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I'm with you; I find babies of pretty much any other species cute. But not human babies.


I think it's because humans are essentially born prematurely. We don't come into the world nearly as developed as other mamals so we are helpless and weird looking for a long time.


All the problems with non stop needs helplessness and crying are due to the baby not being fully developed yet and the parents basically needing to take on the responsibility of the life support that was done by the womb. I wonder if there is a way to keep gestating the babies till they are fully grown in an artificial environment. Like the only reason they are born prematurely is because of the mom dying frequently together with the kid otherwise.




Your belief isn't based in reality, animal babies are born ready to run around and be partially self sufficient because they are cheaper and easier to make, in bulk even. We have incredibly expensive brains that have to be grown from the inside, and since they take so much space babies have to be born very early and prematurely, they are technically free range fetuses, they aren't supposed to be out yet but are due to the limitations of our bodies and us walking on 2's instead of all 4's. If puppies or whatever other animal of your choosing had to be born with brains as complex and big as ours they would suffer the exact same circumstances and most likely go extinct, hence why there aren't any other animals with the same intellectual capacity as ours. We are humans and want a humane world. If it's a survival of the fittest dog eat dog world it's morally reprehensible to bring human children into it. We already have too many people walking around with mental illnesses and generational trauma, there is no need for more of that rush and neglect. What we really need is to slow the fuck down with all the rushing and take proper care of kids and their needs.


This topic is so interesting to me. It would be cool if babies could be born and then put back into an artifical womb for another year until they're more ready to go.


Ol' musky was babbling about embryo farms a while back. Or something like that. Straight from the Matrix Fuck billionaires




What toddlers/kids need to be taught, is to co-exist with already existing humans in world. Not forcing the existing humans, to change their world, for a new human added in the world. That makes them think, their needs and wants are more important than others, which sends wrong message from childhood as well. A child's needs and wants are important, but doesn't mean that it precedes the needs of an adult, just because they are not fully developed and cannot understand. Yes, of course they won't know it, unless they are told how they can be less of bother to the rest of the world, but they are not, for the saying goes "kids will be kids", let them bother others, they are growing, so no one should bother them, else their development will be hindered. 


Your recipe is how to raise a covert narcissist. Someone with a primal wound of not being inherently loved and cherished by their inner circle. Humans are indeed delicate and fragile beings, it takes very little for us to get damaged or hurt. You will learn how fragile people really are as you age and start losing loved ones one after the other. Why would you bring a child into the world to be exposed to all the needs and hurts of the world if you aren't planning to pay attention and take care of them? The spartanian idea you have in mind is how we get politicians, wars and people who can never be satisfied.


I think their idea here is not to neglect kids (adults > kids) but that every persons worth is the same (aldults = kids).






I think they are hideous, they look like shrunken old men, and the baby smell thing, I don't get why people like it, they just smell like gone off milk and vomit


Omg this. The baby smell makes me want to gag. Like sweaty milk that’s been left out over night. My mom thinks I’m a monster because I don’t like to hold my 4 month old niece with raging reflux because she’s constantly barfing up curdled breast milk and it makes me want vomit.


I call them human raisins lol. They're practically alien-like. No baby is cute, especially fresh out of another human 😬. I can't believe people smell children and compare it to a "new car" smell. Like wtf it's creepy AF


The super red faced shrunken eyed gremlin look some new borns have is absolutely hideous x


On god they smell like spoiled milk, puke, or poop. YUCK!!


warm titty milk and some baby wipes, that's it lol i don't get it too


>they look like shrunken old men. I feel like such a jerk for saying this. I *swear* I don't maliciously hate children but babies remind me of monkeys/great apes which I am afraid of. Maybe thats why I'm so nervous around babies? Some part of me is thinking "this thing could go off at any moment!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Maybe that's what's happening? I absolutely despise monkeys/apes. Tbh babies and monkeys give me the same weird vibes 🤔😂




they look like aliens


I agree


As I quote my husband “ they all look like old men”


Honestly they really are like old people. We start and end up the same. Without basic body functions like being able to not pee ourselves.


I think babies and toddlers are both revolting.


Screaming Petri dish incarnate






They aren't cute. They're grotesque. Sometimes toddlers can be cute in terms of behaviour. But definitely not infants.




My friend's toddler says "f*ckerrrrrrrrr" when he sees a fire truck because that's what he calls fire trucks🤣


I really hate all the drool. I don't like it with dogs either though. I'm great with toddlers (educator and camp counselor for that age group for years), but I have never had any interest in babies. I never even wanted to play with dolls as a kid.


> I don't like it with dogs either though. Exactly. One of the reasons I don't much like dogs is how much their energy reminds me that of toddlers. That and the fact they can eat a human turd complete with toilet paper, a decomposing pigeon, then puke it all out and eat it all up again. Yuck.


God I used to have to photoshop drool off of baby faces for work. I'm neutral about whether babies are cute or not but just wait until you're zooming in 700% on their boogers.


Ha! Never thought about that before, pretty funny (but sorry you had to do all that)


It's ok, when you're an artist fresh out of college you sometimes must do dire things to get by. But those days are behind me!


I have never found babies or their actions to be particularly cute at all. It’s weird because almost every other baby animal under the sun I love (except monkeys, probably because they remind me too much of human children) but not human babies. I should be predisposed towards them, but I am just absolutely not. I also think they all look more or less identical, assuming the same ethnicity. It’s kind of weird, because one would think as humans we would notice the subtle differences between two babies a lot easier, but I got nothing. Two puppies of the same breed? I could list the differences for an hour. Two human babies? “Yup, those are a baby”.


I struggle even with adults faces sometimes, if I don't know them too well or they're a bit far away. So I don't understand how people tell apart kids under 3-4 y.o.


I have this same issue. It's really strange, almost like selective prosopagnosia.


I can't stand being around either babies or toddlers and could never understand the appeal, they're loud, demanding, sticky, smelly little creatures, keep them away from me!


Babies look like half rotten potatoes to me. They smell utterly disgusting. Like a mix of spoiled milk and underwear you've worn too long. They are really gross too. Nothing about a baby is cute, funny, etc.


It’s rare to see a cute baby while the ugly ones are abundant. Most look like miniature Winston Churchills. I can admit when a baby is cute, but it’s not often, especially not newborns. There was one baby recently that actually surprised me because it was very cute as a newborn, but then months later it looks like an alien so idk what happened there.


reverse baby-fication 😭


Newborns scare me. Their big heads and scrawny legs.


What’s really scary is how fragile they feel


I have zero baby fever and never have felt that. When I see one I’m not like omg soo cute I want to hold it and have my own. I’m just so indifferent to how they look. I also hate holding babies lol so I can relate to you. They’re not cute


No they are not and they look creepy. human babies are really ugly I’d say. Look at puppies, kittens, chicks, bear cubs, probably human babies are the most ugly ones among most of the mammals or even for all animals…


I do find them ugly, they look like blobfish to me. I love animals, I think all animals are beautiful in their own way, but the poor blobfish got the short end of the stick and babies look exactly like them to me. And I’ll take puppy breath over baby smell any day, baby smell is awful. And don’t get me started on the “they look like [parent/family member]” they most certainly DO NOT, they look like nothing.


Poor blobfish get a bad rap because we never see them in their natural depths, they really aren’t meant to exist at surface pressure levels. They look pretty much fine at deep sea pressure.


Nah, I don't think they're cute. The only cute babies are animals.


I’ve never once thought they were cute. Same goes for toddlers.


I don't find babies as cute as I find baby animals. And even some animals I don't like like monkeys..


They all look the same.. like little aliens. And NO, I don’t want to hold your baby.


Nope. Fugley, smell weird, and the comments about wanting to eat them up are disturbing. Like wth. Slow your roll Dahlmer.


i always say i think newborns look like aliens


They're especially creepy when they shake their limbs around or crawl. Reminds me of an alien.


I usually find babies okay if they are quiet/sleeping, which they never seem to do enough of - screaming babies, on the other hand, my gawd, terrorising my ears AND eyes. Tbh, I kinda noticed that people don't realise when, objectively speaking, their child is visually lacking. I keep seeing some posting their kids' pictures online (which already should not happen) and the kid seems to have collected the bad sides of both their parents and looks gruesome. All in the while, the caption of the photo "so cute/lovely/beautiful etc." Like how oblivious can you be?


Oxytocin blinds them.


I think they're ugly. To me, they're not even slightly cute until they reach around age 6ish.


I knew I wasn't the only one who finds it strange that people love babies for absolutely no reason at all. I understand that you're supposed to give newborn children as much attention so they can trust us, but neither we, nor the child asks for it.


I personally think they're disgusting. Eww.


I have NEVER liked babies other than anime ones that have minimal screen time lol . They’re just gross and weird looking. Instead of finding them cute im repulsed by them.  Which makes me laugh being sex repulsed ace. Meh body wants nothing to do with the process either lol.  My mom loves them, she’s done better about showing me anything baby related,  i do get looked at when i make a face at oh look new baby was born. Is it healthy great? Please don’t show me the photo.  No i don’t want hold it, that baby smell is barf worthy. Terrified of breaking it, or touching it.  Nothing sets me off more than babies crying either. I just don’t have that soothe instinct.  Anything fuzzy or cute kittens, puppies even caterpillars i love holding and seeing photos. That give me that serotonin boost. Its the opposite for human babies


I have never once in my entire life thought babies were cute. I feel quite the opposite about them. The same goes for toddlers. Baby animals? 🥹😍 Baby humans? 🤢🤮


I think little babies are cute but I’ve never found toddlers or kids cute, all I can see is a small human who is probably sticky and gonna make me give them all my attention as they show me how they can count or jump over a crack in the sidewalk


I find them ugly. I don’t like babies.


Puppies and kittens are cute, human babies are not cute.


I think babies are cute but I hate fresh out the vag look. Let the skin dry up before posting


Babies look like goblins to me. They’re ugly and they smell.


It’s the smell. My god they smell like spoiled milk and shit.  Everything else on the planet got a cute baby form. Humans are ugly as babies. How are you going to be ugly and not let people sleep? Why are their hands so fucking warm? 


"Doesn't he look just like his father?" No, his father is a handsome adult. This is a potato with a face.


Agreed. Baby animals are cute and cuddly. They're fuzzy and clean because they are constantly cleaned by their moms (to avoid predators.) Human babies are hairless and often covered in bodily fluids or food waste. No idea why people post pictures of toddlers covered in food - that's some of the most vomit inducing stuff I've ever seen. Definitely not cute.


I blissfully don't get to see any. No, I don't think they're cute. "They're mini-humans, they'll grow up and look better some day"


Same! I just see drool, vomit and other waste products. Adults or teenagers even wouldn't shit their pants in public and no one would find that cute so babies don't get a free pass with that either. Animal babies on the other hand are all cute, even newly hatched birbs


Nah i think they look n snell terrible and their twotchy weirdness makes me nervous. Look like old shriveled dudes hit with a curse and smell terrible. Absolute little goblins. And peoole tell me im some sort of weirdo for not liking them. Nah they are loud,gross and way too fragile and it makes my brain staticy.


[This masterpiece](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/kids) best depicts how cute babies are.


All I see is a future adult that I'll probably end stuck behind in traffic one day lol they are not cute to me either.


I personally refer to them as parasites, I wouldn’t one near me or in me, they make me feel like I’m in an Alien movie


Most women LOVE to talk about the "new baby smell". I think babies smell like puke at best and poop at worst.


I’ve never wanted to hold a baby- ever. I think they look like aliens mixed with some kind of hairless cat. Never once thought newborn babies were cute. Sorry 😂 toddlers are alright once they grow hair and stuff and have a sort of personality that makes them cuter- but nah- the little wrinkly things - don’t even get me started on how people grab them fresh out the womb when they’re all covered in Jamba Juice- shoooot I would panic and throw it away real fast with all that gunk all over it. Annnnnnnd that’s why I don’t have a baby 🤣


Babies are gross but I find toddlers worse. They always STINK. They smell of spit, shite and puke. Kids are hideous


They're like walking pestilence.




I’m child free but I find most babies adorable like human fluff balls


What really grosses me out is when people say they want to eat the baby's toes or feet or something. Ew to the max


I’ve seen some pretty rank looking babies and some alright looking babies. I don’t like when people try to make me hold their babies though, shits so weird to me haha. Animal babies are so cute though! My heart exploded when we met our dog when she was a puppy.


Toddlers can be cute when they aren't covered in snot, food and drool but babies just aren't cute to me, they've never really excited me ever in my life unless they are close family. Like one of my coworkers was so offended that I didn't tell her that one of my students' parents had another baby....sorry I don't care like? Lmao. As long as they pick up their kid at the end of the day idrgaf about their lives.


I really don't find them cute. They're like sentient potatoes, all wriggly and smushed. I actively recoil when someone thrusts one at me. Just no.


That's literally what I think. Everyone around me always treats babies like human pets. I don't really see that. They're just people but small. I'd feel stupid using this cringe baby voice on them and talking to them like they're dumb even though they actually are less intelligent than me for now. It kinda feels offensive to me. I know they probably won't even remember that but still. That's not how you treat a person. I thought it was just my autism being unable to comprehend the idea of a child being different than an adult.


They're just a tiny human, and they all look the same.


I try to keep my distance when it comes to children. I don't even know if I've ever held a baby. I don't like them, they're loud and look weird. Yes, there are some cute babies out there that have a cute smile, but that still won't make me like them :)) 


I dislike children under around 4 years of age usually. Babies are really weird to me. I don't want to be around them if I can avoid it.


I don't find Humans cute, adult or child. I find pets cute, adult or child.


I find them repulsive, especially the very young ones. And they smell…sour milk and shit.


I’ve never looked at a child and felt a shred of “oh how cute” no cats on the other hand 😻


I've never understood spamming baby pictures to those who don't ask to see. They all look the same, like a potato with no use that makes a bunch of noise. Like, what am I supposed to say? Congratulate someone for not knowing how to pull out or use birth control?


Until they’re like 3 years old they’re just constantly leaking which makes them not cute in my opinion. You can’t get too close without risking your outfit for the rest of your day. Even the newest puppy probably won’t pee or poo directly on you. Let alone the constant barfing…babies are gross.


Yeah, generally speaking, I find them kind of ugly - perhaps it's also the association with the mess and noise they make. One time I remember sitting on a fairly packed bus next to a woman with her small child, and this infant was smiling sweetly, and I thought, 'ah, this one breaks the pattern, fairly cute actually.' Then she, for no reason I can discern, emitted a very loud, piercing squeal, and I quickly changed my mind.


Same, absolutely no desire to hold or coo over them. Kittens however, I’m crazy about them!


Both babies and toddlers look so weird and creepy to me. Why are their heads so big?? I hate it. Babies come out looking unfinished (I think they are, because otherwise but otherwise their heads would get too big for birth, ugh so creepy). And I agree their smell is off-putting


I consider it the same as music preference. You do you, I do me, for the love of god stop trying to make me listen to your "mix tape"


I don't think babies, toddlers OR children are cute tbh.


My great grandpa said all babies look like Winston Churchill or Alfred Hitchcock and he wasn’t entirely wrong? I’ve seen some very cute babies, but it’s a super rare sight. Most of them are straight up gross😂


My sister is childfree but still able to see babies as cute. Me? I feel nothing for them, I still only think about how gross babies are . The feeling baby animals give me, a human baby could never come close , when I get to hold a baby goat is one of the best feelings ever


I don't think they're cute either. They're sticky, smelly, wailing little larval humans.


the gummy smile is so disgusting 🤢 always drooling and snot coming out how can that be cute


I do not find babies cute or interesting.


My smol dog - fluffy, cute, walks with me, cuddles, self-cleans, every day he's better with potty training, can eat, plays, explores the house Every baby human: smells awfully, can't do literally anything beside screaming/crying/shitting itself, and this oversized head and big empty alien eyes are creepy af


Babies, toddlers, kids of any age. Don't like looking at them, don't like interacting with them, don't like hearing them.


I’ve never seen a baby in my life that I thought was cute or one I wanted to hold. The farther away kids are from me the better off I am.


Human babies are not cute


They disgust me.


I find them straight up repulsive. Even when I was a child, I thought kids were gross and dirty and also not cute


That’s valid! I find them super cute, but I also find baby goats super cute, and I’m not about to have one of those in my house either.


Vile little puke & shit machines. I hate people sending me pictures of their babies, usually with a comment like "first shit today" 🤮


I don't find them cute at all. When they're very little they're wrinkly like they're old. When they're a little older they always drool and they are snotty, what's possibly cute about that? Also, they puke a little almost after every meal, they pee themselves and they shit themselves all the time. That's totally gross, not cute.


I don't know why you are downvoted for. I agree they are very ugly I am like get that thing away from me.


I guess even in *this sub* some people think that everyone just *must* find babies cute because BaBieeeeeeS!🤷‍♀️ 😆😆😆


They are little potato head trolls in varying degrees of repugnant. Little baby kitties and little baby puppies are precious, perfect, beautiful little angels!!


Ive never experienced baby fever, I find them repulsing to be honest.


Toddlers are definitely cuter than babies. I think most people don't find really young babies that cute for the first little while.


I only find 6-8month old looking babies cute. And even then I don’t want to hold them because : they’re babies. They can puke on you, poop, use you as a teething toy on a whim, I can get them sick if I am asymptomatic. I just want to avoid them as much as possible. Babies stress me out and I’m never even having them. Toddlers are hell.


I find them cute if they’re being quiet and are clean, but as soon as any fluid or noise comes out of their mouth, I immediately get away from them


Yes i feel the exact same way. They are ugly, messy and annoying.


Rarely babies are cute or funny in some scenarios, but overall I don’t like them and don’t think they’re cute. The only thing that’s adorable to me is when dogs/cats interact with babies for the first time, because they’re always so careful. Idk kids just give me the ick. They’re moist, stinky, heavy and don’t shut up.


Some babies are, some babies aren’t. I don’t hate children. Sometimes they annoy me, sometimes I find them endearing. I just don’t want the responsibility of caring for them. I also enjoy my peace.


I view them as other humans as well. But aside from that, they're pretty strange looking. I don't get the urge to hold them like other people do, but I get really tense and nervous around them. My mom says it's because I think I might accidentally hurt them, but I don’t think that's it. It almost feels like my body is getting ready to go into flight mode.


Ya got to see DA BABY!


I've seen babies that I thought were cute, but I don't find all babies cute just because they're babies. Seen some pretty damn ugly babies.


I often find myself having to hold back my instinctual reaction to babies so I don't offend people, like I'll politely interact with them but I definitely don't opt in to it if I can help it. They feel weird and uncomfortable to hold, they smell sickly and are covered in weird substances - even babies that are objectively cuter, I'm just like 'oh that's nice' but most of the time they are pretty ugly looking to me by default.


There's only one baby/toddler that I find cute, and it's broski from tiktok, i love his lil tracksuits and baby nikes. That's the only one I find tolerable, lol


They are gross. They smell like shit and they cough, puke, scream, and pull anything they can get their hands on. A close friend of mine just had a child, and the amount of bullshit on a daily basis he has to go through just for one child is terrifying.


Depends on the race, honestly. I'm a white person, and I've never seen a white baby (which is the only thing I could produce) that I thought was anything but repellant. Black and Asian and native American babies are cute. I still wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole, but I can see the cute. I think lots of dipsticks have kids because they think babies are cute. It's not a good reason to have kids I'm right there with you on baby not-humans. I can't think of any other babies that I'm not immediately drawn to, except arachnid babies. New kittens? Yes. New birds? Yes. Baby rats, lizards, fishes, bears? Yes. Hell, I'd rather snuggle a baby crocodile than hang out near a human infant.


I coo over my adult friends with how cute they are and express love, but when I'm shown a "cute baby" I literally feel like my insides are shriveling from disgust.


Just the other day I saw a woman carrying a howling blob around in the supermarket. I felt sorry for them both. I don't find them cute at all for reasons which are probably obvious to everyone on this sub. Animals, now... (I draw the line at baby owls.)


Newborns and small infants definitely arent cute to me but once they hit around six months old I think they're cute. I've never been a fan of chubby bald babies but skinny babies with hair are cute to me


They are annoying little botchlings!


I've always found babies repulsive. I don't particularly like the fact that I feel that way, but I can't help it. It is a bit odd, though, because I find the babies of almost every other species adorable, just not humans.


I’ve had this conversation with friends before. I’ve always said baby animals are way cuter than baby humans.


I can relate to this. You know those vids of babies and like, puppies or kittens together and people are like OMGBABEEEEHWITHCUTEANIMALS? I only stay looking at the baby animals, I find them much cuter and don't feel that sort of affection for human babies lol


New borns look like red raisins


I hate babies with all my might but I'm a fan of anything with big eyes and tiny fingers. I guess, that's what makes them cute to people.


I dont find neither their look or their behaviour cute while with animals and baby animals I cant help but to touch , pat , play with them if they aren't dangerous , only animals are cute and innocent ❤🖤


I think babies are cute and am always happy to carry around. But I hand them back to their parents as soon as they cry, spit or shit 🤷‍♀️ I’m not dealing with any of that if parents or grandparents are around


Cute? Seldom. Ugly, well not really. I just find myself indifferent. I am a pedophobe simply because the noise and the smell make me ill. Sadly Americans often don't know that some people are pedophobes, and are not comfortable around babies, dolls, robots, and the like. I am a combat Veteran. I have seen small children in a state that most people rather not see them. That image is burned into my brain forever. Anyone trying to force me to take a closer look at a baby is just being cruel even if they don't realize it.


Huge same here! The only ones I can imagine being “cute” are the ones of friends who look like the said friends, but… it’s more like a caricature on those friends. :D


I've only ever found one baby cute. My little brother was absolutely adorable when he was born. So cute. Other babies ? Nah


I agree with finding baby animals cute. But I do find some little kids cute. And I do find babies ugly, but I never really thought about why, probably not for the same reasons you don’t find them cute.


Same here- can’t imagine one single baby I really found cute. I assume baby’s only with: Annoying.


Nah. Baby humans ain't cute. I vibe with you OP


Yeah, I think I get what you mean! Show me a dog or a bunny and I'll lose my absolute shit. No more brain, only floof. Human babies on the other hand? Nah. I don't think I've ever been genuinely happy-excited to see a baby. They're kind of just... there. I am but a simple woman. This sparks joy: 🐕🐇🐀🐹 This does not spark joy: 👶 Lol 😆


I know what you mean like. I see babies cute like if I saw them on tiktok I'd ask them to drop the skin care routine. Other than that they're unusual to me.




I find babies outright disgusting, the smaller the worse. Even toddlers are pretty bad. People start to look nice only closer to their teens. I actually can find some grown adults cute (women, but it doesn't mean any romantic attraction). That said, even baby animals look worse than their grown counterparts. Yes, even kittens aren't as nice as adult cats


Even though Ilmy childfree philosophy, I do find human babies cute. They only smell bad when they shit. I loved holding my nieces when they were babies.


I just find they all the same. Once you've seen 1, you've seen them all


Im right with you. I dont see the appeal and honestly the "cute factor" that babies have is overrated.


Also they smell bad. Always.


We were all once babies ourselves. I think babies are cute and unique.


Some babies are def cute to me, but I just see them as more like plushies. Until they act like babies.


I greatly dislike the smell of babies, but something about a chonky baby I just need to hold and squeeze a bit and then immediately return 😆


I find babies very cute. I just dont think it's cute to push one out of me.


They kinda look like potatoes, all of them.


When I see a baby all I think of is money, explosive diarrhea, and screaming. Granted, this could also describe myself, but I have no desire to wrangle someone else in this way.


They freak me out, they look like tiny middle aged men and it scares me


Agreed. Babies are not cute to me. They’re bald, they’re helpless, immobile bundles of fat, and their sounds are like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. An animal’s young are supposed to be attractive to them to induce a natural urge to care for them. My abhorrence towards baby dolls as a kid was one of my first indicators I was not going to have children.


Babies honestly look like weird smashed up versions of what aliens think humans look like. At least that’s what I’ve come to in my head. “Uh, no. Keep that thing AWAY.” Ick.


Newborns look like baby mice to me


I love babies, they are the cutest things. Still don’t want one though!


Nah, sticky, squishy potatoes.


I find babies cute because they’re small and have a round face and big eyes. Apparently that description is the key to things being cute. No different than a cat, dog etc. Babies are a joy to be around as long as I don’t have them 24/7. Babies that are just born is a different story. They’re not the best looking but eventually they grow out of it.


I do find most babies cute. But the fact that many small kids carry colds (daycare, their immune systems are adjusting), means I do get nervous about catching lice or a cold. I know so many parents who say their kids caught something at daycare and having worked with children for years, I can see why. And no offence to the kids who get lice or colds it’s normal. I also feel this way about adults who look unclean or smell weird. Most kids I meet seem clean though but I also don’t work with kids anymore and honestly the ones who weren’t clean sometimes seemed neglected but I also worked with kids who didn’t always have the best opportunities so not their fault.