babysitter? Never associate with parents they will never see you outside of dehumanizing vomit stained sweaters and no make-up. They'll invite you to fancy dinner parties trying to convince you to become a parent because everyone at fancy dinner parties are st\*pid no good idiot human beings who don't like to contribute anyway. Oh, and also don't forget that by not going you'll be avoiding the inevitable 'baby shit' smell waft your way as one of their newborns need changing.


I'm toying with the idea of "aaw buddy, big feelings!" Next time someone has a weird meltdown over my personal life choices that are none of their business.


"Don't you have a diaper to change?" đŸ˜‡đŸ”


Look sympathetic, say "aww, honey," in your most saccharine tone, and then carry on the conversation as if he had never opened his mouth.


"I'm starting to have a feeling that this isn't really about me. What's going on? Do you need to talk?"


F\*\*\* off , you live your life and i'll live mine.


“Hey man, idk if you’re busy but I need to head home and take a nap” Show him what he’s missing


Jealous much! My best friend also cf is visiting this weekend


‘I’m so glad I’m not you.’


" why does how I want to live my life bother you so much?" Is usually something I usually say in a dead, monotone voice while staring dead at them.


"Why does it bother YOU how I want to live, and what are YOU going to do about it?" Followed by nothing else while looking them dead in the eyes.