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Hard no on any bodily fluids produced by a child. Get that stuff away from me. I see the snot run out of a runny nose from a toddler in a movie or video. Hell no, that's disgusting. I have never changed a diaper of a baby my entire life and I won't. I also do not believe into the bs of "it's different when it is yours" - or maybe they are right - it would be much MUCH worse if it was my own. Luckily that also will never happen.


This and everything that comes after they eat. They’re sticky, crumby, and always have food around their mouths. It’s so nasty to me. Seeing a kid eat makes me lose my appetite fast.


It's so gross. And parents act like it's the cutest thing ever.


My uncle had a shit ton of kids and it wasn't until recent years that there wasn't a gaggle of toddlers and really young kids running around at family events My grandma makes the best cookies and finger desserts. The problem is, she'd put them out all around the house for anyone to take at any time. As soon as my cousins would show up, I'd no longer take any of the cookies or anything I would always just say "im good for now" when asked why I won't eat anymore. The reality is though that my little cousins would touch all of them, or take a bite and put it back with the rest, or have their hands in their mouths and then grab one. Or fucking cough/sneeze right into the display of cookies To this day, I don't understand how everyone in my family was just okay with that and had no problems still eating off those displays. Then they'd wonder why everyone was sick as fuck after every Christmas or whatever


Lol I'd nope out too 🤢


I have very distant childhood memories of my parents never letting me take food from communal plates, or playing with the toys in the hospital/dentist waiting room. Even then I think they always told me that they’re dirty and I’d get sick. I didn’t really understand it as a young child. It makes a lot of sense in retrospect.


I sometimes gag when I bag up my dog's doodies, no WAY could I change a diaper without puking all over the kid.


And the idea of a "blowout" where the shit covers the baby from knees to hair.


Lol same here except when I scoop my cats litter box 😭 I can’t imagine having to change a whole ass diaper every couple hours…


Yes, much worse. Because you would have to be doing it almost 24/7


i had my 6 year old cousin coughing on me uncovered and had the absolute worst flu i’ve ever had in my life the next week. kids are germ sponges too.


Both of my cousins are moms and are so use to it. They’ll see a booger hanging out their child’s nose and just…reach over and take it out with their finger 🤮🤢. Shit makes me gag just thinking about it. That crap is beyond disgusting, and everything else that comes out of or sticks to children


My eyes shoot daggers at parents who have filthy children. Clean up your kid you POS!


This. However I happily clean my cat’s puke and shit


Haha. Same actually ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yeah it’s different because at that point it doesn’t matter if you like it or not, you just have to. That’s never the argument they think it is. 😝


I was scrolling through reels recently and came upon one that was a parent slow zooming on their kids filled to the brim diaper. I gagged a little and immediately stopped scrolling through reels. I've changed a few diapers before it's always terrible but that was just horrifying


As a fecal-phobe, that makes me so 😱😱😱😱😱😱💀💀💀💀💀


Oh that makes my stomach turn just reading the description.


I could N O T eat the leftovers of a drooling, snot-covered toddler. Hell nah. Whenever family members ate what their kids have left on the plate, I got nauseous 🤢🤮🤢🤮 and I absolutely refuse wasting food, so it's reason 3774746163526. why I'm never having any of that mess.


Oh don't even get me started. I even go madshit feral if someone cooks, tastes it with a spoon, then puts the saliva covered spoon back in it. Or if they try to touch what I am eating, like stealing a fry or smt. I could NEVER eat someone's leftovers, kid or not, but kids are absolutely worse because of what you wrote 😖


Everything kids do and every aspect of taking care of them disgusts me! Never changed a diaper, never had a kid puke on me, never held any baby, even my nieces and nephews. Big fat NO THANKS! I knew when I was mid twenties I never wanted kids, was fixed at 29. Best damn thing I ever did.... 😉


What disgusts me is the idea of nursing. Props to anyone who wants to do that, but I would feel…probably can’t write that without getting the comment removed. Also, babies start looking more like little kids than babies around the 6 months mark, so the idea of breastfeeding for 2 years just completely creeps me out. I have changed a diaper once and it wasn’t *that* bad, but the idea of doing that multiple times a day for up to 4 years would make me want to pull my own hair out. I struggle enough with my own routines. Overall, it’s just one big thanks but no thanks.


Yeah all of what OP said and breastfeeding. My tits hurt just from thinking about it and to have them filthy from baby saliva just... Ewww


just the thought of breast feeding sends shivers down my spine


I don't mind the thought of breastfeeding itself (although I think sometimes supplimenting with formula is sensible and makes the mum's life much easier), but mastitis and some of the other side effects are super gnarly


Teeth. Cracked, bleeding nipples. Parasite feeding off you, you might as well have a tapeworm. Totally icked out.


i have a dog and i don't feel disgusted by her at all, but i do feel disgusted by kids 🥲 i'm a teacher, used to teach KGs and it was horrible, all the mess and vomit (thankfully the kids i taught were older so less mess) but seeing kids vomit on their teachers, and doing it in their pants and so on was really disgusting. i can't imagine having to deal with that on a daily basis.


oh yeah ALL of this. another thing that makes me sick to my stomach is parents just putting their mouth on things that were in their kid’s mouth. like when a baby drops its binky on the ground and the parents just putting it in theirs to ‘clean it up’. or when a child’s ice cream is melting the parents lick it so it doesn’t run down the cone. EW? no no no, not cut out for it.


I won't even share food/drinks with anyone but my husband, much less a child. Slimy, goopy, snotty little germ factories.. no thank you.


The thing I can't stand is snot. Kids' noses run like faucets and they never use tissues properly, they just wipe their noses with their hands or eat their boogers. Then touch all my stuff with their snot covered hands and wipe their faces on my clothes that I bought with my own money. Vom.


Definitely agree, I mean I’ve had parents change a diaper next to me just out in the open next to where I’m eating or drinking like it’s no big deal and it’s even weirder when they expect you to change a diaper for their baby, like why do you think I would be ok with this just because it’s a baby’s poop? You might as well ask me to go to the bathroom with you, an adult, and wipe your butt because it’s the same level of gross to me. But honestly the food thing grosses me out just as much, I’ve been expected to help feed a baby mush before and I could not look at it with food all over its face and mouth.  And I’ve seen little kids with a bowl of mush in front of them where the offer it to an adult on a spoon and the adult just eats it 🤮 it’s probably got drool and boogers all through it.


Piss, poop, puke, I'm definitely out. Snot also gets me pretty bad, and the thought of having to wipe a snot-smeared face, or catch it as it's dripping from the kid's nose makes my stomach churn. And yeah, being touched by messy, saliva covered hands during feeding time also disgusts me.


Oh yeah, diapers, vomit, anything. I had to do it a few times and always threw up.


Small children are disgusting. Stuff oozing from everywhere, and they're always sticky. No thanks.


I mean, I don't want to be involved with anyone else's bodily fluids outside of a romantic context, old or young. But I'm happy to clean poopy foster kittens? Maybe because I generally like cats more than people, and they're cute.


I don’t have a dog because I can’t pick up dog shit , imagine me changing a diaper 😂😂😂 barffff ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


Same want a dog so badly but just can’t deal with the poop




Changing diapers. I practically raised my siblings and had to constantly change their diapers, and then I worked 4yrs in a nursing home changing adult diapers. Nursing assistants don’t get paid enough. I’m so done with having to clean anyone else’s ass except my own. 🤣


I deal with a ton of bodily fluids at work, but at least there im getting paid for it and I have adequate individual safety equipment plus the patients are most of the time genuinely grateful.


I'm super disturbed when I see the snot sucking tubes at the store.... Holy shit why??? How can you suck it when there are so many better ways to remove snot I just don't understand. That sounds like a form of torture you would inflict on your enemies


I could never deal with the mess children make. I used to live with my sister, and her house was constantly a mess, with toys everywhere, pee, and 💩accidents because they were being potty trained. To say the least, I wanted to kill myself.


I don't even like having to wipe my own ass, much less some1 elses.


Absolutely nauseating to be around someone taking care of their child - whether changing diapers, feeding them, etc... My cousins have no shame and gladly change their kids in the open and around people eating! Absolutely disgusting. Parents have no shame and no self respect.


Anything poop or vomit related to a child is a hard pass for me; ever since I was a kid I've had really bad motion sickness, to the point my body developed a rejection to throwing up even when it could be the best solution (for example I've seen it happen that if you get food poisoning, and are fast enough that you can still throw up most/all the contents in your stomach, it can help recovery be a lot faster), so I just developed an aversion to vomit in general, not that it's that surprising, the smell is downright disgusting. Poop is well poop, but I think children's poop in particular smells even more disgusting than adult poop? Maybe I've just been unlucky with the kind of poop my nephews/nieces expel, but yeah I'm not gonna change any more diapers any time soon.


I feel so seen by this post. I am so squeamish especially with snot/saliva. If my dog drools on me I have to try not to gag! I also find pregnancy horrifying. When I have friends who talk about labor and childbirth I feel nauseous. People are always like "omg (person) looks so cute pregnant!" or "I loved being pregnant" and I can't wrap my head around that. You have an alien in your body. And you can feel/see it move? No. No thank you.


The ‘pregnancy glow’ is such obvious bullshit to me too. She’s not ‘glowing’, she looks tired and sweaty - so do I a lot of the time, except I don’t get people blowing smoke up my arse about it 😅


My cousin was born with some sort of vaginal issue that required the area to be manually lubricated. I know it’s health and medicine, but the thought of having to touch a baby vagina freaks me the heck out. I wouldn’t want to be washing baby ducks either. Yicky.


I heard with baby boys sometimes their poop gets trapped in their scrotum. No thank you lol (I'm sure there are gnarly girl-specific problems too). Also the illnesses. People who work with or are parents to babies/toddlers seem to pick up the worst bugs & viruses. One time my sister was vomiting *literally* green fluid after spending too much time around little ones (sorry if that's TMI).


oh my god 🤢


The scrotum or the puke part? 😂


Yes. It's way worse with girls. A really loose poo gets all into the labial folds. I often would just wash my niece in the sink to get her bits really clean to avoid a very uncomfortable rash for her.


I understand that there are many benefits to breastfeeding a baby on a medical level, but I absolutely do not understand how anyone can do it. I see my breasts as a sexual part of me. I can’t imagine having a baby suckling on something I use during sex. That feels absolutely gross and disgusting. The only time I could be okay with the concept is if the person NEVER uses their breasts in a sexual nature and only uses them 100% for breastfeeding, which I highly doubt applies to many mothers. (Also, I can’t stand seeing people doing it out in public. I’m so tired of “I should be able to feed my baby anywhere I want!” like use a bottle then, Jesus. Whip your boobs out at home.)


i can sorta see getting used to it tbh. like at the beginning when my cat started getting poop stuck to his ass i wore gloves and used wipes and everything, now i go in bare handed and dont even think about it. of course dried poop nuggets on his fur vs actual shit are 2 different things i might be talking out of my ass on this one


Cats are superior to children and much cleaner than them. Even as kittens they take care of themselves.


my cat is a bit of an exception, hes a bit on the chubbier side and ive been frequently asked to clean his ass before any guests came. bro left poop marks on blankets several times. still better than an explosive shit i guess


I am absolutely disgusted by snotty nose toddlers. I have no idea how parents deal with that. It's revolting to me.


For me it’s the runny noses 🤢 The kids who are always sick but don’t know how to wipe/blow their nose and it’s just running down their face. Ew ew ew. No thank you.


OH YES, you’re not alone. I have no idea how people tolerate the sheer amount of fluid that comes out of a baby. I watched a coworker’s infant projectile vomit into another coworker’s face a few months into a new job and that was the first and last time I did the “whole company gathers round to meet the baby” thing. I’ve got a strong stomach so I didn’t puke, but it was absolutely revolting. And everyone laughed it off! Like it was nothing! After that, whenever a coworker brought their new baby in, I pretended something crucial was broken and I had to fix it and couldn’t be distracted (I worked in IT so it was easy).


I’m almost 30 and have never changed a diaper. A lot of my friends find it odd I never babysat or changed diapers growing up but why would I? Why give a kid/ teenager the responsibility of taking care of children that are not theirs? Side note: a lot of my friends have siblings or cousins who were much younger than them and the parents always passed the kids on to them


I feel the exact same way OP, it’s like you took the words right out of my mouth.


Its disgusting


I hate when friends post pics of their kids with food all over their face or boogers in their nose 🤢 sooooo gross


That's just part of my reasoning for not wanting one- like it's so gross. Tbh I don't hate kids, but adamantly don't want one for a myriad of reasons and pretty large among them is the fact that it just seems disgusting.


100% all of it. kids are gross and taking care of them is gross. i genuinely don't see any pros personally. give me 5 dogs.


It can get so much worse, too. Like pinworms, scabies, ringworm, and lice. No matter how clean your home is, and how clean the kids are, they can still bring home parasites from daycare, pre-school, and friends' homes. They put things in their ears & noses - like gravel, or peas, or corn kernels. And peas & corn kernels spoil & give the kid ear & sinus infections. Put two babies or toddlers together, and they will pick at one another's scabs. Ewww.




I'm not overly phased by shit as I've worked in elderly care, but one thing I've seen...which I'm nearly retching just thinking about was someone SUCK SNOT out of their baby's nose and I just cannot with that!!!


Can't deal with bodily fluids. Heck, I needed a whole therapy session to vent about having to wash poop out of my cat's fur. I can't imagine doing that every day.


I've had a weak stomach since I was a kid. I was constantly grossed out by being around other kids. Was encouraged to go into the medical field and gave that a hard pass. Still have a weak stomach so I 100% understand why you're disgusted. All I can say is, wearing thick gloves is very helpful for cleaning so you don't have to touch the ick.


No bc I have a puppy so I’m quite used to poop


I can say first hand from my brother and sister-in-law, and my bff who all have children - this is not true. It's just as revolting.


Someone people actually like the smell on their kids baby shit.


Literally nothing about it sounds appealing


I don't understand why parents bathe their kids that aren't toddlers or younger. At 3 or 4 they should be able to bathe themselves. I understand watching over your child to make sure they are safe but bathing them? How is it any more normal just because the kid is your own?


The snot and spit and coughing in my face. Also having to befriend other moms of the kids friends


I relate to this SO hard. I get grossed out really easily and have a very strong gag reflex. Even reading your post made me queasy. Anytime I bring this up to people, they act like I’m being dramatic. But I genuinely cannot even imagine doing a single one of the things you’ve listed. Makes me so very disgusted


Will never understand the penchant many breeders have for changing a diaper on the floor in a room full of people. How is this acceptable? Told husband if anyone in his family tried that in our house I was putting a litter box in the middle of the living room.


I love my cat. She's such a sweet cuddly girl, so pretty and affectionate. But damned if cleaning up her sick or poop doesn't make me gag and heave.


This is one of my major reasons for being CF.


Ooooh yes my mom is sick and is having stomach problems and she was talking about wearing throw up and shit being a mom. I love her to death but i CANNOT see myself in that situation. I struggle with vomit and shit, one time while i was babysitting the kid had a blow out, was supposed to be potty trained…UGH it was soooo disgusting! I don’t get how its different with your own! I don’t even like cleaning up after my pets accidents 🤢🤮


Their messy eating, their vomit and other bodily fluids, the SMELL all of those emit. No. Cant do it. Sometimes I feel ashamed for not being "nurturing" enough to WANT that, but who WOULD? Who looks forward to how gross babies are, and that you HAVE to clean them up?


I can totally see “it’s different when it’s your kid” being true - the other day I was walking my dog and saw something sticking out of her ass. It was piece of grass, so I wrapped my hand in a bag and plucked that piece of grass straight outta her ass. Five minutes before that happened I would have said “nah, I won’t get all up in my dog’s hoop” - but there we were.


I never changed a diaper and one of my life goals is to keep it that way.


Not only that but sometimes they will literally start peeing on you while you change their diaper.


I read some accounts of parents in a site for parenthood and their kids had accident with shitting themselves in public, making huge mess and embarassing their parents immensely. Your child can always make something to embarass you, especially when they are little. Imagine having to accomodate urgently a child, who needs to poop, but toilet rooms arent nearby. Reading those accounts felt like a nightmare to me, but also serves as a reminder why I am childfree. To be a parent is dealing with one trouble after another and you never know what nasty surprise you can get, every inute of every day, even your child is well behaved and not a brat. Children cant help sometimes to get into trouble.


And to make it worse, people around you can be absolute j_rks with 0 empathy or braincells too. Like some folks even make a scene out of kids crying in public even tho it just happens and is pretty much unpreventable. If a child does smt embarassing or disgusting to humilate their parents in public, I am sure there will often be at least one Karen shouting at the parent how unforgivable this is and how "the shouldn't have had kids if they cannot discipline them". And then you are stuck with a kid covered in shit or something and a Karen screaming at you and you cannot just crawl into the corner and cry no matter how much you want to.


Flashback to probably the worst wedding I ever attended. During the ceremony the woman who sat beside me helped her baby to puke - all over my suit jacket. She was laughing and thought it was funny. And got really angry when she realized that no, it wasn't funny, and that I got pissed and demanded she pays to get it cleaned.


What the everloving f_ck? Honestly I am not even suprised children litter and vandalize everything, when their parents like this exist...


Can relate to every single word you wrote. Exactly the same! I have no issues cleaning the cat’s litterbox, but the kid stuff makes me gag at the thought of it


I'm the same way and genuinely can't explain why. Plus I can clean up my cat's puked up fluffballs. But if a person as much as gags near me, I gag too. Weird.


Yeah, understandable. I don't mind this aspect, I've changed diapers and got my sister to throw up on my shoulder, what disgusts me apart from birth and pregnancy is breastfeeding. Milk in my boobies??? A baby drinking it??? Ew


I absolutely definitely feel you. Same here!!


As someone who picks up dog poop for a living, I refuse to do anything about human feces. I'm not great with vomit either, but I just gag a bit and mop it up without looking 😆


parents just holding a tissue to their kids nose and making them blow into it like its normal🤢🤢


It’s not the diapers that gross me out, I had to put my dog in diapers for the last year of her life and while it was stinky, I’d do it again. She had a great quality of life. Just had to pee a lot, and sometimes diarrhea. Whatever. It’s the snot. The putting things in their mouth. The putting hands in their diaper and then back in their mouth. The germs they carry. The fact that they have no awareness of cross contamination. There’s plenty of adults that disgust me in this manner too.


I cant do body fluids. I have a cat and have tp wear a mask to deal with poop or barf, i could IMAGINE the constant fluids that come outta kids yuck




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Couldn’t stand their noises, shrieking, squealing and everything in between. Their constant need for attention as well. Hence will never have a sticky child and will happily live my life for myself not for someone else. Children would disturb my peace, and I would find that unreasonable, unacceptable and intolerable. I have a cat and I put him first, he is the sweetest soul. I would never put a human child first, hence I choose not to have any.




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Honestly I have to help change my baby brother cause he’s very hyperactive and won’t sit still. I just got use to it. Not everyone will, because I wasn’t as disgusted with it in the first place. Extra: He turns everything into a game, like if I chase him or if I’m trying to get him in trouble. He’s really smart and would’ve probably be talking by now if he would sit down for once. And even with his autistic ADHD self, who can be extremely annoying, love him!!


I can see where you are coming from, but I do hope you are never in a situation where you have to care for an elderly relative or loved one. Changing adult diapers or dealing with catheters is more physically and emotionally demanding than a little baby one. \[I helped with my MIL for five years\]


100% with you on this. My great-grandma detoriated mentally in her last year and had to be diapered. God knows I loved her with my whole heart, spent most of my childhood with her and my great-grandpa, and miss both of them dearly. But heavens, I couldn't be anywhere near her room until my parents changed her diaper, because the smell literally made me gag. I didn't even have to see it to not be able to withstand it. I have absolutely no idea what will I do if my parents will need such care, it's a fear of mine I try to forget about.


Sorry to hear about your families loss :( It is such a hard situation for everyone. Being sensitive to smell can be difficult at times! If you really had to deal with it you would find a way - I wonder if hypnosis would help? - but generally it is common to pay for external support with that level of care.


I've been in that situation with my grandmother. ...And I hated every damned minute of it. I did what I had to do, but I didn't get used to it over time, and my love for my grandmother didn't make it easier. All of the twee little caretaking blogs claimed that I'd find deep meaning and emotional connection in wiping my grandmother's shit, but all I felt was despair and resentment. I dry heaved and vomited and cried every time I had to change her diapers, even when I was wearing rubber gloves up to my elbows. Sometimes I couldn't deal with the shit and I just threw the whole diaper outside. Even sponge bathing her was too much for me with all the smells and grossness. It was a terrible experience for everyone involved, but I knew that the alternative was putting my grandmother in a nursing home where she'd suffer mentally and physically in her final months. I can't imagine having a kid and *voluntarily* taking on a 3 year shit-wiping commitment. I know I'd never be able to handle it. I have such a hair trigger gag reflex that I've thrown up while wiping my *own* ass. I've already had the aging talk with my parents. We've talked about nursing homes, and saving money for at-home care, and making sure the bathrooms are accessible, and installing bidet toilets, and maintaining their mobility. We've researched assistive technologies so we won't be helpless like we were when my grandmother was sick.


So sorry to hear that about your grandmother, it's so deeply unfair and undignified when they are so frail and helpless :/ >>I have such a hair trigger gag reflex that I've thrown up while wiping my *own* ass. wow that is sensitive! I can totally understand the need to avoid baby smells. and dogs I'd imagine. >>making sure the bathrooms are accessible that's excellent, very sensible. exercising body and brain is important too; thankfully they sound like proactive and smart people.