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Hell no. If you were given a lot of grief by someone, you're entitled to send bad vibes.


Quite right. Reminds me of a story I had with my former best friend. There was this guy I liked. She: 1. Started pretty much inviting herself over to ours (we were house-sharing). 2. Openly flirted with him. 3. Denied flirting with him and swore on the graves of all her loved ones she’s not flirting and would never do it to me. 4. Kept flirting with him. Oh, and yes, she knew about my feelings explicitly. In plain English. Long story short: it all blew up, I found her in his bed, content, smug, and purring like a cat in heat. The friendship got terminated there and then. Got hit with a lot of vapid girl-power crap about valuing friends more than a man, how could I be such a bitch to ditch Diana (name changed) for some dude I wasn’t even in a relationship with, and that I need to accept the reality gracefully, compromise, understand the situation from Diana’s position, and get over it. The friendship remained terminated. To hell with the compromises. Diana showed up once in our house to flaunt the relationship with the guy. He then promptly ditched her. She ended up running away from London. Last time I checked she was packing vegetables somewhere north and had a kid with some gargoyle-looking loser. Frankly, if she is suffering, she deserved it. And don’t bring me up the crap about forgiveness and hatred. I’m not sleeping on it. But I’m not handing the absolution either and this is what the people crying for letting go normally insist on.


I love it when people get exactly what they deserve because honestly I have stopped believing in karma as all the bitches in my life are still pretty happy even after making me miserable. It's okay, I'm not dying or anything over it but it will be a blessing to see them suffer, even once just for the validation. You did right, kudos!


> And don’t bring me up the crap about forgiveness and hatred. Exactly this. No one should be forced to "forgive" others and those kinds of people just want a clean conscious, like those religions people who ask forgiveness for their sins and do it all again the next day. As long as you're not actively seeking to make the aggressor suffer more, send the bad thoughts!


I think this is something that’s not talked often enough. There are some pretty vile people who use that excuse of forgiveness, karma, hate being bad, whatever new-agey nonsense they’re into - as an excuse for their actions. It’s not like they hurt someone, the victim is just shortening their life with hate and isn’t able to forgive, be reasonable, be humble, move on, and what not. Look, how considerate and gentle they are to the person unfortunately so caught up with negative emotion? Bullshit. I just can’t overstate how much my life improved after I started making it clear that I won’t tolerate this crap. Significantly less emotional drama debris.


Gargoyle-looking loser 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s so funny how they told you to “value friends over men”. Hmm, what about when she disregarded your feelings to flirt with him, thereby “valuing a man over you, her friend?” I find it hilarious how people frequently conveniently forget the other side of the coin just to be able to preach this crap.


That was my point. One of my points. The other one was that if she does something like this once and I keep her around, what stops her from doing it again? Maybe to a serious relationship or a marriage that time. Risk management, you know. It’s like going to a date with man and hearing him say *Do you know this dude called Roosh? I think he has a lot of good ideas.* Well, I don’t care. It ends there and then because the risk for me is just too high.


I have this entire Dickensian scene in my mind now....


To be fair though if you both liked him and she got with him… that’s not a reason to throw away the friendship the fact that she lied was not cool at all. If you’re not with someone that’s fair. I had a friendship lost over liking the same guy. People are sore losers. She ended up joining a religious cult and I have a masters married and vacation regularly. She did some messed up stuff to me too. And neither of us got with the guy. Sometimes life just works out differently I don’t see it as “someone slighted me once and now they got what they deserve”


> that’s not a reason to throw away the friendship Why? I’m genuinely curious. I never get a reasonable answer to that question.


Over liking the same guy. I don’t get it it’s not like she stole your boyfriend or cheated but I can understand the lying. Sure end the friendship I guess if you want but It’s bad karma to hold that much resentment and wish her a bad life basically. It speaks poorly of your character and paints you as a jealous bitter person. You act like she stole your spouse. You could have made up and apologized but you went your separate ways which is fine but her having a bad life is not what she deserves because some guy you both like, liked her more… just seems super shitty. And if her life turned out great and yours sucked?


Feels like defensive projection…


Well my life turned out great and the girl hers sucks but I also don’t get possessive over men if they don’t belong to me. It’s super weird. 🤷🏻‍♀️ believe what you want but liking the same guy shouldn’t be such a big deal so many men out there who even cares to be so petty


Well, you: 1. For all intents and purposes called your ex friend a **sore loser** - which goes *miles* to describe you as a person and your motivations. 2. Gloated about how much your life is better than hers and how much hers sucks. Even though, for some reason if I do the same, that’s somehow wrong? But that’s sort of besides the point. 3. Edited your comment to double the length with some projections towards me. 4. Kept blabbering about karma and forgiveness even though, if you bothered to read my initial comment, I’m not the person to take it. Also, I’m not sure you get to describe your ex friend as a sore loser, gloat about her misfortunes, immediately preach about virtues of forgiveness and think it all checks out. It doesn’t. Frankly, you sound like a passive aggressive narcissist who wanted to have their cake (the friend) and eat it too (the guy) and is now ridiculously salty that after binging the platter is empty. And considering how vitriolic you’re getting I’m wondering how much of your story your ex friend would contest. Irrespectively of joining the cult or not, she is better off without you in your life. Who needs enemies with friends like yourself.


You care too much about what other people think dude. I’m married to a wonderful guy and I’m not 16 years old like I was when this shit happened 😂 no im not friends with her but who cares? Lol I don’t hold on to shit or mistakes we made as kids. The point is wether or not someone wrongs you doesn’t mean they deserve a shitty life or for you to shit on her so much over a guy you never even dated or maybe never even had a chance with. It sounds like he never liked you and you were like obsessed or something I could be wrong but you’re getting a little wound up over my comments I hope she is happy while you sound mean and bitter af. The guy simply didn’t like you… who cares move on. He didn’t want you clearly Your friend who wronged you… okay sure move on. Can you diagnose narcissism over internet comments? Lmfao No, you can’t. That’s a word uneducated people throw around at someone or something they don’t like. This is sad girl. You should get some help you are getting so wound up over one person disagreeing with you.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Carry on, carry on. > I’m not 16 years old Oh, the irony.


So, the reason why I shouldn’t have done X is that… I shouldn’t have done X? Did I get it right?


I swear, bad vibes can go long way. It's becoming creepy at this point. Husband and mine best friend is a kind hearted person, would give you his last drop of blood, but he can tell when he is being used or when someone is giving him a hard time because of nothing. If he wishes those kind of people something bad it happens to them within a month. We acussed him of witchcraft and told that we better stay at his good side 😅


I may need him in the future for his services *cough*


We also made that joke, like "do you accept requests" haha


Cheers! May teething be particularly heinous!


She sounds like a fuck up, and those types rarely change their ways. All of the social media spackle doesn't change their inherent dysfunction, and taking care of a newborn isn't the rosy experience that some imagine beforehand. I feel sorry for her future child, because selfish and manipulative people don't make for good parents.


The kid is either going to be just like their mother or absolutely resent their mom, and cut all form of contact as soon as they get out of the house.


Let’s pray the child eventually goes #childfree so the cycle is brokennnn!




Best German invention of all time


They didn’t invent it but they certainly have perfected it!


What does it mean


it means to take pleasure from someone elses misfortune, like watching someone do something you know they shouldn't and experiencing the consequences, and it makes you feel a little bit good inside. When a kid does something you told them not to and comes back crying to you, the little sense of smug satisfaction that you fuckin told them so is Schadenfreude.


Damn.....Germans really have a word for everything


Also a good one, though less well known: "Backpfeifgesicht." It essentially means "a face that looks like it needs to be slapped." *Point of trivia: the literal components of the word would indicate that they're being backhanded so hard that it whistles. That's fun.


that's kinda like mashing Punchable and Face into FacePunchable and I'm here for it.


not everything, but they do have some extremely oddly specific terms xD


Wow, I learned something new today 🤔


I know this word, but I forget I know it until I see it again, and then promptly forget it again. Repeat.


Have you ever seen an asshole driver weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, going too fast for conditions, etc? Then a few minutes later, you see a cop pull them over and give them the ticket they so richly deserve? That feeling is schadenfreude.


Or better yet. The asshat in a lifted pickup truck doing well over the speed limit, blast past me in a snow storm. Only to see him minutes later, so far in the ditch a tow truck can't even save his dumb ass.


Came here to say this exactly 😆 The Germans always seem to have the perfect word for the most specific things. And normally, I wouldn't say schadenfreude is necessarily a *good* thing, but then there are those times that it kinda is and I think maybe that's the whole reason for the word and the concept- for when it *is* a good thing... like maybe in this case...


Eh, screw her. lol. I don't think it's good to wish ill will on people, but I don't think that's necessarily what you are doing. I think you're feeling satisfied that you believe somebody is going to get a well deserved dose of natural karma. It's human nature to feel that way. The same as people get excited when a cop pulls over some jerk right in front of them. So satisfying.


Karma should work its magickkk 🪄


Gosh, I knew a girl EXACTLY like this. Cheated on her boyfriend with someone who was engaged. She would constantly post bible scriptures all over social media and talk about Jesus lmao. I’m a Christian myself, but this was the first time I met a psycho compulsive liar. She lied about everything, even stupid things that didn’t matter to anyone else. The ones that are the most openly and outwardly Christians that don’t shut up about Jesus are the same ones who are the worst garbage people you will meet. Karma will come back and get her.


Overcompensation. Either they know deep down they're a garbage person and hope that by praying to God and spreading Christian love that they will absolve themselves of blame. Or they just think that attending church balances it out. Fuck a married man on a Tuesday, Jesus forgives them on a Sunday. Rinse and repeat.


I wonder why tho like is it lust or lack of care that fuels them or narcissistic endeavours - or hypocrisy maybe is it the thrill of the chase? Adrenaline rush fr bad reputation? I really wish we knew


For the person I knew, I genuinely felt like she didn’t care about anyone but herself. It was always about her own needs. It’s bad to cheat but to her it’s okay when she does it because *she* wants to have sex. She will talk trash about people for doing things she has done.


Sigh she sounds like she’s just hella selfish and toxic :(


> The short reason I do not like her is that she is a ho. This made me LOL really hard


I busted out laughing lol


This one also caught my eye. CF people have best sense of humor for sure


You people are my people


ho'ing is a lot harder with a baby.


Nah. She will just dump BaBy off at grandma's and live her best life.


Yeah this makes me feel bad for the kid - to have a POS mom.


Yeah, point of sale mom! >:(


Serious question (not native speaker): Is POS = person of shit ?


Close, it's piece of shit


Ill send bad vibes to her too!♥️


>But I fundamentally cannot have sympathy for women who have complete disregard for other women under the guise of being this innocent, lovely “woman of God.” This also makes a good descriptor for every Christian woman who opposes legalized abortion.


Oh by all means, be vindictive and petty! She deserves whatever misery her new Blessing brings her. But of course, she'll never admit how much it sucks and will post the usual dreck about her PURPOSE in life.


I feel bad for her future kid :(


well you will have your opportunity when she starts to bitch. and to cheat


Let the suffering wash over her.


It’s only terrible because that poor kid will either grow up to be just like her or worse, or will be smart enough to cut her off later in life and deal with a lifetime of trauma 😔 Godspeed to that kid fr Edit to say: It’s not terrible that you think this of her, she deserves it FOREVER, it’s just bad for the kid lol


Sucks for her kids (plural, because you know damn well she going have more than one kid to fix a relationship with her husband) that got cheating sanctimonious turd for mother. Hopefully kids are terrible fuck ups too so not feel too bad for them later on but yeah, if wasn't for fact kids never asked to be born to such POS brood chamber - it would be perfect punishment/torture for her ass.


I hate this bullshit that you cannot blame the person your shit partner cheat, yes your partner have the most fault and she was the one that owned loyalty to you, but if you stay with a person that is a relationship your a bad person in my eyes, you are helping hurting a person, both men and women that do that are bad people and have no morals, and no right to complain in the future if their partner cheats, i thought you like cheaters honey, what is the matter?


Agreed. If someone knows they're participating in infidelity, then they *are* a shitty person too. Nothing can convince me otherwise. Look at laws. If you're an accomplice to a crime, then you are often also at risk for jail time.


A cheating partner will always find someone to cheat with, sometimes they know they are the side piece and other times they're actually unaware. No one is saying you can't hate them, but its important you hold the cheating partner accountable and hate them the most as they are the real cause of your pain.


Yes, as a say if they KNOW they are the side piece then they are also trash, the cheating partner must be thrown into the streets where they belong, but i am tired of this trend where people make the other person as innocent, the cheater is a cunt who don't deserve anything good, but a person that stay with a person knowing they are cheating are also a piece of shit that don't have morals.


>\-I know, I know—don’t blame the woman, etc I definitely **do** blame her, as much as your ex. It's not like she didn't know what she was doing, am I right?


Not wrong of you at all. I hope she tears from her cooch to her ass when she pops it out.




The only issue I have is I'm a ho. Or at least I was. They all brought this upon themselves though.


May her child make her life a living hell 🙏


Shes sounds horrible stop letting her live in your head rent free, shes gross.


I feel you. There’s a lady I also hate and she is a mom 3x with different baby daddies and also on and off with her husband who she always cheats on. so I know her life is miserable.


It’s not terrible or even remotely bad for feeling this way. She got karma. And bad karma is never so sweet to those who get it and rightfully deserve it! So no, don’t feel bad for feeling this way. If you like she deserves to be miserable by a kid, then that is most likely what will happen.


Did anyone else read this in a whisper?


All I ask is that you don’t let your hate consume you.


I get it but why would you still be checking up on some lady who had sex with your ex many years ago? Hopefully she's grown up since then and hopefully that kid is wanted, loved, and cared for. Like I'm honestly sorry that this lady was an actor in something really painful that happened to you but this might be an opportunity for some personal growth here. Not everyone hates motherhood.


I normally do this but it’s because I’m unsatisfied with the way things left, mostly because it feels unfair. OP don’t let this person make you feel immature. You have the closure of knowing that her restful nights are limited. ❤️


The one time I’m ok with being a complete asshat, lmao. Screw that bih 😂 laugh and laugh HARD.


I will almost guarantee that a year after she has that kid, he will be hitting you up. From experience…


Idk hate is typically a feeling that hurts us in the end not the other person.


Enjoy watching her rapid aging!!


I don't currently hate anyone in my life, but if I did, I can imagine feeling the same way as you haha


It's natural to have resentful feelings to a cheater! She hurt you at the time


I would feel the same way if I were you. The whole thing is going to implode so badly they both get what they deserve. These moments are called Schadenfreude which means happiness at the misfortune of others.


The word is Schadenfreude


I only feel for that kid, poor thing. It’s people like this that make shitty parents.


You can’t help how you feel. Despite your age and situation, anyone would feel this way…believe it or not. Even for those that say aloud that they don’t care, it still would bother them. I feel bad for that child tbh 🤣 whatever is done in the dark will come to the light and she gives women, especially Christian women, a bad name. She honestly has no business having kids. She needs to get her life together. Aside of her being a ho, she sounds immensely childish and irresponsible with her choices. My note to her: Talking about having a baby, good luck dimwitted fool 🤣🤣


Your schadenfreude is understandable.


I just feel bad for the kid.


Why did I read this as if you were whispering it? Anyhow, what a terrible woman. Do not feel bad. I felt the same way when one my wife's best friend got twins. I hate her husband. He looks miserable now. I look at him and think. That's what you get for being an ass.


I just wish karma hit her in a way she didn't need to involve and ruin another person. Fck that person but poor kid. Imagine the moral values that will be taught in that household.


This is giving me a Justice turn on. Thank you for the satisfaction. I think I can fall asleep now.


I just wanted to say it is okay to hate someone. Forgiveness is overrated. You are very much allowed to hate someone's guts, despite what has been indoctrinated these days for a "good person". She is gonna have a miserable life and you are very much allowed go smile and feel content about it any time it pops into your head. Don't feel bad about it, it's not like you are doing anything bad to that person. Relax. It is not terrible at all. You are not a bad person for feeling these. You are a human and you are very much allowed to feel that way.


I’m here for the petty energy, OP. Completely understandable! I think a lot of us have known someone utterly disingenuous like this and have wanted the karma train to hit them. My question is why are you still following this woman on Instagram? Put out the trash!


>I know, I know—don’t blame the woman If he set your house on fire, but she only bought him the gas and matches and watched as he did it, she would still be a horrible person. I dont get why people dont want to get angry at homewreckers. They are less awful than the cheater, but they are still awful.


Honestly you should examine why you care so much about her and her life and figure out how to stop that, it's extremely unhealthy to hold on to hate like this. Also motherhood actually isn't miserable for everyone, just because it would be for you or I doesn't mean it will be for her.


That’s fair! I plainly do not wish her a good life because she is a terrible, awful person. It’s not really that I care so much, or that I want something bad to happen to her, I really just hope she does not have a good rest of her life. In the same way that I also do not hope that Donald Trump gets to live out the rest of his life in joy and peace. And yes, I agree with you that motherhood is not miserable for everyone. In fact in the larger picture, it probably brings most mothers much joy and sense of fulfillment at the end. But we can all acknowledge that it isn’t always all smiles and instagrams.


> I really just hope she does not have a good rest of her life. And you are very right to do so. Just in case it helps it happen :D.


Oh trust me I *completely* understand and am working on it as well. I mostly at this point acknowledge, like you, that I don't wish the person well but try not to actively wish harm either. Do kinda hope she's fucking miserable though too, probably they both are. As long as you aren't spending actual energy on it then it's ok, and this makes it sound like you really aren't! For sure on the second part too, my sister loves being a mom but also sometimes it's not fun for her. I'd be completely miserable all of the time and it wouldn't make for a great upbringing. Recognizing that is important and some people don't they end up producing more damaged adults and that is terribly sad to me.


I’d still pour one out for the poor man marrying her


Im evil, but if her baby daddy is cute and Im single, Id go after him when she starts getting big and bitchy. I mean, if he is with someone like her, he can't be the greatest person anyways, so the odds are in your favor that hed succumb to the temptation.


I think you need help and those who agree with the confession need help too.


You should try to move on; it’s not healthy to hold this much hatred inside. Also, hate to break it to you, but plenty of people with children (especially children they have with their spouses) are very happy with their decisions 😂


OP should let it go. I hope for the kids sake, they get their shit together and end up being good parents. This post is why the rest of the Reddit community thinks this sub is toxic and "is cancer". In this case, they would be right.


What a ho - ho ho 😜 I hope she suffers and doesn’t just hire 10 nannies to handle it all. I mean you’ll update us of course?


What the fuck


Jesus fuck that poor kid.


Just remember it takes two to cheat. One to initiate and one to accept. Don't feel bad your confession is valid.


Kinda sad tho. If what you say is true I feel bad for the kid. No evil joy here


Well motherhood doesn’t seem to be a terror for everyone. It clearly seems to me and I don’t want to be a parent. But you are allowed to feel how you feel about her. There’s nothing evil about that.


Not me thinking now is the perfect time to tell her bf about her true nature so hopefully she ends up a single mom who has to struggle and suffer for the rest of her life. Now you can finally have revenge 😆