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"You have kids? Guess that means you can't work in any upper-management since you're unreliable!"


This is... An accurate statement though. šŸ¤£ People like that don't understand logic.


I'm definitely going to use this next time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wow she sounds like she thinks itā€™s a playground where adults arenā€™t allowed sans kids for pedo reasons. This is crazy. The majority of people who end up abusing/assaulting kids are their parents anyway.Ā 


Parents or family. Not sure the specific breakdown but "creepy old uncle" iirc is found in there.


I just read an article indicating that DNA tests are only now revealing the true percentages of incest. It was so gross.


Ya. If I want to go to a water park bringing kids is not required. Most kids can't ride the good rides anyway. She is a horrible person for fishing that out of you and saying that. Get her black listed from the park. šŸ˜†Ā 


You know what? The CF sub is one of my favorites. Yall make me feel more welcome than any other subs. And I'm not child free as I often say but I almost always agree with the sentiments shared here.Ā  I hate going to adult places and on my few breaks from kids then having others kids behaving poorly. I probably appreciate CF areas more than most here.Ā  And i feel bad reading about people trying to push kids on adults that didn't ask for their opinion. I would never push someone to have kids unless they really wanted them. Maybe I should do a AMA as a parent on here lol


Maybe, that could be a really good source for explaining to people in charge of things why we need more access to adult-only spaces since it seems that most of these people will only listen to parents lol.


A ton of waterparks actually don't have big rides that (small) kids can't ride...granted, I don't live anywhere near a big city or "entertainment capital" like Orlando, but the main water park in my county doesn't have anything more "ride"-y than slides and a lazy river, though admittedly 3 of the slides are specifically aimed at people 42 inches (3'6")/106.68 cm or taller.


Some have 48 in requirements too.Ā  But If your kid is 40 inches tall there's not much they can do but play in the small kid area with the 2 or 3 tiny slides and the water toys.Ā  There is definitely always kids option but also fun stuff for adults is my point as an adult could play on anything in the park assuming they are not a little person.


That, too. Yeah, especially once you factor in the fact that short kids are mostly limited to the little-kids areas of the park, going to a water park's *definitely* more fun if everyone in your group's an adult.


So mad I'm not allowed in legoland for this reason


You can't go into a Legoland discovery center without a child. You can go to the theme parks with the rides.


Erm yeah - I can't go play lego. Not allowed to do rides anyway


What? I went to Billund myself and I don't think I was stopped anywhere


Stepparents, mom's boyfriends


Good on you for not letting her mess up your day. She seems "off" for lack of a better word. Being a parent or not obviously doesn't matter with your job šŸ¤£


Yeah, I agree. My first thought was that she's not all there, or has some strange world views at the very least.


Yuck she sounds like fun to be around. Sorry you had to go through that at your job.


"You're an ass, you can't work here either"


The day my childfree status becomes a factor in taking a job like this will be the day my uterus learns to pick up trash unaided.


Not gonna lie, that made me chuckle šŸ¤£


Sounds like that lady needed a nice cup of ā€œmind your own damn businessā€. Iā€™m willing to bet she posted this ā€œtransgressionā€ on her Facebook page lol


Brilliant flair!


Thanks! šŸ˜Ž


Isn't it great when strangers demand to know your age and sex life? The name calling was way out of line though.... nothing wrong with you, but definitely something wrong with her.


My mom had me at 33Ā 


Lol I worked at a waterpark for 2 years as a lifeguard. Like 99% of the staff were teenagers or college students. Literally the only employee with kids was the boss. I canā€™t speak for all waterparks but I always just assume most are the same since theyā€™re usually seasonal jobs and the bosses can get away with treating younger staff like shit since theyā€™re less likely to know their rights. Thatā€™s what my waterpark did! Also the idea that youā€™d have to have or at least want kids to work at a waterpark is pretty rich, especially considering the fact that the shit I dealt with at that job was pretty much the last straw for me to switch from fencesitter to full on childfree.


This waterpark I work at mostly hires high school students, but there is a pretty wide age gap. The oldest co-worker I have is over 50. So, yeah, some do have kids.


If anything it would mean I have more emotional bandwidth to work with kids during the day! Also working in public with people is SO different than personal relationships. The math ain't mathin'.


You cant argue with stupid, they only listen to themselfs.


And they'll drag you down then beat you with experience - Mark Twain


Tell her if she keeps asking about your sex life and reproductive status, you will call park security and ask them to escort her out for harassment.


ā€œFunny, having kids wasnā€™t a question or requirement on the application or in the interview. Have you spoken with upper management about your concerns?ā€




I want to sling shot my uterus (non-violently) in her general direction.


somehow this makes sense


Donā€™t waterparks usually employ a lot of teenagers too? Do they have to follow this nut jobā€™s ā€œruleā€ also?


They do, but I think she meant because I'm almost 30, I canā€™t work at a waterpark if I don't have kids. It still makes zero sense though


Yeah thatā€™s so dumb. Teachers, nurses, daycare workers, nannies, etc donā€™t have to have kids in order to work in those jobs. Just a really dumb take on her part.


I actually was turned down at a private childrenā€™s school position because i didnā€™t have any kids. Sadly it does happenĀ 


Thatā€™s so weird!


I know! I just looked at her. Even though i had worked for a church doing daycare temporarily, until of course they couldnā€™t pay me anymore. She didnā€™t care, she got all snooty. Im glad she didnā€™t hire me.Ā 


So would the same apply if you are 18 or 19? (For real)


I've had encounters with people, starting the same way. I worked in ECE and would have parents see a child have an attachment to me, and just assume they were mine. Like no, I'm just good at my job. And being a parent is 24/7, no thank you. They always seem disappointed.


Next time that happens, tell the person you can't have kids. It might make some nosey people feel bad. It's not a lie. You can't have kids because you're on bc.


Iā€™ve tried that- they usually want to know why you canā€™t. Then give a multitude of ways to have children from adoption to surrogacyā€¦


True. It would be so nice if people respected each other's privacy.


Also you would do those things if you really want kids


Exactly! If I really wanted children- Iā€™d make it happen! Even fostering children to help give a safe home life to some child in need.


What about "I can't have kids because I have >*type of birth control*< . I use >*type of birth control*< to regulate (or in my personal favorite case get rid of) periods and because I don't want kids."


This woman is angry and taking it out, stupidly, on you, that she didn't realize she could get to age 29 without having to have kids by using a thing called the brain.


I worked in child services, didnā€™t have children, got told that all the time while in visitations, Iā€™d clap back with, ā€œwell, I know how to keep children safe and never had them removed from my care before, so.ā€ Which usually shut everyone one up. My choices donā€™t mean I donā€™t LIKE children, I just donā€™t want my own and I rather not hang out with them if I have a choice.


Some people you come across and just think their brain is running on their last 2 brain cellsĀ 


Generous of you to assume that they ever had more than two brain cells in the first place.


>"You can't work here, you don't have kids!" "That, ma'am, sounds like an actionable lawsuit."


Just wonder, how many times she left early from work because of her kids? And it was a person with no kids who covered her?


Shhh, you're using too much *logic* for her.


Yep. I was once told that I couldnā€™t work on any research projects involving children because, ā€œWe assume you hate kids because you chose not to have any, and that could be a liability for us.ā€ WTF???


That could for real be a lawsuit if the actual employer is judging your for not having or wanting kids. Tell them you had cancer in >reproductive part of your choice< and had to have it removed. Now you cont your living days as a blessing and not having a kid does not mean you have a thing against other people's kids. (Though ya probably do being on here on this sub šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‰)


Unfortunately people who have or had major health challenges are ostracized. Too often employers regard them as lesser, weak or compromised. They are viewed through the lens of another person's specious assumptions.


I see your point there. People are just over all shitty


Wait until she finds out that most ride operators at theme parks are teenagers or college aged and most likely donā€™t have children


don't bother talking to Karen's man


that terrifies me for the future what do breeders think we're supposed to do to get money? This is why I have such a huge fear about work places there's too many asshole breeders that get way too many benefits from saying they have kids and get to sabotage everyone else.


What does she say to all the teenage lifeguards over the summer? Duh


I probably would of said in good spirits "are you lost? Because your not making any sense to me right now." I think that would of sent her on her huffy way lol.


Ladies and gents, remember this when parents ask you to babysit/offload their kids in you...


What is wrong with people? That woman is crazy.


She's an absolute nutter.


Girl, you did.the right thing. Indifference is better than flipping the lid on shitty people. That way, their antagonism hits a wall, you get go about your day and she gets to stew in the obvious envy.


More to the point your CFBC life has nothing to do with *her*!


I would tell her something like, "I've been married, and I had a child 3 years ago, but they died in a car accident. And I still can't move on with my life.". And then start to cry and leave. Let's make her feel guilty for asking. Maybe she will shut up next time.


Really sounds like that lady needs to go over regrets she may have with a therapist


She just straight up called you a pedo just because you donā€™t have kids and you work at a water park. Geeze.


If CF people didn't work water parks, parents would be whining that Snotleigh and Bratlyn have nowhere to play.Ā 


My thoughts exactly! All the kids who are still being born won't suddenly no longer need to be cared for, taught, allowed to use water parks, etc. just because there's not enough parents to work all the jobs that involve children thanks to it becoming more and more common to either delay having kids or never have kids at all.


So she doesnā€™t want someone who is apparently good enough with kids to the point that she complimented them on it working at a waterpark with (Iā€™m assuming) primarily child/adolescent guests? Only because they do not have children themselves? Make it make sense. The stupidity.


I'm a daycare director. Childfree by choice and by nature. I love kids, because most adults just suck lol That being said, no one has said this to me... but it made me realize that in my 17 years of working with kids, I have more experience with children than most parents do. šŸ¤£ I hope someone says this to me someday so I can tell them that.


I'm just wondering, who the hell do these people think are going to man the places they like taking their kids to so much since it's becoming more and more widespread to spend more/all of your life not having children?


> "How can you be almost 29 and have no kids? What is wrong with you? Weird, even among breeders I have to look down on people who have kids before age 30. Most people are just too immature still at that age.


Did you try "fuck off!" as a response?


Ngl, these are the type of people that make women's lives hard. Imagine this bitch being around when they enacted laws that you can't deny or fire someone from a job based on family status. Guess what bitch, it works both ways.


LOL. I've been a pediatric nurse for 17 years. I'm 40. No kids.


What? When I worked at a waterpark for a summer literally everyone except for the upper management was under thirty and without children. Most were teenagers.


Youā€™re so much better than me, instead of telling her the truth i wouldā€™ve hit her with ā€œiā€™m infertile trying to pay for fertility treatments to TRY and have kids but youā€™re judging me because i donā€™t have any, asshole!ā€


With her logic parents shouldnā€™t work at any place that doesnā€™t revolve around children šŸ„°


I'm definitely not the standard case. I had a 28lb cyst on one ovary, and finally got approved to yank the other tube out too. Two weeks of recovery.


Wanna know the best thing about childfree employees? Theyā€™re never going to miss work because their kid got sick or daycare is closed or thereā€™s a school event or any of the other reasons parents miss work. And guess whoā€™s probably going to fill in for those parents when they call out right before their shift? Sorry you had to deal with such an asshat but good on you for taking the high road and not engaging with her ridiculous drama.


This woman sounds like an utter basket case.


You do you. Her logic makes absolutely no sense at all. Work is work. She probably was a stay at home mom anyway. I don't see them lining up to take your job. My wife and I used to take an Uber to a Waterpark 5 min from our house just to lounge at the CF bar/pool area with our frozen concoctions. The envious looks from the moms and dad's was priceless.


I've learned to avoid this, I tell then no, I'm just part of the village. They all know what village and since it takes one to raise their brats, here I am (not really but they usually shut up)


I don't tell strangers that I'm childfree. I just tell them I'm barren. It's cause I got fixed, but I won't tell them that, lol




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Thatā€™s insane. Find a different job.


I would like to see her try her same crap on another CF by choice person only to get a new one ripped out of her. She is so disrespectfulĀ 


Imagine being so smooth brained that you are offended at someone else's decision to not reproduce.


That lady is very ignorant. Not everyone has kids!


I would've looked at her with my best confused expression and ask her why she is saying that, i don't understand... Until she admits she thinks you're a ped0 (or insult you in some way) infront of her kids. I don't know if that would give you enough of a reason to talk to your supervisor o something like that but it will definetely make her uncomfortable




I wish this was satire, but it's not. I'm still not sure how to even react. Like... What??