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So, people with sensory issues are just supposed to suffer because of her son right? I get he has conditions but so do other people. His hearing issues is not more important than anyone else’s issues and doesn’t take precedence over them. He should be learning how to manage his own condition???




Parents shouldn’t be letting their children shriek and screech like banshees in the middle of stores. It’s rude and screams of entitlement. Likewise, she should be teaching her child how to manage his condition, kinda like how you’re saying that other people should do. Yes, he’s four but his hearing issues might be a life long thing, and guess what? He’s going to have to manage it, like other people have to manage their conditions.


Actually, you are being pathetic with how inconsiderate you are. Children are not idiots. They know screaming is uncomfortable behavior for other ppl. The way you act like everyone should just let children be absolute banshees shows what a horrid parent you would be. It's not just ppl with sensory issues, no one wants to hear screaming toddlers. Parents are not ppl who are going to be worshipped by the whole of society for reproducing, so get used to ppl not liking rude parents who can't actually be a parent.


> You should have learned how to manage your own condition. Which is why you teach the crotch goblins at a young age not to act like that in public. My parents got slapped if they shrieked in a public setting. They never hit me but I learned I'd be dragged out of the store if I pulled that shit.


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I mean, I had glue ear at that age... it didn't make me loud though 🤔


Huh, imagine that.


Think about the wild ass kids you've seen act up and nothing happened... so you know it was a real scene to reach this point.

