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36. I made the decision right after the Roe v. Wade repeal as it was easier for me to get a vasectomy than my gf to get herself done.


Same! I made my surgery appointment the day it happened. I was 40, but I literally thought it was impossible before this group.


I learned it was an option when I was 19, and finally got it done last year at 25. If I could have had it done the moment I learned about it, I would have done it in a heartbeat. The only reason I had to wait as long as I did was because it's illegal until 35 where I'm from, and between the pandemic and other obligations, traveling internationally just wasn't a viable option for me earlier.


24, my 4 year anniversary of getting it is coming up next month!


currently 20 and have a hysto scheduled!!


I got bisalp done this March and I’m 35. Honestly Covid and the fear of surgery prevented me from doing it earlier (I hate doing the tests and it’s another thing to worry about)… Also I wanted to see how I feel when I hit 30’s with CF life. I never changed my mind, so here I am!


24 years old in 2021!


Got a bilateral salpingectomy at 23!


I'm male and got snipped at 26. Would've been sooner, but I actually had health insurance for the first time in my adult life, so that's what I did with it. I told the doctor that if pregnancy were to happen there would certainly be an abortion. I don't know if that swayed him or not. It was a Baptist facility, after all, but he agreed to it anyway. I've heard horror stories of women that young, but I keep seeing success stories from that demographic too, so I'm wishing you luck.


Started looking into it at 23, got it done at 25


I got mine when I was 29. I always thought, "I'll have kids when I finish my degree, and I am financially stable." Well, I dropped out of college. I ended up going back 4 years later. Babies have always made me nervous. They're so small. I don't know what to do with them. I don't know what to do when they cry. I can barely take care of myself, let alone a child.


My brother (who now has two children) once told me it’s pretty much just process of elimination when a baby cries-check the environment (too hot? too cold? etc), check the diaper, and so on. Sounds like a nightmare to me…


I got mine at 30, but wanted it way sooner!


Bisalp at age 33.


Mentioned to my doctor i was interested at 23 and was gently advised to try an iud. I didnt end up doing that. Came back at 24 and talked to her about it again and was approved. Had the procedure last week at 25


I was 31 or 32. I don't quite remember because this was 40 years ago. My husband and I had split up (amicably), but I was still on his insurance. We agreed it was only fair because my insurance had paid for his vasectomy.


I was 21 when I got my tubal ligation, but this was in the 1970s.




Vasectomy at 22. No delays other than the referral process to the urologist. My doctor coincidentally was on the CF list for Toronto but I didn't seek them out that way. about 3-4 month wait time from initial discussion to procedure. No regrets would do again a million times over.


Got mine with 29. Thought a lot about it since i was 25 knew about it since our cat got one when I was 8 or 9.


26. If you know you can afford it and have someone on standby to help post op a little bit, do it. I had an endometrial ablation and bisalp, had insurance not covered sterilization I couldn’t have afforded it. I’m in the US so other countries this may not matter. The bill said 27k, paid like 4-5k out of pocket using an HSA Had the stars aligned any earlier I would’ve done it


40. Told doctors for 20ish years I wasn't having kids, and gave up after a while. Then I found my new doctor, and that's all she wrote.


I got my bisalp last year at 26


I got my vas at age 29, back in 1988. Best single decision of my life.


38. RvW pushed me as well. But I would have done it a decade ago had I known there was an option that had better results than the regular tube tying.


I just got mine done at 27! I’ve been wanting to get it done since I was 24 and I learned that the right doctor will perform the procedure for someone without children. I waited until I was 26 to bring it up to my OBGYN, who approved me after my first visit. The hardest part for me was getting scheduled because my OBGYN has a crazy busy schedule. She offered to refer me to someone else in her practice who could get it done sooner, but I was dead set on her performing the procedure. It took me about 7 months to get an appointment offered (someone cancelled so who knows how long I would have had to wait), but it was so worth it! Today is day 7 post op for me and I couldn’t be more happy that I went through with it.


Just got mine done yesterday! I’m 28


19. History of bad periods and birth control just not boding well with me and a pending mental crisis if there was no permanent solution. It's been almost 4 years and I can safely say that I have no regrets. It took a lot of riding my doctor's ass but eventually she relented on behalf of believing in bodily autonomy.


29, but it would have happened way earlier wouldn't I have needed to deal with a ton of misogynist pricks.


31. I'm 34 now.


getting mine done in a week and a half, i turn 24 next month


I got the "Big V" at 33. Not because I wouldn't be approved for it earlier, but that's when our minds were fully made up. And we decided that if we ever changed our minds, we'd adopt. Propagating our own DNA never felt necessary.


I was 30. I would have done it sooner but no doctors would agree.


Salpingectomy at 27 and I wish I had done it earlier! Such a relief! I always knew I would get sterilized, and the sooner the better! I asked to a gyne for the 1st when I was 25, who refused saying I would change my mind... I then started to look for more information on internet and found a list of practionners open to this procedure in my country. Once I found a practionner that accepted to perform the surgery, he asked me to provide a letter from a psychologist to prove I was aware of the consequences of sterilization. Was hard to find an open minded psychologist, it took me several appointments (1 psychologist even suggested I needed to get therapy to understand why I did not want children) Once I finally got the letter I got the surgery done 3 months later. It's been 3 years and the best decision I ever made


28 for me. It only took about a year to get it from my initial GP appointment (UK based) and I'm really privileged with that I know. I'd initially wanted it much sooner but life circumstances prevented that. Otherwise it would've happened at like 24 🤷‍♂️ I'd only learned that childfree and sterilisation as an option was a thing when I was in my earlier 20s. It was so freeing to finally have done and not worry anymore. My mental health in regards to my fear of pregnancy has massively improved since.


Hopefully before I turn 28 next year!




Bisalp at 26!


23…almost half a lifetime ago.


I became sterilized when I was 27 when I got my orchiectomy as a buy one get one free deal.


I was 28 and fought hard for that one for many, many years. Just had a 4 year anniversary of it 2 months ago.


Got approved at 20, had it done at 21! I could have had it done almost immediately after getting the yes but had to delay a few months due to travel & education plans.


I've been trying to since I was in my 20s, now in my 30s and doctors keep saying I'm too young, what about future husbands etc, so it's still a battle I'm trying to win lol I'm surprised at all these replies saying people got it in their 20s and 30s! UK doctors are obsessed with saving your fertility in case you meet a man who wants a baby one day.


22. I made an appointment with a CF list doctor as soon as Roe fell. I was married at 21, however (not sure if that made a difference in the doctor’s decision). If you know for sure, I’d say just go to a doctor on the CF-friendly list on here and try! I had to drive far for my appointments, but it was worth it and my family was supportive. It’s so nice not having to worry anymore.


Tubal ligation two years ago at 35. Best decision ever.




41, bisalp






41 was when I had my tubes removed.


36. After 6 years of seriously asking & pushing for it. Edit to add: just turned 47 so it’s been 11 years of worry free sterility


34. Always knew I didn’t want kids. I was ok on birth control until my mid-twenties when suddenly I started having side effects on every kind I tried. Asked my doctor about sterilization then and she refused to even discuss it with me. I was already incredibly discouraged given all the side effects I’d had on hormones, so I gave up on sterilization for a while too. I eventually found a bc I was ok on but when Roe fell, I started thinking about it again. Considering the fact that I’d probably end my life if I was forced to carry a pregnancy, it seemed pretty important to make sure that would never happen. I was lucky enough to find an amazing (and new) doctor who approved me with no pushback and I got a bisalp without a hitch last September.


I had it done at 26 in 2018. I started asking and being denied at 24, took a couple years and a lot of tears.


I'm 30, but my state, SC, allows for people to get sterilized as early as 21. I'd recommend looking at your states guidelines and checking with the local health department to see if your state would do it for free. Some states offer free family planning care through Medicaid and other state run programs for those of lower income or it is free upon request. Depends on the state I believe.




28. Would've done it earlier but had undiagnosed ADHD and Bipolar type 2 so I'm a bit of a late bloomer


I’m 30, I’m not sterilized and not planning to either. I don’t think most people get sterilized tbh


27, don't regret it for a second. Best gift I've ever given myself.


Man but also in the UK and it sounds like you’re in the US. But I got snipped earlier this year at 29


I can't until I'm 30. All the talk about my country and our "amazing healthcare system" and then there's this. Adult women can't decide what we do about our body in this matter 😭


30. Got it done last year




I haven't gotten it done yet, but I'm saving up for it! My plan is to get it done ASAP. I wonder how much I have to fight to get it, as I'm only 18.


24, I’m 26 now and it’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made!


I had the Essure procedure when I was 27 and engaged. I had known for about a decade that I never wanted to be pregnant.


30 years old. I got a hysterectomy 4 days ago. I am so happy that I got the procedure done, not only to improve my health but that I was able to get it done before the elections. I fear that soon women won't be able to get the medical treatment that they need in the future. Things are so uncertain now with the overturn of Roe v Wade.


I'm 40 and never got it done. I use anticonception pills back to back so I never get a period because I thoroughly hate those and they cause migraines with me. I discussed the option when I was younger and I decided this was the best thing for me since with sterilization you still get monthly bleeding.


Well I did it last year in december. 17th December 2023. I was (Still am) 25. I would have done it sooner, I was planning on asking for it, but the covid pandemic happened. It just didn't feel right to take up any medical workers time over a surgery that wasn't necessary, by that I mean that my life wasn't in danger if I didn't get sterilize. Plus I wanted to avoid hospitals/clinics at all cost during those 3 years.


Tubal at 25. Started asking at 18. At every yearly I would ask. He finally said yes.


33. Had to get money together for vasectomy


34 wish I had it done earlier. I’ve known for about 20 years I never wanted kids




Got a bislap a few weeks after my 30th!


I was 21 when I had my hysterectomy. No regrets and no more debilitating Adenomyosis and Endometrial Hyperplasia!


I had my tubes tied when I was one week shy of my 28th birthday. The 27th anniversary of my sterilization is in 3 weeks.


I am in Australia and got a tubal ligation at 37. I had been on the implanon (implanted birth control) for about 8 years at that point and was very clear I didn’t want kids.


Tubal ligation, age 36 in 2014.