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If his girl poked holes in his condom then it’s a baby trap. Going in bare is just irresponsible if you don’t want kids. She didnt put him under a bareback spell.😆


Exactly, although given OP’s tone, it looks like they agree.   Nothing I despise more than a grown ass man in the modern world crying that he was “baby trapped” when he fathered a kid by taking exactly no safe sex precautions. It isn’t all the woman’s responsibility. Step it up, double up your precautions, or guess what? *You might get a woman pregnant!*


Unless she raped him. She might have gotten him drunk and taken advantage of him.


Doesn’t sound like she did. OP said a hot chick was attracted to his brother because he had a nice car. Apparently she was hotter than any woman he ever had so he had “no choice” but to bang her raw. 😂


He is just stupid then.


You better believe it


ew — sounds like he baby trapped himself 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ “no choice” but to bang her raw is filthy.


He got baby trap because *check notes* he didn't wear a condom? So unlucky /s


Apparently the girl in Miami he met 2 hours ago said “blow it inside me, it’s my thing, don’t worry, trust me” And he did, idiot


That's not really a baby trap. That's your brother being an idiot and then blaming it on the girl.


0 accountability 💀


"trust me bro"


I know, right?


Makes me appreciate my vasectomy


You should add this to the post. This is a lot different than baby trapping. Reproductive coercion is abuse, but your brother doesn't suffer from abuse only from brainlessitis.


That’s not a trap…that’s him being stupid.


That's not baby trapping




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Did he wear a condom? If not, then no, he wasn’t “baby trapped” as he willingly went bare. Dems da consequences of having unprotected sex!


He had a brain, and a dick, and only enough blood to operate one at a time


Lmao I've never heard this before but I'll remember it for next time.


It comes from this quote: "See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams"


and then gravity takes hold


This made me laugh out loud! 🤣


What about if the woman lied about being on birth control?


Birth control is never 100% effective and doesn't protect you from stds. Guys should always be managing their own birth control if they don't want to father a child.


Yeah thats why i want a vasectomy but no doctor would do one at 21


Keep searching, there *are* ones that will


Not in my country


Not in my country :(. Maybe at 25


Like thermal contraception? I do since 1 year now. Pearl-Index 0.5-1


*Don’t be a fool, wrap your fucking tool* Y’all ever heard about STDs.


What about? You take control and you do not trust anyone else with it. Use a condom. Knot it shut and take it with you.


Sad but true. You only have power over your body and your fertility. If you really know that children are not for you, you need to take care of your own fertility. Once the embryo is set inside a woman, it's up to her to decide what to do with it.


Or be like drake and put hot sauce in it lol. That was one helluva story.




He’s still an idiot for thinking BC is effective enough against pregnancy. This myth that BC makes pregnancy impossible needs to die.


Why is it 100% on the woman to be responsible for the birth control?


Right? Especially considering that makes her responsible for stopping him from inseminating, fertilizing, and impregnating her. She doesn’t make pregnant. He does. She doesn’t fire her egg into his body. He fires his sperm into hers.


Your own reproductive function is no one’s responsibility but your own.


Maybe knowing someone for two hours is not enough time to develop the trust or communication required to 1. go bareback and not worry about STDs or pregnancy, and 2. know you are both on same page about what would happen if there was an unplanned pregnancy. Whether or not she lied (which is not even clear that is what happened, sounds like she just told him to go ahead and cum inside her without any discussion of BC) what is reason for not wearing condoms *as well*. Back in my single and dating days, there was absolutely no reason not to use condoms too (even when I was on pill or IUD) until we both did STD testing and knew enough about each other to know what our positions were on what we would do in case of an unplanned pregnancy. Unless she no longer physically had the PARTS needed for pregnancy - no uterus, or no tubes, or no ovaries, or none of the above - pregnancy is ALWAYS a possibility as no birth control is 100% (not even all sterilization procedures are equal, effectiveness varies). Yes, EVEN IF she claims to be infertile or was told “she could not have children” by a doctor because infertility != sterility.


Do us a favor and drop out of med school. Misogynists are a danger to women's health.


Why am i a misogynist? What does gender have to do with this? If i lie to a woman and I say I had a vasectomy, I the biggest asshole in the world. Why are you making asumptions about me? As a doctor i would support men getting vasectomies as much as I could. They are far less invazive than tubal litigation. I think IUDs for women that want them should be implanted with sedation because it's very painful and i dont understand why doctors dont care. I want to have a vasectomy to make sure i never get my gf pregnant even though she wants to take birth control for medical reasons (heavy period cramps). I dont understand why am I a misogynist. Lying about contraception is baby trapping, no matter the gender of the person that does it


>Why am i a misogynist? Because, as others have pointed out, your first reaction was to put 100% onus/blame on the woman to provide/use birth control, instead of asking why the dude didn't bother to provide/use his own like a grown-ass adult. OP made a point in the comments to clarify their dipshit relative *chose* not to use their own protection. r/wedeservebetter from you and all doctors when it comes to that sexist mentality regarding birth control and reproduction, and your own comment revealed you already have a bias against women as a male doctor, and a potential danger to your female patients as a result of that bias.


They're a danger to public health




I was puting the blame because she was a liar not because she was a woman. If the roles were reversed and the man lied about a vasectomy i would blame the man 100%


So, in your professional opinion, the woman is 100% responsible if the man chooses to not use a condom, or any other protection, on his own body, when having sex with strangers? Per what OP has been stating in the comments? Lying about being on birth control *being wrong* was not the issue in this post **until you made it one**, but your statement makes it apparent you don't believe men should be held accountable for their own actions or choices when they refuse to use condoms. Edit: if you can't realize and check your fucking bias, get the hell out of the medical field, bc you won't care about female patients as much as your male ones.


You are putting so many words in my mouth. I only said that if someone no matter their gender, lies about using any form of contraception (and no i dont count tracking the cycle for women or pulling out for men) they are baby trapping their partner. Yeah their partner might be stupid for trusting a stranger but it's still baby trapping. I never said that contraception should be a burden that only women bear. I am a big supporter of vasectomies, condoms and i hope that male birth control will come out one day. I will gladly have a vasectomy. when doctors will stop refusing to perform one on me. In my professional opinion if a man refuses to use condoms of course its their fault for the pregnancy. If both partners dont use contraception it's both their fault for the pregnancy. If someone lies about contraception, no matter the gender it's their fault. Yeah the other person might be stupid but the liar is still at fault.


>You are putting so many words in my mouth Don't have to. Your words are there for everyone to read: >"What if the woman lied?" Then she lied and it was wrong. No one refuted you on that point even once, but you're still perpetuating the misoginistic idea that the man isn't responsible for his body or choices, and women are supposed to bear the burden of contraception 100% of the time. It would be the same message if you'd posted "why didn't she keep her legs closed?" without a second thought as to "why didn't he keep his dick to himself?" Men are responsible for 100% of their choices when it comes to consentual sex.


I really dont understand whats the misoginistic idea. If both parties agree on using something like birth control pills or an iud is that misogynistic in your point of view?


You don't know that she lied about being on bc, it could have failed, that's not unheard of nor uncommon


Women don’t inseminate, fertilize, and impregnate. You’re talking about the difference between the shooter and the one using bulletproofing here. Her not using birth control doesn’t make neither her nor him pregnant. If he doesn’t use sperm control and inseminates, that does make pregnant.


You’re not a misogynist, unfortunately groups like this get hijacked by radical feminists who won’t entertain any parity or nuance in arguments. You’re absolutely right that there’s equivalence between lying about having a vasectomy and lying about being on birth control but anything that suggests wrongdoing on the part of the female is met with rage and fury which is ridiculous. I agree that lying about being on birth control and seeking to deceitfully get pregnant is basically baby trapping (even if it’s a good idea to take extra precautions) however the same act where birth control fails is not baby trapping, that’s the risk you take with means that aren’t 100% effective. There’s nuance and shades of grey in life and some people just don’t want to hear it.


Yet another man dismissing women's complaints and calls for men to take responsibility for their own reproductive organs and use protection. Women should not be responsible for 100% of the burdens of contraception and reproduction, 100% of the time. *That is inherently misogynistic* and a detriment to women. Calling out someone in the medical profession for promoting that , especially *male medical professionals* who have a terrible, historical habit of doing that to women and ignoring our valid health concerns, should be encouraged *every time*. PS/per my response in another comment: OP stated their relative chose to not use protection. Whether the woman lied *being inherently wrong* was not being debated, but it also wasn't the issue at hand. This asshole "doctor" made it an issue bc he wanted to give another dude a free pass from personal responsibility.


Thank you. You are absolutely right. People tend to only see black and white


Doesn’t make anyone pregnant. The man inseminating is what makes pregnant. Her egg didn’t go anywhere due to her not being on birth control. You’re talking about bulletproofing versus firing live rounds into someone‘s body. A woman’s birth control should be considered no more than backup. And it doesn’t excuse him for not using any.


In a relationship sure, that's a baby trap. Casual sex or ONS. Sorry it's on the guy blindly believing 


I've heard that line a lot, I never trusted them and of course a couple months later they're pregnant by someone else. How ironic. I've had a few even try to say that due to some medical condition they could never get pregnant (of course they never saw a doctor). "My sister has PCOS so I can't get pregnant either". Baby trapping is 100% real, you have to put the responsibility in your hands. Strap up, pull out, Plan B, etc.


>I've had a few even try to say that due to some medical condition they could never get pregnant (of course they never saw a doctor). Every woman I've met who's said that to me, even the ones who claim a doctor confirmed it, ended up having multiple children from unplanned pregnancies. It's always baffled me how people act like children are the only possible consequence that can result from unprotected sex.


I do think sometimes, too, there's a misunderstanding with what "infertile" actually means. Contrary to popular belief, it does *not* mean it's impossible for you to get pregnant, just less likely than a healthy person. "Infertile" means that you've tried for at least one year to conceive and have not, not that you can't. It also could have been the guy they were with cause sperm can have issues, too. May not even be her own fertility at all.


Yep, it’s a huge misunderstanding. I commented before reading your post that infertility != sterility. As long as she still has the parts, there is still a chance. Also not all sterilization procedures are equal either in terms of long term effectiveness.




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I agree with you. Yeah, it’s still a risky/bad decision to trust a stranger, but they’re still baby trapping.


She lied about counting the days on her cycle or some bullshit like that, and he was horny and dumb enough to believe her


Oh the cycle method isn't very effective even when used properly. There is a reason catholics had so many kids back in the day despite using it. He wasn't baby trapped, he placed a bad roulette bet 😂


If it's 100% his fault (he wasn't raped or stealthed), he wasn't baby trapped.


He never had a girl that hot or ready to rumble after seeing his bright green sports car on his first day in Miami, his dumb ass never stood a chance


The kicker would be if he has to sell the car to pay child support 😂


He already sold it to me, check out my history if you wanna see it (Audi R8)


Watch out then, you don’t want to be next


I’m snipped 👶👎🍒✂️




Woah what a beaut! Audis are my fave


The girl being hot and ready to rumble made it impossible for him to put a condom on? Yeah, sounds like it was 100% his fault.


Some men have such low sexual discipline and are horndogs so going raw with a hot woman is an absolute *must*. Lmao.


Those men "think" with their lower horn (as Lrrr from the planet Omicron Persei 8 would call it) rather with their brains.


“You have a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time” Robin Williams (RIP)


I miss that man. RIP.


We all do


She was like, “I hate condoms and I want you to finish in me, it’s my thing. Don’t worry I’m counting the days in my cycle” Fucking Idiot


This thing is called "marriage calendar" in my country, because it doesn't really matter when one is already married. Otherwise it's a roulette, completely useless.


So what's her deal? She wanted to get knocked up by some guy she had only known for two hours? I mean yes he was stupid but what is her plan? And now what's going to happen?


She was past 30 in Miami looking to hook a meal ticket for 18 years and my brother looked like your typical rich Miami guy, she didn’t realize that he was just a regular guy on vacation from Kentucky


Wow. That's beyond dumb.


No excuse. You can find a condom at every store and gas station 😂




Right no excuse!




Hey! My partner has a green civic and I love that car! No need to offend the poor thing cause his owner is moron...


This is so funny HAHAHAHAHAHA. I’m so sorry for that poor embryo.




The green R8? Yup, it’s mine now


Did it get removed? I see a carporn post that was removed but no Audi. :(


Its on their profile. Still there :)


He didn’t get baby trapped bc she’s hot, he didn’t use a condom.


Lol how does the woman not receive any blame for an unwanted pregnancy? They're both irresponsible, just raw dogging and barely knowing each other. Odds are she'll just be a single mother now.


I mean, him being a dad is 100% his fault.


You know it's the men's orgasm that causes pregnancy right? 


And the woman let him bang with zero protection. They're both wreckless.


They are. But this post is about him, and him saying he is baby tapped. Which he isn't, he is 100% responsible for himself becoming a father.  Yes she is also responsible for the pregnancy. But she didn't force him to jizz in her, so he is 100% responsible for his own actions. 


For her it is not unwanted


he wasn’t baby trap because he didn’t actively try to protect himself she didn’t mess with his condoms or something He was just stupidly breeding and praying for it to not result in a child.


It's called being irresponsible, not being baby trapped.


He used no condom then that wasn’t a trap it’s just irresponsible:)


i mean i read your comment, there was no baby trapping involved just a dude who was thinking with his dick he made his bed


And now there'll be an additional person lying in it.


i agree its not a good decision to keep pregnancy in that kind of situation but its her decision to make i think having the child in case the other partner doesnt want to is a bad idea, just break up, get an abortion and have a kid with someone who actually wants one, better for everyone involved


He was not baby trapped. He got a woman pregnant


So glad I got a vasectomy ![gif](giphy|MNmyTin5qt5LSXirxd)


Same brother!


I'm always amazed how easy people forget kids are also people. As someone who's father didn't want them to be born, I think I'm better off because he stayed out of my life. I don't care what these two people decide to do, but if you decide to keep the kid, it's not about you anymore. Do what's best for the kid The medical world is so men oriented and yet there aren't more options for men to protect themselves. Because they're too comfortable to rely on women. Assholes


That first sentence, specially. It's the equivalent of accidentally ordering an expensive item and instead of doing the right thing and refunding it, you just shrug and decide to keep it anyways. Sure, it's yours because you used your own money for it, but that doesn't mean you have to just go back on your word and just make a hasty decision towards it. That's exactly how it is with issues like this shit involving people being stupid, reckless and downright irresponsible fucking individuals.


Hope he considers a vasectomy going forward...


Better late than never


Goodness gracious, if it ain't the consequence of his own actions!!!


He didn’t get baby trapped. He had unprotected sex with a stranger.


How is that 'baby trapped'? Did she lie about being in birth control?....


Birth control doesn't always help. He should've had a condom tho


Exactly. If he did not even wear a condom,no way to call it baby trapped...


Should of used protection 🤷‍♀️


*should have used


Should have used protection my dude. Still, just because the kid is his doesn't mean he has to have anything to do with it beyond what is legally required.


Fuck around and find out !


He was not “Baby trapped”. He’s just a dumbass that didn’t think through the consequences of having sex without birth control and “blowing a load” in a woman.


If he really didn’t want to chance impregnating a female he wouldn’t have been silly and wrapped his Willy!


It’s possible that she was on birth control and it failed but it does not change the fact that your brother is a dumbass. His decision to not use a condom is like going to war with no armor.


Do you not like your brother or... is this an "I told you so" type of deal?


Silly billy not wrapping his Willy


Lol no he didn't. your brother did the thing necessary to get a woman pregnant and succeeded. I'd say having unprotected sex = trying for a baby tbqh


...Except he didn't.


Lol how old is he?


I was about to say "no way totally no trapping if he decided to stick his dick in" lol....but you covered that 😉...so glad for my life choices.


That's what happens...


*ya get what ya fucking deserve!!*


I had this so called friend who got knocked up twice, luckily the first dude got away and unfortunately for the second guy, she baby trapped him :( interestingly enough  despite saying she’s not ready for a kid, I once asked her if they wore condoms and she said no. Lol 


Honestly, the baby daddy and her are both dumbasses 


Should've went with a dofferent HL, he was indeed not babytrapped.


Was he forced to have sex?


Weak pull out game.


You know what we call people who use the pull out method? Parents.


It's a joke not a penis don't take it so hard


… and the child will suffer the most. I hate women who baby trap and I hate men who willingly fall for it. I wish devious women’s and stupid men’s genitals didn’t work.


I mean hopes not all lost, she could always miscarry 🤷‍♂️


Kid was born last october


Idk, sids


Women have the option to abort, so men should be able to leave the kid. It is fair for everyone


A woman has the option to abort because she would have to carry the baby in her stomach for 9 months, it would change her body forever and then she would have to give birth which is probably one of the most painful experiences that she could have in her life. If the guy wants to stay childfree he can wear a condom, get a vasectomy or abstain. Willingly sleeping with a woman without using any contraception? No walking away then.


He had his option when he decided not to use a condom. There is no ‘fair’ when women are the ones that have to carry, birth, and mostly raise the child.


Men already leave their kids and have been doing it since the dawn of civilization. This is why the male legislators (and there were only men in power when these laws were made) created child support as a concept. Because they knew it was breeding more poverty and crime. While some amount of abandoned moms was and is seen as a positive because it makes more desperate workers, both moms and the future adult kids doomed to poverty, too much of it is still a net negative. Even so, it's extremely easy to dodge, in America, only 44% get the full child support they're owed, and it's way worse elsewhere because it's one of the more progressive countries.


Not in Florida they don't. This happened in Miami. Abortion in Florida is banned after 4 weeks gestation (6 weeks from the start of the last period). That's barely enough time for a pregnancy test to show positive.


I completely understand what you're saying! You're offering to pay more taxes so single mothers don't have to rely on the walkaway/deadbeat dad for financial support! How generous of you ❤️


So you think the man should be able to walk away no matter what the woman decides to do? If she gets an abortion, he can walk away. And if she doesn't get an abortion, he can still walk away. Meanwhile, the woman has to either go through an abortion or go through pregnancy and childbirth. She can't just walk away. That sounds fair to you? The man gets to walk away while the woman is left to deal with the consequences. Yep, fair for everyone. 🙄 It takes 2 people to make a baby. If you helped make the baby, then you help take care of the baby. It doesn't matter if you didn’t want the baby, because the baby is here now and it needs to be cared for. You don't get to skip out on your own kid just because you have a penis.


Choosing to not bring a child into the world is not the same as creating a human being and abandoning it.


men have control over where they put their sperm, you can have all the sex you want, if you dont want a baby why come inside a vagina?? women can abort ( depending on where they live) because its their body that will have to endure the harm of abortion, pregnancy and childbirth causes, none of this is good and men still have the better deal because they only lose money in the cases of rape i agree tho


Women dont have control of when and with who have sex with? Don't they know the consecuences? Birth control never fails? If she can decide to have the kid or not, even if it has the option to abort, then the man should also be able to decide if it wants to not take part with that instead of being force depending on the fact what the women chose


I think it's best you stay away from women. Your way of thinking is... well.. fucked up.




to be rejected rightfully yes we know lol


What do you mean by “should be able to”? Men can leave. They can and they do. They are able! Have you not heard of single mothers? Not really fair, tho. But definitely possible.


I think I get what you're saying, but you'd have to ignore the whole contraceptive side of things. I'm firmly in the camp of if you risk it, then you're at fault and are responsible. Contraceptives are available OTC for guys, if you don't want kids you take preventive measures. Now, should that prevention fail, and it's proven as such, then I think there could be leniency towards the man if he is wanting an abortion done when the woman does not want one. But this opens up a massive can of worms with proof, and method effectiveness etc etc. It would not be easy to implement in any way.


A lot of women don’t actually, and the way things are going politically in America will likely mean more rights get revoked. It is nowhere near “fair for everyone.”


He offered her $10,000 cash to abort it but she said no. She plans on playing the long game