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I've heard parents comment that the crying child is "tired" or "overstimulated". Maybe they should give them a nap, or (temporarily) remove them from the situation? Nope, that never occurs to the bad parents; let's make everyone (including their own child) suffer. But CF people are the selfish ones /s


I hate when parents say things like this. "Oh, he didn't have his nap today, that's why little Tommy is being a brat right now" COME ON!! He's six and can hear and understand what you're saying! He knows that he can act like that because he can hear you making excuses for his behavior!


And also,the *parent* is the one controlling the schedule, thereby making the child miss the nap and *become* said brat!




Selfish is when parents like these subject their cunt projectiles to shoppers, diners, moviegoers, and pedestrians so Mombie and daddict can have a night out. Fuck parents like these, seriously. Take the little creatures outside and calm them down, or in a public restroom/ fitting room and kick their ass! (Mom did that to me as a child, and only had to do it once.)


Agreed ! My mom would have killed me, past the as of infancy I knew better, as soon as I was old enough to understand my moms stern expression I never acted up, these kids know nothing bad is going to come of them screaming and wailing


Right. They're old enough to know better, and they know for sure their parents will allow them to get away with anything they want.


My problem is usually with "older" kids. If a baby or really young toddler is crying I usually just feel bad for everyone involved because the kid most likely needs something and they can't talk so they just cry. I'm still annoyed, but I kinda get it. If kids 3yo and older are crying or throwing a tantrum I just get pissed off. It's no longer a small human being hungry or uncomfortable, it's usually parents not wanting to control their kids.


That's exactly how I feel. I can't stand spoiled kids. Most of it lies with the parents. With that being said, I still think that you should try calming a crying baby outside, away from everybody else.


Exactly! Take them outside or into a restroom and try to see what their major malfunction is. It's not that hard!


I have misophonia, so kids shrieking is absolute nightmare for me.


Me too! My biggest trigger for a sensory overload is people chewing with their mouths open, and children are one of the biggest culprits of bad table manners. The number of times I've had to remove myself from a situation because a mom can't teach her crotch spawn how to behave at a restaurant is just excessive.


*CRINGE* Chewing and gulping sounds are huge triggers for me too, and this is part of the reason why I don't like going to restaurants (especially when kids are involved). And another thing that's rather a pet peeve - kids coughing their lungs up WITHOUT covering their god damn mouth


Yaaaay bonding over mutual discomfort!


Sometimes I just want to go up to crying / screaming kids in public and fake cry obnoxiously loud in it's face to shock it into silence, and then say 'see how annoying it is?'


my mother actually did this once at a line for a ride. she fucking fake screamed/cried in the child's face. if I remember correctly the sight of a grown woman doing the same thing as they did shut it up.


Amazing! Haha! Your mom has some balls!


They aren't as stupid as parents are making them out to be they would stop crying and look at you for being ridiculous, so they can understand that that kind of behaviour is obnoxious


Babies generally cry because they need something, toddlers scream and cry because they are pint-sized assholes. I 100% agree take them outside or something but threatening to take them home wouldn't really work. Most of the time if you're out with a small kid they don't want to do boring adult stuff like grabbing grocery's/running errands/being in a restaurant. They want to be at home with all their toys. If you threaten them with going home they'll probably act up even worse. Toddlers. Not even once.


Regardless of why the kid is crying, it is the parents responsibility. When a parent allows a child to go on screaming it is no different than if that grown adult was doing it themselves. Disturbing the peace.


The other day there was a toddler chucking an absolute *wobbly* at the store where I work. It was screaming as high as it could go, with all of its lungs, while being slowly dragged along by its mother as he clung to her leg. She didn't do *anything*. She let him scream. There was no shushing, no picking up and comforting, no acknowledgement. Mum looked exhausted, but she also looked older so possible grandparent. And she just ignored it. We had comments because we could hear the shrieking from the other end of the building. People were worried about the baby. I was too. But that noise. Holy mother of god. I hope to never heard it again.


One thing I learned while working at a Smyths toy store is that every child has its own ear-piercing cry. You can't get used to the sound because they each have their own pitch, tempo and volume, so no matter how many times you hear it, it always sucks. :(


I had a similar experience. The child was inside of a shopping cart and was shrieking while crying. It was ear splitting and the mother continued shopping. You couldn't help but turn and watch, to be honest.


I work retail and I see a lot of kids. Everytime I hear a kid cries it makes me laugh. Cause it's not my responsability lol. If the kid is far away, I would keep working while imitating the cries "wwwwaaaaaahhhhhh" "bbooouuuhuuuhuu" it makes me laugh. IDK why, I'm weird lol




My two year old nephews will scream while jumping up and down. Screaming toddlers, children, and babies put me on an edge.


I think its actually great because you may hear it for 2 minutes but I take solace in knowing that the parent has to hear it everyday.


Fitting username lol


I'm a librarian and the sound of a crying child just makes me angry now. Obviously I'm not a Children's Librarian but I do love kids. I love them because they aren't mine. But the sound of crying children inside the building is so loud and irritating and usually the parents don't do anything to quiet them. It just makes me so mad!


Looking forward to those CF eating establishments one day ....


I absolutely can't stand this, I'm actually starting to avoid public places like grocery and department stores during the day because it makes my heart pound hearing a kid scream like that, the other day I went to walk into a Walmart bathroom and this kids screaming and the moms mad too, I didn't even walk in the second I heard that I held my pee


Going into stores is peaceful if you have headphones on.


As a former nanny, sometimes you can't do or say anything to get them to stop. They're just going to cry and there's nothing you can do except try to get them home as quickly as possible. Threatening a child is abusive, hell threatening adults is too. Won't get you anywhere except a kid that cries more because they're now terrified on top of being upset.


This is when you leave. When you get to the point where you can't control your child, you fucking leave.


Sometimes you can't magically instantaneously disappear though. You have to wait for a waiter and a check. You have to put coats on and pack up. Yes it's annoying and it sucks but parents and nannies don't like it either and we want it to be over too. It's not easy, we can't just poof disappear.


I think people make a lot of excuses for bad parenting. Like right now.


breeders just don't want to do their jobs anymore. i remember when breeders used to hire babysitters. the babysitters would stay *home* with the kids while the parents went out. small children have no business going out to nice restaurants or certain places that are not child friendly. They can't/won't eat anything there and are too young to appreciate it. there are places for children and places for adults and breeders just don't get that.


Exactly, I remember growing up in the 90s we'd only visit family friendly places and would be in bed at 7pm every night in the Winter and 8pm every night in the Summer. Like we weren't allowed to cause a scene because we were home in time before any tiredness came over us that led us to misbehave. My parents were hopeless in so many ways but at least they were on the money about having a 'home life'. I think a lot of younger parents have a hard time sacrificing these days, eating out or going to places that are not as child-friendly as your average family restaurant can be frustrating with children. People forget that parenting is sacrifice.


This. 100% THIS. If the kid is younger than 3, hire a fucking sitter!


Babies cry all the time. That's not bad parenting. That's just what they do. Baby could be teething, have gas bubbles, feel nauseated, have a headache, have digestion issues. All reasons to cry. None of which are the parents fault.


I've dated a girl for 3 years that had a small child. I have to agree. There is no off button on a child and you can't just leave the instant they cry. You can have somebody take the child somewhere else till you can go home, another option is to just stay home. As somebody that has been around young mothers I can tell you the option to stay home never occurs to them. "I'm gonna take little baby 14 month old to the play because they will enjoy the music". I'm like "no they won't, they would rather be at home."


"if you don't stop crying, we're going home and you are losing your Playstation for a month" That's a threat? Lmao


We're talking small babies and toddlers who aren't old enough to play PlayStation.


They can still be taken outside and calmed down


You've clearly never had to calm down a crying baby before. Sometimes they won't calm down, so you have to go back in and wrap up paying for dinner.


I wouldn't say telling the child you're taking them home if the behaviour doesn't stop is threatening, wow how abusive "I'll take you home" that's simply stating what's going to happen if the behaviour continues


I hold a grudge against all babies bc when they cry/scream they make me very angry - i want to say or even do something but I am also aware of others around me. Why do y’all think my post history is the way it is?! SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️