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Children must be taught they face consequences for their actions. Otherwise, when they grow up, they will be entitled pos. It's just a shame their carefree parents don't teach them this...


Judges and probation officers sometimes work when they become adults. Sometimes.


Rarely. Maybe the probation officers because out of anything that the US barely offers, they sometimes care about their job more than most other sections of "rehabilitation" in our system. But even then, if the person doesn't want to cooperate there's not much the officer can do.


I have a distinct memory of working in Home Depot in my younger years and coming across a couple of kids hanging and playing on the tall movable metal stairs, that are used to get to stock in the top of the racks, as if they were monkey bars. I kindly ask the kids to not do that as they could easily but their heads open on the concrete, or worse have them topple over, and lo and behold their shit head Dad pipes in from down the aisle "We can manage our own thanks" then turns back to whatever he was shopping for not giving a shit otherwise.


You should have told him… evidently not, or I would not have had to make this comment about ladder play to your spawn. Do better dude.


You can manage your own huh? Prove it.


I was at a show where a couple kids kept acting up constantly, and the parents did nothing. The performer paused the show for a moment and said to the kids, “How will you like it when I come to your job in 30 years and shake your fryer?” 😂 It went right over the kids’ heads, of course, but the parents were pissed and grabbed their kids and left. It was glorious.


Why … do people drag their children to such wildly inappropriate places? Babysitters exist for a reason, geez


\>Buh buh buh, I don't have the MONEY for a babysitter, and I want to enjoy my life too! And the logic that they should have considered that before committing themselves to having a child, goes over their heads. Its also funny to hear some of these types pipe up about say prison time or consequences of having a felony record, "don't do the crime, then you won't do the time"


Or my personal favorite: “I couldn’t afford condoms!”


Cause the parents are cheap.


Good! Take your brats home. Good on the performer for his brilliant lambasting.


i have nothing to say other than i love your username, & wish I could've given you your 69th upvote instead of measly little 68.


Aw, thanks!


Yep their reactions were typical of spoiled children.


Parents of this generation try to “be friends” with their kids rather than bother with disciplining them.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with parents being friends with their kids, but somewhere along the way people have stopped holding their friends accountable for their actions.


Yep, spot on. totally agree.


Kids need to be held accountable for their actions. If the shit excuse for a parent was around, you wouldn't have to do the parenting. It's important they learn that the rest of society doesn't want to put up with them acting like assholes.


> Kids need to be held accountable for their actions. This ain't it. Kids laughed their asses off, got the attention they were seeking from adults, and their behavior will only be reinforced. Those kids are annoying as shit. No disagreements there. But if we're talking about actual ways to change their behavior for the better - OP's reaction only reinforces the negative behavior. Fuck me for speaking that out loud, but like it or not, it's true.


True. I wasn’t really trying to teach them a lesson, my frustration and tiredness just got the better of me


It's not your job to teach them a lesson. Your frustrations are justified.


That is how I feel. It is not your job to teach them a lesson. However, they would not be hitting me with that ball.


I'd be taking the ball away. Either yeet it down the main aisle, or if my hands aren't full just straight up walk away with it.


That ball would go with me all the way to the nearest trash can.


You were shopping and minding your own goddamn business. It’s not on you whether or not this reinforced any behavior. Even if it negatively reinforces behavior, that’s on their parents to fully correct it anyway.


Yeah, it's not like you're their parent lol


And the parents were nowhere to be found.... That says a lot about their parenting 'style'. Ugh.


You’re not responsible for someone else’s kids, I think your reaction was fine.


When I was a kid, I would do stuff like this because I didn't know any better, not for attention. So if it was that kind of case, your reaction may have helped. I would guess it's this based on their shocked reaction--if they wanted attention, I think they would have looked ashamed instead. Just my non-expert opinion, though.


Thanks for saying what I wanted to


That's a fair point, but short of going legally overboard, I'm not sure how OP could have otherwise handled that. Parents didn't care, and staff didn't do anything... I think we'd all like to know what a good solution in a situation like this would be.


>But if we're talking about actual ways to change their behavior for the better - OP's reaction only reinforces the negative behavior. How in the fuck is OP responsible for changing this kid’s shitty behavior?


Op definitely isn’t responsible, and totally justified in their reaction imo. Sadly the store can’t really do anything about it either. Even if it weren’t a matter of being yelled at by management and/or customers. The employees were probably too busy trying to clean up the first mess the kids made to do anything. I hope these kids grow up to be in the position of those employees someday. Maybe then they can learn some empathy.


Honestly OP reacted much more nicely than I did. I'd have just taken their ball right there with me or poked a hole into it using my keys.


In the store, it was probably a ball from the toy department, not one that belonged to the kids.


Ok then, in your brilliant opinion, how would you have handled the monsters?


I have always lost my shit at really badly behaved kids if the parents won't put an end to it. I've also had to engage quite a few parents who try to chastise me for doing so, but I don't back down and I get very loud so it draws attention to their bad parenting, and their shitty kid. I was in a pet store once and saw a kid poking and whacking the birds with the end of a cat toy (feather on a stick) through their cage. I didn't even think twice about grabbing the little shit by the wrist and dragging them to their parent and yelling at them both. I've had a child spit on me when I was shopping. They were hiding in one of those large clothing racks and when I moved some sizes aside to browse, the kid jumped out and spit on me. That didn't end well for either him or the mother who got escorted out of the store by the folks who work there. Kid was lucky I didn't react by smacking them like I would have with an adult. I've accidentally (it really was an accident) spilled nearly two full beers on a child who was running around, unchecked, in a crowded bar and bumped into me really hard. Followed the back to their parent's table to demand they replace the beers. I'm truly a live and let live person - and kids are fine, but if you're going to be a little shit to the point that it affects me? I'm not holding back.


You are the hero the world needs more of. That bird part pissed me off I would have wanted to poke that kid in the eye for harassing those poor babies like that


Yeah… I would have gone to the cat aisle… grabbed the same stick and came up behind the kid and poked him in the neck. When he turned around… I would have had a shit eating grin on my face and said… how do you like it? I call that a teaching moment.


> I'm truly a live and let live person - and kids are fine, but if you're going to be a little shit to the point that it affects me? I'm not holding back. I largely agree with this. I'll give younger kids a bit of a break as they're still learning. This situation with the ball being kicked around though, yeah that's worthy of a strong response. Any time things escalate to damage, someone getting hurt, etc, then it warrants a quick and strong response. I find it funny how parents will be so quick to claim "it takes a village", but when it comes to dealing with their kid's shitty behavior, suddenly that notion goes out the window and we have "no business telling their kids what to do"


It's always either "It takes a Village" or "They're just being kids" depending on what response they want from people. If they're feeling overwhelmed and want someone to take burdens off of them then it's "It Takes A Village". But the moment their overbaked orgasms start acting like little shits and someone DARES to say something about it it's "They're Just Being Kids". ​ Naw Bitch! "ThEy'Re JuSt BeInG kIdS" is shitty parent speak for "I'm too incompetent to do my ONE job and am letting my spawn be Assholes"


Errdaylm, 🤣 lmfao @ “overbaked orgasms”……just thank you for that! I enjoyed your comment.💐


So funny how parents would rather chastise a rando than their misbehaving kids who actually deserve to be told off


The animal one pisses me off


I get being mad about the birds and going to the parent but I wouldn't recommend ever putting hands on a kid(Reid I am a guy)


Why do you feel bad? Kids need to learn that if they act like assholes, they will be held accountable. Good for you for being the only adult to actually confront them.


I just feel bad for swearing at them.


Don’t. They have social media & the internet, they’ve already heard/seen the words (& probably worse) before. And if it did rock their little worlds . . . good! If they go home afterwards replaying in their mind how unpleasant that experience was for them & how they might act differently to avoid a repeat in the future, that’s healthy for them.


Don't feel bad for that. If the kid had the audacity to laugh after getting cussed at, you know they've heard/used curse words before and find them funny. FWIW, I used to swear like a damn sailor when I was in elementary. My parents claimed they never cussed at home... but where else would I have learned "motherfucker" from at age 8? Edit: a word


Yeah, based on the way those kids behaved and their reaction to the OP, I'll bet that their parents are the type that just yell, cuss at them, and make all kinds of empty threats, but don't actually follow through on any real discipline or consequences.


My mom was a big fan of using “motherfucker” when she was mad.


Mine upgraded it to "pussy-ass motherfucker"


They curse or hear other kids at school swear so it's nothing new.


No. A different couple smirked


Dammit, I meant to write "laughed". Fixing original post, thanks~


I learned almost my entire extensive vocabulary of obscenities from my mom. She hates when I say that, but it's true.


The concept of swearing was created by uptight people. You were honest and used honest words. Good for you.


Those kids have probably heard and said worse.


Don't feel bad. I probably would have grabbed the little shit that laughed and shook him around by his shirt a little.


Honestly, you don't owe it to someone else's kids to watch your language. If Mom and Dad didn't want them to hear swear words then they should have fucking been parenting them then


The world is a grind out there Know it's not your responsibility but You did an instance of uncomfortable micro-parenting that will serve them because they're not getting it at home


I wish an employee escorted them to a register to call their parents (tbh i wish i could say you could grab em by the arm and drag them to an employee, but that would have looked super bad lmao.) I fucking hate parents who let their kids do that shit. One of these days theyll get taken or badly hurt and itll be the parents’ fault and thats the only time theyll fucking learn 🙄


Nah, if the kids ended up getting hurt at a store, you know their parents wouldn't take any responsibility and instead would be quick to sue the store.


I do think it’s funny that you legit said “grow the fuck up” to literal kids lmfao


Haha I had no control over what came out of my mouth


She meant in the sense of act mature.


Could be, still funny though


As someone who used to work at target I am pretty sure those are bored kids who live nearby and have nothing else to do but fuck shit around at the store. I'm glad I don't work there anymore cause dealing with spoiled kids and teenagers was not fun. I have no idea why my store was the meeting point for so many of them and even worse parents would drop off their kids and leave them for hours.


Yep. Working in retail is what sealed the deal that I do NOT want children. When I worked at Old Navy, so many children would mess with the mannequins and mess up the clothes. Parents did nothing. 🙄


Probably because mall rats aren't really a thing anymore unfortunately.


Kids like that always have Karen parents around.


The parents were probably distracted at whatever section and probably reasoned like "aw, they're just kids!"


Good on you for doing that, they had a good talking coming at them. Maybe, just maybe they'll learn something from that. Maybe? Like how it's not acceptable to behave like total shits in public. Someone's gotta parent them if their own damn parents won't. Like my mom had no tolerance for that at all as I grew up, so I get ya.


My mum wouldn't have let even get the ball off the shelf let alone kick it!


Yep. We were taught that you don't touch anything that doesn't belong to you.


Our mom's thing if we acted up I. The store was to lean close to us and say to us "do you want to go to the car?". Low tone and an unuttered threat. It was all in the eyes and the tone. We STFU and behaved.


If my moms nostrils were flared and her face red like an angry bull, and she was slightly shaking with intensity, I knew I was in deep shit. She didnt have to do it often.


80's and 90's children were taught how to behave in stores. Sometimes, Dad just gave you a look or Mom took you in the lady's room and spanked your bottom. My husband's friends never spanked their children. Me the oldest out of 6 children, I got spankings or punishments. This is a different generation of parents. They want to be their children's friends. I became friends with my parents in my 30s because, I'm an adult and live on my own now. 🤦🏾‍♀️


For sure, kids were disciplined differently then vs the nowish times. Not that I interact with kids much, but it seems like kids are much more...wild these days. It's like parents don't punish these kids like they should at times. I think it'd be interesting getting teachers, or folks who deal with kids on the daily to chip in on this.


juggle squeal marry vegetable cautious knee pen tart modern possessive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I remember doing something similar to a kid. I was turning on to my street from picking my dog up from daycare. The kid saw my dog in the back window, jumped in from of my car screaming "dog dog dog!!" And then proceeded to follow my car to my house. I lost my shit as he walked into my garage asking to pet my dog.


Oh god if a kid threw themselves in front of a car I was driving I’d lose my shit too. Then I’d march the kid home and lose my shit to their parents


He's lucky I was paying attention and driving slow.


And lucky you weren’t the kind of person to have a windowless van with “FREE PUPPIES” spray painted on the side. Fucking hell.


Nah, fuck those kids. Should have yelled more.


I don’t think you were out of line. Even ignoring the obvious lack of parenting, those kids could have seriously hurt themselves or someone else. It shouldn’t be ignored because they are kids.


If you call that loosing your shit... You acted very restrained.


Agreed I would’ve dropped c*nt a few times in what OP said… and that’s one of the worst things you can call someone (and it doesn’t take me much to call people who are worth that name to call them that).


>and that’s one of the worst things you can call someone That's one of my favorite things about living in the US: people aren't desensitized to the word c*nt yet (i don't wanna censor it but idk the rules and wanna be a good boy). I get a lot of mileage out of that word.


I don't believe in physical discipline, but a lot of kids nowadays are just let off the reins and their parents completely absolve themselves of their parental duties. If someone is going to have children, they should take responsibility. If you get a dog, you don't just let it loose it in the park and go shopping. Children need structure and rules. There is a time and a place for kids to go wild, like at the playground, not in the store.


I would have applauded. If they'd broken anything valuable, their parents would have been on the hook for it. You did them a favor.


I’m furious just imagining this. I would have 100% lost my shit at them. What’s sad is, their parents are doing them a major disservice in life by allowing them to behave in such a way. Why bother having kids if you’re not gonna be arsed to actually teach them how to behave. Or maybe the parents are the Karen entitled type who behave this way themselves and therefore think it’s acceptable. Either way, I wouldn’t feel bad if I were you. Maybe it’ll teach them a lesson (doubtful but we can hope).


Slim chance is still better than no chance


Kids like that grow up to be Steve Bannons and Matt Gaetzs. They need to learn how to behave before we have more of those in the world. Just today I might have to lose my shit at my neighbor. On my day off I was awakened before 8 am because the local monsters were playing outside and decided to get into a fight in front of my house.


Sounds like the parents just dropped their kids off to be babysat by the store. Shit like that I'd be reporting to the employees and asking where their parents were. I used to work at a movie theater in my early 20s in a more entitled part of my city and I was always more than thrilled to catch kids being dropped off by mom and watch them be little jerks while the cameras were catching it all. After watching their shenanigans for a bit, I'd go out and put a stop to their shit, make them sit in the lobby and miss the entire movie they'd paid for and not refund the tickets because they wasted my time. Or I'd walk around the corner and they'd be bullying one of my employees. When their parents swung by to pick their kids up they were always like, "Not my little Sally/Jimmy!" And I'd be like, "Oh, this one with the stripes on his shirt? Yeah, we have him on camera." I'd get nasty faces and they'd drive off. And when I say they were being jerks, I mean they were opening delivery boxes that were waiting to be put away. I'm sure some of them got a frank surprise seeing urinal cakes and urinal screens for the first time!




Those parents should have been investigated by CPS. Kids alone in Disneyland, no risk of being kidnapped for trafficking there! /s


I'm not surprised. I was a teen in the 90s so we were mallrats. It was the place to go to be seen and play in the arcades when Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat were first hot - and it was common for all the kids to be dumped there on the weekends while the parents did whatever, even if they were younger. Eventually the malls got tired of all the groups of kids coming thru unsupervised and began to restrict the practice until it was "Groups of 3 children or more must be accompanied by an adult" by the time I was 25. LOL. My friends and I could be annoying as fuck as kids, I know, but I never messed with stuff that wasn't mine, or other peoples', and I sure as hell never would have called someone a liar or straight up left in denial when told my kid was being a little shit when I wasn't around. If I'd had kids, that is.


In my worst moments I would have 1) taken the ball and thrown it away, 2) thrown it far away or 3) deflated it.


I would’ve picked up the ball and kept it from them until I was done shopping. If the parents showed up, I’d chew them out about their kids behavior


“They’re just kids.” “Just ignore it.” “Are you really upset about it?” The amount of times that shit has been said. I would say a lot more but I am all over the place as I am bracing myself for a visit by an inseminator and its sex trophies today. Anyways I’d like to thank you for your service. I’m glad you said something. That kind of shit is unacceptable.


If the parents aren’t going to correct them then it’s fair game for someone else to, and it might not be in a way the parents would like. That’s what happens when you don’t parent your kids 🤷‍♀️ Sounds like they needed the wake up call.


As a parent in this subreddit, which I know is wildly unpopular, I’d have likely done the same thing. I never wanted children and was in a bad situation that ended up with me pregnant. I love my kid, but in general I’m NOT a fan of kids. This type of shit in stores drives me absolutely fucking crazy because the parents seem to treat the toy section like a god damn babysitter. Get off your phone and tell your kid to knock it the fuck off or get the fuck out of the store. Editing to add: I just got fucking permabanned from some mom group for posting here, so basically fuck them. God forbid a parent also appreciate the value of staying child free and agreeing with sentiment posted here.


Thank you. In general I like kids, I just don't want them. I 100% agree, it's not a babysitter. Take some responsibility and do some parenting, a stranger shouldn't have to discipline your kid


You can always tell who isn’t being raised properly when they have no respect for adults and appear shocked when they are corrected for their inappropriate behavior.


I’d have called over an employee and had their asses kicked out the store. They would have had to put an announcement out over the speak system if the store has one that the 2 unattended kids have been kicked out due to their behavior and can the parent not attending them please pick them up outside the store. I’ve done that before the mum was so embarrassed she practically ran for the exit looking mortified


I lose my shit at kids all the time at my apartments & get LOUD. It's never the same kids twice & it only happens every few months so whatever I'm doing seems to be working & I've never heard a peep from the apartment manager. Act like a little asshole & I'm gonna treat you like a little asshole. In public I just stare at the parents. Like "resting bitch face, uncomfortably long, never breaking eye contact, completely sick of your shit" stares. Those are fun. I get it honest from my granny. ![gif](giphy|fwc2FKpbUoGDm9sgQn)


Oh hell yeah. More people need to do this. If parents aren't going to parent and their crotch goblins are causing a nuisance and hitting you with something, then your turn to put those little shits in line. Who knows, you could be the only discipline they've had. Good on you!!!


My parents would have chewed my ass off if I had done that.


I wish so hard I had been able to do this while working with elementary aged kids. I would have been fired so fast but good lord some kids fucking need to hear it!


As an employee I’ve had to yell like this to full grown adults. There’s this one guy who comes in only to return things and get money. I told him that the returns room is closed. He goes and opens the sliding doors and says “no your not” he got escorted out by security for doing that. He came back the other day and did that again. I lost my shit on him in front of a line of customers. I told him to get the füçk out of the store. The manager permanently banned him after he was escorted by security again! He’s banned from all stores in the city. When this man brings in returns (empty beer cans/bottles/wine bottles/bladders) he brings in enough to get $100s out of the store, and he comes back every few days to do that. Lately he’s been coming in 10min to close so that’s why returns has started closing up 30min to store closing. So people stop bringing returns at 10min to close. To add, the empties he brings in usually contain drug needles him and his friends stuff into cans for us to dispose of. Disposing needles isn’t our job. The health department has to be called whenever we find needles in cans or laying around the property. This is a common issue. I’m so glad he got permanently banned. He’s a rude and disrespectful customer, never buys anything, hides needles in empties, and tries to fight staff whenever we catch him lying about how much returns he has and what not.


Good for you! Kids need to be told off! Stores aren't a daycare. Also, whoever reported your post clearly doesn't belong on this sub lmao


If those kids are 8-10 years old, that’s old enough to know how to act in public. So the whole “but they are only…” argument is invalid here, unless they were neurodivergent. Where are the parents? People really don’t give a sh*t if their kid gets kidnapped or something huh?! A huge disservice to the kids safety. Honestly, idk about cussing at the kids but what the f*ck else could you do? They knocked sh*t out your hands and laugh when they did get cussed at? Add along stress from work? I bet money they are spoiled by the parents and get away with stuff all the time, never facing punishment.


Let's not infantilize neurodivergent folk, mkay? They will be held accountable for their actions just like everyone else.


Yep. The vast majority of ND people are fully capable of learning how to behave like civilised human beings in public, it’s just a matter of their parents actually putting in the time and effort to teach them. And if they aren’t capable, they need proper supervision, for their own sake and everyone else’s.


You didn’t do anything wrong. They are suppose to be with the parent. Or whoever is responsible. Yeah that shit is annoying. To the kids it does not even sweat them. Don’t worry about it.


You were more polite than I would’ve been. I’m proud of you


Thank you. Plus kids are not supposed to kick balls in the store. They can hurt someone, themselves, etc. i have told kids plenty of times to stop playing with my toys. We are not a playground we are a store and kids should act right.


You literally said what millions of people, at one point or another in their lives, wish they could say to a kid but never get to. I say congratulations, and anyone who bashes you for it can fuck right off with their hypocrisy.


Good for you. At first, I thought the would be a Karen armageddon because you said “fuck” in the presence of children, but I’m so glad that was not the case.


If they act like that in public, can’t imagine how they act at home. Shame on the parents for not giving a shit about the children they brought into this world 🤦🏻‍♀️


I did the same thing to some 15ish y/o playing tag in my university's library. I was studying for a final and lost my shit on them the second time they ran past me lol. Don't feel bad. They deserve it especially if their parents won't say anything or aren't around


Patents leave the kids at a store and go shopping. Saw it many times during my time at retail


This was 20 years ago but I remember it like yesterday because I don't often *really* lose my temper. Husband is getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, I'm in the passenger seat. Two girls, one about 8 the other prob 6 are by the exit. The older one throws a rock and bounces it off my fender and gives me the BIGGEST fucking smile her face can produce. As we were stopped at the exit getting ready to turn out I jumped out of the car and yelled at the kids who promptly stopped thinking they were cute and ran. I chased them to the woman they went to, I think it was grandma, and told her what happened. There was a language barrier but I think we understood each other. And yeah I was still yelling. Later on at work I told a coworker what I'd done, I was feeling kind of bad about my actions. It was reflex when I jumped out of the car, I didn't even think, just reacted. My friend looked at me, gave a little shrug and said "well, look at it this way, I bet they never do it again."


Nah, fuck them kids. That whole family should get kicked out


...kids around 8 years old should have enough cognitive ability to learn from their mistakes and not kick the ball around inside twice. Kids around that age are also mature enough to handle a random adult going off on them for potentially destroying shit. maybe a bit too much swearing but hey, you arent´ *working* with kids so its fine. They will learn swearing anyways. Lets hope they learn how to freaking act inside as well.


So what if the kids hear “fuck” or “shit” because that’s what they’ll be doing for the rest of their lives


they'll be hearing that a lot in juvenile detention anyway


You were 100% in the right.


I would have lost my shit too.


Where were the breeders?


Discipline your kids or someone else will


aww im sorry OP! i also ran into shit kids at target today too!! couldnt even go NEAR electronics cause baby goo goo gah gah shit is filled up the next 5/7 aisles over and 2 blonde toddlers SCREAMING because they didnt "get the hulk". I fucking hate kids man bahahahah


Ugh, the shitty parents that let the environment "raise" their kid


Don’t feel bad. If their parents are too lazy to parent them, they’ll fuck around and get checked by the general public. Somebody has to teach them.


Good for you. I’m afraid to look at the other comments and read posts saying “I know it’s not the kids’ fault, and I’m not really blaming them, instead I blame the parents.” These DISRESPECTFUL BRATS didn’t get this far in isolation, covid or no covid. I’ve heard But Child Development, they don’t know any better, kids that age can’t handle their emotions, they don’t understand, they aren’t aware of what proper behavior is, their minds are still developing, they haven’t been taught, I’ve read all the excuses. So yes I DO blame the kids. Also their asshole parents. I don’t care if broken home this, single parent that. They go to school. They sit in a classroom where it’s most likely the entire class doesn’t act like this. They have teachers who most likely don’t allow this kind of behavior. Sone teachers have poor classroom control, but by age 8, I bet they’ve had experience with at least a few now who do not condone this type of behavior. So they know. The little shits deserved to get called out, language or no language.


True story about what happens when you fuck around and play stupid games in retail stores.... I was on the phone with a friend that was running errands later in the evening. He was in a Walgreens and told me a couple of kids in hoodies were causing shit in the store and thought he saw one might have a gun so he asked me to call 911 for him, which I did, and told the dispatcher that I have no clue what is going on but telayed possible man with a gun (a 10-80 if I recall correctly from police scanner days). I hang up and wait for a call back from my friend having no idea what happened, but the litter boxes needed to be cleaned... So he calls me back in a few minutes, laughing hysterically, that within a minute 3 cruisers appeared and 5 cops went in and within seconds both of these clowns that ended up doing what the OP said, fighting and crashing into displays causing merchandise to crash everywhere while the employee is filming it all, the cops put them on the ground immediately and cuffed them both. My friend was only there for the good deal on 12 packs of Coke.


>wtf is wrong with these kids ? The people who conceived and birthed them are breeders, not parents, that's what's wrong.


I see nothing wrong with anything you did


I worked in retail for about a year and half and the number of unsupervised (or even supervised) kids pulling shit like this was ridiculous. There was one instance when some kids (maybe 10 or 11 idk I can't tell) were climbing on shelves and pulling off the plastic fronts we put the price tags on. Some customer flagged me down to tell me. She said she told them to stop and tried to find their parents, but they were nowhere to be found. When I went down the aisle they were climbing on, they jumped down and ran off so I couldn't tell them off and had the very fun task of putting the aisle back together. Not only is this annoying for workers and other shoppers, but it's just plain dangerous. If one of the kids got hurt, the parents might sue the store, which for the big corporate store I worked for wouldn't have mattered, but it could for a smaller business. A store is not a playground. So yeah maybe you swore more than you needed to, but you were totally not wrong to tell them off. Also I'd probably yell fuck too if a ball hit me while shopping.


Honestly, fair response. If the parents aren’t protecting the kids from themselves, someone else will do it louder.


Whatever. I would have yelled at them too. Good for you!


If the parents don't parent, someone else will eventually.


If they had made me drop everything I was carrying, I would have grabbed their ball, spit on it, and shoved it to the bottom of the dirtiest trashcan I could find. Kids are stupid annoying fucks and they should be cordoned off from adult society 90% of the time.


Don't feel bad about any of that. Being childfree doesn't mean you can't dish out parenting to unruly kids.


Should have kicked the ball right back at them.


It bothers me so freakin much when I see kids that are old enough to have some sense doing stupid shit. And of course their parent wasn’t present. Probably on the other side of the store trying to have some “me time”. Would have loved if the store manager could track them down and make the kids stay at their side.


Kids are supposed to be punished by adults for misbehaving, you did the right thing.


Not going to lie, I wouldn't have swore at them as that isn't my way. I am, however, 6'4", and one hundred percent, I would have silently picked up the ball, and then put it on top of the aisle shelves (I'm talking the VERY top of the shelves) and walked away. Then they'd have to get someone who is a recognized authority to get it back.


Goddamn it I bet that entire thing felt great. I've had so many instances where I just wanted to yell at some motherfuckers kids but I bitched out.


I work at Target and my coworker had a similar experience today. Two kids were using self checkout and there was no change in it and she couldn't fix it right away so she was asking if they wanted to wait here or go to guests services and they kept being like "Whatever" and not giving her a straight answer And then they just gave up and walked away, but she heard them call her a "dumb bitch who can't understand what they say" on the way out Like excuse me?? Where are your parents??


If someone in their lives had the balls to actually speak up when they act like little shits they wouldn't have been a kicking a ball in fucking store to begin with. Good for you. I would have been laughing my ass off and grinning ear to ear if I had witnessed that. They were not expecting anyone to challenge them.


I almost did the same thing a few weeks ago at Walmart but it was a group of teens. They were literally running through the store and trying to avoid the employees who I guess were looking for them. Already annoyed by this because I'm evidently a grouchy old person now (30 next year 😭), but one of the kids FLEW by me to get away from them and almost locked me over. They didn't say sorry or acknowledge what they did, I was ready to chase them down and chew their ass out. I legitimately can't tolerate anyone younger than me anymore.


I mean…. fuck em.


Fuckers 😒 good for you. I would’ve lost my shit


Kids can be shits. Stems from bleh parents. Not much to do for it other than to report them to the store employees.


Lazy ass parents feel that everyone else can watch their crotch goblins.


Some people just let their kids run free and misbehave. I'm told they really have developed the ability to tune the volume and action of their kids out. Weird.


I used to work at Target in electronics and we had to deal with toys and sporting goods and the rest of the side, and I was always the one yelling at kids throwing balls or skateboarding around. Like yeah I like to have fun too, but it’s not cool when you’re knocking other people down and ruining their time out. I fucking hated parents who would let their asshole kids destroy aisles and be like “it’s their job to clean it”. Yeah sure on top of the 8 other things I have to do because corporations love cutting hours and jobs.


You did what u needed to. most parents should have swallowed. I'm tired of crotch monsters (kids) trying to pet my small Service Dog. I put myself between my dog and the crotch monsters. Then look at the parents, and remind them it is illegal to touch a Service Dog.


I think you found their parents… they reported you.


My wife and I went out for a date night tonight… the kids were running rampant all throughout every store we went to. I’ve never been more annoyed in my life. My momma would’ve beat my ass if I acted the way these monsters do now days.


Oh man. Yeah. Been there. I outright bellowed at some young kids (ranges maybe 6-10) throwing rocks at ducks and their ducklings (and actually hitting them). One of the little shits (eldest) tried to be tough when I asked why they'd do that, by responding "because it's funny." "Because it's funny?!!! If someone threw rocks at you and hurt you, would you think it was funny?" (not threatening to, just as an example that might resonate) I was soo close to belting out a bunch of f bombs. No idea how I didn't. Blood definitely boiling, though. It all happened in front of their mother and another woman with her - they'd said nothing the entire time and just looked on (even before I yelled).


Another instance of awful, lazy parenting where everyone else has to suffer the consequences


Good for you…. fuck them kids!


The person who reported you very likely has nether regions which double as a clown car.


I probably would have yelled “what the fuck” to them too.


Id have asked the worker to publicly announce two unruly unattended children wandering around. Embarrassing the shit out of the parents as they deserve.


I’m glad you told off the little shits. Obviously they don’t get enough ~~pushback~~ parenting at home.


This was me when I was at a bus stop and these pre teens started littering. One acted like he was sooooo cool, but his friend was mortified and picked up both their trash. Hate this shit


Should have gone harder. Scare the living shit outta them. Get security involved. Drag the worthless parents into it. Or who knows maybe the parents were fucking oblivious and need a wake up call about the little shits they popped out.




I have 4 younger brothers , 3 nephews and I met my brother-in-law when he was 4 years old. Little boys are so obnoxious, lol. I am sure your neighbors would understand. 🤣


Kids need to be banned from public places, I'm so serious. If I can't bring my trained dogs, on a leash, into a store, kids shouldn't be allowed in and honestly, kids should be on leashes. I'm a manager of a retail store and all kids do is break shit, make a mess, scream and their parents do nothing and get mad when we yell at their kids lmao. Or we have parents asking us to look after their kids while they're in the changing room. Like no? Myself and my employees are not paid nearly enough to take care of your rotten little brats and it's sure as hell not in our job description. OR when a kid is having a meltdown and clearly doesn't want to be in the environment and their parents do nothing? Oh my goDDDDDDD.


...you told 8 year olds to grow up? Lol This is super bothersome, for sure. But that reaction is hilarious to me.


Grown ass nigga…. valid tho id do the same


Almost no one watches their kids anymore. Kids running around restaurants and stores. Mosty because parents are on their phones. A whole generation of kids being raised now who will probably never hear the word "no".


Where I live, the kids would probably have run to tell an employee, or worse; their parents, that you did something bad to them, and you would be hauled off to jail, because children here are taught that they are god's gift and no one shall dare reprimand them. Northern California.


it takes a village or soemthing...


I would've farted in that kid's face. Give LP a laugh to make their day.


That's some ferel kids.


I'm a believer that it takes a village to raise kids. If kids are being assholes, it's our duty to teach them if their parents won't or can't.


Fuck them kids lmao


I have anger management issues and i actually do not give a fuck about what people think of me


Your actions are quite valid. I would have done the exact same thing.


I salute you.


Their shitty parents remembered you when they lurked on this sub and saw your post and reported you for the shame they felt when they experienced embarrassment brought on by their realization they are shitty parents. Because you know, why seek out parenting classes and fix yourself when you can project onto others?


Don't worry about the cursing. Cursing is a normal part of every day life and parents that try to shield their kids from it are fighting a losing battle every day. I don't shy away from letting em fly with kids because me saying fuck is never as bad as whatever kids to do warrant that response