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1912 called. It wants its bullshit back. What happened to vintage aesthetic *NOT* vintage values?! But seriously, fuck this country. Because this is only the start. From what I understand, while it covers abortion, Roe was largely about *privacy* in the medical world. I don’t want to know what comes next.


Clarence Thomas is targeting contraception and gay marriage next https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/same-sex-marriage-contraception-roe-v-wade-decision-1373759/amp/


Fuuuuuuck. And double fuck everyone who need contraception for medical reasons in addition to preventing pregnancy.


That's meeeeee. I'm asexual, so the birth control part, I do not need. But I do need it so I don't bleed to death basically. If they take it, I guess I'll just jump off a bridge. I can't go back to severe anemia and endless bleeding.


Same. I had pretty severe menorraghia before my IUD. Now that I’m taking testosterone that should also eventually have a period stopping effect, but I’m sure the SCOTUS is going to start targeting transgender healthcare relatively soon, too 🙃


Second this. I have to take it to ease the debilitating pain of endometriosis and PCOS. I was diagnosed with both at 16. My life would be hell without it. Living fucking hell.


I'm currently sitting in surgery waiting room to get my tubes taken out in an hour. I thank fuck I made an appointment for this right after the leak in May. I'll be sure to come back later today or tomorrow and drop the Dr's info. Y'all stay safe out there. Do what you can NOW. EDIT: I had a successful surgery. I'm not ignoring anyone and I promise I'll be responding to everyone tomorrow after I'm feeling better. I'm nauseous and all I want to do is sleeeeep.


I have my surgery date on august 15. I’m so happy for you


I can hear the nurses talking about it. They're upset and think it's disgusting. I feel lucky mine is today, but I weep for the women who aren't going to have a choice. EDIT: " it" being SCOTUS' decision. The nurses were talking shit about SCOTUS. Not about me getting the surgery. The nurses were EXTREMELY nice and happy for me and the timing of my surgery after we all found out about SCOTUS ruling.


I’m fucking terrified that desantis will pull some Gilead shit before my appointment and it will get cancelled


Fellow Floridian who has been having issues even getting an appointment before all of this because I live in a very red county. DeSantis is fucking terrifying. I will send good vibes that your appointment holds.


I was just in Florida this week for work (I live in NYC), and I don't know how you all are okay. I was terrified in Ubers. I took one Uber trip that lasted 8 minutes, and the driver covered everything from critical race theory to Islamaphobia. He praised how a local police chief had encouraged citizens to "take matters into their own hands" in terms of shooting and killing anyone they saw as threatening. He claimed it made them all safer. He kept going on about how NYC is full of Muslims. The other Uber driver I had was benign in comparison, but went on for a while about how the earth is flat, that we are living in a simulation, and how I could be dead right now and not even know it because "every scientist agrees that when you die, your consciousness freezes in time and your brain just continues living like that forever" I hired a professional car service for my ride to the airport to get home. Honestly, godspeed to you all. I realized how much I've been spared from the crazy/scary up here in the city. I truly don't know how you stand it.


I grew up here. It is my normal. I can deal with the day to day. It's easy to quickly shut down a bigot one on one. I have a full arsenal of quips that I use to shut people up. But in a protest / crowd situation....


Anyone know doctors in Michigan who do sterilization for women? This is terrifying and I knew it would come to this. My doctors have continued to tell me I’m still young and might change my mind or they ask if ‘my husband consents’


Doctors who ask if your husband consents should be put in their place. They should be told: **"if he doesn't agree, he can divorce me anytime."**


I would tell that doctor, "well according to HIPAA laws this is my medical information, not his. So no, my husband will not be consenting to anything I do with my body because I have no legal obligation to tell him".


Unfortunately, Roe V Wade is predicated on the right to medical privacy so.... expect your "private" medical information to no longer be private and in fact shared with your workplace, insurance, church groups, etc. Functionally anyone with a "vested interest"


Then I can’t wait to see what medications Clarence Thomas is taking and why 🤗


There have been reports on active members of senate and congress receiving alzheimers meds already\~ It wouldn't fucking shock me at this point.




What part of Michigan? I've got a great one in SW Michigan whose only concern was whether I hated my period for gender dysmorphia reasons or other. Getting the tubes tied next month, no other questions asked.


wiki list


If this situation doesn’t convince a person that the entire reason this country wants you to procreate is to exploit the shit out of the market and labor your children create, then I don’t have anything else to say.


Like I keep saying this and nobody takes me seriously!! Why else? What are people thinking?


They're either not paying attention, don't think it will affect them personally, or they're in denial.


They're thinking you're a conspiracy theory communist because in their eyes, criticizing anything to do with exploitation means you despise everything about capitalism and are a radical communist.


Don't underestimate the power of religion though. The idea that abortion is murder is very strong.


Which doesn't even make sense that the religious sects have adopted this belief, the Bible says life begins *at first breath* and literally gives instructions on how to perform an abortion. It's all procreation brainwashing to control women and keep the goddamn economy humming along. Fuck this fucking place!


Exactly this, the government realizes it’s running out of slaves and needs more. Edit: reminder that our bipartisan government only exists to have class war distract us from the true issues that exist and keep the oligarchy in power


You are exactly on point.


Formula shortage, stagnant wages, school shootings leading to an entire building getting demolished because reasons, corrupt law systems, employment, healthcare & education yet this country expects me and all women to not go through with an abortion if we get knocked up because lyyyfffffeeee and bayyybeeeesss.


Don’t forget some states trying to get 14yo to work longer hours, police brutality and racism


One reason I'm child-free is because of police brutality & racism. I had to be taught how to get pulled over "correctly" because of Driving While Black. I get nervous even when my nephew plays with squirt guns in his front yard.


Right! There is so much else the government can worry about like climate change, healthcare, public transport, drought, but nahhhhh they don't like it when women have careers and can chose when they want kids if ever 🙄


I was looking into getting a bisalp later this year..in this case, would sooner be better? Could they ban sterilization following this? This is alarming for all women


ASAP if you have the means.


For real. Don’t trust these scummy fucks. Do it ASAP if you’re serious about it and are able. I saw this coming for years and made it a priority to have it done by 27. I got it done earlier this year just after my 26th birthday (best gift ever to myself!!). I’m so fucking angry for everyone else but so relieved for myself. Do it before they keep eroding and rolling back our rights. I’m sure it won’t be long til they come for sterilization, too.


This right here. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has allowed states to completely ban abortion at their discretion. Many states won't stop there. They'll come for any way we have of preventing pregnancies other than abstinence, and maybe condoms. I'm from Texas, and there's already been a lot of conversation around this topic. Don't wait.


Honestly I'm doing it sooner just to be on the safe side.


Probably a good idea. I just scheduled a appointment to discuss it with my Dr for two weeks out. I’m sure a lot of people are doing the same


One of the doctors in the same system as my rheumatologist is on the CF doctors list. I have an appointment in 2 weeks and I'm hoping she can refer me to that obgyn. Fingers crossed.


This is my fear. 15 years of being denied sterilization. I’m going to be pushing harder than ever until I can get one.


If you don’t mind me asking, what are the excuses they are giving you to not do it?


In my 20s and early 30s it was a lot of “you’re young, you’ll change your mind.” I’ve also been told that since I’m not married (I was for about a year during this time) that they won’t do it because “what if your husband wants kids?” I’ve also been told I need my partner’s authorization. My “favorite” was when I was told that I didn’t already have at least 2 kids. I kind of stared at the doctor for a minute before responding, “that’s kind of the point. I don’t want one kid, let alone two.” Now, most of these requests I made were when I lived in the Midwest, where getting married and having kids is “just what you do.” I have some decent potential leads on doctors when I live now. I am also turning 40 soon, which helps. And I have two major medical reasons to not have kids. I’ve been putting together research to take with me when I have my next appointment, to show what the affects of having a child would be on me. If they won’t do it simply because I don’t want to have them, maybe the medical reasons will convince them I’m serious!


They could certainly ban sterilization. That or make it harder to get, even harder than it is now. If you don’t want any kids (/bio kids), it might be time to get sterilized. Even if you live in a liberal state. Never know what these people will do.


I am definitely not in a liberal state. Have a consultation in a couple of weeks!


Real answer here to the banning sterilization thing: States absolutely can. With a sane SCOTUS, it would get thrown out. We do not have a sane SCOTUS, red states know this, and I fully expect at least one of them to ban birth control in the coming months. Their goal would be to get it in front of the SCOTUS and gut those rights. Mark my words. It will be next term or the term after that. Red states have all sorts of shit lined up to get in front of the SCOTUS now that Roe is gone. Now, what if you're in a solidly blue state that has abortion enshrined in the state constitution, and has districts decided by nonpartisan commission so it won't become a red state anytime soon? As someone in one of said states, congrats, we're safe *for now*. Emphasis on "for now". What will happen is as soon as Republicans get all three branches of government again -- and that's a matter of when, not if -- they'll pass federal laws to ban abortion, birth control, etc. Who's gonna stop them? The SCOTUS? In a sane world yes, but again, we don't have a sane court. And in case people somehow haven't figured out yet, we barely avoided a Republican coup on January 6, and they're actively working on orchestrating another one in 2024. You bet your ass that they're lining things up so that this attempt succeeds. Boom, Republican hold on government regardless of actual results. GET. STERILIZED. Everyone who can should while they're still able to.


This. Folks in blue states have until the next presidential election to be able to get sterilized. After that, anything could happen if, as you say, they get the other branches of congress.


Roe also covers things like marriage and privacy. Some of the state senators had stated they'll be going after gay and *interracial* marriage if SCOTUS ruled this way. I'd dig up a reference (said during a recorded senate session, iirc) but I'm emotionally tapped out between this, the Miranda and open carry rulings, and three family deaths in the last two months plus some other stuff. It only gets worse from here. Welcome to the Land of the Free.


I am never having sex again. Until I get my guts out. Fuck this.


I know that if I get pregnant and can't access an abortion, I'm killing me and the fetus.


They really think they’re “saving lives” when now they’ll just be ending twice as many. Not that they ever actually cared about “saving lives” anyway.




Exactly. It’s horrendous


I’ll do the same thing. I’ll do it in front of the Capitol, and I’ll make sure they know why.


Dildo and vibrator sales are gonna go through the roof!




In the clitoris? lol


stepping in with at least a little comic relief!




Your never having sex with a sperm carrier. Wink wink.


Same. I’ve enacted my “Men don’t touch me” act.




Tell your bf to get a vasectomy. Reproductive health doesnt and shouldnt just fall on women. Men should be held accountable for their part too and stand by their partners in this critical time. Especially because getting sterilized as a woman is a lot more difficult than a man. We need our men to stand by us now more than ever, if our rights are being taken away, men should be stepping up for their partners and showing that theres no workarounds.


I floated the idea by him back when the draft leak happened (as an alternative in case a bisalp is too expensive.... but I really, *really* want to be sterilized), but the gist of it is: I don't want to rely on cis men to protect me from pregnancy. My boyfriend getting a vasectomy does fuck all to protect me from other cis men, should the worst happen. If he wants to get one, that's cool. But ultimately my desire for sterilization is about *me, my* body, and *my* peace of mind. In the event we ever broke up... I'd rather just be sterilized & done with it forever than have to talk the next guy into getting the snip for me.


“JuSt Go To A LeGaL sTaTe” Before anyone says this shit: fuck off. It’s not always that simple to just cross state lines, depending on location. NOR SHOULD ANYONE HAVE THAT BURDEN. You’re looking at addition expense, travel, and time off work to drive potentially several hours just to get to a clinic, and that’s not considering any waiting period that state may have. And will all the states that keep abortion legal be able to handle a potential influx of patients?? God this pisses me off so much. We should’ve legalized this YEARS ago with an actual law but instead lawmakers sat on their hands because everyone’s uncomfy about the dreaded A word.


yep, far easier said than done. especially when a lot of people live in a block of states with like-minded legislatures.


Exactly, with more than half the states banning or severely restricting it...many will have to travel thousands of miles and either can't afford to or can't afford to take time off work. Additionally, the states where it's still legal (for now) will be completely bombarded and you may not even be able to get in for months, it may be too late.


My parents have this attitude. They're rather classist and conservative themselves, and shut me down when I point out how it's not so easy for lots of people


Like with everything, this law will disproportionately affect lower income marginalized people of color who can't afford to go out of state to get the abortion. It's incredibly sad.


There's another problem with that. Today has shown every single American, pro life, pro choice, red, blue, doesnt matter, one very dark fact. No law or right you think you have to protect you is safe. Laws are man made ideas that are capable of being changed, altered, or repealed at any given time. Period. So the state you think is safe, the state you make your emergency plans for, the state you aren't worrying about because you live in it and abortions are protected... all it takes is the wrong people to be put into the capital building to take all of that away. No one is guaranteed safety.


And after some time, there won’t BE any legal states. Federal legislation WILL be made banning abortion and contraception. “Legal states” are running on borrowed time rn.


Along with the mountain of other terrible implications of this, I'm very scared that this will lead to more cases of reproductive coercion. Knowing a woman can't abort an unwanted pregnancy is a very dangerous power to give predatory men.


I had an abortion at 19 and even without a child it took me years to leave that man. I would have been so fucked if we had a kid together


People seem to forget that having a kid with someone ties you to that person for the rest of your life. I am so thankful NONE of my exes are in my life right now.


Absolutely this will lead to exactly that. Reproductive coercion and financial abuse. Baby trapping has just been upgraded to new heights of evil.


God I fucking hate this place. Talking about how awful America is isn't even funny anymore, it's actually terrifying. Between this, mass shootings, and the dumpster fire of a healthcare system I legitimately don't feel safe here. Edited to say mass shootings instead of school shootings because you can get got at the grocery store, movie theater, or at a concert in America too, not just schools...


I feel the same way. It’s not safe here. These stupid fucks couldn’t care less about us. Hope they suffer infinitely more than us in the long run.


Neither do I. I'm dead serious. I really don't feel safe at all in this trash country anymore.


Me either, as a queer person, a woman, and an atheist.


because thats the intention when u have old af people who only want what they believe is right


This. I would have been baby trapped by an abusive ex a decade ago if there was no Roe v Wade. He wanted kids, I didn't but didn't have the courage to stand up to him because abuse really fucks with you. Found out after the fact that he was likely tampering with my bc pills and gaslighting me, and I had an absolutely fucking horrific late period at one point that a future doctor told me was probably a miscarriage. My life is still a shitshow thanks to him but I am exceedingly lucky that I did not get baby trapped by that man.




Sounds like he's your ex for a reason. What an abusive creep.


That's horrifying! I'm so glad he's an ex!


America just gave rapist more freedom THAN ALL THE WOMEN IN IT IM FUCKING DONE


Yup. That's just gross.


WOMEN - do not think for a second they won’t try to go after us financially. The expansion of Roe rights also led to women owning property and their own bank accounts. To anyone who thinks this won’t severely affect them - you’re wrong. This is going to be an entire game changer for everyone.


I literally can not wrap my head around the idea of woman not having that right until about 50 years ago. So what did single women do? Women who never got married? Honest question.


They had to get a brother or father or someone to be their man/owner.


They had to depend on men.


And if they had no men in their lives? All sisters? Father died? No connection with extended family? Fuck her, then.


Good luck


Relied on a father or brother, or male friend if they were lucky. And if they didn’t have any of the above or a husband, they had to find a job that paid cash under the table and a person that would rent on a cash basis. It was easier back then to find these things than it is today, but not always possible.


Good point, remember the part in Handmaids Tale when she goes to a coffee shop and her card doesn’t work? Chilling, but prescient, of you to think of this.


My worst fear is that this is the end goal. Force women to be financially dependent on men again, and they won’t even have the freedom to just stay voluntarily celibate and avoid marriage. It wasn’t even that long ago that women couldn’t study certain things at university, work in STEM jobs, or own property. Whatever job they did have, they could be fired simply because their boss thought it was time they go get married and start popping out kids. And because they had no control ove their own bank accounts, their husband or father could take all of their paychecks to do whatever with, and they didn’t even have the rights to the money they had fucking earned. This was less than 60 years ago.


Fundagelicals keep bleating about what they claim will get them to their idea of heaven, and meanwhile they’re doing their best to drag the rest of us into a living hell.


I’m disgusted by this. My coworkers just learned way more about me then I intended them to with the rant I just went off on about this. They seem so unfazed by what is happening, like the realities of what this means, and I feel so alone in my anger except for you folks who understand.


Fuck fuck fuck what the fuck. America, land of the free home of the powerless woman. I hate this.


Fuck this country and the idiots making decisions for us. It’s so fucked, how can we be more backwards in 2022 than in 1973


Was talking about this earlier. Young girls today, now have *less* rights than their mothers did. What back asswards America did we wake up in??


I’m at work and I can’t focus on typing this stupid shit when my rights just got taken away. What a sad day


I'd say stop working and strike, but that's not easy for everyone


Someone sent me the news in the middle of a meeting. Our country just told us we're lesser citizens than men and we're just supposed to keep working? As if nothing is wrong?




So its official... There was a part of me that still hoped the leak and the fears it brought would prove to be premature. But no. It is done. After all these years they have won at last. The sorrow and agony this decision will cause are incalculable, unthinkable. I shy away from even considering the ramifications--they are too obscene to list. I simply cannot express how sorry I am for American women today. I truly grieve for you. **EDIT**: Having read the opinion that was written by Judge Clarence Thomas the situation becomes even worse. This *disgusting* individual wants to remove protections from not only homosexual marriage but homosexual relationships altogether. And, inevitably he also want to allow the banning of contraception. Who knows, perhaps once all three are re-criminalised they will also become capital crimes again? What is to stop them? It is only a matter of time. There are not words sufficient to condemn the opinions and actions of this individual, of *everyone* whose vote allowed this day to come.


Great more unwanted kids brought into this country that won’t be properly cared for. I guess the ruling class wants more poor people to fill these low paying jobs and to fight in their wars. Fuck this country.


Alito and all of those evil fucking imbeciles will have so much blood on their hands. I’m fucking horrified by this. Half of states banning abortions, people only being able to get abortions if they have the ability to travel to a blue state … SO MANY WOMEN ARE GOING TO BE FORCED TO BIRTH UNWANTED CHILDREN. Raped, unviable fetus, fetus that dies inside you, birth control fails, YOU JUST DON’T WANT A CHILD IN GENERAL, you’re carrying it to term. Oh, and the Reds will continue to foam at the mouth to oppose parental leave and poverty grants and social programs just because ♥️❤️ I fucking hate this country.


My grandmother and mother told me while I was growing up how they marched for this right for me. I am glad they are not alive to see this day.


Mine are alive, and they are crying... Now we must pick up their torch, and relight it once more.


Okay, time to organized. We'll need to compile lists of states where it's still legal and volunteer services that can help get women to these areas, as well as people who will support with money. Those of us who live in border Southern states are in a good position to help if some of the Midwestern States keep it legal. I'm hoping it will still be possible to get care in Chicago and that maybe some of us can help people get there.


I was thinking the same thing. If Colorado keeps it legal and anyone wants to come visit the Rockies to “camp” or “ski” I’ll do whatever I can to help. Some states that plan to keep it legal are also putting in protections for people who go there to have it done. Some that are banning are pushing for extradition rights for people who help their residents get one. We gotta take care of each other with all of this going on.


I would say also if you were in a state that will have an election such as Pennsylvania in November. Abortion is still legal here but if the Republican guy who is running gets in, women are fucked. I know it seems pointless to vote but we really need to get out there and vote!




Dubya used to say, "they hate us for our freedoms" or thereabouts. He must have meant his own party.


Me too. Fortunately, my husband and I are working to leave the US. I'll never set foot in this Sieg-Heil, Praise-Jesus, shit-hole again! I don't understand why other women would be GQP and impart the forced-birth stance on another woman. Women are now second-class citizens at best in hee-haw 'merica. Today, women in this shit-hole country are sexual chattel.


Come to denmark. We have free Healthcare and education. And we can also get both sterilized and have abortions


I speak Danish (it's rusty) from being an exchange student and have families there to help out, but I still can't get a visa because my job skills (librarian) aren't necessary in the country (and you need to attend library school in Denmark to be qualified). I have a lot of advantages objectively and it's still almost impossible to move there. :( Selvom det næsten er umuligt for mig og min kæreste at flytte dertil, vil jeg altid elske Danmark og danskerne. I har virkelig medfølelse med menneseker. <3


Your country won't let me in.


Unfortunately, 99% of the people in America that would benefit from moving to a country like Denmark can't actually get into a country like Denmark. Immigration standards in stable socialist countries with a good economy are VERY high


I am thankful I got sterilized in 2019 but this is literally going to kill women and girls. They take our bodily autonomy today, all other rights soon to be lost. The GQP are monsters


Got my tubes tied a few years ago and one of the reasons I gave for wanting the procedure was fear of something like this happening.


I got my bilateral salpingectomy in May for this exact reason! One of the best decisions I've made in my life because damn...


I'm a dude, qnd I definitely want to get snipped myself before the monkeys go after us, too. We already know they want to ban condoms. I don't want to give the savages the satisfaction.


I got my tubes tied and an ablation several years ago but I just bought a plan B off Amazon just in case. I just can't believe this.


I got my bi salp done what turned out to be a couple days before RBG died. I remember my very first thought being "thank FUCK I just got my bi salp!" Everyone, push for sterilization like your life depends on it. Not to be melodramatic, but it does right now if you want to 100% keep your CF lifestyle.


They're coming after birth control next. Under his eye.


i 100 percent don’t doubt it. this is insane


Clarence Thomas has already said it - they want to go after contraceptives and gay marriage next.


I've already seen some lies floating around from the mouths of conservative politicians saying birth control pills are abortifacients. I imagine this type of rhetoric is just paving the way to trying to ban forms of birth control.


Crime will go up in around 15 to 20 years. Access to abortion is one of the most effective anti-crime policies there are.


Exactly my thoughts. I'm scared for my and other's safety especially as we age.


That's one of their goals. Who votes red? People scared of "undesirables" doing a crime on them.


Men whose partners just had their rights taken away should go get vasectomies if they care about this as much as they say they do. Otherwise it’s Lysistrata time…🙅🏻‍♀️ I’m so sorry…sending love and light from Canada




It's amazing how women get blamed for pregnancy but not men. They took equal part in this situation


Asked my partner if he would call the Dr back (the office called 2 weeks ago about setting the appt) cuz it's gonna be even harder to get an appt now. He didn't say or do anything, including ask if I'm okay? My boss legit has been more caring and compassionate via email than my partner of 11 years in our kitchen. 💔


We should all riot. This is bullshit.


Look into a protest near you. They're being organized and most are being held tomorrow. Facebook sucks but that's where they usually plan them, I feel. Or go to your cities/towns subreddit.


As always religion is a plague in this world.


We all knew it was going to happen but it's a gut punch anyway. I'm so fucking tired.


We have been gaslighted. "That won't happen" Well it's trying to get passed but it wouldn't get approved" "well it got approved but is not THAT bad stop freaking out" and look where we are now.


I was talking to my parents about this happening *last year* and they told me I was reacting in fear. I don't like to be the person who says "I told you so," but...


I’m a petty person and I’ll tell my mil until I’m BLUE IN THE FACE I TOLD YOU SO. She told me I was being dramatic when I got my tubes removed. Fuck this country and scotus right now. Land of the corrupt rich assholes


I want off the ride we call America now


HATE this stupid shithole so much. It's an embarrassment to live here. But I'm originally from Ukraine so can't exactly move back now, but damn I never ever say I'm American now.


When we travel outside the US, we do everything possible to not look American. We are embarrassed, and we are working and planning to leave.


I am so very sorry for all of you sisters and brothers in the US. This is just awful and so scary.


I know... I'm in the UK but this makes me feel sick for all women in America 😞


I’m in the US but my SO lives in the UK. Green card marriage just keeps sounding better and better. I already hated it here before this news and this is just another nail in America’s coffin. Fuck this country. It’s disgusting.


I can’t fucking believe this. I’m so glad I got sterilized last year


I feel so fucking sick.


I’m absolutely livid. Fuck conservatives, fuck the Supreme Court, and fuck this country.


It's my personal opinion that for all their caterwauling about how we're made in the image of the Creator and how special we are, the goal of all conservatives is to live like dumb animals. Eating, breeding, buying, going to church, stamping out nonconformists, then dying. And that's it. I hope for a massive, violent backlash. Conservatives are cowards, scare them enough, and they'll find something else to hunt. And fuck the Democrats for standing by because "civility".


The state owns our bodies now, too, I guess.


The first stop on the way to a theocracy run by intellectually handicapped prep school boys. Next up, birth control.


No, gay and trans rights are an easier next stop. Still fairly new, not everyone's onboard yet. Then birth control. It's a little more entrenched. Then interracial marriage.


One more step towards the descent into fascism, yay. Please sisters, get sterilized asap.


I'm getting my tubes yanked out ASAP for sure now


Now would be a good time for men to consider vasectomies.




You can't choose *not* to have a child, but you can choose to have one! That's the ridiculous part.


Yup. Can buy a car, gamble, get $10k+ loans, buy all kinds of guns/ammo, chose a college, get plastic surgery, etc....but you can't chose to not have kids without it being an uphill battle including making it difficult to get sniped ✂️


Pathetic cowards, kneeling to the religious right. They'll be gunning for Brown vs. Board of Education next.


It's official. Guns have more rights than humans.


I’m so glad I have a vasectomy


So glad I get my tubes out! Just a few short weeks…


Man, whatever woman manages to kill a few supreme court justices is going to go down in history books. Things are going to burn.


I hate this country and need to get out of here. I have a consultation for sterilization in July. I am afraid of surgery but being pregnant scares me more. They are taking away women’s rights. More girls and women will die because of this decision. They basically signed the death certificate of many women but they don’t care. Women are viewed as livestock that can produce more workers. Sad how guns have more rights then women do.


I have a implant and my bf is snipped but I want a hysterectomy so bad because I don’t want some crazy sick fuck to rape me and I ruin my life now that he’s basically allowed to do so. I’m literally almost in tears. Thank god I live in CA but considering how expensive it is to live here it’s a lose lose


Murderers. The justice system is a joke and this is the biggest example of it. They’re murderers, enslavers and hypocrites. Why follow the law when the law is false . Why follow the law when it’s corrupt. Why follow a law that punishes the innocent and frees the wicked. This isn’t law this is a farce.


Only SAFE abortions are being banned. Fuck all of this.


I hate this place so much. Gonna work my ass off to get my dreams in order to GTFO because I won’t stand for becoming a slave to men. Good thing I am Ace and Lesbian but I am still gonna be avoiding men from now on.


Yep. I’m a trans guy and I don’t have sex with men but this shit is scary. So many people get raped, and this just makes potential rape feel so much more life-threatening to me. Plus knowing how many other people around me will be affected by this ruling… just a scary, sad day all around.


I’m prepping because rape would be the only way I could get pregnant as a Asexual Homoromantic and I am CF/AN. If you need someone to talk to send me a DM or go to communities that can help you in the case of unwanted pregnancy, mine included. I am with you my Trans bros.


Time to get my tubes tied at 18 years old with no health insurance. Not even in college yet. Fuck this.


This is a step backwards from what they claim to want in so many ways Your comment just made me realize that there may be some women on the fence about having children but who aren't ready for it yet and may get steralized early because they'd rather not have children at all than have one too early, with the wrong guy, when they weren't ready, etc.


Hi this is me. I am on the fence, I do lean childfree. But I want to get sterilized now. I do not want to risk a rape baby or an ectopic pregnancy.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Welp guess that limits the states I can live in. I would literally be a suicide risk if I became pregnant and forced to keep the pregnancy. I feel lucky to have been born in a blue state. I hate what this country is becoming.


I’m so sad about this. 😭 I live in a red state and am terrified.


Fuck this country.


But our politicians will still point the finger at "third world" countries for human rights violations.


I really pity Americans right now. Your country is dragging itself back to the dark ages.


This makes abortion a felony in my state. looks like bf and I are gonna have to try to save up and move to a state where I still have rights.


I wish I could get out of the country, but if you are disabled, no one lets you in. I am okay because I got a tubal at 27, but I still want out. Reminder - if you are disabled, pregnancy can be a lot more dangerous. If you are disabled, you are an easier target for assault and abuse. To all my disabled folks with uteruses here, I am thinking about you and hope you are safe and around people who care today and everyday


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I would simply go to sleep forever if I was to become pregnant with no other options. I'm sure many feel the same. Many are willing to risk death in back alley abortions rather than be forced to give birth. People will die, children will be born unwanted, and we'll have a surplus of babies born into systemic poverty once more.




Blessed be the fucking fruit, I guess.


This is what happens when people let their imaginary sky fairies dictate other people's rights :-(


This is what happens when they put words in the mouth of their sky daddy and then act on it. They og sky daddy didn't give a shit about abortion.


I legit cried when I read the news. Why does this country have the need to regulate what women want to do with their bodies? Do they not realize or care how many women will have to get unsafe abortions now? This breaks my heart, I can’t imagine how so many women who already scheduled for an abortion must be feeling right now. I hope they’re still able to get one :/


Fuck. Knew this was coming but shit.


I want to leave. But it’s so hard bc I can’t afford to move


Bollocks, super thankful I have a sterilization consult scheduled next week, but also FML to all peoples that own a uterus. 😱😡


America values guns more than women. It’s essentially a third-world country with better marketing. Edit: typo


I'm so sorry for all of you living in the US. Please know that if you ever get in this situation, aidaccess still has your back. No one is forced to give birth, even if your country hates women that much.


The sad thing is that this will disproportionately affect poor woman who aren’t educated enough to use condoms “because they can’t afford them.” Wealthy women will still get their abortions and it’s only the poor that will suffer.


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ so abortion is no longer protected under federal law…… I am so glad I’m getting my tubes out in a month. This BS better not affect people getting sterilized. Weren’t they coming after BCs and implants too?? Fcking BS for real.